After discussing further with Scott, there's probably a better way to
solve this one.  Closing this review and retooling.....

It turns out this does result in a significant savings in practice, for
projects with lots of ClientBundles with resources outside of the module
space.  So this approach will serve as an example solution for a
concrete problem.

But the solution should not alter the global ResourceOracle shared by
other unrelated generators.  However, question is whether keeping a
local resource oracle for use only by ClientBundles would not incur
significant overhead, since it would imply adding a mechanism for
maintaining extra framework for handling per-generator resource oracles,
and refreshing them, etc.

Toby's longer term proposal of adding a custom a indexing classloader
implementation is a more promising approach here, since circumventing a
slow class loader lookup would no longer be necessary, and things would
just work (assuming the classloader can be kept up to date
public class ExpandableResourceOracleImpl extends ResourceOracleImpl
well, getPathPrefixes is public on ResourcesOracleImpl (but not
ResourcesOracle), so currently, generators don't have access to it.
File user/src/com/google/gwt/resources/ext/
user/src/com/google/gwt/resources/ext/ if
(((GeneratorContextExt) genContext).isProdMode()) {
It's only dev mode, since the optimization depends on the initial
generator run discovering resource paths that caused a fallback to the
class loader, and then subsequent generator runs being able to take
advantage of the expanded resource oracle.  Generators don't run
multiple times for a given moduleSpace's ResourceOracle, in prodMode.


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