Re: chrome vs firefox: on mouse leave/enter event

2012-02-14 Thread lkcl

On Feb 14, 9:58 am, Thomas Broyer  wrote:
> I don't have time to try it out with GWT, sorry, but just to add some input
> to the possible issue: mouseover and mouseout events bubble, so if your
> mouse enters a child element of the B widget's root element, the event will
> bubble up to B's root element. GWT filters those events out in
> Widget#onBrowserEvent's default implementation to somehow mimic IE's (and
> now HTML5's / DOM3 Events') mouseenter and mouseleave 
> events:

 thomas, hi, thanks for pointing this out.  what we had was using
DOM.eventGetFromElement for mouseover, whereas the code in GWT uses

 i've modified the equivalent pyjamas code to this:

elif etype == "mouseover":
to_element = DOM.eventGetToElement(event)
if to_element and not DOM.isOrHasChild(sender.getElement(),
for listener in listeners:
return True
elif etype == "mouseout":
to_element = DOM.eventGetToElement(event)
if to_element and not DOM.isOrHasChild(sender.getElement(),
for listener in listeners:
return True
return False

where it is this in java:

 public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {
switch (DOM.eventGetType(event)) {
  case Event.ONMOUSEOVER:
// Only fire the mouse over event if it's coming from outside
// widget.
  case Event.ONMOUSEOUT:
// Only fire the mouse out event if it's leaving this
// widget.
Element related = event.getRelatedEventTarget().cast();
if (related != null && getElement().isOrHasChild(related)) {
DomEvent.fireNativeEvent(event, this, this.getElement());

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Re: TreeItem child widgets do not have onAttach called

2011-08-12 Thread lkcl

On Aug 11, 12:34 am, Jim Douglas  wrote:
> Have you considered using this version of TreeItem, which takes a
> Widget?

 okay.  right.  i didn't notice the 2nd link was to TreeItem.setWidget
( hid the text *sigh*).

 that calls tree.adopt.  i just went through the code, down to  Tree.adopt calls setWidget (the base version).  setWidget
then calls onAttach.

 soo... actually... yeah, that might do the trick.  it's... klunky (as
in, it's non-standard behaviour) and thus is going to catch users
out.  i.e. if you _don't_ call that setWidget function, you're

 let me investigate further ok?


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Re: TreeItem child widgets do not have onAttach called

2011-08-12 Thread lkcl

On Aug 11, 12:34 am, Jim Douglas  wrote:
> Have you considered using this version of TreeItem, which takes a
> Widget?

 that's the exact [equivalent] class being used, and it's the exact
same class [equivalent] that we've made a 6-line patch to, in order to
fix the bug that has been found [in the exact corresponding equivalent
pyjamas codebase, pyjamas/library/gwt/ui/].

> The TreeItem isn't itself a Widget, but it can contain a Widget, and
> that contained Widget (think of it as a tree item renderer) can manage
> its own events.

 that's the point, jim: it *doesn't* manage its own events, because
onAttach is never called on the widgets that are added to the

 thus, anything that's added to TreeItem is completely isolated, as
far as events are concerned.  no onClick, no onDoubleClick, no
onMouseMove, no onMouseUp - nothing.

 i apologise - i realise that it's quite difficult to appreciate that
the pyjamas codebase is the same - functionally - as GWT, to the point
where it's possible to refer developers to the GWT online
documentation rather than have to write our own.

 it's virtually identical to that of GWT, so much so that we can
actually use language translator tools (automatic and semi-automatic)
to port GWT java to pyjamas python.

 but, yes, you've correctly identified the gwt UI class that will have
the exact same bug that was discovered by a pyjamas user.

 and, therefore, _because_ the code is effectively identical, there is
the exact same bug in GWT.

 what the user did was to take the code for onAttach and onDetach in
pyjamas/library/gwt/ui/ and cut/paste it into

 thus, correspondingly, to fix this bug in GWT, you (GWT developers)
need to take the exact same code that is in the gwt/ui/
"onAttach" and "onDetach" functions, cut/paste it into gwt/ui/ and the bug is fixed.

@begin namespace GWT's client/ui widgets on all widgets below
 but first, you need to realise that there _is_ a bug :)  for that,
you'll need to look at the example test-case provided by the pyjamas
user, and port it to GWT.  it's actually very simple: add a CheckBox
to a TreeItem; add the TreeItem to a Tree; add the Tree to a
RootPanel.  add a click handler to the CheckBox, which prints "hello
world" or something.
@end namespace

 click on the checkbox. you'll find that absolutely *nothing* happens.

 that's the bug.

 does that make sense?


