[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #198: v.in.ascii: column scanning is borked

2009-08-11 Thread GRASS GIS
#198: v.in.ascii: column scanning is borked
  Reporter:  hamish|   Owner:  grass-dev@lists.osgeo.org
  Type:  defect|  Status:  new  
  Priority:  critical  |   Milestone:  6.4.0
 Component:  Vector| Version:  svn-develbranch6 
Resolution:|Keywords:  v.in.ascii   
  Platform:  All   | Cpu:  All  
Comment (by mmetz):

 Try attached patch for the missing values problem. NULL, nan or inf is
 still not recognized. There is however still a nonsense warning for
 completely empty columns declared double, but import is successful.

 Markus M

Ticket URL: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/198#comment:1
GRASS GIS http://grass.osgeo.org
grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Leftover GUI when leaving a GRASS session problem

2009-08-11 Thread Markus Neteler

we still have the problem of leftover GUI(s) when leaving a GRASS session.
I wonder if we could get out more of the eval statement below to kill the
GUI process when leaving?

--- init.sh snippet ---
tcltk | gis.m | oldtcltk | d.m | wxpython)

if [ $GRASS_GUI = tcltk ] || \
[ $GRASS_GUI = gis.m ] || \
[ $GRASS_GUI = oldtcltk ] || \
[ $GRASS_GUI = d.m ] ; then

# eval `foo` will return subshell return code and
not app foo return code!!!
eval '$GRASS_WISH -file $TCLTKGRASSBASE/gis_set.tcl'

case $thetest in
--- init.sh snippet end ---


grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] Leftover GUI when leaving a GRASS session problem

2009-08-11 Thread Maris Nartiss
This issue isn't new one and it requires also changes in GUI part. See
(uncommited) patches in old RT:
Should I look into those old patches and commit to 6.5?


2009/8/11, Markus Neteler nete...@osgeo.org:

 we still have the problem of leftover GUI(s) when leaving a GRASS session.
 I wonder if we could get out more of the eval statement below to kill the
 GUI process when leaving?

 --- init.sh snippet ---
 tcltk | gis.m | oldtcltk | d.m | wxpython)

 if [ $GRASS_GUI = tcltk ] || \
 [ $GRASS_GUI = gis.m ] || \
 [ $GRASS_GUI = oldtcltk ] || \
 [ $GRASS_GUI = d.m ] ; then

 # eval `foo` will return subshell return code and
 not app foo return code!!!
 eval '$GRASS_WISH -file $TCLTKGRASSBASE/gis_set.tcl'

 case $thetest in
 --- init.sh snippet end ---


 grass-dev mailing list

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] Leftover GUI when leaving a GRASS session problem

2009-08-11 Thread Markus Neteler
On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 9:31 AM, Maris Nartissmaris@gmail.com wrote:
 This issue isn't new one and it requires also changes in GUI part. See
 (uncommited) patches in old RT:

Ah, forgot about that patch.

 Should I look into those old patches and commit to 6.5?

This would be great. Perhaps it can be then recycled later for 7 as well.

grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #498: r.sun2 out of sync / broken svn history

2009-08-11 Thread GRASS GIS
#498: r.sun2 out of sync / broken svn history
  Reporter:  hamish  |   Owner:  hamish  
  Type:  defect  |  Status:  assigned
  Priority:  major   |   Milestone:  6.4.0   
 Component:  Raster  | Version:  svn-develbranch6
Resolution:  |Keywords:  r.sun   
  Platform:  Linux   | Cpu:  x86-32  
Comment (by hamish):

 Replying to [comment:7 hamish]:
  Q2) am I using aspin= correctly? should that be a map
  created by r.slope.aspect? Using it the processing speeds
  up by 3x, but the results seem a bit weird -- to the south
  of the mound is a depression in the light which while possible
  for reflected light seems that it would be upstream 
  incorrect for beam_rad.
  defining a slopein= map (from r.slope.aspect result) doesn't
  change the processing time appreciably. I haven't tested for
  its effect on the output map yet.

