Re: HTML5 innershiv

2010-11-03 Thread davidroe
I very much appreciate this and apologies for going silent on the
issue. I believe that I made all the changes indicated by steps #1, #2
and #3 above, my issue is how and where to include the innerShiv

should the innerShiv function be included somewhere in the GWT source?
I could not pick an appropriate place.

should the innerShiv function be included as part of my project?
should the GWT source reference it as $wnd.innerShiv()?

my attempts were unsuccessful and frustrating, mainly due to IE
throwing an exception and the debugging experience not being up to
scratch. the major issue seemed to revolve around core/client/impl/ and the entry0() function. my guess would be that GWT is
unhappy with how innerShiv() is being defined and called.

all in all, it looks like a great solution, I just can't get the
implementation right.

On Oct 22, 2:45 pm, Thomas Broyer wrote:
 On 22 oct, 20:15, davidroe wrote:


  I guess a better way of phrasing the question is how should a GWT
  project render HTML5 tags for all browsers knowing that one of those
  browsers could be IE?

  this is achievable using html5shiv, but not when the HTML is dynamic
  this is also achievable using innerShiv, when you have control over
  the dynamic process

  any thoughts on how this could be used with UiBinder?

 One possibility (that would work with *and* without UiBinder) would be
 1. change c.g.g.dom.client.Element so that setInnerHTML calls DOMImpl
 (similar to 
 2. implement setInnerHTML in DOMImpl the same as it is today in
 3. override setInnerHTML it in DOMImplTrident to use innerShiv.

 Steps #1 and #2 means patching GWT (classpath override is
 fortunately enough), but maybe the patch could be included in GWT
 proper in the next version, just to make #3 possible.

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Re: HTML5 innershiv

2010-10-22 Thread davidroe

I guess a better way of phrasing the question is how should a GWT
project render HTML5 tags for all browsers knowing that one of those
browsers could be IE?

this is achievable using html5shiv, but not when the HTML is dynamic
this is also achievable using innerShiv, when you have control over
the dynamic process

any thoughts on how this could be used with UiBinder?

On Oct 14, 4:47 pm, davidroe wrote:
 A problem: html5shiv allows you to use HTML5 markup in IE, but the
 approach does not work with dynamic content.

 A solution: innerShiv is a function which takes your HTML string, adds
 it to a hidden document-appended element in IE, and returns an IE-safe
 document fragment or collection.

 Can anyone comment on whether this can be used as part of a GWT
 project where HTML5 markup is defined using UiBinder?


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HTML5 innershiv

2010-10-14 Thread davidroe
A problem: html5shiv allows you to use HTML5 markup in IE, but the
approach does not work with dynamic content.

A solution: innerShiv is a function which takes your HTML string, adds
it to a hidden document-appended element in IE, and returns an IE-safe
document fragment or collection.

Can anyone comment on whether this can be used as part of a GWT
project where HTML5 markup is defined using UiBinder?


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Re: IE7,IE8 clicking #fragmented links does not call the history listener

2010-06-03 Thread davidroe
I can remember a similar situation on a project where links like a
href=#topic1topic1/a misbehaved in IE and were substituted for
something like a href=# onclick=addHistory('token1'); return


On May 24, 10:39 pm, Rares wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 I have a burning problem and I am as always running out of time.
 We are using GWT 2.0.3 to generate a page (/site.htm) that has links
 inside like this /site.htm#/topic/1 or /site.htm/group/1 and so forth.

 In IE7 and 8 only clicking one of those links only changes the URL of
 the browser but does not actually do the navigation. (Again,
 everything works fine in all the other browsers. Damn you MS$ !).

 Has anyone encountered this problem? Could you please point me towards
 a fix? I've searched the web for similar reports but found nothing.

 Thank you in advance,

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Re: UIBinder and CSS resources obfuscation

2010-04-14 Thread davidroe
there was a time when I was also looking for this and was unable to
find the answer. pls report back to the group if you come across the


On Apr 14, 4:09 am, wrote:
 Thanks for the reply but I've already tried this solution but as I
 have mentionned in my first post, it prefix all css class with the
 package name in which the css is place.
 I will  have a look in Resources.gwt.xml.

 On Apr 13, 11:16 pm, Sripathi Krishnan

  See the file Resources.gwt.xml .. It has a bunch of properties that you can
  specify to control how CSS is generated..
  I haven't tried it, but putting this in your module.gwt.xml should do the

  set-configuration-property value=pretty /


  On 13 April 2010 13:32, 

   I'm currently searching around the web to found out how to tell
   UIBinder not to perform obfuscation (at-all) on css class. I've read
   codes samples in which it is tell to put inside the .gwt.xml the
   property CssResource.obfuscationPrefix  to empty. But the css class
   name doesn't have any links with original name. I've tried to combined
   with the to pretty but the css class are still
   prefixed with the package name in which the css resources are located.

   Prefixing each class with @external in css is some kind of solution,
   but doing it for all class in all css I want to test is not a real

   So, my question is : Is there any options for telling UIBinder not to
   obfuscate css class ? (like a global @external)

   Thanks in advance

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Re: Scroll techniques for mobile phones

2010-03-30 Thread davidroe
If you disable the zooming capabilities of the viewport, very tall
panels should be scrolled by the OS.

On Mar 24, 11:18 pm, Sekhar wrote:
 How are folks (or is anyone) doing page scrolls for GWT apps on mobile
 phones? I'm having a bad time getting things going on say Android.
 E.g., the scroll bar doesn't appear at all (either with ScrollPanel or
 with a overflow: scroll CSS setting). Similarly, the handlers are just
 not picking up mouse events like mouse-move consistently. Ideal would
 be to simulate the native app behavior like the page scrolls up/down
 with gestures or mouse drags, but anything similar would help too.

 Please share your experiences and workarounds. As web based apps
 become popular on Android/iPhone/etc., we have to make GWT work
 reliably on mobile. I'm building a web version of an Android with GWT,
 and it's working well otherwise, and I'm pretty excited. I'd
 appreciate any help/direction you can give to fix the scrolling issue.

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Re: UI Binder and MVP

2010-03-24 Thread davidroe
the examples of the mvp4g project seem to mix MVP and UiBinder well.

On Mar 24, 10:57 am, skippy wrote:
 I am using the UI Binder to build a site.
 I like the MVP design pattern shown in the contacts example.

 However, when I try to put the ui binder in a view and have the
 appControler construct the presenter I get a blank page when ask for

 I think this is because both the MCP entry point and the UI Binder
 creates a RootPanel.

 An thoughts on this topic?

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Re: UiBinder with background-image and ImageResource

2010-03-14 Thread davidroe
yes, sorry, I missed that line.


On Mar 14, 4:04 pm, Michael wrote:
 Ah... simply calling the .ensureInjected method from the EntryPoint is
 enough - got it. Thanks!


 On Mar 14, 10:46 pm, MH wrote:

  Found the solution. The problem is that the style is _not_ injected. I
  solved this by adding the proper ensureInjected in the widget's class.

  2010/3/14 Michael

   I've also tried this approach and while the CSS is compiled and the
   obfuscated selector-name is used in the generated HTML, the the
   selector definition is not included in the page. You could access the
   definition by calling the .getText() method of the generated
   ClientBundle implementation - but surely GWT should do the inclusion
   for you?

   On Mar 11, 8:30 am, MH wrote:
Well, the problem does not seem to be the image.

The CssResource interface I wrote is compiled properly, the XML I made
thew widget works fine as well. It look like if the ui:with does not
ensureInjected or something. The styles are applied, but they are empty.


2010/3/11 davidroe

 I forgot this part - does that help?

        public ImageResource myImage();

 On Mar 10, 2:16 pm, MH wrote:
  I'm afraid this one does not work for me.

