I spent much of yesterday moving an old GWT project from Ant to Maven. Much 
of that time was spent running down a serious discrepancy in the 
server-side conversion of XML to JSON, specifically the call 
string). (I'm thinking this needs to be filed as an issue.)

The project was originally built with Ant. Following the build.xml in the 
GWT samples, it had gwt-dev.jar in the project classpath (see, for example, 
Showcase's build.xml). When run in devmode, this version of JSON will 



{"height":"293", "width":"448"}

When this arrives at the client-side, in terms of the 
com.google.gwt.json.client package we have a JSONString vs. a JSONNumber.

In my Maven build, the pom.xml declares dependencies only on 
gwt-servlet.jar and gwt-user.jar, neither of which includes org.json 
(though gwt-servlet-deps.jar has the same org.json as gwt-dev.jar). JSON is 
being provided by json-20090211.jar from mavenrepository.com. Now that same 
XML converts to

{"height":293, "width":448}

JSONNumber vs JSONString! This makes a *huge* difference in how the data is 

   JSONString: int width = Integer.parseInt(jsonObject.get("width

   JSONNumber: int width = (int)jsonObject.get("width"

Use the wrong one and an exception is thrown.
I think that json-20090211.jar is the correct approach. Certainly AutoBean 
would fail if it got a string vs a number for an integer field (or maybe 
just a zero value?).

One can get the same results with the Ant in devmode by removing <fileset 
dir="${gwt.sdk}" includes="gwt-dev*.jar"/> from project.class.path and 
adding it only to the gwtc and devmode targets (and any target using 
GWTTestCase). However I think that GWT should be brought in line with 
json-20090211.jar. (Looking at the tools directory for building GWT, it 
seems the JSON used (r2_20080312) is not a version available from 

Has anyone else seen this? I don't see an issue filed on it. I'm happy to 
put one in, but I thought I'd raise it here first.

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