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Re: TreeItem child widgets do not have onAttach called

2011-08-10 Thread lkcl

On Aug 4, 5:36 pm, Jim Douglas  wrote:
> The basic issue here is that TreeItems aren't Widgets, so (by design)
> they don't handle their own events.

 yeeesss...  but that doesn't mean that child widgets of TreeItems
should be completely terminated from any possibility of having *their*
events handled, does it.

> You'll want to review Tree to
> decide how best to manage your events.

 no, we won't [want to review Tree to decide how to best manage

 allow me to illustrate.

 what you're saying is that, instead of adding about 6 lines of code
(an implementation of onAttach and onDetach which does exactly what
Panel does - calls the onAttach and onDetach of all child widgets, so
that they get joined into the event handling infrastructure), you're
expecting developers to do this:

 * sub-class Tree and/or hook into Event Preview or onBrowserEvent

 * receive *all* events in Tree not just one or two, because you
cannot predict what events the child widgets will want.  or, you have
to add duplicated infrastructure to receive and manage events that
somehow magically notify the containing Tree that actually, guys, you
wanted the event callback to be here but really it's gonna be down
here in this random Tree object which you should really have f***-all
knowledge of, it's miles down the hierarchy

 * do a massive recursive node-walk of all TreeItem no wait all
TreeItem _child_ objects, including *recursively* walking the child
objects of the TreeItem child objects in order to identify the GWT (or
in this case pyjamas) object that is associated with the DOM element
that received the event

 * add in infrastructure which duplicates existing code which is part
of the tried-and-tested GWT (or in this case pyjamas) codebase,
hooking *back* into the standard event handling system further up into
the child hierarchy.

 * using that duplicated code, as  the correct object has been
identified (through the highly computationally expensive step 3
above), call the relevant event callback.

now, when it's put like that - which is what you're asking developers
to do - it does sound a bit like you're completely off your head,
please excuse me for pointing that out.

6 lines of code vs 400+ lines of code and a massive runtime
performance hit, duplicating functions that are built-in to web
browsers anyway _and_ duplicating functionality which already exists
in GWT (and pyjamas), there's no real comparison, is there?

so - i invite you to look at this again, *without* the "static
mindset" of "TreeItems aren't Widgets" [implication being, there's no
way that the code can be either changed or fixed, and no improvements
will ever be made to it].

regarding "it's by design" - designs should only remain static if they
actually serve the purpose for which they were designed.  in this
case, we have an actual real-world use case which demonstrates that
the design is, 'scuse me for saying it, shit.

or, perhaps, i invite you to consider describing what possible
implications there could be to TreeItem having an onAttach and
onDetach.  you'll find that even UIObject has onAttach and onDetach
(as stubs), so it's not like it's not possible to do this.

the real question is: does adding onAttach or onDetach have any
unintended consequences / side-effects that need a workaround?  for
example, what happens to up-down-left-right-enter key navigation, is
that affected?


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Re: TreeItem child widgets do not have onAttach called

2011-08-04 Thread lkcl
okaay... rright: the message took its sweet time to appear here in the
forum, and so i couldn't cross-reference the forum with the bugreport
until that had happened, duh, so now that's happened, here's the

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TreeItem child widgets do not have onAttach called

2011-08-04 Thread lkcl
folks hi,

this is luke, the lead developer of the python port of GWT.  we
regularly track the GWT source code, to the point of having 3
different semi-automated java-to-python converters of varying levels
of sophistication, and the reason for doing that is to save vast
amounts of time and resources, because the GWT source code is much
more tested.

_very_ occasionally we find a bug in GWT which has been transferred -
verbatim - from the direct translation to python.  it would be very
good, therefore, to have peoples' input on this issue, and to have a
discussion of this bug which could affect users of both GWT and

the issue is this: a user has created a Tree and has placed TreeItems
in it, and then attached a CheckBox onto the TreeItem.  the problem is
that in these CheckBoxes, no onClicks or any other kind of event
handling occur, period.