  I did exactly as mentioned, and my widget seems to be not using 
  all. Shall I also add anything to the class itself?

  2010/3/10 davidroe

   this is how I did it.

   in whatever.css:

   @sprite .myClass {
    gwt-image: myImage;
    width: auto; height: auto;
    background-repeat: repeat;
    background-position: 0% 0%;


   public interface Resources extends ClientBundle {


    public interface WhateverCss extends CssResource {
      String myClass();

    public WhateverCss whateverCss();


   in WhateverClass.ui.xml:

    ui:with field=res 

    div class={res.whateverCss.myClass}


   On Mar 10, 8:52 am, Michael wrote:
Hi there,

I'm having a go at using the declarative layout and was 
there's a way of using an image declared in a ClientBundle as a
background-image in the ui:style section, thus:

        ui:with field=res

                .banner {


If not, how are you supposed to do that?



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Re: UiBinder with background-image and ImageResource

2010-03-10 Thread davidroe
this is how I did it.

in whatever.css:

@sprite .myClass {
  gwt-image: myImage;
  width: auto; height: auto;
  background-repeat: repeat;
  background-position: 0% 0%;


public interface Resources extends ClientBundle {


  public interface WhateverCss extends CssResource {
String myClass();

  public WhateverCss whateverCss();


in WhateverClass.ui.xml:

  ui:with field=res type=com.whoever.client.resources.Resources /

  div class={res.whateverCss.myClass}


On Mar 10, 8:52 am, Michael wrote:
 Hi there,

 I'm having a go at using the declarative layout and was wondering if
 there's a way of using an image declared in a ClientBundle as a
 background-image in the ui:style section, thus:

         ui:with field=res type=com.mycompany.MyClientBundle/

                 .banner {

 If not, how are you supposed to do that?



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Re: UiBinder with background-image and ImageResource

2010-03-10 Thread davidroe
I forgot this part - does that help?

public ImageResource myImage();

On Mar 10, 2:16 pm, MH wrote:
 I'm afraid this one does not work for me.

 I did exactly as mentioned, and my widget seems to be not using style at
 all. Shall I also add anything to the class itself?

 2010/3/10 davidroe

  this is how I did it.

  in whatever.css:

  @sprite .myClass {
   gwt-image: myImage;
   width: auto; height: auto;
   background-repeat: repeat;
   background-position: 0% 0%;


  public interface Resources extends ClientBundle {


   public interface WhateverCss extends CssResource {
     String myClass();

   public WhateverCss whateverCss();


  in WhateverClass.ui.xml:

   ui:with field=res type=com.whoever.client.resources.Resources /

   div class={res.whateverCss.myClass}


  On Mar 10, 8:52 am, Michael wrote:
   Hi there,

   I'm having a go at using the declarative layout and was wondering if
   there's a way of using an image declared in a ClientBundle as a
   background-image in the ui:style section, thus:

           ui:with field=res type=com.mycompany.MyClientBundle/

                   .banner {

   If not, how are you supposed to do that?



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Re: How to implement body onload=jsFunction()

2010-02-24 Thread davidroe
perhaps something like this?

public void onModuleLoad() {

// put code here that constructs the widget and inserts it into 

DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() {
public void execute() {
// put code here that checks the height of the 


On Feb 24, 7:33 am, Jim wrote:
  I want to get Widget.getOffsetHeight. In Widget.onload,
 getOffsetHeight returns 0. I think once document is ready,
 Widget.getOffsetHeight returns true height. Is there a way to
 implement onload for html body element?



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Re: UiBinder exceptions

2010-02-13 Thread davidroe
the code is not that interesting or special.

I define a composite widget class and specify the .ui.xml and
everything UiBinder would need, and then instantiate that class 20
times. 18 or 19 of them will attach to the DOM without a problem (and
their element can therefore be found) but once or twice it will fail.

I am looking at designing around the problem so that I can wrap it in
try/catch and defer to another attempt when it fails.  I already have
a partial solution in place which seems to work.

On Feb 13, 5:44 am, Tsukasa wrote:
 I think its worth a try to resolve your problem, but I think it would
 vastly increase efficiency if you could give a code example which
 produces the error.

 In fact i really had some similar exceptions in the beginning, which
 in most cases could be dereferenced to some bug, made by myself like
 wrong primary element referenced in uiBuilders generics ASO ...

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UiBinder exceptions

2010-02-12 Thread davidroe
I have recently started to use UiBinder as a way to define the UI.  I
have previously defined my UI using either just Java code to build
panels and widgets or by (ab)using setInnerHTML.

I have never come across runtime exceptions when creating widgets
until using UiBinder. My UI will now throw exceptions regularly,
although not consistently, nevertheless leading me to a situation
where I have to wrap every widget creation code in try/catch to
prevent the Javascript interpreter from falling over.

The error I see is always this:

(TypeError): Result of expression 'domId0Element' [null] is not an

which is part of the generated Javascript that is used to represent

Is this a bug?  Should I resign myself to using try/catch?

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Re: GWT Caching in Internet Explorer

2009-12-17 Thread davidroe
can you try option 4, but insert the date into the URL at the time it
is clicked, not when the page is rendered?

On Dec 15, 2:41 am, Salil wrote:
 Hello Forum Members,

 I am facing a peculiar issue of Caching in internet explorer with my
 GWT Application. This issue does not occur in Firefox. However I need
 the issue fixed in IE as well since it is the primary browser of the

 My application has a main page which lists out different hyperlinks to
 the user. Each of these hyperlinks is a Get URL sending the request to
 the server which spawns in a new IE window.

 The problem occurs when the newly spawned IE window is closed
 prematurely (before the page loads completely). Once the window is
 closed prematurely, any new clicks on the main page (page with the GET
 URLs) fails to open the application page. A new page is opened which
 just waits indefinately for a response, when in fact there is no
 request coming in at the server side.

 I have already tried the following suspecting an IE caching issue
 without success.

 1. Changed the GET query to a POST. Going by posts on other forums
 that the POST is never cached at the browser.

 2. Put META tags in the html page as follows:

 3. Defined a ServletFilter to intercept all requests on server and
 insert the above META tags in the http response header.

 4. Modified the GET URL to insert a dynamic parameter (sysdate) so
 that the GET URL is always new and is not cached. However this too
 does not work since the main page is not refreshed before the user
 clicks on the urls.

 Kindly advice on what could be the issue here. I am ready to supply
 any further information required in this regard.


 Salil Kaul


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Google Web Toolkit Gallery - submissions down?

2009-12-10 Thread davidroe
I have tried to submit a project to the GWT gallery a number of times
but I believe there is a problem with the interface - the form
submission returns a completely blank page.

there are no contact details on the GWT site for problem reporting.
is there a better place to report this?



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2009-11-20 Thread davidroe
in general, how should one go about segmenting and structuring methods
and properties for i18n for a mid to large sized application?

- should there be a single class and associated properties files (1
per language) that cover every requirement in all classes? or should
constants be organised into different smaller groups?

- should there be a single global instantiation of a class that is
saved and re-used vs. calling GWT.create() each time a Constants class
is required?

- in a scenario where a piece of code is called frequently, is there a
performance issue with GWT.create()'ing multiple different
MyThisConstants and MyThatConstants classes vs. GWT.create() a single
MyConstants class vs. passing in a global instantiated object?

- does the compiler sort all of this out for you and there is little
need to be concerned?



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Closure Compiler

2009-11-05 Thread davidroe

I have not looked at this in any detail yet, but the first question I
have is whether this functionality duplicates the work of the GWT
compiler, given the following description:

Closure Compiler is a JavaScript optimizer that compiles web apps
down into compact, high-performance JavaScript code. The compiler
removes dead code, then rewrites and minimizes what's left so that it
will run fast on browsers' JavaScript engines.


