Re: server push example with GWT?

2015-06-04 Thread Mat Also works very well.

On Monday, June 1, 2015 at 7:14:54 PM UTC+1, Edward Montgomery wrote:
> Can anyone point me to a tutorial or example of how to implement server 
> push with a GWT application?
> Is this typically done by somehow matching a JavaScript socket on one end 
> to a Java socket on the other?
> Thanks.

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Re: @GWTCompatible

2015-05-18 Thread Mat Jaggard
Do I assume that nothing came from this? We currently have to pre-parse all 
our source to handle what is and isn't compatible because our base project 
it too big to add @GwtIncompatible to everything.

On Monday, 22 June 2009 23:44:24 UTC+1, Tom Sorgie wrote:
> Hey guys, 
> Ever since I first looked at the @GWTCompatible annotation packaged in 
> the google-collections rc1 library, I've been thinking about the ways 
> that that could be used to enable controlled code reuse in a semi- 
> automated manner.  To date i haven't seen any conversation on the 
> subject, so i wanted to see if I could get a little insight into the 
> planned direction (if any) for the GWTCompatible annotation support in 
> GWT. 
> In my wildest dreams (regarding gwt), I could envision a new "source" 
> type declaration in the module.gwt.xml file like super-source.  It 
> would be called something like "compatible-only-source".  Java files 
> found on this path would be passed over a pre-processor (like the jsni- 
> rewriter), that would only include classes marked with the 
> @GWTCompatible annotation, and only methods within not marked 
> @GWTIncompatible. 
> This would enable reuse of core utility libraries (where compatible), 
> or at least interfaces (where emulation is the preferred compatibility 
> approach). 
> Is this close to the direction you guys are thinking for the @gwtc 
> annotation?  Do you have something else in mind?  The other approach 
> i've thought of, would be to generate a valid gwt-module by 
> preprocessing a source tree that was marked up with compatible and 
> incompatible annotations.  Doesn't seem quite as useable (since you'd 
> need to run a preprocessor over your whole source base) as the first 
> one, but might have less complexity. 
> tom.

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Re: Material Design with GWT(Polymer wrapper)

2015-03-03 Thread Mat
Thanks for sharing your great work.  Would be very useful to see the 
polymer core-list integrated. 

On Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 11:58:07 AM UTC, Blaze wrote:
> Tnx for the good words. 
> We see what singular will bring out when it becomes production candidate, 
> and then I can do something.
> This one is pretty much tested, we use it in one of our inhouse projects 
> with almost no problems at all.
> On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 2:02 PM, Alexander Zbiek <
> > wrote:
>> Great work ! Always thought somebody might have done that.
>> Keep up your good work. Perhaps it could be combined with gwt singular?
>> --
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Re: Limiting compilation to just for the hosted browser on windows

2009-11-13 Thread Mat Gessel
Values are defined in in
gwt-user.jar. The values for GWT 1.7.x are:
gecko1_8 is Firefox 1.5 and later. ie6 is IE6 and IE7.

As of GWT 1.6 you can set the "user.agent" to property to multiple
comma-separated values. Note that if you run the hosted shell you need
to include it's value (iex on Win, safari on Mac) or "interesting"
things will happen.

This is a handy setting if you need to run the hosted shell on Win and
occasionally compile to debug layouts in Firebug:

Mat Gessel

On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 11:27 AM, Open eSignForms  wrote:
> Where can I see a list of user.agent values I can choose from for set-
> property?  I'd like to do IE8 (I believe it's "ie8") and FF 3.5 for my
> base testing before building for a 6 combos that seem to be build by
> default.


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Re: How can I get GWT 2.0

2009-09-06 Thread Mat Gessel

Build instructions can be found here:

On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 5:14 PM, Richard Vowles wrote:
> Check it out and build it - it isn't "released" yet...
> On Sep 7, 11:11 am, Karan Sardana  wrote:
>> I am using a commercial library - EXT GWT 2.0, and for that I need GWT
>> 2.0; where can I get that from?

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Re: onKeyDownPreview to onPreviewNativeEvent

2009-09-01 Thread Mat Gessel

What, you want to read properties from the Event? Absurd!

// (disclaimer: hand written in Gmail)
HanderRegistration reg = Event.addNativePreviewHandler(new
  public void onPreviewNativeEvent(NativePreviewEvent event)
Event event0 =;
if (event0.getTypeInt() == Event.ONKEYDOWN)
  int keyCode = event0.getKeyCode();
  if (condition) // optional

Mat Gessel

On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 6:29 AM, monkeyboy wrote:
> In my code I am using onKeyDownPreview to hide a popup when the escape
> key is hit.
>    public boolean onKeyDownPreview(char key, int modifiers) {
>        switch (key) {
>            case KeyCodes.KEY_ESCAPE:
>                hide();
>                break;
>        return true;
>    }
> But the onKeyDownPreview is deprecated and I was wandering how would a
> version with onPreviewNativeEvent (the new way of handling events)
> would look like? Any suggestions? Am I the only one to think that the
> Google documentation about this is too terse?

