[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #1452: wx location wizard doesn't ask for datum transform options because proj4 4.7.1's epsg file is broken

2011-09-21 Thread GRASS GIS
#1452: wx location wizard doesn't ask for datum transform options because proj4
4.7.1's epsg file is broken
 Reporter:  hamish |   Owner:  grass-dev@…  

 Type:  defect |  Status:  new  

 Priority:  critical   |   Milestone:  6.4.2

Component:  Projections/Datums | Version:  svn-releasebranch64  

 Keywords:  wingrass, location wizard, wx  |Platform:  MSWindows XP 

  Cpu:  x86-32 |  

Comment(by hamish):

 It seems to go beyond just EPSG codes, e.g. on the msys command line
 selecting the nad83 datum also returns no options, although
 etc/datumtransform.table indicates that 5 (+ the 1 default) should be

 g.proj proj4='+proj=longlat +datum=nad83' datumtrans=-1
 g.proj proj4='+proj=longlat +datum=nzgd49' datumtrans=-1

 both give no output.

 I have added a few debug messages to g.proj in trunk to try and figure out
 what the blazes is going on inside GPJ_get_default_datum_params_by_name()

 (I've never been exactly sure what G_*() fns we're allowed to use inside
 modules that begin with G_no_gisinit(). g.proj uses G_warning(),
 G_fatal_error(), and G_message(), so I hope G_debug() is ok too)


Ticket URL: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1452#comment:5
GRASS GIS http://grass.osgeo.org

grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] FDCC standards for US government computers

2011-09-21 Thread Doug_Newcomb
Hi Folks,

Apologies to the Windows dev folks for not posting these earlier.  Here 
are the links to the Federal Desktop Core Configuration guidelines ( 
mandatory for US federal government computers using Windows XP and  Vista. 
I think Win 7 is still in the pipe ) for secure desktop computing. 



Main things to remember, 1) application  does not require administrative 
access to run. 2) application does not use system directories( i.e. 
Windows or Program Files)  for user data/ temp files.

Sorry if this is redundant information.


Doug Newcomb 
Raleigh, NC
919-856-4520 ext. 14 doug_newc...@fws.gov
The opinions I express are my own and are not representative of the 
official policy of the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service or Dept. of the 
Interior.   Life is too short for undocumented, proprietary data formats.___
grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #1453: ps.map: various enhancements

2011-09-21 Thread GRASS GIS
#1453: ps.map: various enhancements
 Reporter:  mmetz|   Owner:  grass-dev@…  
 Type:  enhancement  |  Status:  new  
 Priority:  normal   |   Milestone:  7.0.0
Component:  Ps.map   | Version:  svn-trunk
 Keywords:   |Platform:  All  
  Cpu:  All  |  
 Some suggested enhancements for ps.map:

  * line width of colortables: make it a function of font size instead of
 width of the colortable, otherwise the border can become really thick;
 patches in ps_clrtbl.patch and psfclrtbl.patch

  * allow comments in scripts, patch in key_data.patch

  * do not draw vector points on top of grids, no reason why vector points
 should behave different to lines and areas; patch in ps_map.patch

  * add key width to points; patches in r_plt.patch and do_plt.patch

  * add keys font and fontsize to scalebar; patches in get_scalebar.patch
 and do_scalebar.patch

  * vector area legend: use square boxes, the current shape looks weird;
 patch in ps_vlegend.patch

 All patches are against trunk

Ticket URL: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1453
GRASS GIS http://grass.osgeo.org

grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #1101: WinGrass7 + scripts are not found in the command line

2011-09-21 Thread GRASS GIS
#1101: WinGrass7 + scripts are not  found in the command line
 Reporter:  hellik |   Owner:  grass-dev@…  
 Type:  defect |  Status:  new  
 Priority:  normal |   Milestone:  7.0.0
Component:  Packaging  | Version:  svn-trunk
 Keywords:  wingrass, scripts  |Platform:  MSWindows Vista  
  Cpu:  Unspecified|  

Comment(by martinl):

 Replying to [comment:11 glynn]:
  Replying to [comment:10 hellik]:
  1. Does %PATH% contain the scripts directory?


