
After fighting with this, issue in all possible dimensions, hope to find 
some one who've manage to solved something similar ...

I'm using RestyGWT, to implemente a GWT app "RPC".

I've defined a service, 

class MyService extends RestService {

     public void getResults(MethodCallback<org.my.data.Result> callback);

The class Result, is a DTO, which I've built into a separate GWT module, 
added the gwt.xml, stuff, configured the maven-source-plugin, 
to create the module source jar ... added the


My class Result:

public class Result {

    String r1;
    String r2;

    public Result() {}

Every this is fine, the restygwt generates the 
org.my.data.Result_Generated_JsonEncoderDecoder_.java, into the .generated 
dir, after that fail with the error:

 Added 1 units to cache since last cleanup.
   Tracing compile failure path for type 
      Errors in 
         Line 28: The constructor Result() is undefined
Wrote 1 units to persistent cache.
   See snapshot: 
   Removing invalidated units

The issue, is the GWT Compiler, when compiling the generated stub, cannot 
find the Result class, and fails ...

Thanks in advance!

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