How Is the Best way to positions ListBox & textfield?

2011-09-26 Thread Jero
How is the best way to make this:

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Hi, I have seen many post and I am still in doubt as to what the best
practice to position and Forms Labels & textfiefilds. That is doing
them and FlexTable Basicpanel (tables) or LayoutPanels (div). I made
two abstract forms used in a Basic LayoutPanels and other flex panel
table. And depending on the case if I use one or the other. But I like
to have a slightly more permanent solution if possible if it exists.

Thanks very much

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How Is the Best way to positions ListBox & textfield?

2011-09-26 Thread Jero
How is the best way to make this:

First Name:   [_]
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Date of Birth: []

Hi, I have seen many post and I am still in doubt as to what the best
practice to position and Forms Labels & textfiefilds. That is doing
them and FlexTable Basicpanel (tables) or LayoutPanels (div). I made
two abstract forms used in a Basic LayoutPanels and other flex panel
table. And depending on the case if I use one or the other. But I like
to have a slightly more permanent solution if possible if it exists.

Thanks very much

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CellBrowser with CustomTreeViewModel not redraw or repaint with CustomListDataProvider

2011-02-24 Thread Jero
Hi,I wanted to to tell you that I am not able to re paint the
CellBrowser by ListDataProvider . My code is:

public class CustomTreeModel implements TreeViewModel {

private ArticuloFormularioSeleccionCategoriaUIHandlers iuHandler;

private final SingleSelectionModel selectionModel = new

// Mapa de prueba q simula el servicio del server de consulta de
categoria relacionada
public static HashMap> categorias = new

 * Get the {@link NodeInfo} that provides the children of the
specified value.
public  NodeInfo getNodeInfo(T value) {

String categoriaSelected = value == null ? null : (String) 

CategoriaProvider dataProvider = new 

// Return a node info that pairs the data with a cell.
return new DefaultNodeInfo(dataProvider, new TextCell(),
selectionModel, null);

public void cargarDatos() {


 * Check if the specified value represents a leaf node. Leaf nodes
cannot be opened.
public boolean isLeaf(Object value) {
ArrayList subCategorias = 
return (subCategorias == null) ? true : false;

public String getCategoriaSeleccionada() {
return selectionModel.getSelectedObject();

public SingleSelectionModel getSelecctionHandler() {
return this.selectionModel;

public ArticuloFormularioSeleccionCategoriaUIHandlers getIuHandler()
return iuHandler;

public void
setIuHandler(ArticuloFormularioSeleccionCategoriaUIHandlers iuHandler)
this.iuHandler = iuHandler;

public class CategoriaProvider extends ListDataProvider {

private ArticuloFormularioSeleccionCategoriaUIHandlers 
private String categoriaSeleccionada;

uiHandler, String categoria) {
this.categoriaSeleccionada = categoria;
this.uiHandler = uiHandler;

protected void onRangeChanged(final HasData display) {

if (uiHandler == null)

if (categoriaSeleccionada == null) {

AsyncCallback>() {

public void 
onSuccess(ArrayList result) {

ArrayList categorias =

List list = getList();


updateRowCount(categorias.size(), true);
updateRowData(0, categorias);


public void onFailure(Throwable caught) 
// TODO falta log de error





public ArrayList
result) {

ArrayList categoriasString = new ArrayList();

if (result == null)
return categoriasString;

for (CategoriaDeArticuloDto dto : result) {

return categoriasString;



Anyone know why this happens?

Thank you very much!

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CellList with Basic panel implementación selected items

2010-12-13 Thread Jero

Hello! I wanted to share this basic that I did and it works for me.
Perhaps they can serve as a base for someone who needs something, and
helps him out of step.