now, i'm dead impressed that this new pyjamas developer then went and
delved into the pyjs ui source code and found the problem _and_
created a fix:

diff --git a/library/gwt/ui/ b/library/gwt/ui/
index f5c0489..d5a413f 100644
--- a/library/gwt/ui/
+++ b/library/gwt/ui/
@@ -127,10 +127,18 @@ class TreeItem(UIObject):
 return item

 def onAttach(self):
+for item in self.children:
+w = self.getWidget()
+if w:
+   w.onAttach()

 def onDetach(self):
+for item in self.children:
+w = self.getWidget()
+if w:
+   w.onDetach()

 def getChild(self, index):
 if (index < 0) or (index >= len(self.children)):

so, the question that i have is very simple: is this the right thing
to do?  remember that, as we didn't design the GWT UI widget
infrastructure (merely "port" it pretty much verbatim to python),
analysing the implications of issues such as this is somewhat outside
of our... scope / resources / time / "community abilities" shall we

plus, i believe it's important to raise this with the GWT community
not least because someone else in the GWT community may wish to do
exactly the same thing: have TreeItems where the widgets within them
bloody well work! :)

i'd be interested to hear the thoughts of the GWT community on this
issue.  fyi read-only archive of pyjamas-dev exact same topic is here:


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possibly obscure bug present in DialogBox and all other capture-related widgets

2010-07-28 Thread lkcl
this is a courtesy message to inform the GWT team of a potential issue
that you might like to investigate:

i've been tracking this issue in pyjamas for two years, and, last time
i checked the GWT KitchenSink showcase and gwt-dnd the issue was
reproducible there.


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django forms - JSONRPC API - progress

2009-04-05 Thread lkcl

the basic plan is to provide a generic JSONRPC front-end to Django
forms which could conceivably become a de-facto interoperability
standard for web 2.0 applications to create, validate and store data
in "forms".

i've just added "describe" and "describe_errors".

the basic idea, as mentioned previously, is to allow an AJAX
application, using JSONRPC, to interact fully with Django Forms. i.e.
*without* forcing the server to generate some dumb bit of HTML which
you are forced to use, forced to perform HTTP POSTs on etc. etc.

now that "describe" has been added, the next step will be to create an AJAX form "widget" that uses the "describe" command to
find out what fields to build into the form.

* CharField, FloatField, DecimalField etc. will result in a pyjamas
TextBox, with the option for a TextArea being a user-defined option.

* DateField, TimeField etc. will result in a calendar widget popping
up, there's one i've found at:

* FilePathField will be interesting because it implies a level of
interaction with the server: the most sensible widget to use here
would be a recursive / interactive Tree Widget that performs further
JSONRPC function calls to obtain subdirectory contents, on request.

exactly what these fields will go in to, and what CSS style names will
be attached to them, will be entirely up to the user, with sensible
defaults provided.  a Grid seems the most sensible, with the names on
the left, and fields on the right, springs to mind, resulting in the
construction of something similar to the "as_table" method of Django
Forms.  except pure AJAX. no HTML in sight.

interestingly, i can't find anything in Django Forms which tells you
how to specify "password" input boxes.  also, RegexField's design
destroys the possibility for finding out what the regex is (in string
form), thus making it very difficult to perform client-side validation
(using the ECMAScript Regex object).

so there are a few hurdles yet to be overcome.

the above can also be implemented in GWT, using exactly the same
JSONRPC service, which is why i describe the API as being a de-facto
standard.  in fact, if you were feeling particularly masochistic (i.e.
a PHP programmer) you could implement this in PHP, both client or

anyone who would like to collaborate or contribute please do join the
pyjamas-dev list.


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pyjamas "dynamic module" loading - something for GWT to adopt

2009-03-09 Thread lkcl

as part of a reorganisation of the python port of GWT, pyjamas, i just
added dynamic module loading, using AJAX.  i note that this is
something that has been on the GWT roadmap for quite some time. so,
having managed to implement it successfully in pyjamas i thought that
the GWT development team might like to know how it was done.

the deployment of dynamic module loading results in over a 60%
reduction in the amount of javascript cache file sizes, as the modules
can be shared across multiple platforms (GAE pyjamas users are hitting
the app engine limit even with the simplest of apps, due to the old
one-cache-file-per-platform design)

starting at the "bottom" of the tree of functionality:

pyjs_load_script, line 143:

this is an implementation of "the" standard method for adding
javascript, dynamically, to a web page.  it creates a < script > node,
adds a src attribute and appends it to the DOM model.  the result is
that at some point in the future, the browser notices, loads the
script, and executes it.

i say "executes" - this is where trouble typically occurs, due to over-
zealous garbage collection by browsers, with the result that the
output from pyjamas had to undergo a total reorganisation.