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Re: what are prerequisites for learning google window toolkit

2009-09-09 Thread davidRoe

which could also be phrased as you will gain Java skills.  I came to
GWT from JavaScript and found the transition from one language to
another to be easy, you should find it to be a similar experience from

on the down-side, Java can be pretty verbose at times, but at least
you won't be using an Adobe product.

On Sep 8, 3:12 am, Paul Robinson wrote:
 You need java skills. HTML and CSS will help, but you can get started
 without that.

 The end user doesn't need any application installed in their browser
 (like flash does) because everything gets compiled to javascript. You do
 not need javascript skills, although you can mix in native javascript if
 you want to.

 Developers don't need any particular tools apart from java and any
 editor you like. Most people here seem to use Eclipse for their
 development environment.


 hari wrote:
  Hi friends,
  I am working as a Flex developer.
  Recently i listen about GWT (Google window toolkit).
  I think it is also RIA tech. like Flex.
  Please provide some information about GWT.
  what are prerequisites for learning google window toolkit.
  which softwares are we use for developing GWT application. like  for
  running flex applications we use that which softwares
  we use for GWT.

  Thanks in advance.

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Re: trying to track GWT timers

2009-07-27 Thread davidRoe

just to follow up, I was able to override setTimeout and perform some
tracking, record timer IDs and track those that expire, which left me
with a single timer that always seems to be present upon shutdown.  I
am now running code that should close that timer as soon as the app
knows it is terminating.  only time will tell whether it will have an
impact - I'm still waiting to see whether I can reproduce the crash.

and, by the way, I tried searching the GWT group for this thread and
it returned nothing - the index seems broken.

On Jun 30, 9:46 am, davidRoe wrote:
 I had thought the same.

 I am running GWT code under MobileSafari on the iPhone and am seeing
 occasional program crashes on exit.  the stack trace seems to indicate
 that a timer is being fired, and I believe that perhaps the UIWebView
 has disappeared by the time it runs code expecting it to be there.

 #0  0x312e5e60 in KJS::FunctionExecState::FunctionExecState ()
 #1  0x312e5b98 in KJS::FunctionImp::callAsFunction ()
 #2  0x312df0f4 in KJS::FunctionCallDotNode::evaluate ()
 #3  0x312e5a78 in KJS::ExprStatementNode::execute ()
 #4  0x312e61c4 in KJS::FunctionBodyNode::execute ()
 #5  0x312e5bac in KJS::FunctionImp::callAsFunction ()
 #6  0x31326ae8 in KJS::JSObject::call ()
 #7  0x328296d4 in WebCore::ScheduledAction::execute ()
 #8  0x32829350 in KJS::Window::timerFired ()
 #9  0x32829208 in KJS::DOMWindowTimer::fired ()
 #10 0x32824c84 in WebCore::TimerBase::fireTimers ()
 #11 0x328249ac in WebCore::TimerBase::sharedTimerFired ()
 #12 0x3282490c in WebCore::timerFired ()
 #13 0x30269d8e in CFRunLoopRunSpecific ()
 #14 0x30269326 in CFRunLoopRunInMode ()
 #15 0x32bc0748 in RunWebThread ()
 #16 0x3146178c in _pthread_body ()
 #17 0x in ?? ()

 if I can figure out how to override setTimeout() and setInterval(), I
 may be able to track what is going on.


 On Jun 30, 5:12 am, Ian Bambury wrote:

  Surely when you close the browser window (or navigate away) the timers are

  2009/6/30 davidroe

   I have a situation where I need to ensure that _every_ timer launched
   is closed upon exit, meaning I track each timer I create and ensure
   that I cancel it when the application is about to close.

   is anyone aware of any timers that GWT launches that are, perhaps,
   allowed to self disintegrate, rather than actually being cancelled?

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Re: Using SOYC

2009-07-22 Thread davidRoe

I believe this was changed to -extra extradir

On Jul 22, 9:23 am, kuvera wrote:

 I have just built GWT from trunk, and I would like to inspect the
 component sizes in one of my modules with SOYC, using it for the first
 The only specification I found was in the wiki named CodeSplitting, so
 I set it up as specified there.
 I found that using GWTCompiler class the -aux folder gets created, but
 running SoycDashboard fails with Error creating html file. Unexpected
 end of ZLIB input stream.
 When I use the new Compiler class with the -soyc flag, no metadata is
 created at all.

 Any tips are welcome.

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detecting images that fail to load using image.addLoadHandler

2009-07-15 Thread davidroe

how can I determine that an image failed to load, due to perhaps a
network error?

I used to use image.addLoadListener(new LoadListener() {
  public void onLoad(Widget sender) {
   public void onError(Widget sender) {

and anything that arrived through onError() was deemed a problem.

how can I achieve the same thing with addLoadHandler(new LoadHandler
()) and the associated LoadEvent?


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Re: detecting images that fail to load using image.addLoadHandler

2009-07-15 Thread davidRoe

thanks, Brett.

right after posting, I had stumbled upon addErrorHandler() while
browsing the GWT source and tried exactly this, without any joy.
however, with you re-iterating that this was the solution, I tried
again, forced a unique URL to avoid the image being loaded from cache,
and success.

On Jul 15, 12:04 am, brett.wooldridge
 Almost exactly the same way.  If you are only interested in failure:

 public void foo() {
    image.addErrorHandler(new ErrorHander() {
       public void onError(ErrorEvent event) {


 Or if you are interested in both success and failure, your class can
 implement both interfaces or you can to synthesize a third interface
 that combines them:

 public void foo() {
    interface WinAndLose extends LoadHandler, ErrorHander { }

    WinAndLose wal = new WinAndLose() {
       public void onLoad(LoadEvent event) {

       public void onError(ErrorEvent event) {



 On Jul 15, 3:21 pm, davidroe wrote:

  how can I determine that an image failed to load, due to perhaps a
  network error?

  I used to use image.addLoadListener(new LoadListener() {
    public void onLoad(Widget sender) {
     public void onError(Widget sender) {


  and anything that arrived through onError() was deemed a problem.

  how can I achieve the same thing with addLoadHandler(new LoadHandler
  ()) and the associated LoadEvent?

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Re: trying to track GWT timers

2009-06-30 Thread davidRoe

I had thought the same.

I am running GWT code under MobileSafari on the iPhone and am seeing
occasional program crashes on exit.  the stack trace seems to indicate
that a timer is being fired, and I believe that perhaps the UIWebView
has disappeared by the time it runs code expecting it to be there.

#0  0x312e5e60 in KJS::FunctionExecState::FunctionExecState ()
#1  0x312e5b98 in KJS::FunctionImp::callAsFunction ()
#2  0x312df0f4 in KJS::FunctionCallDotNode::evaluate ()
#3  0x312e5a78 in KJS::ExprStatementNode::execute ()
#4  0x312e61c4 in KJS::FunctionBodyNode::execute ()
#5  0x312e5bac in KJS::FunctionImp::callAsFunction ()
#6  0x31326ae8 in KJS::JSObject::call ()
#7  0x328296d4 in WebCore::ScheduledAction::execute ()
#8  0x32829350 in KJS::Window::timerFired ()
#9  0x32829208 in KJS::DOMWindowTimer::fired ()
#10 0x32824c84 in WebCore::TimerBase::fireTimers ()
#11 0x328249ac in WebCore::TimerBase::sharedTimerFired ()
#12 0x3282490c in WebCore::timerFired ()
#13 0x30269d8e in CFRunLoopRunSpecific ()
#14 0x30269326 in CFRunLoopRunInMode ()
#15 0x32bc0748 in RunWebThread ()
#16 0x3146178c in _pthread_body ()
#17 0x in ?? ()

if I can figure out how to override setTimeout() and setInterval(), I
may be able to track what is going on.