I hope that they can be useful!

import java.util.ArrayList;


public class DisponibleSeleccionItemWidget extends Composite {

private HorizontalPanel pnlPrincipal;

private VerticalPanel pnlBotones;

private Button btnIzquierda;

private Button btnTodoIzquierda;

private Button btnDerecha;

private Button btnTodoDerecha;

private int indexSeleccionados = 0;

private int indexDisponibles = 0;

private Label lblDisponibles;

private Label lblSeleccionados;

final SingleSelectionModel selectionModel = new
// final MultiSelectionModel selectionModel = new

private CellList lstSeleccionados;
private CellList lstDisponibles;

private VerticalPanel pnlDisponibles;
private VerticalPanel pnlSeleccionados;

private ArrayList lstSeleccionadosModel;
private ArrayList lstDisponiblesModel;

public DisponibleSeleccionItemWidget() {

// Interface que tendrán que implementar los beans que popularan los
datos de este widget.
public interface SelecctionItems {

public String getDescripcion();

public Long getId();


public class itemlesCell extends AbstractCell {

public void render(SelecctionItems value, Object key,
SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {

if (value == null) {

private void initCustomWidget() {

// Instanciamiento

this.lstDisponibles = new CellList(new
this.lstSeleccionados = new CellList(new

this.lstDisponiblesModel = new ArrayList();
this.lstSeleccionadosModel = new ArrayList();

this.pnlPrincipal = new HorizontalPanel();
this.pnlBotones = new VerticalPanel();
this.pnlSeleccionados = new VerticalPanel();
this.pnlDisponibles = new VerticalPanel();

this.lblDisponibles = new Label("Disponibles:");
this.lblSeleccionados = new Label("Seleccionado:");
this.btnDerecha = new Button(">");
this.btnIzquierda = new Button("<");
this.btnTodoDerecha = new Button(">>");
this.btnTodoIzquierda = new Button("<<");







String widthButton = "30px";



public void build() {

// Ensamble

StackLayoutPanel has no more place to show the children when there are too many headers ... how I can fix this?

2010-12-01 Thread Jero
My structure is of my program is

 Center > ScrollPanel > StackLayoutPanel

In the middle I have a StackLayoutPanel, the issue is when i put
headers in the stack Many Have No place to open and scroll Does Not
updated their size to the son of the header That Opened if it has
space and is out of range.

Would know how he could do for the center can always be with a
scrollpanel even a son of stacklayoutpanel open? because as I said, if
I put a lot in my StacklayoutPanel Headers has no place for you to
open and as much as I wrap it in a scrollpanel to StackLayoutPanel
does space to resize the scroll that contains it.


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When insert LayoutPanel in the center DialogBox not visualize..

2010-11-17 Thread Jero

Hello! I wanted to see that the component is not displayed type
"Layout" to add it to the center of the DialogBox. (Ie, not a Basic

Anyone know why this happens? and how I can fix it?


public class Gwt_test implements EntryPoint {

public void onModuleLoad() {

DialogBox dialogBox = new DialogBox();

LayoutPanel panel = new LayoutPanel();

panel.add(new Label("HOL de adentrooo"));

dialogBox.setText("My Title");

dialogBox.setSize("400px", "400px");;;

RootLayoutPanel rp = RootLayoutPanel.get();


--> Only view the  Title "My Title" without the text:
""HOL de adentrooo"

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Re: Is possible to add many child but same instance in StackLayoutPanel ??

2010-11-12 Thread Jero
Thank you Very muchh for yout responde John!

On 28 oct, 12:20, John LaBanca  wrote:
> There is currently no way to put a GWT Widget into multiple places, either
> within the same Panel or in another Panel.  GWT widgets map to a native DOM
> element instance, and DOM elements cannot be attached to multiple locations
> on the page.  What you would need is a presenter that can map to multiple
> widget instances.  Then you can update the presenter, which updates all of
> the widgets in turn.
> Thanks,
> John LaBanca
> On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Jero  wrote:
> > Hello! I have the following problem .. I am using StackLayoutPanel and
> > when I try to add a child of the same instance of another stack will
> > not let me and I remove his head and child.
> > The question is how I can make my stack allows many children of the
> > same instance?
> > I tried to make a wrapper of the children by putting them in another
> > LayoutPanel, are all the heads, but it only added the last child ah
> > the last head.
> > Thank you very much!
> > Jero.
> > --
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> >

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Is possible to add many child but same instance in StackLayoutPanel ??

2010-10-28 Thread Jero
Hello! I have the following problem .. I am using StackLayoutPanel and
when I try to add a child of the same instance of another stack will
not let me and I remove his head and child.

The question is how I can make my stack allows many children of the
same instance?

I tried to make a wrapper of the children by putting them in another
LayoutPanel, are all the heads, but it only added the last child ah
the last head.

Thank you very much!