pyjamas output used to be entirely global in scope.  module_class.
module_class_function.  module_globalvariable.   what browsers do is
that after a dynamically loaded script is run, any functions or
variables that have not been "attached" to anything in the _global_
scope (the main scripts), they are automatically and instantly garbage-
collected.  so, instead of this:

pyjslib_Dict = function() {
pyjslib_Dict_init = function() {
pyjslib_Dict.prototype.__init__ = function() { ...
initialise ... }

the compiler output had to be _completely_ reorganised to this:

pyjslib = function () {
  pyjslib.Dict = function() {
  pyjslib.Dict.init = function() {
pyjslib.Dict.prototype.__init__ = function() { ...
initialise ... }

followed by, at the _bottom_ of the module, from the compiled output:

global_module_cache['pyjslib'] = pyjslib();

in this way, every single module has at least one ref-count in the
browser execution engine, and, given that absolutely _everything_ is
inside the "modulename = function { . }", the module doesn't get
garbage-collected and deleted.

looking at e.g. the design of dojo and the design of extjs, this is
pretty much what they do anyway (i haven't looked at output from GWT
because i don't do java development).

the second gotcha was this: dynamic loading of modules is
asynchronous, yet they are typically imported - especially in a
dynamic language such as python - synchronously.  the mechanism for
dealing with this is in place, with a current assumption that it's ok
to load everything all at once, thanks to being able to take note in
the compiler of the complete list of all modules.

the key function which kicks off the initial importing, and makes a
note of the fact, is import_module(), line 22:

this function can operate in both "static" mode - i.e. when the code
has been compiled entirely into one cache file - and also in "dynamic"
mode.  also, each of the platform-specific cache files has a list of
"overrides" on a per-module basis, and in this way, in "dynamic" mode,
modules which are not platform-specific can be shared between
platforms, resulting in a dramatic drop in the amount of javascript
(something like a 60% reduction has been seen for the pyjamas
kitchensink example).

import_module works therefore in concert with the module "boilerplate"
template - see lines 12 and 18

and also with import_wait (see line 120 of

preload_app_modules in is where the loop to wait for all
the modules to be imported is "kicked off" - but - note that
preload_app_modules takes a list of lists of modules!  the reason for
this is to ensure that dependencies are respected.

the list of dependencies is created at compile time, using the pyjs
compile process itself to ascertain the list of imports that come from
the compilation of a module - line 333 and 371 of pyjs/

note the use of the function "add_subdeps()".  this function takes
pyjamas.ui.HTMLPanel and creates a list of dependencies:

['pyjamas', 'pyjamas.ui', 'pyjamas.ui.HTMLPanel']

it is _essential_ to create this list, and to add them to the
dependencies, so that the modules are dynamically loaded, and thus,
the global variables (pyjamas and pyjamas.ui) are created before
pyjamas.ui.HTMLPanel, for example.

so, to recap, here is what is done:

* the global modules is set to 

Re: Suggestion: GWT port to Desktop

2008-10-29 Thread lkcl

a simple example - i wrote an online games web site.  there are four
games written at the moment.  backgammon, rummikub, poker and go.

rummikub has 110 images loaded onto the page.  firefox takes about 5-8
seconds to add all the tokens, one-by-one with javascript (compiled
from python of course). pyjamas-desktop, using webkit, takes about 2
seconds.  the javascript is gone in pyjamas-desktop; it's a glib /
gobject binding direct to the c++ function which adds the image to the
DOM model, direct.

go has a whopping 725 images to be added to the page.  firefox takes
an incredible _thirty_ seconds to create this page on a 1.2ghz dual-
core pentium laptop.  pyjamas-desktop, using webkit, takes under ten.

so even something as trivial as writing a simple entertainment
application is pushing the limits of acceptable user tolerances.


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Re: Suggestion: GWT port to Desktop

2008-10-29 Thread lkcl

> When thinking of regular pages you might be right but I wasn't making
> up the example. This was one of the reasons why we had to switch
> from a browser-based application to a local running one. In this
> specific case a tree showing all possible segments and fields
> of an EDIFACT IFTMIN (one of the most complex structures of EDIFACT)
> lead to waiting times of many seconds per mouse-click when working
> with a browser on a modern PC.

 so, in this specific instance, being able to migrate - pretty much
instantaneously and with zero code modifications from a [too-slow]
browser-based environment to a [very-fast] desktop-based one would be
a definite advantage, yes?

 especially given that 1) running compiled java instead of interpreted
javascript would end up running much faster 2) webkit is _blindingly_

 that _would_ have saved your development team a great deal of time
and money.