On Jun 30, 5:12 am, Ian Bambury wrote:
 Surely when you close the browser window (or navigate away) the timers are

 2009/6/30 davidroe

  I have a situation where I need to ensure that _every_ timer launched
  is closed upon exit, meaning I track each timer I create and ensure
  that I cancel it when the application is about to close.

  is anyone aware of any timers that GWT launches that are, perhaps,
  allowed to self disintegrate, rather than actually being cancelled?

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trying to track GWT timers

2009-06-29 Thread davidroe

I have a situation where I need to ensure that _every_ timer launched
is closed upon exit, meaning I track each timer I create and ensure
that I cancel it when the application is about to close.

is anyone aware of any timers that GWT launches that are, perhaps,
allowed to self disintegrate, rather than actually being cancelled?


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GWT + Safari (OS X) + Developer console = consistent crash

2009-06-23 Thread davidroe

I have seen the problem ever since upgrading to 4.0 but today I am
starting to think that somehow GWT is related to what is happening.

the problem: open Safari, browse to site developed using GWT, open
developer console, reload the site, watch Safari crash.

I see this consistently on the GWT sites that I am developing, and
also on any other GWT site that I have tried (the showcase, etc).
other non-GWT pages do not seem to make the browser crash.

- if you close the developer console before refreshing, Safari does
not crash
- if you try the same experiment on a non-GWT site, Safari does not

I first thought it was Safari 4.0, but installing 4.0.1 still exhibits
the same problem. I tried downgrading to 3.2.3 but the problem
remains.  perhaps it is OS X 10.5.7 (which is required for installing
Safari 4.x).

my co-worker can also reproduce the crash. can anyone verify that this
is reproducible on their systems? does anyone still have  OS X 10.5.7
installed? and I have not tried this under MS Windows.


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Re: How to use java.lang.Thread in GWT

2009-05-28 Thread davidroe

Timer t = new Timer() {
  public void run() {
// do something after a delay

// delay running for 2 seconds


On May 28, 10:05 am, Adil BENHAMID wrote:
 as an example I want to display a button then wait two seconds before
 displaying the next one.

 2009/5/28 Adil BENHAMID

  I would like to to make a temporization between two calls.

  2009/5/28 Jason Essington

  Thread is not part of java that is emulated in GWT. Javascript is
  single threaded so thread.sleep() has no meaning, you might as well do
  while(true);  (I don't actually suggest doing that)

  What is it that you are trying to accomplish with Thread.sleep()?


  On May 28, 2009, at 10:37 AM, Adil Ben wrote:


   I need to call the method Thread.sleep() in my GWT code. But GWT does
   not integrate this class.
   How to solve this?

   i get the following error
   No source code is available for type java.lang.Thread; did you
   forget to inherit a required module?



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Re: How to tell if an image is done loading (or failed) for sure, given LoadListener is broken on IE?

2009-04-30 Thread davidroe

if you wanted to add the image to the DOM and make it visible (so that
IE will report the correct image size), you could probably hide it
by changing the opacity to 0. I use the following class which works
(at least) across IE/Moz/Safari.

.op0 { filter:alpha(opacity=0); -moz-opacity:0; opacity:0; }

IE will probably think the image is visible and should give you an
image size.

alternative, load the image into a div class=hiddenImages/div
and place it off-screen.

.hiddenImages {


On Apr 30, 6:19 am, dduck wrote:
 On Apr 29, 7:01 pm, davidroe wrote:

  have you tried zero opacity? this usually does the trick for me as it
  is interpreted as in the DOM and visible.

 I'm not quite sure what you mean. Could you elaborate?

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Re: How to tell if an image is done loading (or failed) for sure, given LoadListener is broken on IE?

2009-04-29 Thread davidroe

have you tried zero opacity? this usually does the trick for me as it
is interpreted as in the DOM and visible.


On Apr 29, 4:54 am, dduck wrote:

 Using the tip from the issues list (set URL in deferred command) I can
 get reliable execution of LoadListener on IE, as well as Safari and

 Now I have a different problem.

 In IE it seems that an image has dimensions 0 x 0 until visible, even
 if it is loaded. Is there any way around that?

 Here is my test program. On Safari and FF I get size 120,90 for the
 image, even before it is made visible. In IE size is 0,0 until made

           final RootPanel rootPanel = RootPanel.get(jobList);

           final String url =
           final Image image = new Image();
           final Label l = new Label(Not loaded yet, size  + image.getWidth
 () + ,  + image.getHeight());
           LoadListener ll = new LoadListener() {

                 public void onError(Widget sender) {


                 public void onLoad(Widget sender) {
                         l.setText(Success, size  + image.getWidth() + ,  +
                         rootPanel.add(new Button(Make visible, new 
 ClickListener() {

                                 public void onClick(Widget sender) {
                                         l.setText(Visible, size  + 
 image.getWidth() + ,  +




           DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command(){
                         public void execute() {
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Re: Debugger() was called!

2009-04-27 Thread davidroe

sorry for posting such a short-on-details question.

- the project is compiled using gwt-mac-1.4.61, perhaps the (non-)
issue has already been resolved. I have a 1.5 project (which could/
should become a 1.6 project) that I'm playing with. I will see if the
same thing happens there.

- I am seeing this in the Eclipse console.

- I ran a few samples in gwt-max-1.4.61/samples but did not see the

- this particular project does not use public/Project.html as the HTML
wrapper, but instead uses a Tomcat server, a .JSP wrapper, the -
noserver flag (plus a -whitelist of external web servers).

thanks for the follow-up,

On Apr 27, 10:45 am, Isaac Truett wrote:
 What log are you seeing this in? A quick search turned up several
 references to a Flash build with some debug code left in producing
 this message. Any chance that's what you're seeing?

 On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 6:21 PM, davidroe wrote:

  I use to see this message randomly, now I see it consistently, but am
  wondering what it is that I am doing to cause it.

  2009-04-23 15:19:01.980 java[63492:80f] [Java CocoaComponent
  compatibility mode]: Enabled
  2009-04-23 15:19:01.981 java[63492:80f] [Java CocoaComponent
  compatibility mode]: Setting timeout for SWT to 0.10
  Debugger() was called!

  Any ideas?

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Re: ImageBundle + CSS

2009-04-27 Thread davidroe

standard? not so sure. however, the incubator has an approach which
does what you are after.

this might be a good place to start:


On Apr 27, 2:37 pm, Hannson wrote:
 Is there some standard way to let ImageBundle return a div with an
 image as an background using CSS instead of img?

 If not, any idea what classes I'll have to modify to get that
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Debugger() was called!

2009-04-23 Thread davidroe

I use to see this message randomly, now I see it consistently, but am
wondering what it is that I am doing to cause it.

2009-04-23 15:19:01.980 java[63492:80f] [Java CocoaComponent
compatibility mode]: Enabled
2009-04-23 15:19:01.981 java[63492:80f] [Java CocoaComponent
compatibility mode]: Setting timeout for SWT to 0.10
Debugger() was called!

Any ideas?


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Re: Facebook XFBML in GWT Hosted Mode?

2009-04-21 Thread davidroe

I'm pretty sure this works for me without a problem.

protected Widget makeLoginButton() {

String s = fb:login-button 

HTML h = new HTML(s);
DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() {
public void execute() {

return h;


protected static native void parseDomTree() /*-{


On Apr 21, 8:45 am, shunjie wrote:
 Hi Friends,

 I am trying to develop Facebook Connect application with GWT. I tried
 to have XFBML like fb:name /fb:name in a HTML control. Works
 perfect in a browser but does not render anything at all in Hosted

 Does anyone face the same problem when trying to develop GWT with
 FBML. If so, any workarounds?


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Re: IE6 + history support

2009-04-16 Thread davidroe

how can this be a security thing? is it also a security thing that,
when IE can't actually load a page because the network connection is
inactive, it silently hands back the old page from cache? my point is
that calling it security is laughable and after a few days working
with IE, I am ready to throw this HP laptop far, far away.

