Re: JavaFX 2.2 WebView support - possible new User Agent?

2014-01-01 Thread Michael Prentice
I am not running Grails or PrimeFaces on the back-end. Instead we have 
servlets that connect us to a proprietary back-end system that is written 
in C and accessed via JNI.

While I do have an authentication system written, we are not using it as 
our enclosing Swing application handles all authentication atm. We do pass 
the username into GWT via JSNI for logging/requests though. It's certainly 
not a completely secure implementation atm, but security is not a high 
priority since the app is internal. Thus we do not use a CookieManager at 

On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 5:58:40 PM UTC-5, Gary Eberhart wrote:

 So I went back and revisited the issues I'm facing. I appears that most of 
 my issues are related to the sessions not working. In GWT the state is 
 preserved on the client side with no need for sessions on the server. In 
 Grails, JSF and and other web technologies the JSESSIONID needs to be 
 passed back with each response. Without session support many things go 
 wrong. So I'm going to revisit my cookie manager implementation before I 
 continue to document my issues. May I ask what you use for a CookieManager? 
 Another thought is I don't have caching setup and the pages are being 
 reloaded unnecessarily possibly causing Grails and PrimeFaces to misbehave. 
 I will post again as I find out more. 

 On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 11:15:55 AM UTC-7, Gary Eberhart wrote:

 Thank You Michael. I will do so. I'll  post my other issues today as well 
 for your review. Thank you for the response. At least I know it's not just 
 me doing something wrong.

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Re: JavaFX 2.2 WebView support - possible new User Agent?

2013-12-31 Thread Michael Prentice
Here are the Jira issues that I mentioned that affect select elements:

Please vote for them if you think that you may ever consider using the 
JavaFX WebView.

On Monday, December 30, 2013 9:37:52 PM UTC-5, Michael Prentice wrote:

 Yep, we've seen those issues. As I mentioned, I've submitted + voted for a 
 number of select element related bugs. I can try to post links to the bugs 
 in Oracle's Jira tomorrow. Mouse wheel is supposed to be implemented in 
 Java 8. All of the others were pushed out of Java 8 and are currently 
 marked as Java 9. But with enough support, they might be patched in Java 8 
 after GA.

 I'd like to hear about any other issues that you've run into. So far the 
 lacking select element has been the primary pain point for us. 

 We've been able to make alert and confirm dialogs work with a small amount 
 of code beyond their examples. Of course we'll try to use GWT DialogBoxes 
 for most things (which are working well), but Activities and Places relies 
 on the confirm dialog.

 Michael Prentice
 GDG Space Coast

 On Monday, December 30, 2013 6:59:08 PM UTC-5, Gary Eberhart wrote:

 Hello Michael,

 I'm having issues with WebView as well. I'm displaying GWT, Grails and 
 PrimeFaces pages in a WebView. I've found several serious functional 
 problems running these web pages in WebView. One of the easiest to explain 
 are the Dropdowns (select elements) that take all available space on the 
 screen, and worse yet do not default to the value of the text. For example 
 I have a drop down for year. The text is 2013 and when you click on the 
 drop down the resulting list starts at 1913 requiring the user to use the 
 little scroll button to get back to 2013. It's just one thing after 
 another. I too have a huge Swing application, 2000 views, that I want to 
 migrate to Web technologies over the next 10 years.

 I'd be happy to completely document all of my issues with pictures and 
 all upon request. Please tell me I'm wrong, but it appears WebView fails to 
 render web pages correctly that are otherwise rendered flawlessly by the 
 major browsers?

 On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 2:44:13 PM UTC-7, Michael Prentice wrote:

 I've been working on a project for the last few months which involves 
 creating new screens for our Swing application. We wanted to start moving 
 towards a web based interface, but we cannot re-do hundreds of screens in a 
 single release/year. So after doing some testing and being satisfied with 
 the HTML5 / CSS 2.1 support in the JavaFX 2.2 Webview, we decided that this 
 was a possible migration path. I am currently working on the first leg of 
 this path and things have gone quite well so far. I chose GWT to build the 
 front-end of the app due to our team's experience with WindowBuilder/Swing 
 and it's focus on Enterprise web applications. Our application is a complex 
 Enterprise app that must be maintained over many years by different people. 

 *Here are some of the results and issues:*


- General GWT development has been very productive (learning and 
architecting the app took considerable time).
- Performance running in the WebView has been acceptable on machines 
with decent GPUs which includes all of our client machines (8 MB video 
servers don't do well).
- We have been able to implement communication to/from 
GWT-JavaScript-JavaFX-Swing without any major issues and with very 
minimal code (some simple JSNI and JSON serialization).
- Performance of passing data and opening/closing windows between 
GWT-...-Swing has been very good. Note that we aren't passing 
large data sets over 1 MB.
- The new GWT app fits into our Swing application and feels very 
nearly 'just like another screen' due to GWT's out of the box styling.
- GWT's out of the box styling has worked great and impressed our 
customers without us having to put forth much effort.


- The JavaFX WebView does not quite behave like other browsers. It 
uses the Safari (chrome, webkit) user agent. 
- Drop downs (ListBox) have rounded edges (unlike Chrome) which we 
don't really like.
- Drop downs (select elements) are not very usable in the WebView. 
They can't be styled. They show as many elements as fit on the window 
(extending beyond the borders of the app). Scrolling these drops downs 
the mouse wheel isn't supported until JavaFX 8. I've opened some bugs 
these issues with Oracle.
- Buttons get rounded edges if we override the default GWT style.
- Alignment between Chrome and the WebView does not match up for 
some elements. This causes a number of layout issues.
- JavaFX WebView does not support CSS3 and has some of its own rules 
with vendor extensions of -fx-. This includes things like JavaFX 
CSS does not support CSS layout 

Re: JavaFX 2.2 WebView support - possible new User Agent?

2013-12-31 Thread Gary Eberhart
Thank You Michael. I will do so. I'll  post my other issues today as well
for your review. Thank you for the response. At least I know it's not just
me doing something wrong.