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StackLayoutPanel overlap widget when add more than the size of the panel that contains

2010-10-15 Thread Jero
Hi, I'm trying to get many widgets in my estacklayoutpanel but when I
add a lot... not only does not generate the scroll, but it also
increasingly opening the Son Header overlaps with other Headers.

Anyone have any idea of how it could do to correct it?

The estrucutura is:

LayoutPanel (height: 100 %)--> StackLayoutPanel (height: 100%)

Thank you very much!

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Scroll Panel not repaint when the panel change the Height

2010-10-14 Thread Jero
Hi, the problem is as follows:

When I resize the height of the panel which you will find within the
scrollpanel, the panel changes the size but I see the scroll out of

The structure is:

DockLayoutPanel -> (css: overflow: scroll;) LayoutPanel

When this panel, change the css: Height = 200px (original was 100px).
The Scollo is out of sight.

Anyone have any idea of how it could do to tell the scrollPanel of css
layout for the adoption of its new size?

Thanks Very Much!

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Re: Stack Panel change handlers

2010-08-05 Thread Jero
Hello! I have the same problem..but i found this can not implementd..
can body help me please!!! :)

public class StackComponent extends StackLayoutPanel implements
HasChangeHandlers {

public StackComponent(Unit unit) {

public void showWidget(Widget widget) {
fireEvent(new StackChangeEvent(widget));


public HandlerRegistration addChangeHandler(ChangeHandler handler) {
return addDomHandler(handler, ChangeEvent.getType());


this code is this page:


On Jul 13, 4:12 pm, Ali  wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using a StackPanel (called "leftStackPanel" in code) in my
> application and in order to respond to Click events on this stack
> panel, I have coded the following and it works fine. But classes
> SourcesChangeEvents, ChangeListenerCollection, and ChangeListener are
> deprecated. I tried to use alternative new classes like
> HasChangeHandlers instead, but I wasn't able to code this with new
> classes. Can anyone help me with this?
> StackPanel  leftStackPanel = new LeftStackPanel();
> StackPanelListener stackListener = new StackPanelListener();
> leftStackPanel.addChangeListener(stackListener);
> //inner class
> class LeftStackPanel extends StackPanel implements
> SourcesChangeEvents{
>                 ChangeListenerCollection clc;
>                 int current;
>                 public LeftStackPanel(){
>                         clc = new ChangeListenerCollection();
>                 }
>                 public void showStack( int index ) {
>                         int visibleStack = index;
>                         int oldVisibleStack = visibleStack;
>                           super.showStack(index);
>                           if (oldVisibleStack != visibleStack && clc != null) 
> {
>                             clc.fireChange(this);
>                           }
>             super.showStack( index );
>             current = index;
>             clc.fireChange( this );
>         }
>                 public int getCurrent() {
>              return current;
>         }
>                 @Override
>                 public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener cl) {
>                         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
>                         clc.add( cl );
>                 }
>                 @Override
>                 public void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener cl) {
>                         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
>                         clc.remove( cl );
>                 }
>                 /*public void onBrowserEvent(Event event){
>                         super.onBrowserEvent(event);
>                         //if(event.)
>                         if (event.getTypeInt()== event.ONCLICK){
>                                 int selectedIndex = this.getSelectedIndex();
>                         }
>                 }*/
>         }
>         //inner class
>         class StackPanelListener implements ChangeListener{
>                 @Override
>                 public void onChange(Widget sender) {
>                         int current = ((LeftStackPanel)sender).getCurrent();
>                         System.out.println("index: " + current);
>                 }
>         }

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Re: Make a Banner rotator whit ClientBundle or Java Script Nativ, what do you recomended?

2010-07-09 Thread Jero
Hi Stefan!
 Sorry but I am new to the Web world. It is possible to nest on a
horizontal banner and give them a rotation
 from right to left continuously with native HTML? similar to the next
page in the top banner (
but with the difference that I do not want the images to stop and go,
i like to continues in same velocity every time.

