Designer Problem : « uibinder template should be in client package »

2011-03-28 Thread HommeDeJava
Greetings folks,

I've tried to add UIBinder Composite widget in a project which was
initiated without UiBinder using GWT plugin.
So, when I tried to open xxx.ui.xml into the designer view, I've got
the error « uibinder template should be in client package »
You are attempting to use UiBinder for .../xxx.ui.xml however it is
not in Java package.

Did someone get this problem or have any idea?



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Re: Designer Problem : « uibinder template should be in client package »

2011-03-28 Thread HommeDeJava


 I supposed that you must put the file in client package.

Yes indeed I've put the myUIBinderComposite.ui.xml and files into the client package

It's when I try to use the GWT Designer opening the
myUIBinderComposite.ui.xml file using the Design Tab that I've got the

Anyway, thanks for your help.

  I've tried to add UIBinder Composite widget in a project which was
  initiated without UiBinder using GWT plugin.
  So, when I tried to open xxx.ui.xml into the designer view, I've got
  the error « uibinder template should be in client package »
  You are attempting to use UiBinder for .../xxx.ui.xml however it is
  not in Java package.

  Did someone get this problem or have any idea?



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java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/http/client/ClientProtocolException

2011-03-03 Thread HommeDeJava
Greetings folks,

I would like to share something I've found about the potential
conflict between AppEngine config in Eclipse GWT plugin and use of
HttpClient code in your server for instance to build a proxy server.

I've already known about constraints of AppEngine on server but I've
forgot to disable AppEngine in my Eclipse project.

If you  encounter such error messages as «
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/http/client/
ClientProtocolException » although all the respective libraries are
included so you should try to remove AppEngine from your classpath or
disable AppEngine use via properties settings of your Eclipse

Hoping this can help someone

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How to add target=_blank to hyperlinks created with RichTextToolbar

2010-11-22 Thread HommeDeJava
Greetings folks,

I would like to add target=_blank to hyperlinks created with
RichTextToolbar implementation (i.e. using the Create Link button)
in order to open the link into a new tab / page.

The only trick I've seen yet is to implement a workaround using JSNI
JavaScript code but I have to figure out how to access iFrame content
in a cross-browser manner.

Any hint is welcome


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MathML support...

2010-09-30 Thread HommeDeJava
Greetings folks

How to add support for equations and MathML into your GWT

I proved to myself the faisability using the JavaScript library
ASCIIMathML.js from Peter Jipsen de Chapman University (GNU LGPL 2.1+

So, I'm working now on different issues.

Hope this will help somebody


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Looking for a good MVP framework

2010-05-13 Thread HommeDeJava
Greetings folks,

In order to avoid « reinventing the wheel », I'm looking for a good
MVP (model-view-presenter) framework to use with GWT.
Although the MVP pattern with BusEvent has been a href=http://
GoogleWebToolkitBestPractices.html promoted/a by Google as the
best approach to GWT development in order to help good design patterns
and well suited for more complex applications.
I was just wondering what MVP frameworks are out there.

I've looked at gwt-dispatch, gwt-presenter and mvp4g, and although I
like the way they enforce things, they still need a lot of boiler-
plate code and seems pretty young.

a href=;mvp4g/a

a href=;gwt-presenter/a

a href=;gwt-dispatch /a

a href=;gwt-remote-

a href=;gwtp/a

And more recently Handlebars

a href=; Handlebars /a

I'm a bit wary of « hobby projects ». I'm looking for something that
has chance to be upgraded with new versions of GWT.

Are there any good MVP frameworks out there or is it just better not
to use any framework at all?

Is there any MVP Framework coming from Google's team (Ray Ryan or
someone else)?

Maybe, it's still too early and frameworks need to mature… Maybe I
have to do it all by myself…
But I would be interested to know what you're thinking and what are
you using.


Claude Coulombe

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Re: Looking for a good MVP framework

2010-05-13 Thread HommeDeJava

 Gwt-Platform is more than a hobby project. It'll grow with GWT and even if
 it's young, it's already more powerful than Gwt-Presenter, Gwt-Dispatch
 (together). I don't really used the other one, but there's a lot of thing
 that makes this project awesome and there's a lot of features coming.

Sounds very interesting...

 I personally use GWTP in two production project and Phil is more than happy
 to let us help him when we can ! One of the new feature that makes GWTP more
 secure and more easy to use than ever is the new ActionValidators, my little
 contribution. Auto generated proxy are one of the feature that remove a LOT
 of boiler plate from the developer for code splitting purpose.

 Last feature added was Crawlability. Rendering your app developed with GWTP
 Crawlable for every search bot ! Another contributor submitted a really cool
 feature that let the developer add easily breadcrumb into his application.