On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 9:07 AM, Michael Prentice splak...@gmail.comwrote:

 Here are the Jira issues that I mentioned that affect select elements:

 Please vote for them if you think that you may ever consider using the
 JavaFX WebView.

 On Monday, December 30, 2013 9:37:52 PM UTC-5, Michael Prentice wrote:

 Yep, we've seen those issues. As I mentioned, I've submitted + voted for
 a number of select element related bugs. I can try to post links to the
 bugs in Oracle's Jira tomorrow. Mouse wheel is supposed to be implemented
 in Java 8. All of the others were pushed out of Java 8 and are currently
 marked as Java 9. But with enough support, they might be patched in Java 8
 after GA.

 I'd like to hear about any other issues that you've run into. So far the
 lacking select element has been the primary pain point for us.

 We've been able to make alert and confirm dialogs work with a small
 amount of code beyond their examples. Of course we'll try to use GWT
 DialogBoxes for most things (which are working well), but Activities and
 Places relies on the confirm dialog.

 Michael Prentice
 GDG Space Coast

 On Monday, December 30, 2013 6:59:08 PM UTC-5, Gary Eberhart wrote:

 Hello Michael,

 I'm having issues with WebView as well. I'm displaying GWT, Grails and
 PrimeFaces pages in a WebView. I've found several serious functional
 problems running these web pages in WebView. One of the easiest to explain
 are the Dropdowns (select elements) that take all available space on the
 screen, and worse yet do not default to the value of the text. For example
 I have a drop down for year. The text is 2013 and when you click on the
 drop down the resulting list starts at 1913 requiring the user to use the
 little scroll button to get back to 2013. It's just one thing after
 another. I too have a huge Swing application, 2000 views, that I want to
 migrate to Web technologies over the next 10 years.

 I'd be happy to completely document all of my issues with pictures and
 all upon request. Please tell me I'm wrong, but it appears WebView fails to
 render web pages correctly that are otherwise rendered flawlessly by the
 major browsers?

 On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 2:44:13 PM UTC-7, Michael Prentice wrote:

 I've been working on a project for the last few months which involves
 creating new screens for our Swing application. We wanted to start moving
 towards a web based interface, but we cannot re-do hundreds of screens in a
 single release/year. So after doing some testing and being satisfied with
 the HTML5 / CSS 2.1 support in the JavaFX 2.2 Webview, we decided that this
 was a possible migration path. I am currently working on the first leg of
 this path and things have gone quite well so far. I chose GWT to build the
 front-end of the app due to our team's experience with WindowBuilder/Swing
 and it's focus on Enterprise web applications. Our application is a complex
 Enterprise app that must be maintained over many years by different people.

 *Here are some of the results and issues:*


- General GWT development has been very productive (learning and
architecting the app took considerable time).
- Performance running in the WebView has been acceptable on
machines with decent GPUs which includes all of our client machines (8 
video card servers don't do well).
- We have been able to implement communication to/from
GWT-JavaScript-JavaFX-Swing without any major issues and with
very minimal code (some simple JSNI and JSON serialization).
- Performance of passing data and opening/closing windows between
GWT-...-Swing has been very good. Note that we aren't passing
large data sets over 1 MB.
- The new GWT app fits into our Swing application and feels very
nearly 'just like another screen' due to GWT's out of the box styling.
- GWT's out of the box styling has worked great and impressed our
customers without us having to put forth much effort.


- The JavaFX WebView does not quite behave like other browsers. It
uses the Safari (chrome, webkit) user agent.
- Drop downs (ListBox) have rounded edges (unlike Chrome) which we
don't really like.
- Drop downs (select elements) are not very usable in the WebView.
They can't be styled. They show as many elements as fit on the window
(extending beyond the borders of the app). Scrolling these drops downs 
the mouse wheel isn't supported until JavaFX 8. I've opened some bugs 
these issues with Oracle.
- Buttons get rounded edges if we override the default GWT style.
- Alignment between Chrome and the WebView does not match up for
some elements. This causes a 

Re: JavaFX 2.2 WebView support - possible new User Agent?

2013-12-31 Thread Gary Eberhart
Thank You Michael. I will do so. I'll  post my other issues today as well 
for your review. Thank you for the response. At least I know it's not just 
me doing something wrong.

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Re: JavaFX 2.2 WebView support - possible new User Agent?

2013-12-31 Thread Gary Eberhart
So I went back and revisited the issues I'm facing. I appears that most of 
my issues are related to the sessions not working. In GWT the state is 
preserved on the client side with no need for sessions on the server. In 
Grails, JSF and and other web technologies the JSESSIONID needs to be 
passed back with each response. Without session support many things go 
wrong. So I'm going to revisit my cookie manager implementation before I 
continue to document my issues. May I ask what you use for a CookieManager? 
Another thought is I don't have caching setup and the pages are being 
reloaded unnecessarily possibly causing Grails and PrimeFaces to misbehave. 
I will post again as I find out more. 

On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 11:15:55 AM UTC-7, Gary Eberhart wrote:

 Thank You Michael. I will do so. I'll  post my other issues today as well 
 for your review. Thank you for the response. At least I know it's not just 
 me doing something wrong.

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Re: JavaFX 2.2 WebView support - possible new User Agent?

2013-12-30 Thread Gary Eberhart
Hello Michael,

I'm having issues with WebView as well. I'm displaying GWT, Grails and 
PrimeFaces pages in a WebView. I've found several serious functional 
problems running these web pages in WebView. One of the easiest to explain 
are the Dropdowns (select elements) that take all available space on the 
screen, and worse yet do not default to the value of the text. For example 
I have a drop down for year. The text is 2013 and when you click on the 
drop down the resulting list starts at 1913 requiring the user to use the 
little scroll button to get back to 2013. It's just one thing after 
another. I too have a huge Swing application, 2000 views, that I want to 
migrate to Web technologies over the next 10 years.

