[gwt-contrib] Re: UiBinder and Model View Presenter

2009-08-20 Thread Amir Kashani
We did code splitting across the four major sections of our applications.
Assume we have section A-D, each with their own mediator. We then have an
ApplicationMediator, which is responsible for loading / unloading the four
major sections and sticking them into the viewport. When ApplicationMediator
receives a notification to load A, for example, it calls a method loadA()
that constructs the AMediator, gets its view component, and sticks it in the
viewport. The trick is that loadA() is wrapped in a runAsyc() block and
nowhere else do we ever construct an AMediator or even reference it, since
communication is all through notifications. You could certainly do the same
thing with a LoadACommand(). We just felt that since the command would have
to work intimately with ApplicationMediator, it's best to just stick the
logic in there.

Our history management is pretty intense as our app is quite large and
requires maintaining quite a bit of state (searches with up to 20-30
criteria). But, we did basically what you suggested. A HistoryManger class
is responsible for serializing and deserializing history state. The rest of
the application registers a certain token (say, search), providing a
serializer and a Command. When it a history event is fired for that token,
the entire state is serialized using the provided serializer then passed as
an argument to the command. This works really well, because if you have a
PerformSearch command that takes a SearchRequest as the body, it can be used
for the history mechanism AND through normal user actions. The only bit
about this I don't like, is that we use the third type parameter to signify
whether the command is being called as a result of a user action or a
history state change. If it's a user action, the command calls
HistoryManager, allowing it to do it's History.addToken call. It's a bit
hackish, but works.

Hope that makes sense.

- Amir

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 9:43 PM, brett.wooldridge 
brett.wooldri...@gmail.com wrote:


 After your post, I have been investigating PureMVC a bit.  Since you
 used it, I have a question.  In PureMVC, in the typical
 ApplicationFacade class there is an initializeController() override
 which registers all the commands.  How does this fit with code-
 splitting?  Currently our application is not PureMVC, and we highly
 leverage the new code-splitting features of GWT.  Do you leverage code-
 splitting?  If so, did you just register all the commands up front,
 but then in the execute() of the commands use runAsync() to allow
 splitting?  Where are the best points to apply runAsync() in the
 PureMVC architecture?

 Also, while I have your attention, how did you (or did you) fit
 browser history into the PureMVC model?  Did some sort of history
 management class receive notifications from the framework and manage
 history that way?  Did that class post notifications into the PureMVC
 framework in response to back/forward navigation?


 On Aug 14, 6:36 am, Amir Kashani amirkash...@gmail.com wrote:
  For my last work project, we used Kiyaa!, a GWT library that offers its
  declarative UI system (and data-binding). In addition, we used PureMVC as
  very lightweight MVC-framework. If you're familiar with PureMVC, you'll
  that it's much closer to MVP, as described by Ray Ryan, than it is a
  traditional MVC framework. They worked beautifully together. Here's our
  basic setup:
 - *Views *- these are the plain UI components represented with Kyiaa!
 templates. They're smart enough to display Model data and handle any
 interactions, but delegate all business logic to their Mediators. They
 a Listener interface that is implemented by the Mediator, which has
 high-level callback methods, such as onRegister, onNewCustomer, etc
 than onClick.
 - *Mediator *- responsible for managing the views by facilitating
 communication between the View and the rest of the system. They send
 receive Notifications that are handled by other Mediators or by
 More specifically, they provide model data to the View as it's
 available and
 handle user-triggered events from the view, etc. The mediators have NO
 references to any Widgets or other UI components. Their only
 with the View is from callbacks through the defined interface and
 the View's public API, which is generally fairly-high level as well.
 of this, it's easy to re-use UI components by having a different
 controlling the UI.
 - *Model* - these are your basic domain objects. They should be POJOs
 have no concept of the rest of the system. Period.
 - *Proxy* - a Proxy's basic role is to provide a high-level API for
 managing the Model. Depending on the complexity of your domain object,
 could be as simple as having methods such as addUser, deleteUser, etc.
 for complex Models, such as a Word 