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Re: Suggestion: GWT port to Desktop

2008-10-29 Thread lkcl

On Oct 29, 9:44 am, rusty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm partly humoured partly intrigued. How would this GWT have access
> to the File System and other such resources, since by definition
> javascript can't do any of that kind of thing. What if it wants to do
> other cool things on your system?

 hi rusty,

in this instance, what you do is you still keep even the _desktop_
version using JSONRPC or other XMLHTTPRequest derivative, and you use
it to communicate on loopback with a "server" that is installed on
your desktop machine.

the fact that it's the same "server" that would be installed on a "web
server" is irrelevant.

in this way, you keep your application in an MVC framework.  the "GWT"
bits are the V.  the "web server" bits - even when installed desktop-
side - are the "MC" bits.

and in the example you give, the "server" would perform accesses to
the "File System", under the control of the separated-front-end GWT

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Re: Suggestion: GWT port to Desktop

2008-10-28 Thread lkcl

On Oct 28, 6:17 am, GWBasic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The browser and desktop are fundamentally different environments,

 pyjamas-desktop shows that that's no longer really the case; it shows
that there are sufficient concepts in the DOM model to map one-for-one
into desktop widget set frameworks; it shows that, certainly when
compared to Qt4 and GTK2, a DOM-model-based widget set is actually
superior, offering better functionality, more functionality, and a
simpler API!

> really deliver is write once, test everywhere.  If you want to have
> some way of turning a GWT application into a desktop application; it
> will probably exist at some point.

 yes. called GWT-Desktop :)

>  (Cough AIR Cough)

 that's a javascript-based route.  and, ironically, AIR is based on
webkit (just as pyjamas-desktop is based on webkit)

> You will,
> however, need to test your application on every operating system that
> you plan on supporting; and potentially write special cases for
> specific differences in each operating system that you support.


 why would that need to be the case?

 as Adobe AIR, google chrome, safari, iphone-safari and android shows,
webkit is supported on _tons_ of platforms.

 by _staying away_ from desktop-specific APIs (and using
XMLHTTPRequest to do communication, even on loopback your
entire app is OS-independent; the webkit-based runtime is OS-

 as the GWT apps themselves show, it's not in the slightest bit
necessary for the app to be OS-dependent, even when running in
multiple different web browsers.


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Re: Suggestion: GWT port to Desktop

2008-10-28 Thread lkcl

On Oct 27, 3:54 pm, "Magno Machado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What's the point on running the application on desktop if it will run in the
> exact same way that it would do on browser?I mean... If the desktop app will
> look exactly equals to the browser version, with the same look and feel,
> same functionalities, it's better to not have a desktop version at all

 1) saving 50% of development effort due to being able to write only
one codebase.
 2) more robust development cycle on the web app (_proper_ java
compiler checking)
 3) GWT 1.5's widget API is near-identical to GTK2 and PyQT4 widget

 if you believe that a "browser version" is somehow inferior to
"desktop versions", then you either have access to an unbelievably
good desktop widget set, or you have a limited idea of what GWT is
capable of, perhaps due to the assumption that "if it's web, it has to
be HTML + AJAX + CSS, and therefore it must be awful, because by
comparison to _good_ desktop widgets, AJAX and HTML programming is
bloody awful".

for the python programmers it's definitely the case that GTK2, PyQT4
and wxWidgets - the leading acceptable widget sets - are _much_ poorer
in quality than what GWT 1.5's Widget set offers (ported to python).

whilst i realise that that's a pretty bold statement, it _does_ have
basis in fact - i did a port of pyjamas using both GTK2 and PyQT4 and
they both failed (hence why i went to webkit). see this:

however, i fully appreciate that in the java world, you may have
access to infinitely superior desktop widget sets and frameworks.

that having been said, i think it does a disservice to the idea of GWT-
Desktop, to make the statement that you do, because, as pyjamas-
desktop shows, it's perfectly possible, and provides a very _good_
desktop development framework.

the ironical thing is that i even have the same bugs present (dialog
box handling) in pyjamas-desktop as in pyjamas.


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Re: Suggestion: GWT port to Desktop

2008-10-28 Thread lkcl

On Oct 27, 2:51 am, "Ian Bambury" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you gave a practical example it might help people understand the benefits

 ian, hi, i do know what you mean.

 however, it is quite hard to give a practical example when what
you're talking about is that the entire GWT application - unmodified
- /unmodified/ - could run as a desktop app, if a GWT-Desktop library


 so - it actually doesn't matter what example you pick.  the principle
is: _any_ GWT application would also run under GWT-Desktop.  just as
java, not javascript.

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Re: Suggestion: GWT port to Desktop

2008-10-28 Thread lkcl

On Oct 27, 9:35 am, Thomas Broyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 2008/10/27 Guy Rouillier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Ross, you are thinking too narrowly.  Think of a single code base.  When
> > > it runs on the desktop, it has access to local file system and other OS
> > > facilities.  When it runs in a browser like GWT does today, it degrades
> > > nicely and only loses minimal functionality.  Write once, run anywhere.
> You can already do it at no cost (i.e. no need to rewrite GWT in pure
> Java) with Adobe AIR or Mozilla Prism.