I'd be happy to completely document all of my issues with pictures and all 
upon request. Please tell me I'm wrong, but it appears WebView fails to 
render web pages correctly that are otherwise rendered flawlessly by the 
major browsers?

On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 2:44:13 PM UTC-7, Michael Prentice wrote:

 I've been working on a project for the last few months which involves 
 creating new screens for our Swing application. We wanted to start moving 
 towards a web based interface, but we cannot re-do hundreds of screens in a 
 single release/year. So after doing some testing and being satisfied with 
 the HTML5 / CSS 2.1 support in the JavaFX 2.2 Webview, we decided that this 
 was a possible migration path. I am currently working on the first leg of 
 this path and things have gone quite well so far. I chose GWT to build the 
 front-end of the app due to our team's experience with WindowBuilder/Swing 
 and it's focus on Enterprise web applications. Our application is a complex 
 Enterprise app that must be maintained over many years by different people. 

 *Here are some of the results and issues:*


- General GWT development has been very productive (learning and 
architecting the app took considerable time).
- Performance running in the WebView has been acceptable on machines 
with decent GPUs which includes all of our client machines (8 MB video 
servers don't do well).
- We have been able to implement communication to/from 
GWT-JavaScript-JavaFX-Swing without any major issues and with very 
minimal code (some simple JSNI and JSON serialization).
- Performance of passing data and opening/closing windows between 
GWT-...-Swing has been very good. Note that we aren't passing 
large data sets over 1 MB.
- The new GWT app fits into our Swing application and feels very 
nearly 'just like another screen' due to GWT's out of the box styling.
- GWT's out of the box styling has worked great and impressed our 
customers without us having to put forth much effort.


- The JavaFX WebView does not quite behave like other browsers. It 
uses the Safari (chrome, webkit) user agent. 
- Drop downs (ListBox) have rounded edges (unlike Chrome) which we 
don't really like.
- Drop downs (select elements) are not very usable in the WebView. 
They can't be styled. They show as many elements as fit on the window 
(extending beyond the borders of the app). Scrolling these drops downs 
the mouse wheel isn't supported until JavaFX 8. I've opened some bugs for 
these issues with Oracle.
- Buttons get rounded edges if we override the default GWT style.
- Alignment between Chrome and the WebView does not match up for some 
elements. This causes a number of layout issues.
- JavaFX WebView does not support CSS3 and has some of its own rules 
with vendor extensions of -fx-. This includes things like JavaFX 
CSS does not support CSS layout properties such as *float*, *position*, 
*overflow*, and *width*.
- CSS *padding *and *margins *properties are supported on some 
objects. I tried to use a padding-left: 22px today which worked fine in 
Chrome but had no effect on the same Label in the WebView.
- Asking Oracle for fixes or enhancements appears to involve a 
significantly long wait, even if quickly approved, you may not see your 
issue resolved for 6-18+ months. It seems to be possible to fix issues 
yourself via the OpenJDK project, but it appears to require significant 
time and effort just to get setup/approved to do this.

 Now so far none of these issues have been a complete show stopper. But 
 after running into the padding issue today and researching, it seemed like 
 this might be the time to at least attempt to request (I know it is likely 
 not interesting or high priority to most people) a user agent for the 
 JavaFX WebView since it appears to need special handling to work properly 
 (which appears to be one main goals of GWT - to eliminate the troubles of 
 supporting multiple browsers).

 I found out that JavaFX has their own CSS rules including a special 
 -fx-label-padding rule. There does not appear to 

Re: JavaFX 2.2 WebView support - possible new User Agent?

2013-12-30 Thread Michael Prentice
Yep, we've seen those issues. As I mentioned, I've submitted + voted for a 
number of select element related bugs. I can try to post links to the bugs 
in Oracle's Jira tomorrow. Mouse wheel is supposed to be implemented in 
Java 8. All of the others were pushed out of Java 8 and are currently 
marked as Java 9. But with enough support, they might be patched in Java 8 
after GA.

I'd like to hear about any other issues that you've run into. So far the 
lacking select element has been the primary pain point for us. 

We've been able to make alert and confirm dialogs work with a small amount 
of code beyond their examples. Of course we'll try to use GWT DialogBoxes 
for most things (which are working well), but Activities and Places relies 
on the confirm dialog.

Michael Prentice
GDG Space Coast

On Monday, December 30, 2013 6:59:08 PM UTC-5, Gary Eberhart wrote:

 Hello Michael,

 I'm having issues with WebView as well. I'm displaying GWT, Grails and 
 PrimeFaces pages in a WebView. I've found several serious functional 
 problems running these web pages in WebView. One of the easiest to explain 
 are the Dropdowns (select elements) that take all available space on the 
 screen, and worse yet do not default to the value of the text. For example 
 I have a drop down for year. The text is 2013 and when you click on the 
 drop down the resulting list starts at 1913 requiring the user to use the 
 little scroll button to get back to 2013. It's just one thing after 
 another. I too have a huge Swing application, 2000 views, that I want to 
 migrate to Web technologies over the next 10 years.

 I'd be happy to completely document all of my issues with pictures and all 
 upon request. Please tell me I'm wrong, but it appears WebView fails to 
 render web pages correctly that are otherwise rendered flawlessly by the 
 major browsers?

 On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 2:44:13 PM UTC-7, Michael Prentice wrote:

 I've been working on a project for the last few months which involves 
 creating new screens for our Swing application. We wanted to start moving 
 towards a web based interface, but we cannot re-do hundreds of screens in a 
 single release/year. So after doing some testing and being satisfied with 
 the HTML5 / CSS 2.1 support in the JavaFX 2.2 Webview, we decided that this 
 was a possible migration path. I am currently working on the first leg of 
 this path and things have gone quite well so far. I chose GWT to build the 
 front-end of the app due to our team's experience with WindowBuilder/Swing 
 and it's focus on Enterprise web applications. Our application is a complex 
 Enterprise app that must be maintained over many years by different people. 

