Hi Paul,

Microsoft memory leak detector tool v2 which you mentioned, the download 
link does not work any more. Do you know if the same tool or a later 
version(which can work for newer IE versions like IE11, IE10) available 
elsewhere? Will really appreciate your help as my team struggles with IE 
memory leak issues with our GWT app today.

Thanks & regards

On Sunday, November 7, 2010 at 1:40:09 PM UTC+5:30, Paul McLachlan wrote:
> I’d like to chronicle my experiences fixing a memory leak in our 
> enterprise GWT application when running on Internet Explorer. 
> A few facts getting started: 
>   1. Using a click-recording tool, QA could get our application to 
> leak hundreds of megabytes of memory in Internet Explorer. 
>   2. No leak measured using Java memory analysis tools in hosted mode. 
>   3. Non-trivial application - we have over 100K SLOC just for GWT 
> (ie, not counting server side or any non .java files) 
> Reproducibility was handled by QA, but the first problem was working 
> out what was going on.  We didn't see these kinds of problems with 
> Firefox & this strongly implies some kind of Internet Explorer 
> circular reference strangeness between DOM elements and javascript. 
> We spent some time playing with Drip and sIEve, but we were advised 
> not to use these tools (misleading output) and didn't have wonderful 
> success with them in any case. 
> A bit more googling found a javascript memory leak analyzer from 
> Microsoft at: 
> http://blogs.msdn.com/b/gpde/archive/2009/08/03/javascript-memory-leak-detector-v2.aspx
> .  That's actually the v2 and most google hits send you to a (now 
> removed v1), so it's a little difficult to find. 
> In any case, the results of using Microsoft's javascript memory leak 
> detector are basically unintelligible in a regular production mode GWT 
> compile.  I had more luck when compiling with -style PRETTY 
> (obviously), and I also turned on -draftCompile.  I think I remember 
> that -draftCompile did less inlining, which made the generated 
> javascript closer to our Java code.  This was important because the 
> output of the tool is basically a series of leaks, like: 
>  DIV leaked due to onclick from stack XYZ 
> where "XYZ" is a javascript stack trace of where the onclick event 
> handler was set.  By clicking back up the stack you can generally get 
> a reasonable idea of which widget in your application is causing the 
> problem. 
> At this point, I didn't actually trust the tool - so from a 
> methodology perspective my first step was to validate the tools 
> output. 
> I commented out code and otherwise configured our application down to 
> a bare-bones "login, display a couple of things, logout" script that I 
> could run in a loop.  Having done so, I could demonstrate that: 
> a) that operational loop actually leaked in IE 
> b) the tool reported about 15 elements as being leaked 
> Then, I proceeded to ... try to "fix" those leaks. 
> First attempt was to click the ClickListener (or ClickHandler or 
> KeyPressHandler or whatever).  I mean, calling Handler.remove(), or 
> removeClickListener() during onDetach().  My theory was that my 
> ClickHandler was a Java inner class and it somehow just had an inline 
> reference to the parent object and etc. 
> No joy.  The tool still reported it as a leak.  I've since spent a lot 
> more time going through GWT's implementation of event handling and 
> it's pretty clear that: 
> a) the intent is to not have to do this; and 
> b) it doesn't set element.onclick = null 
> I understand the argument with b) is that you don't have to.  I wasn't 
> feeling very trusting at this point (I had a memory leak tool from 
> Microsoft that seemed to disagree with that), so I thought I'd test 
> it. 
> Reading http://javascript.crockford.com/memory/leak.html gave me an 
> idea, so I wrote a little helper method: 
>   public native static void purgeEventHooks( Element elem, boolean 
> recurse ) /*-{ 
>     try { 
>       elem.onclick = null; 
>       elem.ondblclick = null; 
>       elem.onmousedown = null; 
>       elem.onmouseup = null; 
>       elem.onmouseover = null; 
>       elem.onmouseout = null; 
>       elem.onmousemove = null; 
>       elem.onkeydown = null; 
>       elem.onkeypress = null; 
>       elem.onkeyup = null; 
>       elem.onchange = null; 
>       elem.onfocus = null; 
>       elem.onblur = null; 
>       elem.onlosecapture = null; 
>       elem.onscroll = null; 
>       elem.onload = null; 
>       elem.onerror = null; 
>       elem.onmousewheel = null; 
>       elem.oncontextmenu = null; 
>       elem.onpaste = null; 
>       if (recurse) { 
>         var a = elem.childNodes; 
>         if (a) { 
>             l = a.length; 
>             for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { 
>                 purgeEventHooks(elem.childNodes[i], recurse); 
>             } 
>         } 
>       } 
>     } catch( e ) { 
>       //  ignore 
>     } 
>   }-*/; 
> And then proceeded to call it from onDetach() on the "leaked" element. 