 correction: using aspin=`r.slope.aspect` doesn't speed things up, but
 slope+aspect does. Using slopein= causes differences (missing south west
 butterfly wing), but slope+aspect makes it really bad.

 test script:
 time r.sun -s elevin=gauss day=$DAY beam_rad=rad_test.355.beam.try4
 sys 0m0.400s

 time r.sun -s elevin=gauss day=$DAY beam_rad=rad_test.355.beamA.try4  \
 sys 0m0.364s

 time r.sun -s elevin=gauss day=$DAY beam_rad=rad_test.355.beamS.try4 \
 sys 0m0.612s

 time r.sun -s elevin=gauss day=$DAY beam_rad=rad_test.355.beamAS.try4 \
   aspin=guass.aspect slopein=guass.slope
 sys 0m0.240s

 r.contour in=gauss out=gauss_200m_contours step=200

 d.rast $MAP
 d.vect gauss_200m_contours color=180:180:180
 echo $1 | d.text color=black
 eval `r.univar -g $MAP`
 echo sum: $sum | d.text color=black at=1,5
 d.legend $MAP

 d.mon x1
 d.resize w=640 h=480
 d.split.frame 4
 d.frame uno
 plot_stuff Std.
 d.frame dos
 plot_stuff w/Aspect map
 d.frame tres
 plot_stuff w/Slope map
 d.frame cuatro
 plot_stuff w/Aspect and Slope maps
 d.frame full_screen
 #d.out.file out=rsun_aspslp format=png

 results in the attached image (rsun_aspslp.png).


Ticket URL: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/498#comment:8
GRASS GIS http://grass.osgeo.org
grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #498: r.sun2 out of sync / broken svn history

2009-08-11 Thread GRASS GIS
#498: r.sun2 out of sync / broken svn history
  Reporter:  hamish  |   Owner:  hamish  
  Type:  defect  |  Status:  assigned
  Priority:  major   |   Milestone:  6.4.0   
 Component:  Raster  | Version:  svn-develbranch6
Resolution:  |Keywords:  r.sun   
  Platform:  Linux   | Cpu:  x86-32  
Comment (by hamish):

  Q1) how small must the horizonstep be to recreate the beam_rad
  output map effectively as good as e.g. seen in the r.sun wiki
  page example?

 trials showing differences between no horizon steps; trying to find the
 ideal sweet spot compromise between time and quality.

 note that none are perfect. Standard r.sun with no horizon inputs is
 slightly clipped in lower east wing; the 360x 1 degree horizon map has
 slightly uneven width between inner east  west bands.
 note2 color tables are not constant between maps.

 see attached screenshot (rsun_horizons.png)

 test script:
 for DEG in 1 15 30 ; do
# can take a while to create all maps
r.horizon elev=gauss horizonstep=$DEG dist=0.7 horizon=horangle$DEG

time r.sun -s elevin=gauss day=$DAY horizon=horangle$DEG \
  horizonstep=$DEG beam_rad=rad_test.355.beam.Hz${DEG}deg.try5

 # r.sun with no horizon seeds
 sys 0m0.060s

 # r.sun with 360x 1 deg seeds
 #  sits quite a while at 0% due to loading sheer number of horizon maps!
 sys 0m1.272s

 # r.sun with 24x 15 deg seeds
 sys 0m0.248s

 # r.sun with 12x 30 deg seeds
 sys 0m0.120s

 r.colors $MAP -e color=bcyr
 d.rast $MAP
 d.vect gauss_200m_contours color=180:180:180
 echo $1 | d.text color=black
 eval `r.univar -g $MAP`
 echo sum: $sum | d.text color=black at=1,5
 d.legend $MAP range=1300,1500

 d.mon x2
 d.resize w=1024 h=768
 d.split.frame 4
 d.frame uno
 plot_stuff Std.
 d.frame dos
 plot_stuff w/ 1 degree horizon seeds
 d.frame tres
 plot_stuff w/ 15 degree horizon seeds
 d.frame cuatro
 plot_stuff w/ 30 degree horizon seeds
 d.frame full_screen
 #d.out.file out=rsun_horizons format=png

 next I will try std and 1deg horizons with a r.sun time step of 3 min
 instead of 30 minutes. (sun travels ~1deg of sky in 4min)


Ticket URL: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/498#comment:9
GRASS GIS http://grass.osgeo.org
grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Possible bug in r.out.gdal?

