<g:DockLayoutPanel height="100%">

in firefox or chrome

On 2009年12月6日, 上午11时08分, Will <> wrote:
> I am trying to create a custom DecoratorPanel that will work with
> DockLayoutPanel as the child widget.  I tried a normal DecoratorPanel
> and found that only Widgets in the North section of the
> DockLayoutPanel actually render.  I used FireBug to determine that the
> rest of the widgets are added to the DOM but are simply not rendering
> on the screen.
> I have also tried extending DecoratorPanel and implementing
> RequiresResize, ProvidesResize but that didn't help.  When I
> implemented the two interfaces my onResize was as follows:
>         public void onResize() {
>                 if(getWidget() instanceof RequiresResize){
>                         ((RequiresResize)getWidget()).onResize();
>                 }
>         }
> The if logic executes (I verified with a System.out.println) however
> the North section is still the only part that renders.  The
> DecoratorPanel is added to the DOM with:
>         RootLayoutPanel.get().add(myPanel);
> I am going to test with other LayoutPanels and see if this problem is
> unique to DockLayoutPanel but I was curious if anyone else has
> encountered this or has any suggestions for how I might resolve the
> dilemma.
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