I had already taken the approach of changing all such links into a
clickable widget that traps the click but I posted this problem
because I am still trying to understand the behaviour. I have another
issue relating to history tokens but thought that this was a simpler
way of presenting what seems to be the same problem.

my other issue seems to be this: if I arrive at
and I change the token using History.newItem(token2), this time
without responding to a link click, but rather performing this
programmatically before the user interacts in any way, I see the same
page reloading problem under IE (and not other browsers). I am still
yet to confirm that this is 100% accurate or whether something else is
causing the behaviour. of course, IE may be leading me on the
proverbial by not reporting an error.

On Apr 16, 2:22 am, Thomas Broyer wrote:
 On 15 avr, 21:21, davidroe wrote:

  usual problem with IE6 not behaving like any other browser. this one
  is relatively blatant. I have included the code to a new project
  created in 1.4 that has a history listener and not much else.

  if I click on the link, which sets the history token to #link1, the
  page reloads and onModuleLoad is called
  if I click on the button, which calls History.newItem(link2),
  everything works as expected and onHistoryChanged is called.

  is there anything I can do to prevent IE6 reloading the entire page?

 Hook a ClickListener in the link an call History.newItem from it.
 That's what the Hyperlink widget does FWIW.

  - 8 -

  package com.mypackage.client;


  public class IETest2 implements EntryPoint, HistoryListener {

          public void onModuleLoad() {


                  HTML h1 = new HTML(a href=\#link1\link1/a,true);
                  Button b2 = new Button(link2);
                  b2.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
                          public void onClick(Widget sender) {



          public void onHistoryChanged(String token) {

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Re: Issue With Single Origin Policy

2009-03-07 Thread davidroe

you can perform GET requests without violating SOP by dynamically
adding script elements that expect JSONP as a return value (JSON
wrapped in a callback into your JS).

search this group for more detail responses and other techniques.


On Mar 6, 9:35 pm, jagadesh wrote:
 Hi guys,

 iam working on developing a sample application where i would make a
 call to an external Money site from where i would get the
 current price of a stock in the form of  xml. i want to construct a
 RequestBuilder and call from it.but my doubt

 according to SOP [Single Origin Policy] a java script executing in a
 currently loaded web site can communicate with the java script in web
 server that currently loaded the web site.
 so when i make a call to an external site from my gwt code[converts to
 java script in web mode] .is it violating the sop policy

 Are i was wrong .

 please can anyone have a right answer

 Thank u,
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Re: Compilation of a GWT project for firefox

2009-03-04 Thread davidroe


On Mar 4, 2:08 am, Chichone wrote:
 i have the following compilation error :

 [ERROR] Unable to load module entry point class
 org.vnf.itineo.client.Main (see associated exception for details) (TypeError): Cet objet
 ne gère pas cette propriété ou cette méthode
  number: -2146827850
  description: Cet objet ne gère pas cette propriété ou cette méthode
 (Native Method)

 i modify the module gwt.xml like follows
 !-- User Agent --
     set-property name=user.agent value=gecko /

 P.S. no problem for ie compilation
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Re: Know when the site is being viewed by hand held

2009-02-25 Thread davidroe

examine the incoming user-agent in the HTTP headers, or in Javascript,
examine navigator.userAgent to determine which browser is being used.


On Feb 25, 9:23 am, Sean wrote:
 I was wondering how certain sites, for example know to go to
 the hand helds version of the site (Smaller, more compact, less
 pictures) when viewing it on the iPhone for example.

 I'd like to take a stab at making one, but I would like to know how to
 detect and then redirect the browser to the hand held site?

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Syntax errors viewing search results in google groups

2009-02-23 Thread davidroe

good morning, I've browsed three threads this morning and all three
had different questions with a similar recipe - this is the solution
but it doesn't work on IE - how much longer are we going to suffer
for our art? :-)

anyway, the reason I am writing is that I am seeing syntax errors
thrown when browsing search results in this (and other) groups.

syntax error:
, );\n

the end result is that the expand all link, amongst other things, is
not functioning. browsing the thread directly does not suffer the same
problems, so removing the ?lnk= suffix works fine.

tested under Firefox and Safari on OS X (I don't run IE unless I
really, really have to as it causes me to curse out loud).


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Re: is invalid or violates the same origin policy A problem with POST request to the Yahoo API.

2009-02-20 Thread davidroe

it is a technique that Yahoo were one of the first to use and promote.
essentially, the return value of the script is a function callback
that wraps the data. as long as you have the function defined on your
side, everything is straight forward.


On Feb 20, 1:12 pm, wrote:
 I'll have a search on how to do that, is it simple enough to do?  I
 tried downgrading to 1.5.2 but it didn't change anything.

 On Feb 20, 9:08 pm, davidroe wrote:

  perform the request by dynamically adding a script tag?

  On Feb 20, 12:36 pm, scott young

   OK thanks, I'll try both suggestions, if anyone else has any other ideas,
   it'd be appreciated, thanks.

   On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 6:31 PM, Vish wrote:

Try searching older posts for the problem with Same-origin policy
You can either degrade to use version 1.5.2 or use a proxy server to
forward your request to other domain. The call to the proxy server
will be as a RPC.

On Feb 20, 12:09 pm, wrote:
 Hi, I'm working on a project for univeristy which involves sending a
 post request to the yahoo term extractor service to recieve an XML
 file of terms.

 I'm using this code for the request as an example:

 RequestBuilder yahooRequest = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST,

             try {
                 yahooRequest.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() {
                         public void onError(Request request, Throwable
exception1) {

                         public void onResponseReceived(Request 
 response1) {
                     } catch (RequestException ex1) {

 However I am recieving and error message stating: http://
 +the+renaissance+favored+the+Virgin+Mary+for+inspiration is invalid
 or violates the same origin policy.

 How can I request this URL using google web toolkit, it's important I
 intergrate it into my toolkti program, rather than use pHp or HTML to
 do the same thing.

 Any help would me much appreciated guys!


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Re: Best image preloading practice?

2009-02-12 Thread davidroe

I had thought the same, but I remember that there was a reason for
using this technique. ISTR that at least one browser didn't load
images from the server when attached to a parent whose display is
none. I wouldn't stake my life on this being true, as something else
may have been causing that behaviour, but there you go.

On Feb 11, 2:29 pm, lukehashj wrote:
 You don't necessarily even need the image to be hidden off screen in
 that way.

 You could always just set it's display:none and have it exist anywhere
 on the DOM - the user won't see it but the browser will still go to
 fetch the image.
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Re: XMLParser and Internet Explorer

2009-02-10 Thread davidroe

having recently dealt with my own problem regarding IE parsing XML, I
can offer you my sympathy but little else. my issue was caused by
particular characters in the document not being properly encoded,
causing the IE xml parser to barf. my recommendation is to strip down
the document until you have something that IE _does_ parse and work
your way back to the full document, bit by bit.


On Feb 10, 5:57 am, mfc_alpha wrote:
 I use GWT to parse response from a lighttpd server.
 The xml looks like : ( full xml at

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 html xmlns=; xml:lang=en
 h2Index of /webdav//h2
 div class=list
 table summary=Directory Listing cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
 theadtrth class=nName/thth class=mLast Modified/thth
 class=sSize/thth class=tType/th/tr/thead
 trtd class=na href=../Parent Directory/a//tdtd
 class=mnbsp;/tdtd class=s- nbsp;/tdtd
 trtd class=na href=web/web/a//tdtd class=m2009-
 Feb-10 14:46:51/tdtd class=s- nbsp;/tdtd
 div class=footlighttpd/1.4.20/div

 So I use the XMLParser.parse function to parse it. That's fine for
 Firefox and Safari but I get a DOMException for IE.
 This exception say: Failed to parse: ?
 xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?