 *Here are some of the results and issues:*


- General GWT development has been very productive (learning and 
architecting the app took considerable time).
- Performance running in the WebView has been acceptable on machines 
with decent GPUs which includes all of our client machines (8 MB video 
servers don't do well).
- We have been able to implement communication to/from 
GWT-JavaScript-JavaFX-Swing without any major issues and with very 
minimal code (some simple JSNI and JSON serialization).
- Performance of passing data and opening/closing windows between 
GWT-...-Swing has been very good. Note that we aren't passing 
large data sets over 1 MB.
- The new GWT app fits into our Swing application and feels very 
nearly 'just like another screen' due to GWT's out of the box styling.
- GWT's out of the box styling has worked great and impressed our 
customers without us having to put forth much effort.


- The JavaFX WebView does not quite behave like other browsers. It 
uses the Safari (chrome, webkit) user agent. 
- Drop downs (ListBox) have rounded edges (unlike Chrome) which we 
don't really like.
- Drop downs (select elements) are not very usable in the WebView. 
They can't be styled. They show as many elements as fit on the window 
(extending beyond the borders of the app). Scrolling these drops downs 
the mouse wheel isn't supported until JavaFX 8. I've opened some bugs for 
these issues with Oracle.
- Buttons get rounded edges if we override the default GWT style.
- Alignment between Chrome and the WebView does not match up for some 
elements. This causes a number of layout issues.
- JavaFX WebView does not support CSS3 and has some of its own rules 
with vendor extensions of -fx-. This includes things like JavaFX 
CSS does not support CSS layout properties such as *float*, *position*, 
*overflow*, and *width*.
- CSS *padding *and *margins *properties are supported on some 
objects. I tried to use a padding-left: 22px today which worked fine in 
Chrome but had no effect on the same Label in the WebView.
- Asking Oracle for fixes or enhancements appears to involve a 

Re: JavaFX 2.2 WebView support - possible new User Agent?

2013-11-07 Thread Michael Prentice
Yep, it does appear that the WebView is not nearly as limited as the 
standard JavaFX CSS support.

Apparently the document that I linked (the only I could find about CSS 
support in JavaFX) only applies to normal JavaFX development and not to the 
capabilities of the WebView itself (based on webkit).

It does appear that padding-left and other related layout properties work 
just fine in the JavaFX WebView. There was something stopping my WebView 
from loading up all of the CSS (unknown reason). Thus the last few values 
(which I needed) weren't available for styling the document.

I did some major cleaning and rebuilding of my project as well as wiping of 
all temp and cache files and this issue 'went away on its own'.

I can see the padding applied properly in the WebView now and I can see it 
applied in FireBug Lite:


I had verified that the rule was in my app.css in the .war file, so GWT was 
generating and bundling things properly. There appears to have been an 
issue somewhere on the JavaFX WebView side.

Thank you for your help!
Michael Prentice
GDG Space Coast

On Wednesday, November 6, 2013 7:14:38 PM UTC-5, Oliver Krylow wrote:

 So, now that I have read through the docs you linked, I suspect you are 
 confusing different applications of CSS in the java fx technology stack. 

 The kind of CSS you are talking and linked about is used to style java fx 
 components themselves, meaning objects in the scene graph. This version of 
 CSS is based on CSS2.1,  as you cited, with slight modifications (for 
 example the prefixed rules you mentioned). 

 The CSS, that gets applied to the DOM inside the Webview, is standard CSS 
 and since the Webview is based on WebKit, I suspect it parses the '-webkit' 
 prefix, if any (haven't tested this). 

 Having said this, I have no idea why your initial tries with the 
 unprefixed padding rules did not apply. You should probably file this as a 

 Correct me if I misunderstood the java fx docs. 
 On Nov 6, 2013 8:25 PM, Chak Lai wrote:

 Just wondering how would the JavaFX WebView if you change the style from 
 GWT, instead from CSS file. For instance:

 public static void setFxPadding( 
 element) {
   element.getStyle().setProperty(FxPadding, 0px 0px 0px 22px);

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Re: JavaFX 2.2 WebView support - possible new User Agent?

2013-11-07 Thread Vassilis Virvilis

On 11/05/13 23:44, Michael Prentice wrote:
I've been working on a project for the last few months which involves 
creating new screens for our Swing application.

Just wanted to say

Thanks for sharing this.


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Re: JavaFX 2.2 WebView support - possible new User Agent?

2013-11-06 Thread Michael Prentice
I've posted this question to StackOverflow here:

On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 6:40:08 PM UTC-5, Michael Prentice wrote:

 Thank you for the idea about escaping the first dash. It made the CSS 
 editor in GWT Designer a bit happier (no longer red). But it didn't end up 
 fixing the issue. I tried the following without any luck as well (all 
 worked great in Chrome):

 .foo-bar-values {
 padding: 0px 0px 0px 22px;

 .foo-bar-values {
 margin: 0px 0px 0px 22px;

 .foo-bar-values {
 margin-left: 22px;

 .foo-bar-values {
 padding-left: 22px;
 \-fx-label-padding: 0px 0px 0px 22px;

 .foo-bar-values {
 padding-left: 22px;
 \-fx-padding: 0px 0px 0px 22px;

 As far as migration to JavaFX, we did not see a smooth migration path 
 there. We can't run our Swing screens in a browser and we can't convert 
 everything to JavaFX in a single release. We also don't want to have half 
 of our app run in the browser and half in a Swing application. We don't use 
 Java WebStart for deployment and we aren't able to change the installation 
 of our client to require users to browse to a certain site to install the 
 application. It is pushed out Enterprise wide via Enterprise level 

 Using web technologies (GWT) hosted in a JavaFX WebView allows for us to 
 replace a screen at a time (or more) within our current Swing application 
 without needing to completely change the deployment/installation strategy. 
 It also minimizes the end user training with each release. Eventually (2-3 
 years), we will be in a situation where we can replace the last of the 
 Swing screens and go to a completely web based solution. We are hoping that 
 Chromium runtime will be available by then so that we can switch straight 
 to it (installed as part of our app and not by the user or IT) rather than 
 having to depend on older versions of IE installed throughout the 

 *Some other info about JavaFX WebView:*

- In order to handle Confirmation and Alert dialogs, you must 
implement handlers for these in your WebEngine JavaFX code. It isn't hard 
and it is quite customizable, but it doesn't come out of the box.
- Deploying and testing within the WebView is quite a pain. FireBug 
Lite provides for some limited debugging, but with GWT we don't get 
anything useful on the Script tab (Access to restricted URI denied.) 
So debugging has to be done in DevMode in Chrome or in the WebView via 
alert() dialogs (like debugging with printf's ages ago). This is minimized 
by the fact that so far our only code that would need to be debugged in 
WebView is the navigation code that talks between GWT and Swing via JSNI 
and JavaFX.