2009-08-11 Thread Soeren Gebbert
Dear Devs,
i found a strange behavior in r.out.gdal while updating the GRASS test

Im using the grass6.4svn snapshot:
on openSuse 10.3 Linux
gdal version 1.6.1

The test i am implementing tries to export a DCELL raster map (named
elevation ) to a DTED file with r.out.gdal.
r.out.gdal reports plenty of errors (all of the same type) an exits with
return code 0.
A dted file is created, but im not sure if it is valid.
Exporting the same file with r.out.gdal in ENVI and ELAS formats seems to
work correctly.

These steps are performed:

GRASS 6.4.0svn  g.region -p
projection: 1 (UTM)
zone:   32
datum:  wgs84
ellipsoid:  wgs84
north:  5582000
south:  558
west:   40
east:   402000
nsres:  20
ewres:  20
rows:   100
cols:   100
cells:  1

GRASS 6.4.0svn  r.info elevation
 | Layer:elevation  Date: Sun Apr 30 12:48:58
 | Mapset:   PERMANENT  Login of Creator:
soeren  |
 | Location:
TestLocation |
 | DataBase:
/1/gebbert/src/GRASS_Testsuite   |
 | Title: ( elevation
)   |
 | Timestamp:
 |   Type of Map:  raster   Number of Categories:
255 |
 |   Data Type:
 |   Rows:
 |   Columns:
 |   Total Cells:
1  |
 |Projection: UTM (zone
32)   |
 |N:5582000S:558   Res:
20 |
 |E: 402000W: 40   Res:
20 |
 |   Range of data:min = 68.246322  max =
363.529491  |
 |   Data
 |generated by
r.mapcalc  |
 |sin(col() * 5) * col() + cos(row() * 5) * row() +
200   |

GRASS 6.4.0svn  r.out.gdal --verbose format=DTED type=Float32
input=elevation output=/tmp/test.dted

ERROR 5: Access window out of range in RasterIO().  Requested
(0,994) of size 201x1 on raster of 100x100.
ERROR 5: Access window out of range in RasterIO().  Requested
(0,995) of size 201x1 on raster of 100x100.
ERROR 5: Access window out of range in RasterIO().  Requested
(0,996) of size 201x1 on raster of 100x100.
More than 1000 errors or warnings have been reported. No more will be
reported from now.
r.out.gdal complete.

GRASS 6.4.0svn  gdalinfo -nomd -noct -stats /tmp/test.dted
Driver: DTED/DTED Elevation Raster
Files: /tmp/test.dted
Size is 201, 1201
Coordinate System is:
SPHEROID[WGS 84,6378137,298.257223563]],
Origin = (399.9975002,559.0004138)
Pixel Size = (0.005,-0.0008333)
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  ( 399.998, 559.000) (399d59'51.00E,559d 0'1.50N)
Lower Left  ( 399.998, 558.000) (399d59'51.00E,557d59'58.50N)
Upper Right ( 401.002, 559.000) (401d 0'9.00E,559d 0'1.50N)
Lower Right ( 401.002, 558.000) (401d 0'9.00E,557d59'58.50N)
Center  ( 400.500, 558.500) (400d30'0.00E,558d30'0.00N)
Band 1 Block=1x1201 Type=Int16, ColorInterp=Palette
  Min=0.000 Max=0.000
  Minimum=0.000, Maximum=0.000, Mean=0.000, StdDev=0.000
  NoData Value=-32767
  Unit Type: m
  Color Table (RGB with 365 entries)

Any suggestions what i did wrong?
Maybe the region settings are incompatible with the dted output coordinate
Or is this a correct behavior of r.out.gdal?