[gwt-contrib] Re: UiBinder and Model View Presenter

2009-08-19 Thread brett.wooldridge


After your post, I have been investigating PureMVC a bit.  Since you
used it, I have a question.  In PureMVC, in the typical
ApplicationFacade class there is an initializeController() override
which registers all the commands.  How does this fit with code-
splitting?  Currently our application is not PureMVC, and we highly
leverage the new code-splitting features of GWT.  Do you leverage code-
splitting?  If so, did you just register all the commands up front,
but then in the execute() of the commands use runAsync() to allow
splitting?  Where are the best points to apply runAsync() in the
PureMVC architecture?

Also, while I have your attention, how did you (or did you) fit
browser history into the PureMVC model?  Did some sort of history
management class receive notifications from the framework and manage
history that way?  Did that class post notifications into the PureMVC
framework in response to back/forward navigation?


On Aug 14, 6:36 am, Amir Kashani amirkash...@gmail.com wrote:
 For my last work project, we used Kiyaa!, a GWT library that offers its own
 declarative UI system (and data-binding). In addition, we used PureMVC as a
 very lightweight MVC-framework. If you're familiar with PureMVC, you'll know
 that it's much closer to MVP, as described by Ray Ryan, than it is a
 traditional MVC framework. They worked beautifully together. Here's our
 basic setup:

    - *Views *- these are the plain UI components represented with Kyiaa!
    templates. They're smart enough to display Model data and handle any UI
    interactions, but delegate all business logic to their Mediators. They have
    a Listener interface that is implemented by the Mediator, which has
    high-level callback methods, such as onRegister, onNewCustomer, etc 
    than onClick.
    - *Mediator *- responsible for managing the views by facilitating
    communication between the View and the rest of the system. They send and
    receive Notifications that are handled by other Mediators or by Commands.
    More specifically, they provide model data to the View as it's available 
    handle user-triggered events from the view, etc. The mediators have NO
    references to any Widgets or other UI components. Their only interaction
    with the View is from callbacks through the defined interface and through
    the View's public API, which is generally fairly-high level as well. 
    of this, it's easy to re-use UI components by having a different Mediator
    controlling the UI.

    - *Model* - these are your basic domain objects. They should be POJOs and
    have no concept of the rest of the system. Period.
    - *Proxy* - a Proxy's basic role is to provide a high-level API for
    managing the Model. Depending on the complexity of your domain object, it
    could be as simple as having methods such as addUser, deleteUser, etc. Or,
    for complex Models, such as a Word Document object, can have methods such 
    setTitle(), etc.

 In our setup, Proxys take the former role, basically encapsulating all RPC
 logic, implementing client-side caching, etc. You call methods on a Proxy,
 such as saveUser, and it sends Notifications to the rest of the system when
 something interesting happens. Proxy's NEVER receive notifications, however.
 They are not interested in the rest of the system, including the UI (or even
 that there is a UI), and theoretically, along with the models, should
 function completely on their own, making them highly reusable.

    - *Command* - a Command is a place where you encode complex interactions.
    For example, if your application has a search function, you may have a
    SearchCommand that
       1. Receives the search query
       2. Calls the appropriate Proxy to do the RPC hit
       3. Loads the Mediator that will be interested in the Proxy's response,
       if not already loaded

 The SearchCommand would be triggered by a notification sent from some
 Mediator. The idea is to stick the logic into a re-usable Command rather
 than encoding it into a Mediator directly, as it may be needed from multiple

 The great part about this design and MVP is, that if we want to switch to
 UIBinder, all we have to do is modify the View classes. No other part of the
 system would have to change one-bit.

 Another quick note on PureMVC: it's kind of a disservice to it to call it an
 MVC framework, as there's very little code involved in the framework.
 Rather, it's a set of concepts and principles that have been very well
 defined, that if followed correctly, lead to highly-reusable and easily
 testable components. Even if you don't use the framework, I highly recommend
 reading their best 

 - Amir

 On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 2:27 AM, Andrés Testi andres.a.te...@gmail.comwrote:

  How the UiBinder fits in the MVP architecture proposed at the google I/
  O talks? 

