Re: onModuleLoad() called over and over on IE8

2011-04-18 Thread credmond
Have you stripped your app down to the absolute bare minimum? If so,
could you post your code? (host page an entry module...)

On Apr 18, 9:46 am, Jeff Schnitzer  wrote:
> I have the strangest problem:
> IE8 seems to call my onModuleLoad() method over and over and over, a
> few seconds apart.
>  * It only happens with IE8.  Chrome and Firefox (mac or windows)
> don't do this.  I don't know about IE6 or 7 (unsupported by my app).
>  * It happens much worse with IE8 on Windows7 than IE8 on XP.  On XP,
> my method gets called 3-4 times and then it goes quiet.  On Windows7,
> it is like a really annoying clock that fires every few seconds
> (complete with the audible clucking sound that IE8 makes).
>  * It happens in both hosted mode and compiled.
> I've set a breakpoint and looked at the stack trace and it looks like
> any other normal startup:
> SimiModule.onModuleLoad() line: 22      
> NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Method, Object, Object[]) line: not
> available [native method]
> NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 39      
> DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 25  
> Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 597      
> ModuleSpaceOOPHM(ModuleSpace).onLoad(TreeLogger) line: 396      
> OophmSessionHandler.loadModule(BrowserChannelServer, String, String,
> String, String, String, byte[]) line: 193
> BrowserChannelServer.processConnection() line: 510      
> line: 352    
> line: 637  
> In fact, GWT is logging all the usual application startup log messages
> over and over.  The thing is though, my app is a single-page app -
> there are no page transitions, no form submissions, nada.  I'm not
> clicking on any buttons.  It works perfectly in other browsers.
> I can't even imagine what could be causing this.
> Can anyone suggest an avenue of attack for this issue?  I'm pretty
> much out of ideas.  I've tried using GWT 2.3M1 but it doesn't help.
> Thanks in advance,
> Jeff

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2011-04-07 Thread credmond
Personally, I'm fairly new to GWT, and yes, the docs are pretty
confusing, unhelpful, and inconsistent, and I'm not new to web
frameworks. I wish I had taken down all the problems, contradictions,
and lack of clarity that I noticed. Very strange for "Google".

Regarding MVP, I steer clear of Activities and Places because I think
for more complicated UIs and nested views, etc., things become too
messy and even impossible. They're too new and there isn't a single
decent example that implements them. The updated Expenses sample app
which uses Activities and Places -- and is shipped with GWT -- uses
them but totally incorrectly in terms of MVP (tonnes of UI code in
presenters, etc., if I recall).

There's nothing wrong with do-it-your-own-way MVP as described in the
two links at the top of:

Trying to tie MVP with history and event management, etc, and
everything else, is confusing for the beginner. The docs are not doing
GWT any justice and if it hadn't got "Google" in the name I would have
thought more than twice about adopting it.

I'm not unhappy with my choice though, but I still feel the docs need
a complete re-work. Slightly off topic, sorry.

On Apr 7, 11:36 pm, Jens  wrote:
> On Thursday, April 7, 2011 5:39:35 PM UTC+2, David Chandler (Google) wrote:
> Ray Ryan's famous I/O talk in 09 also mentioned place/history management and
> > the Command pattern, which are very useful ideas but not part of MVP proper.
> > Various 3rd party MVP frameworks offered all these capabilities together as
> > "MVP" and the GWT docs refer to Activities and Places as the MVP framework,
> > but they're really not MVP proper, which has no doubt led to some
> > confusion.
> Thats why I would change the GWT docs as soon as time allows. Someone new to
> MVP and activity/places will definitely get the wrong idea of both and gets
> confused. There are many topics/posts like this one in this group.
> @Alex: As David points out, the MVP pattern has nothing in common with GWT's
> Place/History management framework (often referred to as GWT MVP). If you
> use GWT places/activities your app will gain bookmarkable urls that
> represent a place/application state and whenever such a url is visited a
> corresponding activity will be started. This activity is then responsible
> for attaching some UI/widgets to an area of your webpage. If this UI is
> complex and has user interaction elements then you could implement this UI
> with the MVP pattern to separate the UI from the logic that will be
> performed when the user interacts with this UI. And once you decide to use
> the MVP pattern then its in most cases easier to let the activity be the
> presenter. But its also possible to implement a separate presenter and let
> the activity hold a reference to it.
> J.

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Re: Login system for my GWT app with google friend connect / openID integration.

2011-02-22 Thread credmond

I have just read "Google App Engine Java and GWT Application
Development" (
application-development/book), and it's exactly what you're looking

It's also the only up-to-date (and decent) book I've found. It has its
flaws, but I'd still definitely recommend it. It's slightly more
geared towards the GAE side of things, but you'll still learn all you
need with respect to GWT and OpenID/Google login integregation.


On Feb 21, 10:54 pm, Pablo Moreno  wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm new to google web toolkit, and I'm trying to develop a little
> social network.
> I haven't started the project yet, I'm doing research and tutorials on
> gwt and gwt designer.
> Given that I haven't found much information about how to integrate GWT
> + shindig (open social), I'm looking for other ways to enable users to
> login to the website using their google (or openID) account. Also,
> I've tried to use google friend connect in my website, adding the html
> code generated in GFC to myproject.html, with no use. I have checked
> this discussion and tried the methods described there, but I can't get
> them to work:
> I'd really appreciate if you could point me out to some tutorials or
> resources where I could learn how to develop a login system for my gwt
> app with openID or google friend connect integration.
> Thank you.

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