Thanks in advance
best regards
grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] New: v.db.droprow

2009-08-11 Thread Markus Neteler

to be able to easily filter vector maps geometrically (i.e. remove
vectors) I have
written the v.db.droprow script (G6.5; needs a Python port for GRASS 7).
It removes vector objects (point, line, area, face etc.) from a vector
map through
attribute selection in the table.

Example: remove all vector with a certain attribute missing (nice when doing
random sampling).

grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #498: r.sun2 out of sync / broken svn history

2009-08-11 Thread GRASS GIS
#498: r.sun2 out of sync / broken svn history
  Reporter:  hamish  |   Owner:  hamish  
  Type:  defect  |  Status:  assigned
  Priority:  major   |   Milestone:  6.4.0   
 Component:  Raster  | Version:  svn-develbranch6
Resolution:  |Keywords:  r.sun   
  Platform:  Linux   | Cpu:  x86-32  
Comment (by hamish):

 first four more step sizes to add to previous 1,15,30 deg.
 with 120x 3 deg horizon maps, 'r.sun -s' runs in:
 sys 0m0.464s

 with 72x 5 deg horizon maps, 'r.sun -s' runs in:
 sys 0m0.368s

 with 45x 8 deg horizon maps, 'r.sun -s' runs in:
 sys 0m0.296s

 with 36x 10 deg horizon maps, 'r.sun -s' runs in:
 sys 0m0.244s

 see attached rsun_horizons3_5_8_10.png

 interestingly 36x 10 degree horizon maps is seemingly the most consistent.
 I wonder if the trick is to match the horizon angle frequency with the
 r.sun time step= option?


  next I will try std and 1deg horizons with a r.sun time step of
  3 min instead of 30 minutes. (sun travels ~1deg of sky in 4min)

 3 minute setup:
 time r.sun -s elevin=gauss day=$DAY \
beam_rad=rad_test.355.beam.3min_step.try6 step=0.05
 sys 0m2.488s

 time r.sun -s elevin=gauss day=$DAY \
beam_rad=rad_test.355.beam.3min_step.Hz1deg.try6 \
step=0.05 horizon=horangle horizonstep=1
 sys 0m1.320s

 plotting setup:
 r.colors $MAP -e color=bcyr
 d.rast $MAP
 d.vect gauss_200m_contours color=180:180:180
 echo $1 | d.text color=black
 eval `r.univar -g $MAP`
 echo sum: $sum | d.text color=black at=1,5
 d.legend $MAP range=1300,1500

 d.mon x2
 d.resize w=1024 h=768
 d.split.frame 4
 d.frame uno
 plot_stuff dt=30min; no horizon seeds
 d.frame dos
 plot_stuff dt=30min; 1 degree horizon seeds
 d.frame tres
 plot_stuff dt=3min; no horizon seeds
 d.frame cuatro
 plot_stuff dt=3min; 1 degree horizon seeds
 d.frame full_screen
 #d.out.file out=rsun_horizon_dt format=png

 see attached rsun_horizon_dt.png.

 hmmm... are the lower lobes for 1 degree r.horizon seeds real?
 maybe that 10 degree step size is actually the worst case. Again this is
 for the winter solstice so the sun should never get into the NE,NW.

 I suspect the standard r.sun @ 3min steps without horizon seeds is in fact
 the most accurate result.

 I suppose the way to test that is to run r.sun in Mode 1 for a loop
 over the day and then run r.series to sum them and see if the pattern
 matches. But that's a job for later or someone else, it's the end of the
 day here. I'll set it up to run overnight with a 0.0025 timestep (9sec) 
 no horizon seeds.

 hoping this is useful,

Ticket URL: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/498#comment:10
GRASS GIS http://grass.osgeo.org
grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] Possible bug in r.out.gdal?