 ... yes... by running the GWT-auto-generated javascript, rather than
compiling and running the java [linked with the as-yet-to-be-ported

thus, as a developer, you have lost the advantage of being able to
find errors at compile-time, because you're still running the

i immediately found a good 20-30 errors the moment i used pyjamas-
desktop to run the kitchensink examples and the library itself,
because i was being presented with a proper python runtime.

missing arguments on function calls.  _too many_ arguments on function
calls.  undefined variables.  missing "super" calls.  assumptions in
string / integer conversions (printf).  _none_ of these things were
found with the python-to-javascript compiler, or when running with
javascript, because javascript is far too permissive.

so there are significant _development_ advantages.


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Re: Suggestion: GWT port to Desktop

2008-10-28 Thread lkcl

On Oct 26, 10:16 pm, ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> this thread makes me laugh :)
> I will continue to :
> -use pyjamas only in bed

 i _love_ talking about pyjamas because i get advertised about women's
nightwear with googlemail.

> -use GWT for building my sizzling new web app
> -use J2SE to write desktop applications
> but i'm curious to see where you guys head with this :)  Limiting your
> desktop application to run on a JRE equivalent to that which is
> emulated by the GWT will by quite funny.


  it's not _that_ limited.  there is a heck of a lot of stuff that GWT
does.  and saving development effort, developing a web app and then it
near-automatically being a desktop app - surely that's worth

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Re: Suggestion: GWT port to Desktop

2008-10-26 Thread lkcl

On Oct 26, 4:18 am, GWBasic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't see the point.  GWT is designed to run in a browser;

 it's designed to run in a browser - and with a little bit of work,
can be turned into a _desktop_ widget-set with an *identical*

> if you
> want to do a true desktop application, there are plenty of desktop
> development systems that are much better.

 do such desktop development systems also allow you to compile the
same source code into javascript - unmodified - for running the same
application - unmodified - in all major web browsers?

>  C#, Java, Objective C...
> They're a dime a dozen.

 i repeat: do these dime-a-dozen [desktop] development systems also
allow the same apps to run in web browsers, unmodified?

> If all you're looking to do is get rid of the browser chrome and give
> a GWT application full-control of the window,

 no.  i'm not looking to _get rid_ of the browser, i'm looking to make
the GWT widget API a cross-browser AND cross-desktop AND cross-widget
set framework.

> it's trivial to write a
> C# (Windows) and Objective C (Mac) application that will do that.
> Both C# and Objective C have browser widgets.

>  You can make the
> browser widget fill up the window and then programmatically direct it
> to a URL.  If you're ambitious, you can capture new window events, add
> drop-down menus, ect.

 will the application so developed work on linux, MacOSX, windows,
embedded ARM-based smartphones, google android, solaris and freebsd?

> Something to consider is that all of GWT's I/O needs to go to a web
> server.


> If you're trying to use GWT for something that will save
> files to disk, use a local database, burn CDs, ect, you'll need to use
> an embedded web server.  This is much more complicated then using a
> true desktop development environment.

 not really, although it is an extremely good point.

 however, you _should_ be designing your app around an MVC concept of
some kind _anyway_.

 installing a mini web server on loopback, and using JSONRPC or other
XMLHTTPRequest-based communications mechanism is a tiny price to pay
for being able to have your app run - unmodified - on every major web
browser _and_ on every major desktop platform and several embedded
ones, too [that can handle java and can handle webkit].

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Re: Suggestion: GWT port to Desktop

2008-10-23 Thread lkcl

On Oct 22, 6:16 am, "Jaco Van Staden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi...  I just picked up on this thread.  How does this work

 1) you compile webkit with glib / gobject bindings to its DOM model
 2) you create Java Bindings to the webkit-glib DOM bindings
 3) you go through every line of code in GWT, and wherever you see /-
{  }-/ delineating javascript, you REPLACE it with IDENTICAL code,
written in JAVA, that calls the webkit Java DOM bindings, instead.
this is a fairly mundane and slightly mindless task.
 4) you call this library GWT-Desktop
 5) you compile your app with the "new" GWT-Desktop library
 6) you dance on the ceiling.

> and where can I
> read more about this project?

 it's an "enhancement" request - just an idea.