[gwt-contrib] Re: UiBinder and Model View Presenter

2009-08-14 Thread Andrés Testi


Your answer is very interesting and detailed. Thank you very much for
taking your time to answer my question. I will take a look in PureMVC.
One of my big concerns is the translation of JSR 303 validations to
client side.

- Andrés

On 13 ago, 18:36, Amir Kashani amirkash...@gmail.com wrote:
 For my last work project, we used Kiyaa!, a GWT library that offers its own
 declarative UI system (and data-binding). In addition, we used PureMVC as a
 very lightweight MVC-framework. If you're familiar with PureMVC, you'll know
 that it's much closer to MVP, as described by Ray Ryan, than it is a
 traditional MVC framework. They worked beautifully together. Here's our
 basic setup:

    - *Views *- these are the plain UI components represented with Kyiaa!
    templates. They're smart enough to display Model data and handle any UI
    interactions, but delegate all business logic to their Mediators. They have
    a Listener interface that is implemented by the Mediator, which has
    high-level callback methods, such as onRegister, onNewCustomer, etc 
    than onClick.
    - *Mediator *- responsible for managing the views by facilitating
    communication between the View and the rest of the system. They send and
    receive Notifications that are handled by other Mediators or by Commands.
    More specifically, they provide model data to the View as it's available 
    handle user-triggered events from the view, etc. The mediators have NO
    references to any Widgets or other UI components. Their only interaction
    with the View is from callbacks through the defined interface and through
    the View's public API, which is generally fairly-high level as well. 
    of this, it's easy to re-use UI components by having a different Mediator
    controlling the UI.

    - *Model* - these are your basic domain objects. They should be POJOs and
    have no concept of the rest of the system. Period.
    - *Proxy* - a Proxy's basic role is to provide a high-level API for
    managing the Model. Depending on the complexity of your domain object, it
    could be as simple as having methods such as addUser, deleteUser, etc. Or,
    for complex Models, such as a Word Document object, can have methods such 
    setTitle(), etc.

 In our setup, Proxys take the former role, basically encapsulating all RPC
 logic, implementing client-side caching, etc. You call methods on a Proxy,
 such as saveUser, and it sends Notifications to the rest of the system when
 something interesting happens. Proxy's NEVER receive notifications, however.
 They are not interested in the rest of the system, including the UI (or even
 that there is a UI), and theoretically, along with the models, should
 function completely on their own, making them highly reusable.

    - *Command* - a Command is a place where you encode complex interactions.
    For example, if your application has a search function, you may have a
    SearchCommand that
       1. Receives the search query
       2. Calls the appropriate Proxy to do the RPC hit
       3. Loads the Mediator that will be interested in the Proxy's response,
       if not already loaded

 The SearchCommand would be triggered by a notification sent from some
 Mediator. The idea is to stick the logic into a re-usable Command rather
 than encoding it into a Mediator directly, as it may be needed from multiple

 The great part about this design and MVP is, that if we want to switch to
 UIBinder, all we have to do is modify the View classes. No other part of the
 system would have to change one-bit.

 Another quick note on PureMVC: it's kind of a disservice to it to call it an
 MVC framework, as there's very little code involved in the framework.
 Rather, it's a set of concepts and principles that have been very well
 defined, that if followed correctly, lead to highly-reusable and easily
 testable components. Even if you don't use the framework, I highly recommend
 reading their best 

 - Amir

 On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 2:27 AM, Andrés Testi andres.a.te...@gmail.comwrote:

  How the UiBinder fits in the MVP architecture proposed at the google I/
  O talks? (http://code.google.com/intl/es-AR/events/io/sessions/

  - Andrés

[gwt-contrib] Re: UiBinder and Model View Presenter

2009-08-13 Thread Joel Webber
I don't want to speak for Ray here, since he gave the presentation, but my
view is that they're largely orthogonal. UiBinder makes it easier to create
views, but it has nothing in particular to say about how those views get
bound to data. Its main goal is to remove the pain of UI construction, and
to make it easier to mix widgets and HTML, hopefully leading to easier *and*
more efficient UIs.
From what I can see, there are a lot of approaches being explored by
different teams for MVP, data binding, and other high-level architectures. I
hope they will all mesh nicely with UiBinder.