2009-08-11 Thread Markus Metz

Soeren Gebbert wrote:

Dear Devs,
i found a strange behavior in r.out.gdal while updating the GRASS test 

Im using the grass6.4svn snapshot: 

on openSuse 10.3 Linux
gdal version 1.6.1

Using grass6.4svn with gdal1.6.0 here

Exporting elevation from nc_spm_08 with

r.out.gdal input=elevat...@permanent format=DTED type=Float32 

gives me

Driver DTED does not support direct writing. Using MEM driver for
intermediate dataset.
Exporting to GDAL data type: Float32
Warning 1: The source does not appear to be a properly formatted cell.
Warning 1: The source projection coordinate system is PROJCS[Lambert 
Only WGS 84 is supported.
The DTED driver will generate a file as if the source was WGS 84 
projection coordinate system.
Warning 1: The corner coordinates of the source are not properly aligned 
on plain latitude/longitude boundaries.
Warning 1: The horizontal source size is not conformant with the one 
expected by DTED Level 1 at this latitude (1500 pixels found instead of 

r.out.gdal complete.

These steps are performed:

GRASS 6.4.0svn  g.region -p
projection: 1 (UTM)
At least in gdal1.6.0, only WGS84 is supported for DTED, see warning 
above. WGS72 is also supported, but the gdal driver issues a warning.

GRASS 6.4.0svn  r.out.gdal --verbose format=DTED type=Float32 
input=elevation output=/tmp/test.dted 

ERROR 5: Access window out of range in RasterIO().  Requested
(0,994) of size 201x1 on raster of 100x100.
ERROR 5: Access window out of range in RasterIO().  Requested
(0,995) of size 201x1 on raster of 100x100.
ERROR 5: Access window out of range in RasterIO().  Requested
(0,996) of size 201x1 on raster of 100x100.

These messages are generated by gdal, not r.out.gdal. See
for more info on the DTED format, particularly the section Creation 
Issues and the link to the DTED specs:

If you can confirm that the input data are exactly formatted as Level 0, 
1 or 2 cell, it is a problem of r.out.gdal. Also note that for DTED, 
elevation data is returned as 16 bit signed integer (citation from gdal).

hope that helps,

Markus M
grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] Possible bug in r.out.gdal?

2009-08-11 Thread Markus Metz

From the DTED specs:

A data file of DTED Level 0, DTED Level 1 or
DTED Level 2 is a 1° by 1° cell defined by whole degree latitude and
lines on WGS. A DTED file shall not cross whole degree latitude or longitude

Matrix intervals for DTED Level 0.
ZONE LATITUDE latitude x longitude INTERVAL
I 0° - 50° North-South 30 x 30 seconds
II 50° - 70° North-South 30 x 60 seconds
III 70° - 75° North-South 30 x 90 seconds
IV 75° - 80° North-South 30 x 120 seconds
V 80° - 90° North-South 30 x 180 seconds

Matrix intervals for DTED Level 1.
ZONE LATITUDE latitude x longitude INTERVAL
I 0° - 50° North-South 3 x 3 seconds
II 50° - 70° North-South 3 x 6 seconds
III 70° - 75° North-South 3 x 9 seconds
IV 75° - 80° North-South 3 x 12 seconds
V 80° - 90° North-South 3 x 18 seconds

Matrix intervals for DTED Level 2.
ZONE LATITUDE latitude x longitude INTERVAL
I 0° - 50° North-South 1 x 1 seconds
II 50° - 70° North-South 1 x 2 seconds
III 70° - 75° North-South 1 x 3 seconds
IV 75° - 80° North-South 1 x 4 seconds
V 80° - 90° North-South 1 x 6 seconds

No idea how strict the gdal driver for DTED is, but it seems that it is
very strict and won't work without reprojection, followed by setting
region extends and resolution according to the desired DTED level.