  2. Does PATHEXT include .PY?


 When I type


 - `command not found`

 Of course



Ticket URL: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1101#comment:12
GRASS GIS http://grass.osgeo.org

grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #1101: WinGrass7 + scripts are not found in the command line

2011-09-21 Thread GRASS GIS
#1101: WinGrass7 + scripts are not  found in the command line
 Reporter:  hellik |   Owner:  grass-dev@…  
 Type:  defect |  Status:  new  
 Priority:  normal |   Milestone:  7.0.0
Component:  Packaging  | Version:  svn-trunk
 Keywords:  wingrass, scripts  |Platform:  MSWindows Vista  
  Cpu:  Unspecified|  

Comment(by glynn):

 Replying to [comment:12 martinl]:

2. Does PATHEXT include .PY?

  When I type
  - `command not found`
  Of course

 I'm forgetting that we're dealing with bash here. bash ignores PATHEXT,
 and it doesn't use file extensions either (except perhaps .bat?).

 OTOH, cmd.exe uses PATHEXT and file extensions but ignores the shebang.
 And, on Windows, GRASS' G_spawn(), C's system() and Python's os.system()
 and subprocess.Popen() all use cmd.exe, not bash.

 If we want Python scripts to work in bash, I suspect that we'll need to
 create shell-script wrappers without the .py extension which invoke the
 script via e.g. $GRASS_PYTHON. Or just require users to type the .py
 when running scripts from a shell. Or, if we're only interested in shells
 which are started by GRASS, we can customise the .bashrc file to define
 aliases for all of the Python scripts, e.g.:
 alias g.manual='$GRASS_PYTHON $GISBASE/scripts/g.manual.py'

 Ultimately, using bash on Windows is always going to be a pain; it's a
 struggle just to achieve adequate, and almost impossible to go beyond
 that. But I don't know whether bash support really matters to actual
 Windows users (as opposed to GRASS developers who are running WinGRASS
 solely for testing purposes).

 The priority should be to ensure that native support works, i.e.
 invoking scripts from the GUI, cmd.exe, Python scripts and C programs.
 Personally, I'd prefer it if Windows+bash support was limited to
 information on the Wiki, so that users understand that it's a use at your
 own risk feature.

Ticket URL: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1101#comment:13
GRASS GIS http://grass.osgeo.org

grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #1447: wxGUI wingrass scripts need whitespace in path

2011-09-21 Thread GRASS GIS
#1447: wxGUI wingrass scripts need whitespace in path
 Reporter:  mmetz   |   Owner:  grass-dev@…  
 Type:  defect  |  Status:  new  
 Priority:  major   |   Milestone:  6.4.2
Component:  wxGUI   | Version:  svn-releasebranch64  
 Keywords:  |Platform:  MSWindows XP 
  Cpu:  All |  

Comment(by benducke):

 What I find strange is that I see the same behavior on Windows with MSYS'
 sh.exe, without the wxGUI. I am running GRASS shell scripts through the
 SEXTANTE/GRASS interface of gvSIG. What this interface does is set up the
 GRASS env variables, create a GRASS mapset, then import the data and call
 sh.exe to parse the script. The GRASS I use is CLI only and the system
 does not even have Python installed. Thus my initial guess that the
 problem goes deeper than wxGUI.

Ticket URL: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1447#comment:3
GRASS GIS http://grass.osgeo.org

grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] G_units_to_meters_factor

2011-09-21 Thread Glynn Clements

G_units_to_meters_factor() (in lib/gis/units.c, in 7.0) has:

case U_FEET:
return 3.28083989501312;/*  1 / (0.0254 * 12)*/

This is correct for the international foot but, AFAIK, most (but not
all) non-metric geographical data uses the US survey foot.