> Aha - magic -- the Microsoft javascript leak tool no longer reports 
> that element as a leak! 
> However, it seems quite possible that all I've managed to do is fool 
> the leak tool, as opposed to actually fix any leak.  So I resolve to 
> fix all of the leaks on this code path.  I eventually managed to do 
> this (gosh, it was painful -- mostly because it's very difficult from 
> a javascript stacktrace to where onclick was called to work out which 
> custom GWT widget is ultimately involved). 
> Now I have the leak tool reporting no leaks.  So, I turn it off and 
> put the application back into a loop in Internet Explorer --- half 
> expecting to see it still leaking tens of megabytes and being back 
> where I started having wasted several days.  But... it didn't leak. 
> IE memory usage varied by a few hundred KB (up and down) throughout 
> the course of a long test, but no memory leaks. 
> Soooo - now I'm at a point where I trust the leak tool, and I think 
> there's some kind of really fundamental problem in this theory that 
> you don't have to clear DOM element event hooks.  So I build a "hello 
> world" type GWT application intending to, you know, prove this to the 
> world. 
> No joy.  In that application, (which was just a button added and 
> removed from a SimplePanel on the RootPanel), it wasn't necessary to 
> clear the DOM element event hooks to have IE clear everything up.  So 
> there's some "more complicated than trivial" case in which this is 
> triggered.  Unfortunately.  Also unfortunately, I have no-where near 
> the kind of time to go back and trial-and-error work out what that 
> condition is. 
> So, now I can't explain why clearing the handlers helps, but I can say 
> that it does.  And I am faced with the really daunting task of trying 
> to go through our app and explicitly clear event handlers onDetach. 
> Don't really want to do that -- actually, all I really want to do is 
> have Widget.onDetach() call, basically DOM.unsinkEvents(). 
> Mucking around in the GWT code, I find a hook that will let me do 
> that.  This is a bit... well, 'distasteful'.  But, it worked for me 
> and got us out of a tight spot / will also let us clear up some of the 
> other mitigation code we've had in place around this issue. 
> The observation is that DOM.setElementListener is called on attach 
> with a value, and on detach with null.  And it calls into an abstract 
> DOMImpl method that I can override with deferred binding (.gwt.xml 
> <replace-with>). 
> The implementation of DOMImpl that I use looks like this: 
> public class NoMemLeaksDOMImplIE8 extends 
> com.google.gwt.user.client.impl.DOMImplIE8 { 
>   public NoMemLeaksDOMImplIE8() { 
>     super(); 
>   } 
>   static native void backupEventBits(Element elem) /*-{ 
>     elem.__eventBits_apptio = elem.__eventBits; 
>   }-*/; 
>   static native int getEventBitsBackup(Element elem) /*-{ 
>     return (elem.__eventBits_apptio || 0); 
>   }-*/; 
>   static void hookEventListenerChange( DOMImpl impl, Element elem, 
> EventListener listener ) { 
>     if( listener == null ) { 
>       //  Called from onDetach() for Widget (among other places). 
>       // 
>       //  Basically, we're going to be detached at this point. 
>       //  So.... set all event handlers to null to avoid IE 
>       //  circular reference memory leaking badness 
>       backupEventBits( elem ); 
>       impl.sinkEvents(elem,0); 
>     } else { 
>       int backup = getEventBitsBackup( elem ); 
>       if( backup != 0 ) { 
>         impl.sinkEvents( elem, backup ); 
>       } 
>     } 
>   } 
>   public void setEventListener( Element elem, EventListener listener) 
> { 
>     super.setEventListener( elem, listener ); 
>     hookEventListenerChange( this, elem, listener ); 
>   } 
> } 
> Note that I have to back up the event bits & restore them in case the 
> element is re-attached back into the DOM later (otherwise it won't get 
> any of the events it is expecting). 
> In any case, your actual mileage may vary, but this helps us a LOT. 
> Lessons learned: 
> 1) Microsoft javascript memory leak detection tool rocks.  It is 
> available from here: 
> http://blogs.msdn.com/b/gpde/archive/2009/08/03/javascript-memory-leak-detector-v2.aspx
> It has an automation mode where you could put an "zero leaks" 
> assertion as part of an automated test. 
> 2) There is some way you can set up a GWT app so that you need to 
> clear event handlers in order to avoid leaks in IE6, IE7 & IE8.  No 
> plain GWT manipulations I found (removing the clicklisteners, etc) 
> helped at all.  When you get into this state, basically every single 
> widget you have with an event listener will leak.  Microsoft's leak 
> tool isn't lying, but neither can I explain why or what it is that 
> pushes the app over this threshold. 
> 3) You can successfully hack the DOM Impl to have Widget.onDetach() 
> clear the event hooks for you, meaning you don't have to refactor all 
> your code to follow this pattern. 
> I hope this helps someone. 
> - Paul

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