 Michael Prentice
 GDG Space Coast

 On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 6:06:53 PM UTC-5, Oliver Krylow wrote:

 If the CSS snippet you have shown happens to reside in a uibinder file, 
 try escaping prefixed rules with a \ .

 \-fx-label-padding ...

 The CSS parser of gwt used to have trouble with those .

 Thank you for reporting your experience with the javafx webview. It has 
 been an interesting read.

 Could you explain your decision to migrate to web technologies instead of 
 migrating to javafx and deploying it in the browser ?
 On Nov 5, 2013 10:44 PM, Michael Prentice wrote:

 I've been working on a project for the last few months which involves 
 creating new screens for our Swing application. We wanted to start moving 
 towards a web based interface, but we cannot re-do hundreds of screens in a 
 single release/year. So after doing some testing and being satisfied with 
 the HTML5 / CSS 2.1 support in the JavaFX 2.2 Webview, we decided that this 
 was a possible migration path. I am currently working on the first leg of 
 this path and things have gone quite well so far. I chose GWT to build the 
 front-end of the app due to our team's experience with WindowBuilder/Swing 
 and it's focus on Enterprise web applications. Our application is a complex 
 Enterprise app that must be maintained over many years by different people. 

 *Here are some of the results and issues:*


- General GWT development has been very productive (learning and 
architecting the app took considerable time). 
- Performance running in the WebView has been acceptable on machines 
with decent GPUs which includes all of our client machines (8 MB video 
servers don't do well).
- We have been able to implement communication to/from 
GWT-JavaScript-JavaFX-Swing without any major issues and with very 
minimal code (some simple JSNI and JSON serialization). 
- Performance of passing data and opening/closing windows between 
GWT-...-Swing has been very good. Note that we aren't passing 
large data sets over 1 MB. 

Re: JavaFX 2.2 WebView support - possible new User Agent?

2013-11-06 Thread Chak Lai
Just wondering how would the JavaFX WebView if you change the style from 
GWT, instead from CSS file. For instance:

public static void setFxPadding( element) 
  element.getStyle().setProperty(FxPadding, 0px 0px 0px 22px);

On Wednesday, November 6, 2013 10:33:33 AM UTC-5, Michael Prentice wrote:

 I've posted this question to StackOverflow here:

 On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 6:40:08 PM UTC-5, Michael Prentice wrote:

 Thank you for the idea about escaping the first dash. It made the CSS 
 editor in GWT Designer a bit happier (no longer red). But it didn't end up 
 fixing the issue. I tried the following without any luck as well (all 
 worked great in Chrome):

 .foo-bar-values {
 padding: 0px 0px 0px 22px;

 .foo-bar-values {
 margin: 0px 0px 0px 22px;

 .foo-bar-values {
 margin-left: 22px;

 .foo-bar-values {
 padding-left: 22px;
 \-fx-label-padding: 0px 0px 0px 22px;

 .foo-bar-values {
 padding-left: 22px;
 \-fx-padding: 0px 0px 0px 22px;

 As far as migration to JavaFX, we did not see a smooth migration path 
 there. We can't run our Swing screens in a browser and we can't convert 
 everything to JavaFX in a single release. We also don't want to have half 
 of our app run in the browser and half in a Swing application. We don't use 
 Java WebStart for deployment and we aren't able to change the installation 
 of our client to require users to browse to a certain site to install the 
 application. It is pushed out Enterprise wide via Enterprise level 

 Using web technologies (GWT) hosted in a JavaFX WebView allows for us to 
 replace a screen at a time (or more) within our current Swing application 
 without needing to completely change the deployment/installation strategy. 
 It also minimizes the end user training with each release. Eventually (2-3 
 years), we will be in a situation where we can replace the last of the 
 Swing screens and go to a completely web based solution. We are hoping that 
 Chromium runtime will be available by then so that we can switch straight 
 to it (installed as part of our app and not by the user or IT) rather than 
 having to depend on older versions of IE installed throughout the 

 *Some other info about JavaFX WebView:*

- In order to handle Confirmation and Alert dialogs, you must 
implement handlers for these in your WebEngine JavaFX code. It isn't hard 
and it is quite customizable, but it doesn't come out of the box.
- Deploying and testing within the WebView is quite a pain. FireBug 
Lite provides for some limited debugging, but with GWT we don't get 
anything useful on the Script tab (Access to restricted URI denied.) 
So debugging has to be done in DevMode in Chrome or in the WebView via 
alert() dialogs (like debugging with printf's ages ago). This is 
by the fact that so far our only code that would need to be debugged in 
WebView is the navigation code that talks between GWT and Swing via JSNI 
and JavaFX.

 Michael Prentice
 GDG Space Coast

 On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 6:06:53 PM UTC-5, Oliver Krylow wrote:

 If the CSS snippet you have shown happens to reside in a uibinder file, 
 try escaping prefixed rules with a \ .

 \-fx-label-padding ...

 The CSS parser of gwt used to have trouble with those .

 Thank you for reporting your experience with the javafx webview. It has 
 been an interesting read.