Markus M

Soeren Gebbert wrote:

Dear Devs,
i found a strange behavior in r.out.gdal while updating the GRASS test 

Im using the grass6.4svn snapshot: 

on openSuse 10.3 Linux
gdal version 1.6.1

The test i am implementing tries to export a DCELL raster map (named 
elevation ) to a DTED file with r.out.gdal.
r.out.gdal reports plenty of errors (all of the same type) an exits 
with return code 0.

A dted file is created, but im not sure if it is valid.
Exporting the same file with r.out.gdal in ENVI and ELAS formats seems 
to work correctly.

These steps are performed:

GRASS 6.4.0svn  g.region -p
projection: 1 (UTM)
zone:   32
datum:  wgs84
ellipsoid:  wgs84
north:  5582000
south:  558
west:   40
east:   402000
nsres:  20
ewres:  20
rows:   100
cols:   100
cells:  1

GRASS 6.4.0svn  r.info http://r.info elevation
 | Layer:elevation  Date: Sun Apr 30 12:48:58 
 | Mapset:   PERMANENT  Login of Creator: 
soeren  |
 | Location: 
TestLocation |
 | DataBase: 
/1/gebbert/src/GRASS_Testsuite   |
 | Title: ( elevation 
)   |
 | Timestamp: 

 |   Type of Map:  raster   Number of Categories: 
255 |
 |   Data Type:
 |   Rows: 
 |   Columns:  
 |   Total Cells:  
1  |
 |Projection: UTM (zone 
32)   |
 |N:5582000S:558   Res:
20 |
 |E: 402000W: 40   Res:
20 |
 |   Range of data:min = 68.246322  max = 
363.529491  |
 |   Data 
 |generated by 
r.mapcalc  |
 |sin(col() * 5) * col() + cos(row() * 5) * row() + 
200   |


GRASS 6.4.0svn  r.out.gdal --verbose format=DTED type=Float32 
input=elevation output=/tmp/test.dted 

ERROR 5: Access window out of range in RasterIO().  Requested
(0,994) of size 201x1 on raster of 100x100.
ERROR 5: Access window out of range in RasterIO().  Requested
(0,995) of size 201x1 on raster of 100x100.
ERROR 5: Access window out of range in RasterIO().  Requested
(0,996) of size 201x1 on raster of 100x100.
More than 1000 errors or warnings have been reported. No more will be 
reported from now.

r.out.gdal complete.

GRASS 6.4.0svn  gdalinfo -nomd -noct -stats /tmp/test.dted
Driver: DTED/DTED Elevation Raster
Files: /tmp/test.dted

Re: [GRASS-dev] New: v.db.droprow

2009-08-11 Thread Moritz Lennert

On 11/08/09 14:49, Markus Neteler wrote:


to be able to easily filter vector maps geometrically (i.e. remove
vectors) I have
written the v.db.droprow script (G6.5; needs a Python port for GRASS 7).
It removes vector objects (point, line, area, face etc.) from a vector
map through
attribute selection in the table.

Example: remove all vector with a certain attribute missing (nice when doing
random sampling).

Can't you do that with v.extract ?

grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #718: r.li forgets mask/illegal filename

2009-08-11 Thread GRASS GIS
#718: r.li forgets mask/illegal filename
 Reporter:  kyngchaos  |   Owner:  grass-dev@lists.osgeo.org
 Type:  defect |  Status:  new  
 Priority:  normal |   Milestone:  6.4.0
Component:  Raster | Version:  6.4.0 RCs
 Keywords: |Platform:  MacOSX   
  Cpu:  All|  
 The r.li daemon seems to be forgetting the mask name used for a moving
 window operation.  In the terminal:

 Illegal filename. Character   not allowed.
 Illegal filename. Character   not allowed.
 Illegal filename. Character   not allowed.
 Unable to open header file for raster map  @(null)
 CHILD[pid = 1486]: unable to open   mask ... continue without!!!
 Segmentation fault [64bit only]
 ... many more illegal filename errors

 It segfaults on OSX 64bit, but not on 32bit OSX, where it still completes
 but the output looks OK (but I don't know if it's right).

