Re: can not read or write to a file on the server side

2010-04-09 Thread andrew19881123
ih... i have a problem again in writing in a file.. i'm sorry but i'm
a newbie in GWT

private void postFile(String fileXml) {
try {
ServletContext sc = 
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new
} catch (Exception e) {

i have the following error: in FileWriter: is not
supported by GAE's JRE.Why?
i need to complete this method for writing in the file a String
fileXml.. how can i do?

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Re: can not read or write to a file on the server side

2010-04-08 Thread andrew19881123
yeeeah it works! thaks thaks thaks thaks thaks thaks
thaks :D

On Apr 8, 1:41 pm, HDayi wrote:
 hi andrew,
 when you give only the file name, tomcat does not use your application
 directory to access it. it uses it's own installation directory. so
 you must use the exact path of the file or use ServletContext as i
 mentioned abow.
 shortly you must do fallowing:
 for reading the file:
     ServletContext sc = this.getServletConfig().getServletContext();
     InputStream is = sc.getResourceAsStream(/blabla.txt);
     BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new

 then you can acces your file correctly.

 while wrting the file:
     ServletContext sc = this.getServletConfig().getServletContext();
     BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new

 if you are using linux, tomcat user must have read and write rights of
 the file.

 good luck

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Re: can not read or write to a file on the server side

2010-04-08 Thread andrew19881123
ok, now i have to do the same in the client-side.. there is no method
how can i do?

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Re: can not read or write to a file on the server side

2010-04-08 Thread andrew19881123
mmm.. it's strange.. neither if i make an HTTP GET request with a
RequestBuilder like this?

RequestBuilder xmlFile = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET, /

try {
xmlFile.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() {
public void onError(Request request, Throwable 
exception) {
public void onResponseReceived(Request request, 
Response response)
} catch (RequestException ex) {

On Apr 8, 10:42 pm, Katharina Probst wrote:
 Well, your app won't just be able to access the file system on the client
 side, because the browser runs in a sandbox (you wouldn't want any web app
 reading your files from your desktop...).  But you *could* have the user
 upload a file, if that's what you want?  


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Re: can not read or write to a file on the server side

2010-04-07 Thread andrew19881123
now have done in this way..

try {
String fileXml = new String();
String s = new String();
FileReader f = new FileReader(vini.xml);

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(f);

do {
s = br.readLine();
if (s!=null)
} while (s!=null);

it works while debugging.. but when i deploy: vini.xml (No such file or
directory) vini.xml (No such file or
the file is present in this dir /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/rpcTest0..
and i can't get the absolute path of f because there is no method.. grr

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Re: can not read or write to a file on the server side

2010-04-07 Thread andrew19881123
the file is perfectly localized in the correct directory, i know
because the debug in eclipse works...!! it's here /var/lib/tomcat6/
webapps/rpcTest0 where rpcTest0 is the project.. boh

i'm from italy.. near modena, im a student of computer science at
unibo, it's about 3 weeks that i try to learn gwt cause i will have a
project for the university that need it.. this is just an exercise to
make practice in preparation of... the whole exercise is to read an
xml file and write it in the browser.. but if i can't read it i can't
go ahead.. uff

and what about you? are u italian too? whats your occupation?

On Apr 7, 2:36 pm, Giovanni Gaglione
 It seems that application doesn't find the file.
 Where is your file?
 It's possible that you must specify the file path better.

 Where are you from?
 What are you doing with GWT?
 Who are you?


 2010/4/7 andrew19881123

  now have done in this way..

  try {
                 String fileXml = new String();
                 String s = new String();
                 FileReader f = new FileReader(vini.xml);

                 BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(f);

                 do {
                         s = br.readLine();
                     if (s!=null)
                 } while (s!=null);

  it works while debugging.. but when i deploy: vini.xml (No such file or
  directory) vini.xml (No such file or
  the file is present in this dir /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/rpcTest0..
  and i can't get the absolute path of f because there is no method.. grr

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Re: can not read or write to a file on the server side

2010-04-07 Thread andrew19881123
il mio e' un progetto x tecnologie web.. anche io sn alla triennale..
i permessi di linux li ho settati senza problemi.. ho provato agirare
un po su google x cercare come sbloccare i file su tomcat.. e ho
letto che c'e' da aggiungere grant{...} dentro alle policy solo che nn
ho concluso nnt..