 Could you explain your decision to migrate to web technologies instead 
 of migrating to javafx and deploying it in the browser ?
 On Nov 5, 2013 10:44 PM, Michael Prentice wrote:

 I've been working on a project for the last few months which involves 
 creating new screens for our Swing application. We wanted to start moving 
 towards a web based interface, but we cannot re-do hundreds of screens in 
 single release/year. So after doing some testing and being satisfied with 
 the HTML5 / CSS 2.1 support in the JavaFX 2.2 Webview, we decided that 
 was a possible migration path. I am currently working on the first leg of 
 this path and things have gone quite well so far. I chose GWT to build the 
 front-end of the app due to our team's experience with WindowBuilder/Swing 
 and it's focus on Enterprise web applications. Our application is a 
 Enterprise app that must be maintained over many years by different 

 *Here are some of the results and issues:*


- General GWT development has been very productive (learning and 
architecting the app took considerable time). 
- Performance running in the WebView has been acceptable on 
machines with decent GPUs which includes all of our client machines (8 
video card servers don't do well).

Re: JavaFX 2.2 WebView support - possible new User Agent?

2013-11-06 Thread Oliver Krylow
So, now that I have read through the docs you linked, I suspect you are
confusing different applications of CSS in the java fx technology stack.

The kind of CSS you are talking and linked about is used to style java fx
components themselves, meaning objects in the scene graph. This version of
CSS is based on CSS2.1,  as you cited, with slight modifications (for
example the prefixed rules you mentioned).

The CSS, that gets applied to the DOM inside the Webview, is standard CSS
and since the Webview is based on WebKit, I suspect it parses the '-webkit'
prefix, if any (haven't tested this).

Having said this, I have no idea why your initial tries with the unprefixed
padding rules did not apply. You should probably file this as a bug.

Correct me if I misunderstood the java fx docs.
On Nov 6, 2013 8:25 PM, Chak Lai wrote:

 Just wondering how would the JavaFX WebView if you change the style from
 GWT, instead from CSS file. For instance:

 public static void setFxPadding(
 element) {
   element.getStyle().setProperty(FxPadding, 0px 0px 0px 22px);

 On Wednesday, November 6, 2013 10:33:33 AM UTC-5, Michael Prentice wrote:

 I've posted this question to StackOverflow here: http://stackoverflow.**

 On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 6:40:08 PM UTC-5, Michael Prentice wrote:

 Thank you for the idea about escaping the first dash. It made the CSS
 editor in GWT Designer a bit happier (no longer red). But it didn't end up
 fixing the issue. I tried the following without any luck as well (all
 worked great in Chrome):

 .foo-bar-values {
 padding: 0px 0px 0px 22px;

 .foo-bar-values {
 margin: 0px 0px 0px 22px;

 .foo-bar-values {
 margin-left: 22px;

 .foo-bar-values {
 padding-left: 22px;
 \-fx-label-padding: 0px 0px 0px 22px;

 .foo-bar-values {
 padding-left: 22px;
 \-fx-padding: 0px 0px 0px 22px;

 As far as migration to JavaFX, we did not see a smooth migration path
 there. We can't run our Swing screens in a browser and we can't convert
 everything to JavaFX in a single release. We also don't want to have half
 of our app run in the browser and half in a Swing application. We don't use
 Java WebStart for deployment and we aren't able to change the installation
 of our client to require users to browse to a certain site to install the
 application. It is pushed out Enterprise wide via Enterprise level

 Using web technologies (GWT) hosted in a JavaFX WebView allows for us to
 replace a screen at a time (or more) within our current Swing application
 without needing to completely change the deployment/installation strategy.
 It also minimizes the end user training with each release. Eventually (2-3
 years), we will be in a situation where we can replace the last of the
 Swing screens and go to a completely web based solution. We are hoping that
 Chromium runtime will be available by then so that we can switch straight
 to it (installed as part of our app and not by the user or IT) rather than
 having to depend on older versions of IE installed throughout the

 *Some other info about JavaFX WebView:*

- In order to handle Confirmation and Alert dialogs, you must
implement handlers for these in your WebEngine JavaFX code. It isn't hard
and it is quite customizable, but it doesn't come out of the box.
- Deploying and testing within the WebView is quite a pain. FireBug
Lite provides for some limited debugging, but with GWT we don't get
anything useful on the Script tab (Access to restricted URI denied.)
So debugging has to be done in DevMode in Chrome or in the WebView via
alert() dialogs (like debugging with printf's ages ago). This is 
by the fact that so far our only code that would need to be debugged in 
WebView is the navigation code that talks between GWT and Swing via JSNI
and JavaFX.

 Michael Prentice
 GDG Space Coast

 On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 6:06:53 PM UTC-5, Oliver Krylow wrote:

 If the CSS snippet you have shown happens to reside in a uibinder file,
 try escaping prefixed rules with a \ .

 \-fx-label-padding ...

 The CSS parser of gwt used to have trouble with those .

 Thank you for reporting your experience with the javafx webview. It has
 been an interesting read.

 Could you explain your decision to migrate to web technologies instead
 of migrating to javafx and deploying it in the browser**2/deployment/deployment_**toolkit.htm
 On Nov 5, 2013 10:44 PM, Michael Prentice wrote:

 I've been working on a project for the last few months which involves
 creating new screens for our Swing application. We wanted to start moving

JavaFX 2.2 WebView support - possible new User Agent?

2013-11-05 Thread Michael Prentice
I've been working on a project for the last few months which involves 
creating new screens for our Swing application. We wanted to start moving 
towards a web based interface, but we cannot re-do hundreds of screens in a 
single release/year. So after doing some testing and being satisfied with 
the HTML5 / CSS 2.1 support in the JavaFX 2.2 Webview, we decided that this 
was a possible migration path. I am currently working on the first leg of 
this path and things have gone quite well so far. I chose GWT to build the 
front-end of the app due to our team's experience with WindowBuilder/Swing 
and it's focus on Enterprise web applications. Our application is a complex 
Enterprise app that must be maintained over many years by different people. 

