Re: GWT Visualisations API - ImageLineGraph display options

2011-10-17 Thread Tony Kennah
Any clues?

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GWT Visualisations API - ImageLineGraph display options

2011-10-06 Thread Tony Kennah

I'm displaying a ImageLineChart via my little GWT application and I
just wanted to add some display options, namely:


Which is just a little black square node on series 1 (0) point number
2(1). I tried appending the above string onto one of my current
ImageLineChart url's and hey presto, there appeared the black node.
In the GWT application I used:

   options.set(chm, s,00,0,1,7.5);

As I couldn't find an actual method for setting chm, so I tried a
general-purpose set() method, as above.  This doesn't seem to be
working and checking the URL in debug I can't find any mention of this
chm parameter which I thought I'd have set.

Can anyone see where I've gone wrong or suggest a way of setting such
a parameter?

Many Thanks in advance


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CellTable CSS (still!)

2011-09-12 Thread Tony Kennah

I've managed to make a CellTable use my own CSS rules by extending
CellTable.Resources with my own resources which overrides
cellTableStyle, simple.  I provide a link to my own CSS file within
the extended Resources  I can now construct a CellTable using this
resource and it will render as I wish, the problem is I can't seem to
use setRowStyles() on my CellTable or at least using setRowStyles()
seems useless as no style seems to be getting set.

Given my CellTable is using my CSS I use setRowStyles like this:

table.setRowStyles(new RowStylesContact() {
public String getStyleNames(Contact p, int rowIndex) {
return bbcolor;

I am currently trying things out using a default
WebAppplicationProject from within Eclipse and I'm setting the CSS
rule .bbcolor like this (in my CSS file):

@external .bbcolor {
  backgound-color: red !important;

...using @external as I'm getting errors about unobfuscated use of
this bbcolor.  I'm also using the same CSS rule in the default CSS
file for the template application (just in case but without the

Still no red background...  Could someone tell me why I'm not getting
a red background on my table rows please?


My CellTable is dynamic as in the rows move up and down depending on
what the user does with some sliders so I want the background of the
rows to be coloured so its easy to see them move up and down rather
than having to keep your eye on a text element (which seems
difficult).  If you want to see it in action you'll have to register
and login (simple and free) here:

Thanks again

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Re: CellTables and css

2011-09-12 Thread Tony Kennah
Thanks that's brilliant it working :) - Stage 1 complete

Again thanks!

PS (my nearly the same but somehow different CellTable issue...(more

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setRowStyles method of the CellTable Class

2011-09-12 Thread Tony Kennah
Has anyone actually used this method successfully and can share their
code?  I'm finding it absolutely impossible to get it working and
there is zero to no documentation about this.


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Re: CellTable CSS (still!)

2011-09-12 Thread Tony Kennah
I mis-spelled background in the CSS rule!  BACKGOUND - Dyslexic sorry!

Thanks for all the help!

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CellTables and css

2011-09-09 Thread Tony Kennah

Could someone help me in setting the background of a CellTable row
please, I've been trying all night to do it and keep failing and it's
driving me mad.  I tried using a call to setRowStyles() but that
doesn't seem to be working and I've read that you can't change the
style for a CellTable once  a style has been set - as the default one
is being set.

Then I tried constructing a CellTable with my own interface
CellTableResources as seen on a post on this exact subject BUT that
gave me error messages about unobfuscated ccs elements   which my
css not being obfuscated is an obvious error message.

Now I don't know what to try and I am officially STUCK.


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seem to be getting a 15 row limit?

2011-04-02 Thread Tony Kennah

I have a little piece of code which populates a CellTableT from a
Type T by adding the table as a DataProviders DataDisplay and by
using the DataProviders list to create a ColumnSortHandler and
corresponding Comparators...  so each time the user clicks next I
populate the table in this manner with the next set of data.  It all
works great apart from when the number of elements in my set of data
is greater than 15.  In this case only the top 15 (ordered) elements
are displayed I.E. only 15 rows of the CellTable are visible within
the VerticalDialog.  Is this a default somewhere or can I configure
this row limit.  I've looked around my code and I can see places where
I have instantiated a list and this will default to 10 elements but 15
has me baffled.

I can provide code but thought this would jog a memory without the
need for boring old code.

Many thanks


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