I'll definitely take a longer look at the TeePee framework!

Thank you guys


  Greetings folks,

  In order to avoid « reinventing the wheel », I'm looking for a good
  MVP (model-view-presenter) framework to use with GWT.
  Although the MVP pattern with BusEvent has been a href=http://
  GoogleWebToolkitBestPractices.html promoted/a by Google as the
  best approach to GWT development in order to help good design patterns
  and well suited for more complex applications.
  I was just wondering what MVP frameworks are out there.

  I've looked at gwt-dispatch, gwt-presenter and mvp4g, and although I
  like the way they enforce things, they still need a lot of boiler-
  plate code and seems pretty young.

  a href=;mvp4g/a

  a href=;gwt-presenter/a

  a href=;gwt-dispatch /a

  a href=;gwt-remote-

  a href=;gwtp/a

  And more recently Handlebars

  a href=; Handlebars /a

  I'm a bit wary of « hobby projects ». I'm looking for something that
  has chance to be upgraded with new versions of GWT.

  Are there any good MVP frameworks out there or is it just better not
  to use any framework at all?

  Is there any MVP Framework coming from Google's team (Ray Ryan or
  someone else)?

  Maybe, it's still too early and frameworks need to mature… Maybe I
  have to do it all by myself…
  But I would be interested to know what you're thinking and what are
  you using.


  Claude Coulombe

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How to create a MenuBar with images/icons

2009-09-16 Thread HommeDeJava

Greetings folks,

I have a nice solution in order to create a MenuBar with images/icons
that does not used the MenuBar.MenuBarImages.

1) I'm using a standard ImageBundle, for instance MyImageBundle which
extends ImageBundle interface with a folder that contains my images.


public interface MyImageBundleInterface extends ImageBundle {

// Abstract method that gives access to home.png
public AbstractImagePrototype home();


// Abstract method that gives access to add.png
public AbstractImagePrototype add();

// Abstract method that gives access to printer.png
public AbstractImagePrototype printer();


2) In the class which build my menu bar I put a private variable and
a public getter to my images bundle

// Image Bundle
private MyImageBundleInterface myImageBundle =
(MyImageBundleInterface ) GWT.create
(MyImageBundleInterface .class);

public MyImageBundleInterface  getMyImageBundle() {
return monImageBundle;

3) Within the class that creates the menu bar I put a method
   to create MenuItem with image

public MenuItem createMenuItem(String menuLabel,
AbstractImagePrototype menuImage) {
Command nullCommand = null;
MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem(menuImage.getHTML() + nbsp;+
menuLabel, true, nullCommand);
return menuItem;

4) At the creation of the menu item

private MenuItem printMenuItem;

printMenuItem = createMenuItem(Print, getMonImageBundle().printer

5) In the case of a menu with sub-menu...

private MenuBar menubar;
private MenuBar addMenuBar;

addMenuBar = new MenuBar(true);

menuBar.addItem( getMyImageBundle().add().getHTML() + nbsp; +

I hope this post could help someone...

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Re: Announcing GWT 1.6...and quite a bit more

2009-04-08 Thread HommeDeJava


Seems to be Christmas in April!

Fortunately, you have not made the announcement last week because we
thought it was a April 1st hoax!

Thanks a lot to all your great team!


On Apr 7, 11:57 pm, Bruce Johnson wrote:
 Hi Folks!

 Exciting news today. Rather than attempting to describe everything here, let
 me point you to some blog posts that hopefully you will find interesting:

 GWT 1.6 and 

 Seriously this time, the new language on App Engine: 

 Google Plugin for Eclipse -- Peanut Butter to Eclipse's 

 -- Bruce, on behalf of the GWT, App Engine, and Google Plugin teams
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Re: Problem with GWT Widget Printing

2009-04-06 Thread HommeDeJava


How about replacing DeferredCommand.add(printFrameCommmand); which is
by DeferredCommand.addCommand(printFrameCommmand);


On Apr 5, 12:31 pm, Freller wrote:
 The beauty of open source! I haven't migrated to 1.5 yet, so this
 error is new to me.
 We will jump directly to 1.6. The Print class boil down to :

     public static void it(String html) {
         try {
         } catch (Throwable exc) {

     public static void it(String style, String it) {

 I did that so we could print both DOM elements and strings.
 Perhaps I should treat DOM elements diferently adding them to the DOM
 of using the toString method? Anybody know if this will render faster
 and/or more
 correct prints?

 Jay, does this work for both 1.4 and 1.5 or it'll only work on 1.5?


 On Apr 3, 6:27 pm, jay wrote:

  It seems that prior to GWT 1.5, element.toString() did the right
  thing. When I moved to GWT 1.5.3, I had to switch to using
  DOM.toString( elem );

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Re: Problem with GWT Widget Printing

2009-04-06 Thread HommeDeJava

Hi Jay,

It's working fine now with the DOM.toString() method you have

I was speaking about the deprecated method DeferredCommand.add...