avevo provato anche io a creare un file.. cosi' da vedere dv cavolo lo
mette e d conseguenza c piazzo il mio xml.. l'avevo fatto cosi':
File file = new File(test.txt);
if (file.exists()) {
try {
} catch (IOException e1) {
System.out.println(Before. canWrite? + file.canWrite());

// set to read-only, atau canWrite = false
System.out.println(After. canWrite? + file.canWrite());

il problema e' che sempre x colpa dei permessi java nn puo scrivere
nella cartella..
oltretutto ho provato anche un altro metodo x leggere un file, solo
che in seguito al metodo canWrite() scatta l'eccezione e nn capisco il
motivo dato che dovrebbe essere solo un si o un no.. vedi se riesci a
creare il file con quel codice e poi fammi sapere


On Apr 7, 3:52 pm, Giovanni Gaglione
 Io pure sono italiano
 di roma però.
 sto facendo la tesi per la laurea triennale in informatica...e utilizzo gwt
 da un mesetto o di più.

 Hai settato i permessi per il filesystem come ti avevo suggerito?
 Se il file non ha il permesso di essere letto, tomcat non lo trova.

 Che io sappia, ci stanno anche i permessi di tomcat sui file, magari
 potrebbe dipendere da questo.
 Se sgoogli un pochino, potresti vedere se è il caso tuo, vedendo come si
 settano i permessi di tomcat.

 Usi firebug? ti può convenire usarlo per vedere nel codice se è tutto
 aposto, se c'è qualche errore javascript, non so se mi spiego.

 Ma cosa ci stai facendo con gwt?
 Sai per caso come creare un file lato server? ti è capitato di fare un
 operazione simile con gwt?


 2010/4/7 andrew19881123

  the file is perfectly localized in the correct directory, i know
  because the debug in eclipse works...!! it's here /var/lib/tomcat6/
  webapps/rpcTest0 where rpcTest0 is the project.. boh

  i'm from italy.. near modena, im a student of computer science at
  unibo, it's about 3 weeks that i try to learn gwt cause i will have a
  project for the university that need it.. this is just an exercise to
  make practice in preparation of... the whole exercise is to read an
  xml file and write it in the browser.. but if i can't read it i can't
  go ahead.. uff

  and what about you? are u italian too? whats your occupation?

  On Apr 7, 2:36 pm, Giovanni Gaglione
   It seems that application doesn't find the file.
   Where is your file?
   It's possible that you must specify the file path better.

   Where are you from?
   What are you doing with GWT?
   Who are you?


   2010/4/7 andrew19881123

now have done in this way..

try {
               String fileXml = new String();
               String s = new String();
               FileReader f = new FileReader(vini.xml);

               BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(f);

               do {
                       s = br.readLine();
                   if (s!=null)
               } while (s!=null);

it works while debugging.. but when i deploy: vini.xml (No such file or
directory) vini.xml (No such file or
the file is present in this dir /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/rpcTest0..
and i can't get the absolute path of f because there is no method.. grr

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Re: can not read or write to a file on the server side

2010-04-07 Thread andrew19881123
ma guarda.. gwt o no cmq sto programmando in java su lato server con
le api  d java x cui e' come se nn lo usassi proprio... sto odiando

On Apr 7, 4:07 pm, bitliner wrote:
 Non posso provare ora il codice, nè penso stasera.
 Troppo impegnato.
 E' probabile che devi configurare meglio tomcat, ma non hai trovato
 nulla di qualcuno che affrontasse il tuo stesso problema?
 Indipendentemente da gwt?

 non so come altro aiutarti


 On Apr 7, 4:03 pm, andrew19881123 wrote:

  il mio e' un progetto x tecnologie web.. anche io sn alla triennale..
  i permessi di linux li ho settati senza problemi.. ho provato agirare
  un po su google x cercare come sbloccare i file su tomcat.. e ho
  letto che c'e' da aggiungere grant{...} dentro alle policy solo che nn
  ho concluso nnt..

  avevo provato anche io a creare un file.. cosi' da vedere dv cavolo lo
  mette e d conseguenza c piazzo il mio xml.. l'avevo fatto cosi':
  File file = new File(test.txt);
              if (file.exists()) {
              try {
                  } catch (IOException e1) {
              System.out.println(Before. canWrite? + file.canWrite());

              // set to read-only, atau canWrite = false
              System.out.println(After. canWrite? + file.canWrite());

  il problema e' che sempre x colpa dei permessi java nn puo scrivere
  nella cartella..
  oltretutto ho provato anche un altro metodo x leggere un file, solo
  che in seguito al metodo canWrite() scatta l'eccezione e nn capisco il
  motivo dato che dovrebbe essere solo un si o un no.. vedi se riesci a
  creare il file con quel codice e poi fammi sapere


  On Apr 7, 3:52 pm, Giovanni Gaglione

   Io pure sono italiano
   di roma però.
   sto facendo la tesi per la laurea triennale in informatica...e utilizzo 
   da un mesetto o di più.

