Re: Project wizard creates a completely different MVP project from the what it has in the docs.

2011-06-07 Thread Murat Yener
Hi Nigel,

We had built an eclipse plugin which generates all the necessary files
and entry points and reorganizes the project in to mvp structure. The
plugin also has a feature "create new page" which lets asimply right
click to generate all mvp counterparts (view, presenter, model) and
registers all new gerenared stuff to eventbus and other places.
However the plugin is still beta. I may send you the plugin in beta,
hopefully i am planning to fix it very soon.

On Jun 6, 1:25 am, nigel  wrote:
> Hi,
> Not sure whether this is the correct place to ask the question, but I
> will anyway! I've been reading the documents about MVP, specifically
> the "large scale development and MVP" parts 1 & 2, great articles by
> the way. However, when I then generate a project in Eclipse, it
> generates an entirely different package hierarchy. Could someone point
> me at some documentation to show me how this hierarchy works.
> Hopefully something to give me an overview at a similar level to the
> previous 2 articles rather than just the API.
> Thanks,

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Re: GWT meets Adobe Flex: gwt4air 2.1 is here !

2011-05-19 Thread Murat Yener
Great work Alain (as usual)...

On May 16, 11:13 pm, Alain Ekambi  wrote:
> Hello  people,
> I m glad to announce the release of* gwt4air 2.1** * today. 
> (
> This one has been a really hard piece of work because  it adds some brand
> new features and possibilities for GWT developers.
> The release is compatible with *GWT 2.3* ,* Adobe AIR 2.6*, *EXT GWT 2.2.3,
> Appcelerator Titanium Desktop* and *Adobe Flex 4.1*
> Below are some of the new features included in this release.
> I m looking forward for your feedbacks.
> Regards,
> Alain
> P.S  Again i can not thank Thomas Broyer enough for  his work on
> gwt-in-the-air  from which this project is a  fork.
>    - *Java (GWT)  API for Adobe Flex (Browser) *
> Panel panel = Panel.newInstance("Panel Container Example");
> DateChooser dateChooser = DateChooser.newInstance();
> dateChooser.setVerticalCenter(0);
> dateChooser.setHorizontalCenter(0);
> panel.addElement(dateChooser);
> Button button = Button.newInstance("Click me");
> button.setHeight(40);
> ControlBar controlBar = ControlBar.newInstance();
> controlBar.addElement(button);
> panel.addElement(controlBar);
> Application.get().addElement(panel);
> [image: panelcb.png]
>    -    *Java (GWT) API for Adobe Flex (AIR)*
> Panel panel = Panel.newInstance("FileSystemTree Example");
> panel.setHorizontalCenter(0);
> panel.setVerticalCenter(0);
> panel.setPercentHeight(60);
> panel.setPercentWidth(60);
> panel.setLayout(ContainerLayout.ABSOLUTE);
> FileSystemTree tree = FileSystemTree.newInstance();
> tree.setPercentHeight(100);
> tree.setPercentWidth(100);
> tree.setDirectory(File.getApplicationDirectory());
> panel.addElement(tree);
> WindowedApplication.get().addElement(panel);
> [image: airfst.png]
>    - *Clientside PDF generation in the browser (Read only)*
> PDF pdf = PDF.newInstance();
> pdf.addPage();
> pdf.writeText(“Hello, World”);
> ByteArray data =;
> Application.get().saveFile(data, "Generated.pdf");
>    - *Clientside Excel generaton in the browser (read and write)*
> Sheet excelSheet = Sheet.newInstance();
> excelSheet.resize(10, 10);
> excelSheet.setCell(0, 0, "Hello, World");
> ExcelFile file = ExcelFile.newInstance();
> file.addSheet(excelSheet);
> ByteArray data = file.saveToByteArray();
> Application.get().saveFile(data, "Generated.xls");
>    - *GWT-Containers Support*
> [image: flexandgwt.png]
> --
> GWT API for  non Java based 
> platforms
>  flexandgwt.png
> 39KViewDownload
>  panelcb.png
> 17KViewDownload
>  airfst.png
> 91KViewDownload

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