 Looks strange to me to failed on parsing the DOCTYPE  ...

 It's there a workaround? Any help will be appreciate!
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Re: Best image preloading practice?

2009-02-09 Thread davidroe

.hiddenImagePanel {

On Feb 9, 1:14 am, darkflame wrote:
 Thats not a bad idea, it didnt accore to me to simply load it by
 positioning it off screena and attaching a listener.

 When you hide it offscreen do you specify negative co-ordinates? Or do
 you have to put it to the right and stop horizontal scrolling?

 I assume checking offset width still works even if its offscreen?


 On Feb 9, 6:46 am, davidroe wrote:

  I have only skimmed this thread, and I've not looked at the game, but
  here is my 2c.

  my situation is a little different - I'm not pre-loading images per
  se, but I am loading them in the background. I use a hidden panel
  (hidden by being positioned off screen rather than display:none) which
  I load images onto. each image has a load listener so that I can
  process it when it arrives and move it to the appropriate part of the

  on to your problem.

  could you maintain an array of image URLs, load the first image,
  attach a load listener and attach it to a hidden panel? when the image
  has loaded, repeat the process to load the next one. that way, you
  ensure that they only load one at a time (less blocking behaviour in
  the browser). once you know an image has been loaded, you are free to
  use new Image(url) and know reliably that the image will be loaded
  from cache.


  On Feb 8, 7:04 am, darkflame wrote:

   Well, I know prefetch is working to some extent (at least, in Chrome
   and Firefox), as I can watch it prefetching
   rather large volumes of images that arnt used in the html at all.
   All of those images must have been triggered by the prefetch loop.

   Still, I'll read over the Mozzilla doc, maybe things have changed a
   little since javascript has been more widely used.

   On Feb 6, 3:12 pm, gregor wrote:

@Litty: yes, I think you are right, my ignorance. Image.prefetch()
will causes the image to be loaded into browser cache. You then use
the same URL to instantiate an Image object later in code, and
hopefully the image binary will be already downloaded. This old
Mozzilla doc describes the process:

The doc suggests the behavior darkflame described in OP, namely,
browser is busy downloading all the prefetches it finds in the page.


 b) If I do have to load, say, upto 10 images that have to be seperate,
 is it better to just loop over a list of them prefetching and leave it
 upto the browseror should I put a timer and trigger a load every,
 say, 5 seconds ?
 (or dosnt it make much difference).

My reading of the Mozzilla doc is that the browser will notice all the
prefetch tags when it loads the page, and it will then get busy
downloading them. So I have doubts whether where you put the
Image.prefetch(url) in execution logic makes any difference, i.e. you
do not have fine tune programmatic control over prefetch so you can't
code to prefetch first 10, then later trigger prefetching next 10. For
example the Mozzilla doc states The link tag has to be inside the
head tag to make prefetching work etc.

 On Feb 6, 9:14 am, Litty Preeth wrote:

You are thinking of loading 20MB of images into the DHTML DOM 
of you

Am I? Does the DOM keep them there even when not displayed?
These images certainly wouldnt be displayed all at once. 1 or 2 
at a
time at most.

   I'm not absolutely sure, but I think if you load an image it is
   basically attached to a document, whether the browser caches it or
   not, and whether it is currently visible of not. You don't 
   control the
   browser cache, I mean I don't think you can tell it to 
   download all your images and store them neatly on disk until you 
   to display them for example.

  ah, pig.
  I thought that was exactly that prefetch was doing -sigh-
  I thought it loaded it to ram first, then the browser keeps a copy 
  its cache for reloading if needed.
  That does change things indeed then.

  AFAIK the prefetch creates an IMG element but its not attached to 
  the DOM.

  - Litty

  On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 1:03 PM, darkflame 

 You are thinking of loading 20MB of images into the DHTML 
 DOM of you

 Am I? Does the DOM keep them there even when not displayed?
 These images certainly wouldnt be displayed all at once. 1 or 
 2 at a
 time at most.

I'm not absolutely sure, but I think if you load an image it is
basically attached

Re: Best image preloading practice?

2009-02-08 Thread davidroe

I have only skimmed this thread, and I've not looked at the game, but
here is my 2c.

my situation is a little different - I'm not pre-loading images per
se, but I am loading them in the background. I use a hidden panel
(hidden by being positioned off screen rather than display:none) which
I load images onto. each image has a load listener so that I can
process it when it arrives and move it to the appropriate part of the

on to your problem.

could you maintain an array of image URLs, load the first image,
attach a load listener and attach it to a hidden panel? when the image
has loaded, repeat the process to load the next one. that way, you
ensure that they only load one at a time (less blocking behaviour in
the browser). once you know an image has been loaded, you are free to
use new Image(url) and know reliably that the image will be loaded
from cache.


On Feb 8, 7:04 am, darkflame wrote:
 Well, I know prefetch is working to some extent (at least, in Chrome
 and Firefox), as I can watch it prefetching
 rather large volumes of images that arnt used in the html at all.
 All of those images must have been triggered by the prefetch loop.

 Still, I'll read over the Mozzilla doc, maybe things have changed a
 little since javascript has been more widely used.

 On Feb 6, 3:12 pm, gregor wrote:

  @Litty: yes, I think you are right, my ignorance. Image.prefetch()
  will causes the image to be loaded into browser cache. You then use
  the same URL to instantiate an Image object later in code, and
  hopefully the image binary will be already downloaded. This old
  Mozzilla doc describes the process:

  The doc suggests the behavior darkflame described in OP, namely,
  browser is busy downloading all the prefetches it finds in the page.


   b) If I do have to load, say, upto 10 images that have to be seperate,
   is it better to just loop over a list of them prefetching and leave it
   upto the browseror should I put a timer and trigger a load every,
   say, 5 seconds ?
   (or dosnt it make much difference).

  My reading of the Mozzilla doc is that the browser will notice all the
  prefetch tags when it loads the page, and it will then get busy
  downloading them. So I have doubts whether where you put the
  Image.prefetch(url) in execution logic makes any difference, i.e. you
  do not have fine tune programmatic control over prefetch so you can't
  code to prefetch first 10, then later trigger prefetching next 10. For
  example the Mozzilla doc states The link tag has to be inside the
  head tag to make prefetching work etc.

   On Feb 6, 9:14 am, Litty Preeth wrote:

  You are thinking of loading 20MB of images into the DHTML DOM of 

  Am I? Does the DOM keep them there even when not displayed?
  These images certainly wouldnt be displayed all at once. 1 or 2 at a
  time at most.

 I'm not absolutely sure, but I think if you load an image it is
 basically attached to a document, whether the browser caches it or
 not, and whether it is currently visible of not. You don't control the
 browser cache, I mean I don't think you can tell it to conveniently
 download all your images and store them neatly on disk until you need
 to display them for example.

ah, pig.
I thought that was exactly that prefetch was doing -sigh-
I thought it loaded it to ram first, then the browser keeps a copy in
its cache for reloading if needed.
That does change things indeed then.

AFAIK the prefetch creates an IMG element but its not attached to the 

- Litty

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 1:03 PM, darkflame wrote:

   You are thinking of loading 20MB of images into the DHTML DOM of 

   Am I? Does the DOM keep them there even when not displayed?
   These images certainly wouldnt be displayed all at once. 1 or 2 
   at a
   time at most.

  I'm not absolutely sure, but I think if you load an image it is
  basically attached to a document, whether the browser caches it or
  not, and whether it is currently visible of not. You don't control 
  browser cache, I mean I don't think you can tell it to conveniently
  download all your images and store them neatly on disk until you 
  to display them for example.

 ah, pig.
 I thought that was exactly that prefetch was doing -sigh-
 I thought it loaded it to ram first, then the browser keeps a copy in
 its cache for reloading if needed.
 That does change things indeed then.

