I am porting same very handy Canvas and Animation libraries to GWT
using the JSNI feature. Being the first library I am wrapping I could
use a little assistance with this particular constructor:

* This is passed as the parameter to onPress, onMouseMove, onMouseUp,
onMouseDown, and onClick handlers on
* DisplayObject instances.
* By default, mouse events are disabled for performance reasons. In
order to enabled them for a specified stage
* set mouseEventsEnabled to true on your stage instance.
* @class MouseEvent
* @constructor
* @param {String} type The event type.
* @param {Number} stageX The mouseX position relative to the stage.
* @param {Number} stageY The mouseY position relative to the stage.
* @param {DisplayObject} target The display object this event relates
* @param {MouseEvent} nativeEvent The native DOM event related to this
mouse event.
var MouseEvent = function(type, stageX, stageY, target, nativeEvent) {
  this.initialize(type, stageX, stageY, target, nativeEvent);
var p = MouseEvent.prototype;

You can view the entire class here: http://easeljs.com/docs/MouseEvent.js.html

My question is, how do I go about passing the event from GWT and
successfully feed it to the JSNI constructor for this class?

FYI: I have forked Timknip's GWT port of Easeljs (0.2.1) and i'm
updating it to include the latest Easel features (0.4.0).

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