*Here are some of the results and issues:*


   - General GWT development has been very productive (learning and 
   architecting the app took considerable time).
   - Performance running in the WebView has been acceptable on machines 
   with decent GPUs which includes all of our client machines (8 MB video card 
   servers don't do well).
   - We have been able to implement communication to/from 
   GWT-JavaScript-JavaFX-Swing without any major issues and with very 
   minimal code (some simple JSNI and JSON serialization).
   - Performance of passing data and opening/closing windows between 
   GWT-...-Swing has been very good. Note that we aren't passing 
   large data sets over 1 MB.
   - The new GWT app fits into our Swing application and feels very nearly 
   'just like another screen' due to GWT's out of the box styling.
   - GWT's out of the box styling has worked great and impressed our 
   customers without us having to put forth much effort.


   - The JavaFX WebView does not quite behave like other browsers. It uses 
   the Safari (chrome, webkit) user agent. 
   - Drop downs (ListBox) have rounded edges (unlike Chrome) which we don't 
   really like.
   - Drop downs (select elements) are not very usable in the WebView. They 
   can't be styled. They show as many elements as fit on the window (extending 
   beyond the borders of the app). Scrolling these drops downs with the mouse 
   wheel isn't supported until JavaFX 8. I've opened some bugs for these 
   issues with Oracle.
   - Buttons get rounded edges if we override the default GWT style.
   - Alignment between Chrome and the WebView does not match up for some 
   elements. This causes a number of layout issues.
   - JavaFX WebView does not support CSS3 and has some of its own rules with 
   vendor extensions of -fx-. This includes things like JavaFX CSS does not 
   support CSS layout properties such as *float*, *position*, *overflow*, 
   and *width*.
   - CSS *padding *and *margins *properties are supported on some 
   objects. I tried to use a padding-left: 22px today which worked fine in 
   Chrome but had no effect on the same Label in the WebView.
   - Asking Oracle for fixes or enhancements appears to involve a 
   significantly long wait, even if quickly approved, you may not see your 
   issue resolved for 6-18+ months. It seems to be possible to fix issues 
   yourself via the OpenJDK project, but it appears to require significant 
   time and effort just to get setup/approved to do this.

Now so far none of these issues have been a complete show stopper. But 
after running into the padding issue today and researching, it seemed like 
this might be the time to at least attempt to request (I know it is likely 
not interesting or high priority to most people) a user agent for the 
JavaFX WebView since it appears to need special handling to work properly 
(which appears to be one main goals of GWT - to eliminate the troubles of 
supporting multiple browsers).

I found out that JavaFX has their own CSS rules including a special 
-fx-label-padding rule. There does not appear to be anything like 
padding-left or padding-top, so you need to specify all 4 (if a set of 
four padding values is specified, they are used for the top, right, bottom, 
and left edges of the region, in that order.). I added this to my existing 
rule which already has the padding-left: 22px rule. 

.foo-bar-values {
padding-left: 22px;
-fx-label-padding: 0px 0px 0px 22px;

Chrome handled things fine in DevMode (ignored the unknown rule with a 
warning). But when I loaded up the WebView version, it had no effect. I 
thought that this was quite odd, so I debugged it with FireBug Lite and 
apparently that specific CSS rule isn't there in the CSS on the page. I 
checked my .css file in the .WAR and it is there. Strange...

For more information on how JavaFX WebView handles CSS and defines its own 
CSS rules see here:

Has anyone else looked into this at all?

Does anyone have any pointers for making GWT/JavaFX play nice together for 
these 'vendor' extended CSS rules?

Thank you,

Michael Prentice
GDG Space Coast

Re: JavaFX 2.2 WebView support - possible new User Agent?

2013-11-05 Thread Oliver Krylow
If the CSS snippet you have shown happens to reside in a uibinder file, try
escaping prefixed rules with a \ .

\-fx-label-padding ...

The CSS parser of gwt used to have trouble with those .

Thank you for reporting your experience with the javafx webview. It has
been an interesting read.

Could you explain your decision to migrate to web technologies instead of
migrating to javafx and deploying it in the browser ?
On Nov 5, 2013 10:44 PM, Michael Prentice wrote:

 I've been working on a project for the last few months which involves
 creating new screens for our Swing application. We wanted to start moving
 towards a web based interface, but we cannot re-do hundreds of screens in a
 single release/year. So after doing some testing and being satisfied with
 the HTML5 / CSS 2.1 support in the JavaFX 2.2 Webview, we decided that this
 was a possible migration path. I am currently working on the first leg of
 this path and things have gone quite well so far. I chose GWT to build the
 front-end of the app due to our team's experience with WindowBuilder/Swing
 and it's focus on Enterprise web applications. Our application is a complex
 Enterprise app that must be maintained over many years by different people.

 *Here are some of the results and issues:*


- General GWT development has been very productive (learning and
architecting the app took considerable time).
- Performance running in the WebView has been acceptable on machines
with decent GPUs which includes all of our client machines (8 MB video card
servers don't do well).
- We have been able to implement communication to/from
GWT-JavaScript-JavaFX-Swing without any major issues and with very
minimal code (some simple JSNI and JSON serialization).
- Performance of passing data and opening/closing windows between
GWT-...-Swing has been very good. Note that we aren't passing
large data sets over 1 MB.
- The new GWT app fits into our Swing application and feels very
nearly 'just like another screen' due to GWT's out of the box styling.
- GWT's out of the box styling has worked great and impressed our
customers without us having to put forth much effort.