   Again, not at once.
   Surely a staggered download they wouldnt have a problem with?
   Emulating, say, what it would expect from a user browseing 


Re: What are you using for a backend??

2009-01-20 Thread davidroe

I run a back-end using Apache/mod_perl using AxKit and XSL to convert
XML into JSON.

have you investigated a web host like they provide you
with a virtual machine which you can install any OS and back-end you


On Jan 20, 5:24 am, sloughran wrote:
 So, in my messing around with GWT for the past year or so, I have been
 using RPC's to communicate to the server. The thing is, my projects
 have never gotten past my Eclipse project, so my server has just
 been a folder on my computer.

 I am looking at web hosting companies and I just see things like PHP,
 RUBY, PERL and such being allowed. I am not seeing JAVA being allowed,
 which I would need for my RPC's.

 So, my question is, what do people use for server side code? Do you
 use a web host with JAVA allowed? Do you use PHP and talk to it
 through HTML gets?
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IE8 support

2009-01-20 Thread davidroe

I am curious about current and future support for IE8.

 The list of browsers that GWT currently supports are:

 - Firefox 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0
 - Internet Explorer 6 and 7
 - Safari 2 and 3
 - Opera 9.0

 (current as of May 2008)

 We can also add on Google Chrome, Android and iPhone to that list.

what currently happens when IE8 requests to load GWT content? does it
use the IE6/IE7 implementation? how does that pan out?

with IE8 currently in beta, it is no surprise that there is little to
read about how GWT will support it. nevertheless, are there any
published documents that say how IE figures as part of the GWT


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Re: GWT Spring Integration

2008-12-11 Thread davidroe

perhaps one of these articles will help:


On Dec 10, 8:43 pm, Sriram Iyengar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, We have been trying to get GWT and Spring to work, but
 unfortunately no luck as yet.

 Our application makes a simple call to the service side of GWT (on
 Spring MVC) and tries to render the response as a table (a list of

 If someone can post a working copy of a 'hello world' kind;a app, that
 will be really great. I have tried to read many documents (gwt-sl)
 etc., but no luck as yet.

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Re: GWT and Mobile Device

2008-12-03 Thread davidroe

Your targeted mobile device will require a web browser. As that is the
case, there is very little else to say until you get down to the nitty-
gritty. This group has an article entitled GWT + iPhone == Pretty
Tasty, you could read that for some ideas.

As mobile devices are not as powerful as their desktop counterparts,
my advice to you is keep it light. If this is to be your first GWT
program, and you already know JS, I may advise you to stick to JS, you
may otherwise end up with a solution that is not up to the task. You
may also want to consider native (non-browsed-based) solutions for
particular phones if speed is critical.


On Dec 3, 2:08 am, Giuseppe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello developers,
 I'm interesting in building a GWT based application on a mobile device
 but I cannot find any information about this topic and the mobile
 device's requirements.
 Might someone give me any information?

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Re: setWidgets where no one has gone before

2008-11-11 Thread davidroe

this thread should be of interest to you:;


On Nov 11, 2:56 pm, seven.reeds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,

 I am trying to do something that I'm sure breaks a million rules,
 protocols, standards, covenants, agreements and pinky-swears.

 Given the default TabPanel, I can get the embedded TabBar.  That
 is a HorizontalPanel with at least two extra tds (on in the front
 and the last one).  The last table cell has a width of 100% set in
 the widget code.

 Now, I know I have broached this topic a couple of times over the
 past two-ish years but all that empty real-estate in the last
 cell is a tempting target in which to stuff text or a widget.

 I have faked this behavior by rolling my own TabPanel-like class with
 my own spin on the TabBar formatting.  For various reasons though I am
 revisiting the initial question.

 Can I basically do a setWidget() on the last cell of the

 My current answer is yes and no.  Yes, in that i can crawl through the
 DOM and find the last TD cell of the TabBar and I can appendChild()
 into that element and stuff in a widget.  However, the events
 associated with the assigned widget are not happening.

 For example

 TabPanel tp = new TabPanel()
 TabBar   tb = tp.getTabBar();

 tp.add(new HTML(one), 1);
 tp.add(new HTML(two), 2);
 tp.add(new HTML(three), 3);

 Button test = new Button(text, new ClickListener() {
     public void onClick(Widget sender) {


 setLastTabBarElement((Widget) test);

 public void setLastTabBarElement(Widget widget) {
     Element e = tb.getElement();
     int i = 0;

     while ((i = DOM.getChildCount(e))  0) {
         e = DOM.getChild(e, i - 1);

     DOM.appendChild(e, widget.getElement());


 Now, I know I am prolly not using the correct CamelCase.  I suspect
 that there is a better way to find the last TD cell of the tabBar --
 but I don't know what that might be -- I would like to know though.

 I have way too much code to post all of it here but the example above
 is very similar to what I am trying to do.  The biggest difference
 is that i am trying to plug in a Composite widget instead of a
 simple button.

 The end result is that my Widget appears in the correct place in the
 tabBar but clicking on the elements does nothing.

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Re: published iphone apps written in GWT

2008-11-03 Thread davidroe

not quite sure of your question, but languages used are Obj-C, HTML,
Javascript, CSS (using GWT to create the Javascript). I wrote my code
prior to learning about PhoneGap. I have also since found big5apps but
have not really looked at it - it might be of interest to you.

On Nov 3, 9:05 am, mike7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks Dave.  I did not know about the 25k limit on the iphone.  That
 does propose some challenges for GWT.

 Out of curiosity, what languages are you using inside of your obj-C
 wrapper?  Did you use PhoneGap as your starting place for this?

 Any hints / opinions on lessons learned thus far on the approach you
 are using?

 Many thanks.

 On Oct 29, 11:26 am, davidroe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  GWT is a processor-intensive way of building an interface and
  therefore not ideally suited to the iPhone's low power CPU. this made
  development harder than it should have been. an example is rendering a
  list of items using GWT to build panels and widgets where items may
  take 0.2s to render, leading to an application that lags for 2 seconds
  just to build a list of 10 items. you end up keeping widget objects
  and the DOM at a distance, which is obviously not ideal.

  as a pure web app, you also need to consider client side caching, and
  the iPhone will only cache objects under 25K. as the generated GWT
  code all resides in one big file, this results in a scenario where the
  device refuses to cache and always requests a new copy from the web.
  this in itself is a good reason to deploy the code locally, wrapped in
  a binary.

  I'm not a huge Obj-C fan, although I like it more now that I've picked
  it up and written some code. Nevertheless, I still prefer web
  technologies as they are cross-platform and generally more flexible. I
  therefore would choose embedded web apps in the future over pure
  native clients, but that is just the nature of the projects I am
  working on. WRT to written code to
  investigate what was possible, but the project overall is still not
  feature complete. I need to enable bidding on the application before
  it will get released to the App Store.


  On Oct 29, 6:50 am, mike7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Thanks Dave,
   This is interesting.  I presume you built the riflethru app?  I would
   like to hear a little more about this development method.  Can you
   give me some highlights?  For example, how long did it take?  Any
   unexpected hiccups?   I looked for it in the app store and did not
   find it... was it not published?

   Many thanks,

   On Oct 28, 6:19 pm, davidroe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think that being in the app store is likely to attract more users to
your application as this is where people tend to look. Additionally,
not all apps in the store cost money, so why not use it to organise
web apps? That said, I think that the user expects to find
applications that will run natively, rather than something that will
just launch an instance of Safari pointing at your web app.

If you are following PhoneGap, you will see that some developers are
releasing hybrid applications that are written using web app
techniques but have access to the phone's native functionality. This
is done using UIWebView and a wrapper around your web app. As far as I
am aware, such applications will not fail the Apple review process
just because they were developed using this approach. There are
definitely advantages to this approach, especially if you are a web
developer with no experience using Obj-C.

