Apache - Httpd.conf Entry - Static images

2011-11-13 Thread Polaris Polaris
Dear all,
   I have put the following entry in the httpd.conf file for compress
and expiry page. Can you pls check and confirm whether my entry is
correct in this file or i need to enabled anyother files.

Files *.cache.*
#SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
ExpiresActive on
ExpiresDefault now plus 1 month

Location /MYCssFiles
 SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
SetHandler weblogic-handler
IfModule mod_weblogic.c
WebLogicCluster Clustering ip1,ip2
MatchExpression *

#expires module tag for specifying the expiry of specific file types
 #IfModule mod_expires.c
 IfModule expires_module
  ExpiresActive On
  ExpiresByType image/gif now plus 7 day
  ExpiresByType image/jpg now plus 7 day
  ExpiresByType image/png now plus 7 day
  ExpiresByType application/javascript now plus 7 day
  ExpiresByType text/css now plus 7 day

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Re: Apache - Httpd.conf Entry - Static images

2011-11-13 Thread Thomas Broyer
You should apply a very short expiry on *.nocache.*, see 

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