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 5:27 AM, Andrés Testi andres.a.te...@gmail.comwrote:

 How the UiBinder fits in the MVP architecture proposed at the google I/
 O talks? (http://code.google.com/intl/es-AR/events/io/sessions/

 - Andrés


[gwt-contrib] Re: UiBinder and Model View Presenter

2009-08-13 Thread Amir Kashani
For my last work project, we used Kiyaa!, a GWT library that offers its own
declarative UI system (and data-binding). In addition, we used PureMVC as a
very lightweight MVC-framework. If you're familiar with PureMVC, you'll know
that it's much closer to MVP, as described by Ray Ryan, than it is a
traditional MVC framework. They worked beautifully together. Here's our
basic setup:

   - *Views *- these are the plain UI components represented with Kyiaa!
   templates. They're smart enough to display Model data and handle any UI
   interactions, but delegate all business logic to their Mediators. They have
   a Listener interface that is implemented by the Mediator, which has
   high-level callback methods, such as onRegister, onNewCustomer, etc rather
   than onClick.
   - *Mediator *- responsible for managing the views by facilitating
   communication between the View and the rest of the system. They send and
   receive Notifications that are handled by other Mediators or by Commands.
   More specifically, they provide model data to the View as it's available and
   handle user-triggered events from the view, etc. The mediators have NO
   references to any Widgets or other UI components. Their only interaction
   with the View is from callbacks through the defined interface and through
   the View's public API, which is generally fairly-high level as well. Because
   of this, it's easy to re-use UI components by having a different Mediator
   controlling the UI.

   - *Model* - these are your basic domain objects. They should be POJOs and
   have no concept of the rest of the system. Period.
   - *Proxy* - a Proxy's basic role is to provide a high-level API for
   managing the Model. Depending on the complexity of your domain object, it
   could be as simple as having methods such as addUser, deleteUser, etc. Or,
   for complex Models, such as a Word Document object, can have methods such as
   setTitle(), etc.

In our setup, Proxys take the former role, basically encapsulating all RPC
logic, implementing client-side caching, etc. You call methods on a Proxy,
such as saveUser, and it sends Notifications to the rest of the system when
something interesting happens. Proxy's NEVER receive notifications, however.
They are not interested in the rest of the system, including the UI (or even
that there is a UI), and theoretically, along with the models, should
function completely on their own, making them highly reusable.

   - *Command* - a Command is a place where you encode complex interactions.
   For example, if your application has a search function, you may have a
   SearchCommand that
  1. Receives the search query
  2. Calls the appropriate Proxy to do the RPC hit
  3. Loads the Mediator that will be interested in the Proxy's response,
  if not already loaded

The SearchCommand would be triggered by a notification sent from some
Mediator. The idea is to stick the logic into a re-usable Command rather
than encoding it into a Mediator directly, as it may be needed from multiple

The great part about this design and MVP is, that if we want to switch to
UIBinder, all we have to do is modify the View classes. No other part of the
system would have to change one-bit.

Another quick note on PureMVC: it's kind of a disservice to it to call it an
MVC framework, as there's very little code involved in the framework.
Rather, it's a set of concepts and principles that have been very well
defined, that if followed correctly, lead to highly-reusable and easily
testable components. Even if you don't use the framework, I highly recommend
reading their best practices:

- Amir

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 2:27 AM, Andrés Testi andres.a.te...@gmail.comwrote:

 How the UiBinder fits in the MVP architecture proposed at the google I/
 O talks? (http://code.google.com/intl/es-AR/events/io/sessions/

 - Andrés