- The JavaFX WebView does not quite behave like other browsers. It
uses the Safari (chrome, webkit) user agent.
- Drop downs (ListBox) have rounded edges (unlike Chrome) which we
don't really like.
- Drop downs (select elements) are not very usable in the WebView.
They can't be styled. They show as many elements as fit on the window
(extending beyond the borders of the app). Scrolling these drops downs with
the mouse wheel isn't supported until JavaFX 8. I've opened some bugs for
these issues with Oracle.
- Buttons get rounded edges if we override the default GWT style.
- Alignment between Chrome and the WebView does not match up for some
elements. This causes a number of layout issues.
- JavaFX WebView does not support CSS3 and has some of its own rules
with vendor extensions of -fx-. This includes things like JavaFX
CSS does not support CSS layout properties such as *float*, *position*,
*overflow*, and *width*.
- CSS *padding *and *margins *properties are supported on some
objects. I tried to use a padding-left: 22px today which worked fine in
Chrome but had no effect on the same Label in the WebView.
- Asking Oracle for fixes or enhancements appears to involve a
significantly long wait, even if quickly approved, you may not see your
issue resolved for 6-18+ months. It seems to be possible to fix issues
yourself via the OpenJDK project, but it appears to require significant
time and effort just to get setup/approved to do this.

 Now so far none of these issues have been a complete show stopper. But
 after running into the padding issue today and researching, it seemed like
 this might be the time to at least attempt to request (I know it is likely
 not interesting or high priority to most people) a user agent for the
 JavaFX WebView since it appears to need special handling to work properly
 (which appears to be one main goals of GWT - to eliminate the troubles of
 supporting multiple browsers).

 I found out that JavaFX has their own CSS rules including a special 
 -fx-label-padding rule. There does not appear to be anything like
 padding-left or padding-top, so you need to specify all 4 (if a set of
 four padding values is specified, they are used for the top, right, bottom,
 and left edges of the region, in that order.). I added this to my
 existing rule which already has the padding-left: 22px rule.

 .foo-bar-values {
 padding-left: 22px;
 -fx-label-padding: 0px 0px 0px 22px;

 Chrome handled things fine in DevMode (ignored the unknown rule with a
 warning). But when I loaded up the WebView version, it had no effect. I
 thought that 

Re: JavaFX 2.2 WebView support - possible new User Agent?

2013-11-05 Thread Michael Prentice
Thank you for the idea about escaping the first dash. It made the CSS 
editor in GWT Designer a bit happier (no longer red). But it didn't end up 
fixing the issue. I tried the following without any luck as well (all 
worked great in Chrome):

.foo-bar-values {
padding: 0px 0px 0px 22px;

.foo-bar-values {
margin: 0px 0px 0px 22px;

.foo-bar-values {
margin-left: 22px;

.foo-bar-values {
padding-left: 22px;
\-fx-label-padding: 0px 0px 0px 22px;

.foo-bar-values {
padding-left: 22px;
\-fx-padding: 0px 0px 0px 22px;

As far as migration to JavaFX, we did not see a smooth migration path 
there. We can't run our Swing screens in a browser and we can't convert 
everything to JavaFX in a single release. We also don't want to have half 
of our app run in the browser and half in a Swing application. We don't use 
Java WebStart for deployment and we aren't able to change the installation 
of our client to require users to browse to a certain site to install the 
application. It is pushed out Enterprise wide via Enterprise level 

Using web technologies (GWT) hosted in a JavaFX WebView allows for us to 
replace a screen at a time (or more) within our current Swing application 
without needing to completely change the deployment/installation strategy. 
It also minimizes the end user training with each release. Eventually (2-3 
years), we will be in a situation where we can replace the last of the 
Swing screens and go to a completely web based solution. We are hoping that 
Chromium runtime will be available by then so that we can switch straight 
to it (installed as part of our app and not by the user or IT) rather than 
having to depend on older versions of IE installed throughout the 

*Some other info about JavaFX WebView:*

   - In order to handle Confirmation and Alert dialogs, you must implement 
   handlers for these in your WebEngine JavaFX code. It isn't hard and it is 
   quite customizable, but it doesn't come out of the box.
   - Deploying and testing within the WebView is quite a pain. FireBug Lite 
   provides for some limited debugging, but with GWT we don't get anything 
   useful on the Script tab (Access to restricted URI denied.) So debugging 
   has to be done in DevMode in Chrome or in the WebView via alert() dialogs 
   (like debugging with printf's ages ago). This is minimized by the fact that 
   so far our only code that would need to be debugged in the WebView is the 
   navigation code that talks between GWT and Swing via JSNI and JavaFX.

Michael Prentice
GDG Space Coast

On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 6:06:53 PM UTC-5, Oliver Krylow wrote:

 If the CSS snippet you have shown happens to reside in a uibinder file, 
 try escaping prefixed rules with a \ .

 \-fx-label-padding ...

 The CSS parser of gwt used to have trouble with those .

 Thank you for reporting your experience with the javafx webview. It has 
 been an interesting read.

 Could you explain your decision to migrate to web technologies instead of 
 migrating to javafx and deploying it in the browser ?
 On Nov 5, 2013 10:44 PM, Michael Prentice spla...@gmail.comjavascript: 

 I've been working on a project for the last few months which involves 
 creating new screens for our Swing application. We wanted to start moving 
 towards a web based interface, but we cannot re-do hundreds of screens in a 
 single release/year. So after doing some testing and being satisfied with 
 the HTML5 / CSS 2.1 support in the JavaFX 2.2 Webview, we decided that this 
 was a possible migration path. I am currently working on the first leg of 
 this path and things have gone quite well so far. I chose GWT to build the 
 front-end of the app due to our team's experience with WindowBuilder/Swing 
 and it's focus on Enterprise web applications. Our application is a complex 
 Enterprise app that must be maintained over many years by different people. 

 *Here are some of the results and issues:*


- General GWT development has been very productive (learning and 
architecting the app took considerable time). 
- Performance running in the WebView has been acceptable on machines 
with decent GPUs which includes all of our client machines (8 MB video 
servers don't do well).
- We have been able to implement communication to/from 
GWT-JavaScript-JavaFX-Swing without any major issues and with very 
minimal code (some simple JSNI and JSON serialization). 
- Performance of passing data and opening/closing windows between 
GWT-...-Swing has been very good. Note that we aren't passing 
large data sets over 1 MB. 
- The new GWT app fits into our Swing application and feels very 
nearly 'just like another screen' due to GWT's out of the box styling.
- GWT's out of the box styling has worked great and impressed our 
customers without us having to put forth