 64bit crash log :

 Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
 Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x3036
 Crashed Thread:  0

 Thread 0 Crashed:
 0   libSystem.B.dylib   0x7fff840d9d70 strcpy + 48
 1   libgrass_rli.dylib  0x00010005d3ed next_Area + 111
 2   libgrass_rli.dylib  0x00010005da8a calculateIndex
 + 859
 3   r.li.patchdensity   0x0001175c start + 52

 Tests OK on Linux (thanks Markus).

Ticket URL: http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/718
GRASS GIS http://grass.osgeo.org
grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] New: v.db.droprow

2009-08-11 Thread Markus Neteler
On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 5:53 PM, Moritz
Lennertmlenn...@club.worldonline.be wrote:
 On 11/08/09 14:49, Markus Neteler wrote:
 Example: remove all vector with a certain attribute missing (nice when
 doing random sampling).

 Can't you do that with v.extract ?

It is using v.extract. But IMHO most non-power users won't get the idea to
use a reverse extraction to remove vectors via attribute selection...

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] New: v.db.droprow

2009-08-11 Thread Moritz Lennert

On 11/08/09 19:29, Markus Neteler wrote:

On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 5:53 PM, Moritz
Lennertmlenn...@club.worldonline.be wrote:

On 11/08/09 14:49, Markus Neteler wrote:


Example: remove all vector with a certain attribute missing (nice when
doing random sampling).

Can't you do that with v.extract ?

It is using v.extract. But IMHO most non-power users won't get the idea to
use a reverse extraction to remove vectors via attribute selection...

Shouldn't this then be better documented ?

Just wondering whether multiplying the number of small scripts is really 
the best way to go...

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] New: v.db.droprow

2009-08-11 Thread Markus Neteler
On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 8:10 PM, Moritz
Lennertmlenn...@club.worldonline.be wrote:
 On 11/08/09 19:29, Markus Neteler wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 5:53 PM, Moritz  Lennert wrote:
 On 11/08/09 14:49, Markus Neteler wrote:

 Example: remove all vector with a certain attribute missing (nice when
 doing random sampling).

 Can't you do that with v.extract ?

 It is using v.extract. But IMHO most non-power users won't get the idea to
 use a reverse extraction to remove vectors via attribute selection...

 Shouldn't this then be better documented ?

Please suggest where... (if I/user don't know that I have to use
v.extract for this
in the first place since I want to *delete*, it needs to be documented

 Just wondering whether multiplying the number of small scripts is really the
 best way to go...

Well, since we have
r.mfilter + r.mfilter.fp or
r.colors + r.colors.stddev
r.grow   + r.grow.distance
r.rescale + r.rescale.eq
r.surf.idw + r.surf.idw2
r.what + r.what.color

Luckily the v.* family looks better...

With vector objects removal I don't see the problem (while I agree in general).

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] Re: About the vector changes

2009-08-11 Thread Markus Metz

Glynn Clements wrote:

Markus Metz wrote:


[...] An integer literal without a
trailing suffix is an int. Using a larger type to hold the value
where necessary is a gcc extension. Other compilers may simply
truncate the value to an int, even if off_t is 64 bits.

The latest change:

#define OFF_T_TEST 0x0102030405060708LL

will fail to compile with a compiler which doesn't have long long int.
Both the definition and use of OFF_T_TEST need to be conditionalised
with #ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT.