IMHO, we need both U_FEET and e.g. US_USFEET. Possibly also for miles. 
Or even U_INTFEET and U_USFEET; calling one of them just feet
creates a risk of users selecting the default rather the correct

Glynn Clements gl...@gclements.plus.com
grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #1101: WinGrass7 + scripts are not found in the command line

2011-09-21 Thread GRASS GIS
#1101: WinGrass7 + scripts are not  found in the command line
 Reporter:  hellik |   Owner:  grass-dev@…  
 Type:  defect |  Status:  new  
 Priority:  normal |   Milestone:  7.0.0
Component:  Packaging  | Version:  svn-trunk
 Keywords:  wingrass, scripts  |Platform:  MSWindows Vista  
  Cpu:  Unspecified|  

Comment(by hellik):

 Replying to [comment:13 glynn]:
  I'm forgetting that we're dealing with bash here. bash ignores PATHEXT,
 and it doesn't use file extensions either (except perhaps .bat?).
  OTOH, cmd.exe uses PATHEXT and file extensions but ignores the shebang.
 And, on Windows, GRASS' G_spawn(), C's system() and Python's os.system()
 and subprocess.Popen() all use cmd.exe, not bash.

 at the moment wingrass7 GRASS 7.0.SVN with MSYS is started in the
 following way:

 set_shell_start_grass70svn.bat is invoked


 @echo off
 rem #
 rem # File dynamically created by NSIS installer script
 rem #
 rem #
 rem # Set SHELL and start GRASS
 rem #

 rem ***Set SHELL***

 set SHELL=C:\Program Files\GRASS 7.0.SVN\msys\bin\sh.exe

 C:\Program Files\GRASS 7.0.SVN\grass70svn.bat




 @echo off
 rem #
 rem # File dynamically created by NSIS installer script;
 rem #
 rem #
 rem # GRASS Initialization
 rem #

 rem Set GRASS Installation Directory Variable
 set GISBASE=C:\Program Files\GRASS 7.0.SVN

 set PATH=C:\Program Files\R\R-2.13.0\bin;%PATH%

 call %GISBASE%\etc\env.bat

 %GRASS_PYTHON% %WINGISBASE%\grass70.py %*


 and a cmd.exe-windows is opened as command line and the wy-gui is starting


Ticket URL: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1101#comment:14
GRASS GIS http://grass.osgeo.org

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] G_units_to_meters_factor

2011-09-21 Thread Hamish
Glynn wrote:
 G_units_to_meters_factor() (in lib/gis/units.c, in 7.0) has:
     case U_FEET:
     return 3.28083989501312;            /*  1 / (0.0254 * 12)    */
 This is correct for the international foot but, AFAIK, most
 (but not all) non-metric geographical data uses the US survey

This is a common misconception among non-USers* which has caused
me no end of headaches. The US Survey Foot has been in the
process of being phased out since like the 1950s or so, AFAIK
only about 2(?) of 50 state planes actively still use it,
everyone else has switched over to the translates-to-meters-
cleanly version. (down from ~13 states in the last 10 years)  Of
course it is still relevant for historic datasets.

the worst offender I've found is the unix `units` programs, which
if it sees you are using an en_US locale silently decides that
you want to use the US Survey foot for all calculations of 
distance, area, etc. argh!

[*] I think USers are equally vaguely aware of it, but more used
to the idea that units can be less than stable, so more easily
accept that sometimes it's this, sometimes it's that, names mean
nothing, meh, let's get a hotdog.

 IMHO, we need both U_FEET and e.g. US_USFEET.

If G_units_to_meters_factor() is going to be used, yes.. But
I question if it should be.

 Possibly also for miles. 

no sure about that one (if it would ever be used in practice).
watch out for acres in old land parcels based on the US foot

 Or even U_INTFEET and U_USFEET; calling one of them just
 feet creates a risk of users selecting the default rather
 the correct one.


fwiw, for us survey foot:
  1 / 0.30480060960121920243 = 3.280833

G_units_to_meters_factor() seems to be used by 
  misc/m.measure/main.c  and  vector/v.to.db/units.c

which should perhaps follow the location's ultimate source, the
meters: multiplier from the PERMANENT/PROJ_UNITS file, not its
own hardcoded calculation!

for m.measure AFAICT it should definitely be reading from the
PROJ_UNITS file for the multiplier and not deciding on its own.
that's a bug.

for v.to.db, to comes from:
parms.units = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_M_UNITS);
parms.units-options =
unless usfoot is added to that list, it should always return
the 0.3048m intl. foot.

see also general/g.setproj/.


grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #1447: wxGUI wingrass scripts need whitespace in path