Sorry if I had been confusing!

Thanks a lot for your great solution!


On Apr 6, 1:42 pm, jay wrote:
 I'm not sure what you're asking... If you're asking if you can pass a
 DOM element to your it method and have it work, then in 1.5 the
 answer is no...the implicit toString() call won't do what it does in
 1.4. Which is why in 1.5 you need to use the DOM.toString() method...

 (If you're asking something else, then I apologize for not answering


 On Apr 5, 9:31 am, Freller wrote:

  The beauty of open source! I haven't migrated to 1.5 yet, so this
  error is new to me.
  We will jump directly to 1.6. The Print class boil down to :

      public static void it(String html) {
          try {
          } catch (Throwable exc) {

      public static void it(String style, String it) {

  I did that so we could print both DOM elements and strings.
  Perhaps I should treat DOM elements diferently adding them to the DOM
  of using the toString method? Anybody know if this will render faster
  and/or more
  correct prints?

  Jay, does this work for both 1.4 and 1.5 or it'll only work on 1.5?


  On Apr 3, 6:27 pm, jay wrote:

   It seems that prior to GWT 1.5, element.toString() did the right
   thing. When I moved to GWT 1.5.3, I had to switch to using
   DOM.toString( elem );

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Problem with GWT Widget Printing

2009-04-03 Thread HommeDeJava

Greetings folks,

I have an application developed in GWT and I would like to print tall
GWT widgets (i.e. taller than one page).
I found a method that works with Safari and Chrome browsers but it
didn't work with FireFox.
Maybe, it's related to the fact that Safari and Chrome are based on
the Webkit html rendering technology while Firefox is based on Gecko.

Anyway, I have tried to find a new approach.

So, I have just tested the Print class from Andre Freller (the latest
version) in order to print GWT widgets.

I don't know why but in all my tests trying to print any widget (even
a short one) result in printing a frustratng (toString()) type of
message like [object HTMLDivElement] or [object]

Many people seems to succeed using this code, so I'm wondering what I
could missed...

So, I'm posting on the GWT Google Group, maybe someone else has
encountered the same problem and found a solution.

I've done my test using Windows XP,  GWT 1.5.3 and FireFox 3.0.8,
Chrome, IE 7 and Safari 3

So below, you will find the code have wrote to benchmark along with
the printing class

Thanks fo any help you can provide

Claude Coulombe
OpenSyllabus project

the PrintTest.html file

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html;
!--   --
!-- Any title is fine --
!--   --

!--   --
!-- This script loads your compiled module.   --
!-- If you add any GWT meta tags, they must   --
!-- be added before this line.--
!--   --
script type=text/javascript language=javascript

  !--   --
  !-- The body can have arbitrary html, or  --
  !-- you can leave the body empty if you want  --
  !-- to create a completely dynamic UI.--
  !--   --

 !-- Test Andre Freller Printing Class --
iframe id=__printingFrame style=width:0;height:0;border:0/
div id=printPageButton/div
div id=printWidgetButton/div
div id=printDOMByIdButton/div
div id=printStyleWidgetButton/div
div id=tallWidget/div


the PaperPrintTest.css file

body {
background-color: white;
overflow: visible;

.TallWidgetStyle {
background-color: #C3D9FF;
padding: 2px;
margin: 2px;
font-size: 10px;
font-weight: normal;}

.TallWidgetPaperStyle {
background-color: white;
overflow: visible;
font-weight: bold;

the PrintTest.gwt.xml file


  !-- Inherit the core Web Toolkit stuff.
  inherits name=''/

  !-- Inherit the default GWT style sheet.  You can change
  !-- the theme of your GWT application by uncommenting
  !-- any one of the following lines.
  inherits name=''/
  !-- inherits name=''/
  !-- inherits name=''/

  !-- Other module inherits

  !-- Specify the app entry point class.
  entry-point class=''/

  !-- Specify the application specific style sheet.
  stylesheet src='PaperPrintTest.css' /


the file (the Printing class from Andre Freller)


 * pre
 * Generic printing class
 * can be used to print the Window it self, DOM.Elements, UIObjects
(Widgets) and plain HTML
 * package;
 * Usage:
 *  You must insert this iframe in your host page:
 *  iframe id=__printingFrame style=width:0;height:
 *  Window:

Re: Problem with GWT Widget Printing

2009-04-03 Thread HommeDeJava

Hi Jay,

Using DOM.toString(obj.getElement()) I get something more usable.
no more  [object HTMLDivElement] or [object]

There's still some problems but I'm out of the dark age!

