I want to load a bunch of data to the client, graph it (via Google 
Visualization API), have the user manipulate it (client side only), and 
regraph it...and so on.

I really like the selling points of requestfactory, but I find my self 
between a rock and a hard place.

**When I was using POJOs for domain objects (with GWT-RPC) I could get the 
data on to the client and manipulate it arbitrarily (using 
its mutator methods, which may contain complex logic) and then regraph it. 
 The manipulated data doesn't need to be saved. 

With requestfactory I only see two options:

1. Manipulate the domain proxies on the client functionally, which might 
duplicate behavior that already exists in the server objects.

2. Do the work on the server, which would request a request for each 
manipulation, not a good idea.

I may be misusing requestfactory...

Any ideas?

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