   Hai settato i permessi per il filesystem come ti avevo suggerito?
   Se il file non ha il permesso di essere letto, tomcat non lo trova.

   Che io sappia, ci stanno anche i permessi di tomcat sui file, magari
   potrebbe dipendere da questo.
   Se sgoogli un pochino, potresti vedere se è il caso tuo, vedendo come si
   settano i permessi di tomcat.

   Usi firebug? ti può convenire usarlo per vedere nel codice se è tutto
   aposto, se c'è qualche errore javascript, non so se mi spiego.

   Ma cosa ci stai facendo con gwt?
   Sai per caso come creare un file lato server? ti è capitato di fare un
   operazione simile con gwt?


   2010/4/7 andrew19881123

the file is perfectly localized in the correct directory, i know
because the debug in eclipse works...!! it's here /var/lib/tomcat6/
webapps/rpcTest0 where rpcTest0 is the project.. boh

i'm from italy.. near modena, im a student of computer science at
unibo, it's about 3 weeks that i try to learn gwt cause i will have a
project for the university that need it.. this is just an exercise to
make practice in preparation of... the whole exercise is to read an
xml file and write it in the browser.. but if i can't read it i can't
go ahead.. uff

and what about you? are u italian too? whats your occupation?

On Apr 7, 2:36 pm, Giovanni Gaglione
 It seems that application doesn't find the file.
 Where is your file?
 It's possible that you must specify the file path better.

 Where are you from?
 What are you doing with GWT?
 Who are you?


 2010/4/7 andrew19881123

  now have done in this way..

  try {
                 String fileXml = new String();
                 String s = new String();
                 FileReader f = new FileReader(vini.xml);

                 BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(f);

                 do {
                         s = br.readLine();
                     if (s!=null)
                 } while (s!=null);

  it works while debugging.. but when i deploy: vini.xml (No such file or
  directory) vini.xml (No such file or
  the file is present in this dir /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/rpcTest0..
  and i can't get the absolute path of f because there is no method.. 

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Re: can not read or write to a file on the server side

2010-04-06 Thread andrew19881123
i have a similar problem with an xml file that i try to read..
the code for read is:
try {
   File fileXml = new File(./vini.xml);
   System.out.println(owner's write permission :
+fileXml.setWritable(true));  //exception cached
   System.out.println(owner's read permission :
catch (Exception e) {
lst += e;   //browser output
e.getStackTrace();   //console output

while debugging the output in the browser is: access denied
( ./vini.xml write)
if i don't set the fileXml.setWritable(true) it works fine! but not
when i deploy the app in tomcat6

where can i set the permissions?
i tried to add this
grant codeBase file:${catalina.home}/bin/tomcat-juli.jar {
in /etc/tomcat6/policy.d/03catalina.policy but it doesn't work

On Apr 6, 3:44 pm, HDayi wrote:
 i am trying to open the file with the fallowing code:

 BufferedReader input =  new BufferedReader(new

 it works while developping with eclipse.
 and i am trying to write whit the fallowing:

 BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(blabla.txt));

 both works fine on eclipse.
 when i upload to server the first one gives a long error message
 saying file not found in tomcat log file as i mentioned before.
 second one gives onli on word in tomcat log Exception.

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Re: can not read or write to a file on the server side

2010-04-06 Thread andrew19881123
I tried in a lot of way to read an external file, but i continue to
have the same problem with permission..
i can read the file with jetty but not with tomcat..
can someone post me a guide or a stupid tutorial??


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include an external file when deploy

2010-03-31 Thread andrew19881123
I have a problem with an external file when i deploy my application:
in the source code at the server side i have inserted a File (File
fileXml = new File(wine.xml); ), when i debug it works good, i can
see all the elements, but after i make the GWT Compile, put all files
in a war archive and then uploaded it in tomcat i can't see the
elements, like as the path of the XML is wrong.. i can't figure out
why.. the file wine.xml is in this folder MyApp/war

thanks, Andrew

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