On Saturday, March 23, 2013 3:16:09 PM UTC+1, Kelly Norton wrote:
> Thomas Broyer reached out to get vector versions of the original GWT Logo 
> so I'm going to just throw my copies into the community before they are 
> lost. As far as I remember, these logos were originally created by Michael 
> Lopez in 2006. I'm pretty confident that the illustrator file I have is the 
> final iteration. I've uploaded the logo to my Dropbox and exported it to a 
> few common formats (unfortunately the SVG version does have some issues).
> Illustrator (original)
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4920373/gwt-logo/gwt-logo.ai
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4920373/gwt-logo/gwt-logo.pdf
> PNG (1000x940)
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4920373/gwt-logo/gwt-logo.png
> SVG (This is a failed attempt to use Inkscape to convert from PDF. The 
> entire left side of the box did not survive the process. I home someone 
> more familiar with the inner workings of Inkscape can get a better SVG 
> version)
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4920373/gwt-logo/gwt-logo.svgz

It looks like Inkscape imports the gradient with 
"stop-opacity:1;stop-color:#000000" instead of 
"stop-opacity:0;stop-color:#ffffff" (when I imported the *.ai file)

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