Thank you so much!


On Apr 3, 5:27 pm, jay wrote:
 It seems that prior to GWT 1.5, element.toString() did the right
 thing. When I moved to GWT 1.5.3, I had to switch to using
 DOM.toString( elem );


 On Apr 3, 11:53 am, HommeDeJava wrote:

  Greetings folks,

  I have an application developed in GWT and I would like to print tall
  GWT widgets (i.e. taller than one page).
  I found a method that works with Safari and Chrome browsers but it
  didn't work with FireFox.
  Maybe, it's related to the fact that Safari and Chrome are based on
  the Webkit html rendering technology while Firefox is based on Gecko.

  Anyway, I have tried to find a new approach.

  So, I have just tested the Print class from Andre Freller (the latest
  version) in order to print GWT widgets.

  I don't know why but in all my tests trying to print any widget (even
  a short one) result in printing a frustratng (toString()) type of
  message like [object HTMLDivElement] or [object]

  Many people seems to succeed using this code, so I'm wondering what I
  could missed...

  So, I'm posting on the GWT Google Group, maybe someone else has
  encountered the same problem and found a solution.

  I've done my test using Windows XP,  GWT 1.5.3 and FireFox 3.0.8,
  Chrome, IE 7 and Safari 3

  So below, you will find the code have wrote to benchmark along with
  the printing class

  Thanks fo any help you can provide

  Claude Coulombe
  OpenSyllabus project

  the PrintTest.html file

  !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
      meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html;
      !--                                           --
      !-- Any title is fine                     --
      !--                                           --

      !--                                           --
      !-- This script loads your compiled module.   --
      !-- If you add any GWT meta tags, they must   --
      !-- be added before this line.                --
      !--                                           --
      script type=text/javascript language=javascript

    !--                                           --
    !-- The body can have arbitrary html, or      --
    !-- you can leave the body empty if you want  --
    !-- to create a completely dynamic UI.        --
    !--                                           --

       !-- Test Andre Freller Printing Class --
          iframe id=__printingFrame style=width:0;height:0;border:0/
          div id=printPageButton/div
          div id=printWidgetButton/div
          div id=printDOMByIdButton/div
          div id=printStyleWidgetButton/div
          div id=tallWidget/div


  the PaperPrintTest.css file

  body {
          background-color: white;
          overflow: visible;


  .TallWidgetStyle {
          background-color: #C3D9FF;
          padding: 2px;
          margin: 2px;
          font-size: 10px;
          font-weight: normal;}

  .TallWidgetPaperStyle {
          background-color: white;
          overflow: visible;
          font-weight: bold;


  the PrintTest.gwt.xml file

        !-- Inherit the core Web Toolkit stuff.
        inherits name=''/

        !-- Inherit the default GWT style sheet.  You can change
        !-- the theme of your GWT application by uncommenting
        !-- any one of the following lines.
        inherits name=''/
        !-- inherits name=''/
        !-- inherits name=''/

        !-- Other module inherits

        !-- Specify the app entry point class.
        entry-point class=''/

        !-- Specify the application specific style

Re: GWT for Social Networking Site (GWT and CMS)

2008-12-17 Thread HommeDeJava


You should definetely look at OpenSocial and the Shindig server
implementation (  Shindig
directly offers REST and RPC APIs and gateways to outside CMS in Java
and PHP.

On the frontend side, GWT offers almost all the « gadgetries » you
could need and will pretty soon become an OpenSocial gadgets factory.

Hope this can help you

On 17 déc, 10:49, Paranoid Android wrote:
 Hello. I'm working on a project aimed at developing a core platform
 for building a social network website.
 This platform should be extendible and should include technologies
 like Foaf, XFN, OpenID, Reccomendation Algorithms, maybe OpenSocial
 The front-end should be built using GWT.
 Now my question is?

 How can I integrate the GWT front-end with a Java CMS System to build
 up my platform? What kind of architecture should I adopt?

 I know this question is quite general but I can't understand if there
 is a clean way to use a GWT front-end with an existing and open source
 CMS, or if I have to use PHP or to build all the platform from

 Thank you very much for any advice or reference!
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MathML support??

2008-10-27 Thread HommeDeJava

Greetings GWT folks,

I would like to use MathML in my GWT application that should be used
to display science course content.

1) It's just for displaying, no editing
2) I have to only support FireFox for now, and I know that Firefox has
MathML support built-in.
3) I have read many threads into the GWT group and the suggestion in
the thread MathPlayer and dynamic MathML  july03 2006 to use
DOM.setInnerHTML(Element elem, String html) simply doesn't work.
4) It seems to be related to the support of XHTML by GWT? Is it true?
5) Is there any workaround?

Many Thanks

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