I played with something similar a while ago for
to see what is possible. I ended up with a native application with
embedded GWT, so all the HTML/CSS/JS sit as resources inside the
binary and are loaded locally rather than over the wire.


On Oct 27, 11:55 am, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Can anyone list some iphone apps that were written in GWT  and have
  been published in the app store?

 Maybe I'm being thick but... my first impression when I read this
 question was... why/how would want to sell it through the App Store?

 Since the GWT app is really just a 'web site' that works with the
 iPhone, there's no executable to sell. It could be that the obvious
 answer is that you want to sell your app on the App Store is to make
 money. But since your GWT app is just a web app, wouldn't it be better
 to just make sure your target audience knows about your GWT app and
 maybe you could charge for use of the app by forcing an authenticated
 login that was just restricted to 'paid' users.

 Maybe it's the jet lag kicking in but I'd never even thought about
 wanting to sell a 'web app' from the App Store.

 Am I missing something you're trying to accomplish?

 - John -
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Re: published iphone apps written in GWT

2008-10-29 Thread davidroe

GWT is a processor-intensive way of building an interface and
therefore not ideally suited to the iPhone's low power CPU. this made
development harder than it should have been. an example is rendering a
list of items using GWT to build panels and widgets where items may
take 0.2s to render, leading to an application that lags for 2 seconds
just to build a list of 10 items. you end up keeping widget objects
and the DOM at a distance, which is obviously not ideal.

as a pure web app, you also need to consider client side caching, and
the iPhone will only cache objects under 25K. as the generated GWT
code all resides in one big file, this results in a scenario where the
device refuses to cache and always requests a new copy from the web.
this in itself is a good reason to deploy the code locally, wrapped in
a binary.

I'm not a huge Obj-C fan, although I like it more now that I've picked
it up and written some code. Nevertheless, I still prefer web
technologies as they are cross-platform and generally more flexible. I
therefore would choose embedded web apps in the future over pure
native clients, but that is just the nature of the projects I am
working on. WRT to I had written code to
investigate what was possible, but the project overall is still not
feature complete. I need to enable bidding on the application before
it will get released to the App Store.


On Oct 29, 6:50 am, mike7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks Dave,
 This is interesting.  I presume you built the riflethru app?  I would
 like to hear a little more about this development method.  Can you
 give me some highlights?  For example, how long did it take?  Any
 unexpected hiccups?   I looked for it in the app store and did not
 find it... was it not published?

 Many thanks,

 On Oct 28, 6:19 pm, davidroe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I think that being in the app store is likely to attract more users to
  your application as this is where people tend to look. Additionally,
  not all apps in the store cost money, so why not use it to organise
  web apps? That said, I think that the user expects to find
  applications that will run natively, rather than something that will
  just launch an instance of Safari pointing at your web app.

  If you are following PhoneGap, you will see that some developers are
  releasing hybrid applications that are written using web app
  techniques but have access to the phone's native functionality. This
  is done using UIWebView and a wrapper around your web app. As far as I
  am aware, such applications will not fail the Apple review process
  just because they were developed using this approach. There are
  definitely advantages to this approach, especially if you are a web
  developer with no experience using Obj-C.

  I played with something similar a while ago for
  to see what is possible. I ended up with a native application with
  embedded GWT, so all the HTML/CSS/JS sit as resources inside the
  binary and are loaded locally rather than over the wire.


  On Oct 27, 11:55 am, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can anyone list some iphone apps that were written in GWT  and have
been published in the app store?

   Maybe I'm being thick but... my first impression when I read this
   question was... why/how would want to sell it through the App Store?

   Since the GWT app is really just a 'web site' that works with the
   iPhone, there's no executable to sell. It could be that the obvious
   answer is that you want to sell your app on the App Store is to make
   money. But since your GWT app is just a web app, wouldn't it be better
   to just make sure your target audience knows about your GWT app and
   maybe you could charge for use of the app by forcing an authenticated
   login that was just restricted to 'paid' users.

   Maybe it's the jet lag kicking in but I'd never even thought about
   wanting to sell a 'web app' from the App Store.

   Am I missing something you're trying to accomplish?

   - John -
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Re: published iphone apps written in GWT

2008-10-28 Thread davidroe

I think that being in the app store is likely to attract more users to
your application as this is where people tend to look. Additionally,
not all apps in the store cost money, so why not use it to organise
web apps? That said, I think that the user expects to find
applications that will run natively, rather than something that will
just launch an instance of Safari pointing at your web app.

If you are following PhoneGap, you will see that some developers are
releasing hybrid applications that are written using web app
techniques but have access to the phone's native functionality. This
is done using UIWebView and a wrapper around your web app. As far as I
am aware, such applications will not fail the Apple review process
just because they were developed using this approach. There are
definitely advantages to this approach, especially if you are a web
developer with no experience using Obj-C.

I played with something similar a while ago for
to see what is possible. I ended up with a native application with
embedded GWT, so all the HTML/CSS/JS sit as resources inside the
binary and are loaded locally rather than over the wire.


On Oct 27, 11:55 am, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Can anyone list some iphone apps that were written in GWT  and have
  been published in the app store?

 Maybe I'm being thick but... my first impression when I read this
 question was... why/how would want to sell it through the App Store?

 Since the GWT app is really just a 'web site' that works with the
 iPhone, there's no executable to sell. It could be that the obvious
 answer is that you want to sell your app on the App Store is to make
 money. But since your GWT app is just a web app, wouldn't it be better
 to just make sure your target audience knows about your GWT app and
 maybe you could charge for use of the app by forcing an authenticated
 login that was just restricted to 'paid' users.

 Maybe it's the jet lag kicking in but I'd never even thought about
 wanting to sell a 'web app' from the App Store.

 Am I missing something you're trying to accomplish?

 - John -
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Re: GWT 1.5 Code Bloat ?

2008-09-05 Thread davidroe

I haven't a clue myself, but the feeling I get is that the numerous
changes and improvements from 1.4 to 1.5 are less focused on reducing
the code size and more about improving code performance.

If code size is of high importance to you, I suggest you look at what
(else) you can streamline within your own code base.


On Sep 5, 6:00 am, Kurt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OK, so using OBF reveals that its much closer than I thought, but
 still disappointing that the code size didn't go DOWN:

     647,568  C760DB4C26233F65E2579723CA7BE050.cache.html

     634,399  EFB925C5F054962BC7951D976730A34A.cache.html

 So 2% growth is not my issue.  I was expecting/hoping for maybe a 20%
 reduction since the linker should eliminate a bunch of unused/dead
 code.  I'm betting the new types for LinkedHashMap and
 IdentityHashMap, etc. are being pulled in to cause some of the growth,
 but who knows?

 On Sep 4, 7:01 pm, Folke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Sep 4, 3:42 pm, Kurt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   [..] DETAILED [..]

  Use OBF(USCATED) for a real comparison and PRETTY to see what's going

   I'm thinking that method inlining is the culprit, but want to get a 
   handle on it.
   Can anyone tell me what to look at in generating the compilation
   output to narrow down why the app is now 10% larger?

  Yes, inlining is the culprit, but there's also a lot of new code
  that adds more safety, like long emulation.

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Re: Chrome support

2008-09-04 Thread davidroe

 [1] IE6 downloads the ImageBundle and the clear.cache.gif for each and
 every image on the screen, even if you show 50x the same...

could this be solved using this solution that I just copied from the

LoadModule expires_module libexec/
AddModule mod_expires.c
IfModule mod_expires.c
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType image/jpg access plus 1 month
ExpiresByType image/jpeg access plus 1 month
ExpiresByType image/gif access plus 1 month
ExpiresByType image/png access plus 1 month

assuming you are using Apache


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