On Jun 5, 11:14 pm, bhomass <bhom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I looked up some cross browser code. but I am getting different
> results
>   if (document.getSelection) {
>     var range = document.getSelection().createRange();;
>   } else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) {
>     var range = document.selection.createRange();
>   } else {
>     var str = "Sorry, this is not possible with your browser.";
>   }
> I use the range to get the parent Element, range.parentElement();
> originally (using $doc), I get back a div, now I am getting back the
> BODY element.
> document.selection does not seem to be equivalent to $doc.selection,
> even though it removes the browser incompatibility.
> any ideas?

Use script like this one:

    public static native String getSelection() /*-{
       var txt = '';
       if ($wnd.getSelection) {
           txt = $wnd.getSelection();
       } else if ($wnd.document.getSelection) {
           txt = $wnd.document.getSelection();
       } else if ($wnd.document.selection) {
           txt = $wnd.document.selection.createRange().text;
       return txt;

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