+1 not really in the spirit of OpenSource. I've also some reserve to see 
Vaadin presented as a drop-in replacement for GWT.
GWT is a great framework to build Client-Side RIA in java. Vaadin provides 
3 development models. GWT only promotes and supports one of them. I'm 
afraid too to see GWT included as an integral part of Vaadin Framework 
directly in the package. How to justify that, even in their maven poms, 
 references to gwt are systematically replaced by vaadin? ex: "replace the 
gwt-maven-plugin with com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin, comment out 
"<dependencies>" in its configuration (if exists) and use plug-in version 
that matches the Vaadin version use goal vaadin:compile instead of 
gwt:compile etc."
I'm excited by the new beginning of GWT. I only hope that some of the new 
steering committee members do not use this opportunity to make a fork of 
GWT. The future will tell.

On Wednesday, December 5, 2012 11:03:57 AM UTC+1, Drew Spencer wrote:
> I agree with the others who think the email address requirement is a 
> little over the top. You'd spread more copies by making it free, but I 
> guess you want emails.
> On Tuesday, 4 December 2012 17:33:55 UTC, nicolas marchais wrote:
>> Maybe it's Jukito : http://code.google.com/p/jukito/
>> Le mardi 4 décembre 2012 18:18:44 UTC+1, Benjamin DeLillo a écrit :
>>> There's a mention about "very good tools for automated tests, such as 
>>> Jucikito" but Google doesn't find anything for Jucikito, is there a typo? 
>>> I'd love to know what this "very good tool" is exactly.
>>> On Tuesday, December 4, 2012 6:19:05 AM UTC-5, Joonas Lehtinen wrote:
>>>> *The GWT community have been having many questions about the Future of 
>>>> GWT. Questions like: Where is GWT going? How is GWT used today? What are 
>>>> the challenges they are facing? What is the competition? Should I build my 
>>>> next project with GWT?
>>>> When joining the GWT steering committee and deciding to include a full 
>>>> copy of GWT into Vaadin 7 we had the same questions. In the end we stepped 
>>>> forward and asked the GWT community. Now after 2 months of asking and 
>>>> receiving responses to the dozens of questions we had from over over 1300 
>>>> GWT users, we compiled all of this together and are proud to present you 
>>>> with some answers in for of 30 page long report. We would like to thank 
>>>> everyone who participated: You - the very active GWT community who 
>>>> answered, GWT steering committee members and other GWT experts who helped 
>>>> create the questions and analyze the answers, Vaadin team and David Booth 
>>>> who coordinated the effort.
>>>> Enough talking, download your personal copy of The Future of GWT Report 
>>>> at:*
>>>> *
>>>> https://vaadin.com/gwt/report-2012
>>>> *

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