OK. But on Linux 32 without LFS I get

port_init.c:217: warning: overflow in implicit constant conversion

at compile time because long long int is available but sizeof(off_t) = 
4. Portability and its test is ok because OFF_T_TEST is not used in this 

Making the conversion explicit would eliminate the warning:

u_o = (off_t) OFF_T_TEST;


 A 64-bit system might have a 64-bit off_t
but no long long type. We really need to have autoconf use define
SIZEOF_LONG etc in config.h (AC_CHECK_SIZEOF macro), so that we can
use e.g.:

#if SIZEOF_LONG == 8
#define LONG_LONG_TEST 0x0102030405060708L
#elif defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT)
#define LONG_LONG_TEST 0x0102030405060708LL

You can take it from gdal.

I still see:

719:s[top].sn.branch[j].child.id =

754:s[top].sn.branch[j].child.id =


1011:   if (!shcb((int)s[top].sn.branch[i].child, cbarg)) {

A narrowing cast always brings up the question of what if the value
won't fit in the destination type?

Am I missing something, or is childpos[j] *always* an int? 

On level 0, it is always an int. It's the ID of the rectangle passed to
int RTreeInsertRect(struct Rect *r, int tid, struct RTree *t)
as tid. That applies to all three cases above.

I am writing out the rectangle ID as off_t although it is int and have 
to read it as off_t then cast it to int again when loading the sidx file 
to memory for updating. Of course I could also write the ID as int and 
read it as int, then there would be no type casting, at the cost of one 
more if ... else ... .

If so,
why is it stored in the file as an off_t?
On higher levels (RTree internal nodes), it is the position in file of 
the child nodes of a node. For large sidx files, off_t is needed. The 
corresponding line in spindex_rw.c is

668 s[top].pos[s[top].branch_id - 1] = nextfreepos;

where I set the node positions in file as off_t.

This is related to the use of union Child: on level 0, int id is used, 
on higher levels, struct Node *ptr is used.

So it's a case of simplifying the sidx file I/O?
Yes, partly my laziness. Took me ages to get that particular post-order 
traversal right.

That's reasonable enough. But, personally, I would:

1. Make the pos and childpos fields unions (int/off_t).

That's now easy, similar to the union in rtree.

2. Add an explicit range check before casting the off_t read from the
file to an int. 
That should only be necessary if there is reason to suspect that the 
sidx file is not read properly. Hmm, actually that would be a good check 
for exactly that.

An assert() would suffice; the main purpose is to
answer the what if it doesn't fit in an int? question for the
benefit of anyone trying to read that code.
Only works if off_t_size = 8 is both available and used, otherwise it 
will obviously always fit into an int.
The answer would be that the programmer wrote bad code with bugs because 
it should never happen that it doesn't fit into an int.

Markus M

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] Re: About the vector changes

2009-08-11 Thread Glynn Clements

Markus Metz wrote:

  2. Add an explicit range check before casting the off_t read from the
  file to an int. 
 That should only be necessary if there is reason to suspect that the 
 sidx file is not read properly. Hmm, actually that would be a good check 
 for exactly that.

More important than validating the file is that, unless you have
thoroughly analysed the code which generates the sidx file, it won't
be obvious to someone reading the code that the off_t value read from
the file will fit into an int. An explicit check would make it clear.

Source code is meant to be read by humans as well as by compilers.

Glynn Clements gl...@gclements.plus.com
grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] v.in.gshhs v2.0 error reading data

2009-08-11 Thread Markus Metz
gshhs 2.0 is not yet supported, unfortunately. The latest supported 
version is 1.6, v.in.gshhs is awaiting updating.

Markus M

Jamie Adams wrote:
I grabbed the 2.0 version of gshhs, released 2009-07-15, but can't 
import it into GRASS.  The module doesn't return much in terms of 
error information.

v.in.gshhs in=gshhs_f.b out=gshhs_f --o
Using lat/lon bounds N=90.00 S=-90.00 E=180.00 W=-180.00
ERROR: Error reading data

I've tried the various levels of detail (f, h, i, l) with the same 
result.  Based on the readme file there may be some internal changes, 
but these are beyond me.  Any thoughts?

- Jamie

GSHHS 2.0 - http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/pwessel/gshhs/index.html

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