Hi there,

I'm writing an OSGi and GWT/GWT-Ext based large application. The
reason I need OSGi is componentization (both client and server sides),
since the application is a product that could probably be extended or
modified by third parties (who could develop additional bundles/
plugins and install in the OSGi platform) . I'm still in PoC phase and
what I have to prove is that an incoming plugin can add UI structure
(for instance, new menu items) and behavior (for instance, menu item
listeners) to the running application.

I approached this having each bundle to encapsulte a new GWT/GWT-Ext
module. Let's say I have two bundles/modules: the main one (B1,
already installed, up and running) and the one adding features to the
application (B2). These are both compiled (by GWT compiler) and
packaged in a jar file (osgi standard). Their public folder (tipically
www) are exposed through a HTTP server, while running in the OSGi

The test I did showed me that after B2 is installed and loaded, I can
run any of its Javascript functions (see listing below, which I put in
one B1 event handler).

        public static native void callHandler(String uri)/*-{
                function ensureScriptIsLoaded() {
                    if (self.fragScript) { // Already exists
                        alert('fragment script already exists');
                    var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
                    script = document.createElement('script');
                    script.id = 'fragScript';
                    script.type = 'text/javascript';
                    script.src = uri;
                    if (self.fragScript) {
                        alert('fragment script successfully created');
                    } else {
                        alert('fragment script was not created');

The question is: if I have in B2 a menu item or a button with all
their attributes set (iconCls, listeners, and so forth), how can I get
a reference to it to add it to my panel in B1?

I tried to get the reference to the component through Ext.getCmp("id")
(from GWT-Ext, see below). It works if the component is in the same
bundle/module but returns null otherwise.

Has someone else done such a thing: modularization of GWT client-side
based on OSGi bundles mechanism?

Thanks in advance,
Ricardo Giacomin

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