I tried to do something fairly simple:

package testpackage;

public class MyClass {
  private JavaScriptObject rawMap = JavaScriptObject.createObject();

  private native void setSomething(String x) /*-{
      th...@testpackage.client.myclass::rawMap["foo"] = x;

  private native String getSomething() /*-{
     return th...@testpackage.client.myclass::rawMap["foo"];

but it doesn't work - 'rawMap' doesn't exist according to GWT. (member
not found; expect subsequent errors). Yet when I replace my rawMap
with an identical line, except making rawMap an int, the error goes
away. I've worked around it with non-JSNI wrapper methods that pass
the JSO into and out of JSNI methods, but shouldn't the above code
just work?


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