Re: jsinterop with browser-specific api

2016-09-12 Thread Zufar Fakhurtdinov
Thank you for answer! Writing it by hand is annoying, but maybe later it 
will be generated.
Maybe you know.. How can I use 'in' operator?

protected static native boolean pointerLockSupported() /*-{
  return 'pointerLockElement' in $wnd.document ||
  'mozPointerLockElement' in $wnd.document ||
  'webkitPointerLockElement' in $wnd.document;

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jsinterop with browser-specific api

2016-09-09 Thread Zufar Fakhurtdinov
Hi all. I'm trying to understand how can I effective work with jsinterop 
and browser-specific api.
For example Fullscreen api is mostly work in latest browsers, but methods 
are prefixed.

Before jsinterop I was write something like this:

public static native void leaveFullscreen() /*-{
  if ($doc.cancelFullscreen) {
  } else if ($doc.mozCancelFullScreen) {
  } else if ($doc.webkitCancelFullScreen) {


What should I do now? Add mozCancelFullScreen, webkitCancelFullScreen 
methods to my jsinteropped Document interface? And then add static jsni 
boolean exists(Object a)/*-{return a;}-*/; and add java method with "if 
(exists(..))"  chain. 
It looks very verbose and inefficiently.

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