The behavior to following go through to api; (
But I what to image not stopping i need to continues every time some
velocity to rotator.

if I'm not being clear .. sorry for not being very clear not handling
well Idoma

On Jul 9, 11:06 am, Stefan Bachert  wrote:
> Hi Jero,
> in this case I just would use classical http. I dont think that
> ClientBundle gives you a real advantages on banner ads.
> http://..."/>
> Stefan Bachert
> On 9 Jul., 05:28, Jero  wrote:
> > Hello Stefan, really I do not like having to recompile the entire
> > project every time I upload an image. So you who would you recommend?
> > Currently being 
> > tested,
> > "but not the behavior I'm looking it up a bunch of images and rotate
> > infinitely fiala left to right.
> > If anyone knows anything would be very grateful.
> > Jero.

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Re: The all content the panel as the same hyperlink, is it possible?

2010-07-08 Thread Jero
I need this because i have the panel container that contains icons
and text html. I need to modify the contents of the icons and text but
everything is a hyperlink. That is, clicking on any part of my panel
is a hyperlink. But it
is very hard every time you need to change an icon or text to modify
the image.

Thanks Very muyh!

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2010-07-08 Thread Jero
I need this because i have the presenter widget that contains icons
and text html. I need to modify the contents of the icons and text but
everything is a hyperlink. That is, clicking on any part of my widget
is a hyperlink presenter. The only solution we found so far is make
the whole widget image and the image is a hyperlink (http://blog.js- . But it
is very hard every time you need to change an icon or text to modify
the image.

Thanks Very muyh!

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Re: Make a Banner rotator whit ClientBundle or Java Script Nativ, what do you recomended?

2010-07-08 Thread Jero
Hello Stefan, really I do not like having to recompile the entire
project every time I upload an image. So you who would you recommend?

Currently being tested,
"but not the behavior I'm looking it up a bunch of images and rotate
infinitely fiala left to right.

If anyone knows anything would be very grateful.

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Make a Banner rotator whit ClientBundle or Java Script Nativ, what do you recomended?

2010-07-05 Thread Jero
It is possible to insert multiple images with ClienteBundle and make a
banner rotator? or make whit java script?

Thanks Very much,

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Re: GWT Serialization ???

2009-03-27 Thread jero


Thanks for our reply, well I was considering doing DTO but thought
there were a better way to do it. I hoped someone had a better way.
But Ok I getting to it creating my DTOs.



On Mar 26, 6:20 pm, Jason Essington  wrote:
> If you don't have access to the source for your hibernate objects,  
> then you'll need to create DTOs (data transfer objects) that are  
> essentially identical to your hibernate objects.
> You can then manually marshal the values, or use a bean mapping  
> library such as Dozer to do the work automagically.
> I generally use this technique even when I have the source for my  
> server side objects as most of my objects have information that is not  
> appropriate to send to the client anyway.
> -jason
> On Mar 26, 2009, at 7:41 AM, jero wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am new to GWT and I have been playing around with GWT. Now I want to
> > retrieve via hibernate using a RemoteService call ths content from a
> > database. I have already a jar (provided by the db guys) where the
> > domain is reflected. The problem I have is when I use it I always
> > receive serialization problems form some classes of the domain. I know
> > that if I extend my entity classes wit IsSerializable than the
> > serialization works fine and I have no problem. I have been reading
> > around and found that if you add your class to the *.gwt.rpc file than
> > this would to the trick, well for me it didn't work, still
> > serialization problem. I googled and found the Gilead project (former
> > hibernate4gwt), what I don't like is that I have to extend my entity
> > classes, but I am not allowed I am not maintining the db classes. So I
> > am a bit stuck and after googling for last few days I didn't manage to
> > find a proper solution. How can I get rid of the serialization
> > problem, any suggestions are welcome?
> > Thanks,
> > Jero
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GWT Serialization ???

2009-03-26 Thread jero

I am new to GWT and I have been playing around with GWT. Now I want to
retrieve via hibernate using a RemoteService call ths content from a
database. I have already a jar (provided by the db guys) where the
domain is reflected. The problem I have is when I use it I always
receive serialization problems form some classes of the domain. I know
that if I extend my entity classes wit IsSerializable than the
serialization works fine and I have no problem. I have been reading
around and found that if you add your class to the *.gwt.rpc file than
this would to the trick, well for me it didn't work, still
serialization problem. I googled and found the Gilead project (former
hibernate4gwt), what I don't like is that I have to extend my entity
classes, but I am not allowed I am not maintining the db classes. So I
am a bit stuck and after googling for last few days I didn't manage to
find a proper solution. How can I get rid of the serialization
problem, any suggestions are welcome?



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