> Is there a way to have GWT code running on
> mobile apps?

 i don't see why not.

 webkit is fast enough to run on embedded platforms [so if you have
java bindings to webkit, to get access to the DOM model, then it's
perfectly reasonable to have GWT code running native on embedded

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Re: Suggestion: GWT port to Desktop

2008-10-21 Thread lkcl

> I known nothing aboutpyjamas, but I'm intrigued about what lkcl has
> been discussing.  What he has done (and is suggesting could be done with
> GWT) is to have a browser-based application (via a Java->Javascript
> translater like GWT) and a desktop application (via a direct Java
> runtime) derived from the *same* codebase.


> Why bother, you ask?

 *  webkit is big, but so are full web browsers.  despite being big,
webkit is _still_ ported to ARM embedded platforms - and used on
Android for example.

 * webkit is _fast_.

 * you've cut out the javascript (not entirely) from the equation,
thus simplified the development process and speeded up execution.

> For your mobile or infrequent users, perhaps a
> browser-based solution is preferable.  At the same time, people who sit
> in front of a stationary desktop system may prefer the look and feel of
> a desktop application.  With thepyjamasapproach, you can satisfy both
> constituents with a single set of code.

 yep :)

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Re: Suggestion: GWT port to Desktop

2008-10-17 Thread lkcl

On Oct 17, 3:37 pm, "Arthur Kalmenson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You could also use something like Prism

*goes off to look up prism*...

> or Fluid to run it as a "desktop" app.

[i'll look that one up later]

ok - prism appears to be a thin wrapper around XULrunner.
XULrunner is the "engine" behind firefox, of which firefox _happens_
to be _one_ application - albeit quite a big one.

prism - as it stands - requires that you run _javascript_.

not java.


so, it's not what i'm advocating - i'm advocating running _native_
java - because all of the javascript is replaced [in the as-yet-non-
existent-but-advocated GWT-Desktop library].

thus making things that little bit quicker, and that little bit
cleaner to work with.  you'd have full access to the complete java
debugging environment, for a start.

i cannot tell you how much damn easier it's been to have _both_
pyjamas-desktop _and_ pyjamas, to work with: they both complement each
other.  several bugs have been found in pyjamas - missing function
parameters and missing "super" initialisations - which are simply...
ignored by javascript.  several uninitialised variables - again,
javascript says "oh, you're undefined - let's pass _that_ into the
function" whereas python runtime goes "undefined variable, WARK WARK!"

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Re: Suggestion: GWT port to Desktop

2008-10-17 Thread lkcl

On Oct 17, 3:14 pm, Thomas Broyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 17 oct, 15:45,lkcl<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  does anyone want to be able to run applications written for GWT as a
> > *desktop* application?
> >  if so, port GWT _back_ into pure java, using Java bindings to
> > Webkit's DOM model to manage the "screen".
> Or just package your GWT app as an Adobe AIR app (eventually with the
> help of GWT-in-the-AIR, but it's not a requirement).
> (disclaimer: I'm the developer of GWT-in-the-AIR)


 ... which - and you'll like this - uses webkit!

 so, ironically, both of us are advocating that the way to run GWT
java apps on the desktop is... via webkit :)

 ok - i should say:

 if you want a _free software_ - non-proprietary - way to run GWT java
apps on the desktop, port GWT to pure-java using webkit glib bindings.

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Re: how is GWT ensuring that Caption on DialogBox works?

2008-10-17 Thread lkcl

On Oct 17, 2:34 pm, "Ian Bambury" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are you doing the bit I mentioned from initEventSystem?

 oh yeah, definitely.

 after some print statements (from pyjamas-desktop version, which is
pure-python) i found that yes, DOM.setCapture() is definitely being
called.  event-stopping-propagation definitely works, when you try to
click outside of the dialog box (when not doing dragging of course).

however, the mouseout is going _outside_ the captured element
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Re: how is GWT ensuring that Caption on DialogBox works?

2008-10-17 Thread lkcl

On Oct 17, 11:44 am, "Ian Bambury" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Have a look in the DOMImpl* classes. For example DomImplIE6 has a jsni
> method setCapture) which does 'elem.setCapture();' All the other browsers do
> it via DOMImplStandard in the first bit of initEventSystem.
> 'months'? it took me 5 minutes :-)


 ok - yes, i found that.  well, i was surprised to see
elem.setCapture() for DOMImplIE6, but this is on firefox (and webkit)
so... i see that the Impl of setCapture stores the elem argument in a
global (well, a static within the class) called captureElem.

exactly the same thing is being done in pyjamas (a global variable).

and it's very clear - capture's not being activated.  i haven't yet
found out why.

 bleurgh :)

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Re: Suggestion: GWT port to Desktop

2008-10-17 Thread lkcl

On Oct 17, 12:32 pm, walden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> l,
> Your rhetoric is soaring so high I can't understand a word of it.

