Re: Can you use GWT with the spring framework (spring mvc)?

2010-07-26 Thread Niel
This thread may be useful to you.

On Jul 20, 11:19 pm, Gitted wrote:
 Can you use GWT with the spring framework (spring mvc)?

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Re: GWT and Spring - More Generation Options

2010-07-12 Thread Niel
Yes, it does use Hibernate.

The scaffolding functionality of  MyEclipse for Spring generates the
GWT front-end integrated with the Spring (Spring/JPA/Hibernate) back-
end application.  The back-end is a Spring application that uses
Hibernate as the JPA provider, and the Spring Services (@Service)
provide the RPC interface/services for the GWT front-end.  The GWT
front-end (MVP, UI Binder) is generated to call the Spring services.
The GWT portion of the application has no notion of JPA (or even
Spring for that matter).  If you are interested in Hibernate without
JPA, the back-end application can be refactored without impacting the
GWT front-end.

I hope that helps.

uses Hibernate as the JPA provider.  The gernareGWT application

On Jul 12, 9:20 am, anjan wrote:
 Hi There,

   Thank you.

 Does MyEclipse for Spring 8.6 have support for using Hibernate instead of
 JPA ?

 Thank you,


 On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 12:36 AM, Christiana Thompson wrote:
  This week Genuitec and Skyway Software released the second milestone
  (M2) of MyEclipse for Spring 8.6, which includes scaffolding for GWT
  applications.  With this new release, our users can now generate full
  ready-to-run GWT applications from a domain model (i.e. DB tables,
  Java Beans, or JPA Entities).

  As excited as we are about this new feature, we are eager to get
  feedback from the GWT community.  Some key aspects of our GWT

  - The functionality is based on GWT 2.0.4 (no dependency on early
  access or non-GA libraries)
  - The generated code is based on current best practices (from last
  year's Google I/O session with Ray Ryan and the MVP tutorials from
  Chris Ramsdale) and UI Binder
  - The GWT RPC services are based on Spring Services, and include
  conversion of JPA objects to/from data transfer objects (DTO) that are
  optimized for GWT
  - The generated applications support both Spring 2.5.x and Spring 3.0

  Again, we'd appreciate input and feedback from the GWT community.
  Additional information and resources are as follows:

  - More Details:
  - Installer:
  - Tutorial:
  - Getting Started Video (5 min):

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Model-View-Presenter Architecture Diagram (w/ and w/o UIBinder)

2010-01-15 Thread Niel
I took a stab at putting together some MVP architecture diagrams.  One
diagram is pure MVP and the other is MVP + UIBinder.  I figured it may
be helpful to others, however please note that that it may contain
errors. http//

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Re: Multiple Methods Within One RPC Service?

2010-01-13 Thread Niel
I agree with drunningw.  I couldn't have said it better myself.

For the most part it's a design decision.  However in the same way
that super servlets are considered to be anti-pattern, a super service
class would also be considered an anti-pattern.  I'll also add that
from a team development standpoint, it may be easier to have smaller
service classes.  It facilitates team development by making sure that
you don't run into situations where multiple developers need to work
on the same service class.  It also helps avoid version control

Depending on how sophisticated your back-end services are, you may
situations where your service methods need to be in different services
to support different lifecycle or transactional requirements.   When I
develop GWT services using Spring, I can control transactional
properties and scope at the service level.


On Jan 12, 5:19 pm, drunningw wrote:
 However, clarity of intent should be the guiding principle.
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Re: Contact (MVP) using UIBinder

2010-01-12 Thread Niel
I came up with a solution.
Source code is included in blog post.

On Jan 5, 10:05 pm, Niel wrote:
 Does anyone have an MVP sample project (Contact) that is implemented
 using UIBinder?  I'm starting to get my head around MVP and UIBinder,
 but I'm struggling with the best way for using both.  A sample project
 would be really helpful.
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