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Re: GWTTestCase not running?

2009-08-31 Thread Mat Gessel

Which method never gets called?

I would put breakpoints/asserts/System.out() in the following
locations to see how far it proceeds:
1. start of test
2. start of timer run() method
3. SiteService.getPagedSongModelDataByUserId()

Also, while you can use delayTestFinish() to test client/service
interaction, I find it much easier to debug--and faster to run--if I
test them separately. The async service is an interface which you can
easily mock. The following approach allows you to run the client code

// testing client code
SiteService service = new MockServiceImpl();
service.getPagedSongModelDataByUserId(...); // typically you would
call a client method which then calls the service...
service.getLastRequest(); // assert something w /this

To test the service you just use a regular TestCase and call the RPC
method directly.

-= Mat

On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 7:08 PM, charlie wrote:
> Hi all, I have a unit test shown here .
> When using eclipse and Run as GWT Unit Test ( hosted mode ), the only output
> I get is
> Starting HTTP on port 0
>    HTTP listening on port 58504
> Compiling module com.charlie.MP3Player.JUnit
>    Compiling 1 permutations
>   Permutation compile succeeded
>    Linking into www-test
>   Link succeeded
>    Compilation succeeded -- 10.163s
> I have a very obvious assertFalse(true); for every condition but it looks
> like it's never getting run ?  Debugging it shows that my method never gets
> called either.

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Re: setHTML is not working in Mozilla and Chrome

2009-07-20 Thread Mat Gessel

Hi Simon,

The overall idea looks correct.

Is this copied from the original code? The span tag is left open; that
may be the cause of you troubles.

-= Mat

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 7:54 PM, Simon wrote:
> Hi all, i faced a problem with the following code,
> ==
> output += "";
> Iterator itr = hm.keySet().iterator();
> NumberFormat changeFormat = NumberFormat.getFormat("#,##0.00");
> while(itr.hasNext()){
>        String key = (String);
>        String value = hm.get(key);
>        double size = hi.get(key);
>        size = size / totalSize * 100;
>        String sizeTemp = changeFormat.format(size);
>        output += ""+value+": td>"+sizeTemp+"%";
> }
> output +="";
> h.setHTML(output);
> output="";
> return h;
> ===
> Initially, i am testing in hosted mode, everything is working
> properly, but when i switched to Mozilla and Chrome, the browser is
> not responded, but IE is working properly. The return value h will be
> added into a VerticalPanel, homePanel.add(h). I am not sure whether it
> is a correct way to display in a panel. So perhaps someone can give me
> some guideline. Thanks in advance.

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Re: Hooking a GWT event onto an element in an external iframe

2009-07-19 Thread Mat Gessel

Hi Tin,

There is a potential for memory leaks via event listeners due to
cyclical references between DOM and JS. To avoid this, GWT manages the
event listeners via the Widget lifecycle. When the widget is attached
to the DOM (i.e. it or it's ancestor is attached to a RootPanel) the
widget's event listener is initialized. When the widget is detached
(or the page is unloaded) the event listener is cleaned up. You can
see the code in Widget.onAttach() and Widget.onDetach().

I'd say it is erroneous to use Widget outside of the normal Widget
containment hierarchy. Instead, we can set an event listener directly:

DOM.setEventListener(buttonElement, new EventListener()
  // you will only get the events you sink
  void onBrowserEvent(Event event)
// references in this method can result in a memory leak

// connect the foreign element to the GWT event dispatcher
DOM.sinkEvents(buttonElement, Event.ONCLICK);

Also consider adding a Window CloseHandler to prevent the memory leak.
Window.addCloseHandler(new CloseHandler() {
  public void onClose(CloseEvent event)
DOM.setEventListener(buttonElement, null);

You can also look at HandlerManager and DomEvent.fireNativeEvent() to
see how to translate Event into a ClickEvent, but IMO that is