 *ROTFL* :) that's a good way to put it. thank you for making me laugh
(at myself)

> What is it you want?

 i don't _want_ anything :)

>  Can you use plain English?


 does anyone want to be able to run applications written for GWT as a
*desktop* application?

 if so, port GWT _back_ into pure java, using Java bindings to
Webkit's DOM model to manage the "screen".

 ... is that better? :)


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Re: how is GWT ensuring that Caption on DialogBox works?

2008-10-17 Thread lkcl

ian, thanks for responding.  i really meant, "how, once
DOM.setCapture() has been called, does the *implementation* of GWT
ensure that that actually does the job it's expected to do".

the issue i'm encountering in the python port (pyjamas) is that when
the mouse "wanders outside" of the area represented by the caption
element (the bar at the top), all bets are off.

you'd better not let go of that mouse-down, because, if you do, then
when you move the mouse _back_ into the caption area at the top of the
dialog, the mouse-move events continue to get captured, but, of
course, the dialog keeps moving away from your mouse!!

really irritating.

i've spent several months trying to track this one down.

On Oct 16, 10:13 pm, "Ian Bambury" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> DOM.setCapture (element) - or something like that, or whatever has replaced
> it - I haven't had to use if for ages - means that the element can be set to
> 'own' all mouse events for a while.
> Ian
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ANN: Pyjamas 0.3 Released

2008-10-16 Thread lkcl

Pyjamas 0.3, the port of GWT to python, has been released.
Pyjamas is a python-to-javascript compiler and AJAX Framework
and Widget set.

[hey, that's... that's very similar to what GWT is, i _wonder_ where
 the code came from? :) ]

The API for the Widget set is near-identical to that of GWT, with
slow progress catching up from the original port 2 years ago
(GWT 1.2) to add the additional widgets of GWT 1.5 since then.

Also, the Pyjamas API is so startlingly similar to that of pyqt4
and pygtk2 that a sister project has been done, which ports
Pyjamas to the Desktop, thanks to WebKit.

In this way, applications that conform to the Pyjamas API can
be run *unmodified* in both every major web browser and also
on the desktop.  Including plugins (such as Adobe Flash).

[that's very cool.  why doesn't GWT do the same thing? :) ]

Documentation for Pyjamas - showcase, tutorial, API, can be
found at the web sites: for Pyjamas-Desktop for Pyjamas


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Suggestion: GWT port to Desktop

2008-10-16 Thread lkcl

folks, hi,

as you've no doubt seen, i mentioned in the announcement of pyjamas
0.3 that there's a parallel project, pyjamas-desktop, which is a port
of pyjamas to run as a desktop widget set and framework.  it works ...
incredibly well, thanks to webkit.

the way it's done is by some glib / gobject bindings onto webkit.
this non-trivial bit of work resulted in being able to manipulate the
DOM model in an identical - and i do literally mean function-for-
function, concept-for-concept, property-for-property, attribute-for-
attribute and object-for-object identical - fashion to that which you
would "normally" use javascript for.

over 300 glib objects are auto-generated, and over 1,500 "gdom"
functions are auto-generated (thank god.  it'd be madness to write
them by hand) from the webkit IDL files, and, once the API was
available, thanks to the auto-generator, it was - incredibly - a
matter of 4-5 days for a port of pyjamas to the desktop to be

the nice thing about the glib bindings to webkit is that they're in c,
and there are as many "interface generators" to wrap glib objects to
other programming languages as there are major programming languages.

 oh look, here's a screenshot of someone who is advocating the
java gobject bindings, and _guess_ what example they're showing?

so.  i have a question for you.

with webkit providing literally _perfect_ corresponding functionality
to that which is provided by a web browser, and with the shiny new
webkit-glib bindings sparkling and glittering in that magpie-
attractive fashion, _and_ with pyjamas-desktop showing that it's
perfectly feasible, what's to stop the GWT Widget set from becoming a
cross-browser _and_ cross desktop widget set and framework?


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how is GWT ensuring that Caption on DialogBox works?

2008-10-16 Thread lkcl

folks, hi,
in the pyjamas codebase, the event handling for dialog box drag-
moving, on the caption, doesn't fully capture the mouse properly:
and click "show dialog", then wiggle the mouse around dramatically.

you'll find that the cursor does "text selection" of the page,
underneath. i've been going over the 1.5 codebase for several months,
and i still can't damn well track it down :)  some assistance in
working out what the heck is going on would be greatly appreciated.


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