-= Mat

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 4:27 PM, tin wrote:
> I am writing a GWT app that involves interacting with an external
> document in an iframe. As a proof of concept, I am trying to attach a
> click handler to a button.
> The following works in javascript
> var iframe = document.getElementById("rawJSIFrame");
> var doc = iframe.contentDocument;
> var body = doc.body;
> var button = doc.getElementsByTagName("input").namedItem("submit");
> button.onclick = function() {
>    alert("Clicked!");
> };
> Trying to do the equivalent in GWT, I did the following:
> public void addClickHandlerToSubmitButton(String buttonElementName,
> ClickHandler clickHandler) {
>    IFrameElement iframe =;
>    Document frameDocument = getIFrameDocument(iframe);
>    if (frameDocument != null) {
>        Element buttonElement = finder(frameDocument).tag("input").name
> (buttonElementName).findOne();
>        ElementWrapper wrapper = new ElementWrapper(buttonElement);
>        HandlerRegistration handlerRegistration =
> wrapper.addClickHandler(clickHandler);
>    }
> }
> private native Document getIFrameDocument(IFrameElement iframe)/*-{
>        return iframe.contentDocument;
> }-*/;
> The following is the ElementWrapper class:
> public class ElementWrapper extends Widget implements HasClickHandlers
> {
>    public ElementWrapper(Element theElement) {
>        setElement(theElement);
>    }
>    public HandlerRegistration addClickHandler(ClickHandler handler) {
>        return addDomHandler(handler, ClickEvent.getType());
>    }
> }
> The code to find the button works fine but the actual click event
> handler is not getting invoked. Has anybody had a similar issue
> before, and how did you resolve it?

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Add DOM Object to an Event Handler

2009-02-27 Thread Mat


I am using a StringBuilder to dynamically generate a HTML Table for
performance reasons (its much faster than using FlexTables).

The problem is that the Table will contain input widgets and will
require Event Handlers. i.e each table row will contain Input Text and
on change of these each input text boxes it will update a
corresponding Object.

Does anyone know anyway how I can attached Dom elements that are
created using the above way  to Event Listeners created in GWT Java

I dont want to have to add "" to
my HTML.


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Re: Where is have PagingScrollTable's tourist

2008-11-30 Thread Mat Gessel

The demos are on the "GWT Incubator" project wiki:

Here is the demo for PagingScrollTable.

I don't know if this is for the current version or the
"PagingScrollTableOld" version.

Best Regards,

-= Mat

On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 9:44 PM, DANNY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Where is have PagingScrollTable's tourist ?

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Re: Clearing Browser cache for upadated deployments

2008-10-31 Thread mat


What I usually do is append a random querystring (for each new
version) to the javascript include on the HTML page.


The browser sees this as a different URL to "

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Cast Element to Widget

2008-10-28 Thread mat


I have created a Html table using a String builder (which i chose over
using FlexTable / Grid because of performance reasons).

Now, the problem is that I want to add a TableListener for this

Is there a way to cast a DOM element into a Widget so I can add Event

Many Thanks,
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GWT Grid / FlexTable Performance

2008-10-28 Thread mat


I need to create a table of up to 7 columns x 300 rows. The content
within each cell gets dynamically updated.

>From past experience, its faster to use javascript to concatenate HTML
to recreate the table every time the content is updated.

Has anyone tried to use GWT's Grid or FlexTable widget to do something
similiar? How well does it perform?

Many Thanks,
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Re: Enumerating Javascript Overlay Types

2008-10-27 Thread mat

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for your reply.

However, I don't fully understand what you mean by "Use the same code
within a JSNI method".

I have a Overlay Type and I want to iterate through all the properties
in the Javascript object.

If I put my code inside a JNSI method, what is the point of having
Overlay Types?


On Oct 27, 1:56 am, Thomas Broyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 26 oct, 16:08, mat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In Javascript its possible to enumerate Javascript Objects:
> > e.g:
> > var my obj = {"key1": "value 1","key2":"value 2", "key3","value3"};
> > for (var key in obj)
> > {
> >   var currentValue = obj[key];
> > };
> > I would like to know how to do this with Javascript Overlay Types in
> > GWT.
> Use the same code within a JSNI method.
> Eventually you could instanciate a JSONObject to wrap your overlay,
> but it has a cost.
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Enumerating Javascript Overlay Types

2008-10-26 Thread mat


In Javascript its possible to enumerate Javascript Objects:


var my obj = {"key1": "value 1","key2":"value 2", "key3","value3"};

for (var key in obj)
  var currentValue = obj[key];

I would like to know how to do this with Javascript Overlay Types in

Thanks in advance!

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Help: Calling a Java Function with String Array parameter from JSNI

2008-09-25 Thread mat


I am having trouble calling a static function written in Java with a
String array as the paramter:

In my Java code I have the following:

  public static String[] AppendIndex(String[] names) {
String[] namesWithIndex = new String[names.length];
for(int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
  namesWithIndex[i] = Integer.toString(i) + ". " + names[i];
return namesWithIndex;

I have exported this static function so its accessible via JSNI using
the following code.

public static native void exportStaticMethod() /*-{
  $wnd.AppendIndex= @Utilities::AppendIndex([Ljava/lang/String;);

In my Javascript I have:

  var names = ["Fat","Cat","Bat"];
  var namesWithIndex = AppendIndex(names);

However, I get the following error:
at java.lang.Class.cast(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.DispatchMessageW(Native Method)
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.DispatchMessage(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,


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