2011-09-21 Thread GRASS GIS
#1447: wxGUI wingrass scripts need whitespace in path
 Reporter:  mmetz |   Owner:  grass-dev@…  
 Type:  defect|  Status:  new  
 Priority:  major |   Milestone:  6.4.2
Component:  wxGUI | Version:  svn-releasebranch64  
 Keywords:  wingrass, spaces  |Platform:  MSWindows XP 
  Cpu:  All   |  
Changes (by hamish):

  * keywords:  = wingrass, spaces


 Replying to [comment:3 benducke]:
  What I find strange is that I see the same behavior on Windows with
 MSYS' sh.exe,
  without the wxGUI. I am running GRASS shell scripts through the
  interface of gvSIG. What this interface does is set up the GRASS env
  create a GRASS mapset, then import the data and call sh.exe to parse the
  The GRASS I use is CLI only and the system does not even have Python
  Thus my initial guess that the problem goes deeper than wxGUI.

 you are right, it does, I just merged all these tickets as if we solve for
 one sh.exe there's a good chance we know how to solve for all cases.

  * Is gvSIG quoting the path names before invoking GRASS?


Ticket URL: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1447#comment:4
GRASS GIS http://grass.osgeo.org

grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #1453: ps.map: various enhancements

2011-09-21 Thread GRASS GIS
#1453: ps.map: various enhancements
 Reporter:  mmetz|   Owner:  hamish   
 Type:  enhancement  |  Status:  assigned 
 Priority:  normal   |   Milestone:  7.0.0
Component:  Ps.map   | Version:  svn-trunk
 Keywords:   |Platform:  All  
  Cpu:  All  |  
Changes (by hamish):

 * cc: grass-dev@… (added)
  * owner:  grass-dev@… = hamish
  * status:  new = assigned


 I'll post some per-patch comments soon. explanatory screenshots are always

 but quickly--

 re. comments in the script, fyi they are already allowed but the # must be
 the first char of the line IIRC (less than ideal). your patch as given for
 # as first non-whitespace char of the line requires a space after it to
 work? that is less than ideal too.

 note I've been meaning to do a bit of a rewrite of the vector legend
 stuff. I prefer the rectangles (esp. when mixed with lines and points in
 the legend) but am happy to make the shape adjustable somehow. Jorge has
 some ideas worth looking at as well.

 vpoints should be under the grid lines, but points (ie annotations) should
 be above.
 if present in the instruction, the masked y|n control can help control
 the order
 things get rendered in.


Ticket URL: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1453#comment:1
GRASS GIS http://grass.osgeo.org

grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #1453: ps.map: various enhancements

2011-09-21 Thread GRASS GIS
#1453: ps.map: various enhancements
 Reporter:  mmetz|   Owner:  hamish   
 Type:  enhancement  |  Status:  assigned 
 Priority:  normal   |   Milestone:  7.0.0
Component:  Ps.map   | Version:  svn-trunk
 Keywords:   |Platform:  All  
  Cpu:  All  |  

Comment(by hamish):

  your patch as given for # as first non-whitespace char of the line
  a space after it to work?

 maybe just look at *key[0] ?

Ticket URL: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1453#comment:2
GRASS GIS http://grass.osgeo.org

grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] New histogramming tool for GRASS 7

2011-09-21 Thread Michael Barton
Something that I've thought about for quite awhile but only now managed to get 
around to doing. I have added a new histogramming tool to GRASS 7, based on 
PyPlot like the profiling tool. It will histogram a single raster map or all 
the maps in an imagery group. It gives user control over colors and line 
styles, axes, legends, fonts, and grid.

It is available from the analysis toolbar button on the display canvas as 
Create histogram with PyPlot for now. I've left in the old tool that displays 
d.hist in a window. It should be especially useful for image analysis. 

Give it a try and let me know if you hit any bugs.


C. Michael Barton
Director, Center for Social Dynamics  Complexity 
Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution  Social Change
Arizona State University

voice:  480-965-6262 (SHESC), 480-727-9746 (CSDC)
fax:  480-965-7671 (SHESC),  480-727-0709 (CSDC)
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton, http://csdc.asu.edu

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] New histogramming tool for GRASS 7

2011-09-21 Thread Michael Barton
You can save the histogram to various image formats. Here is an example from a 
set of Landsat bands 1-5, and 7. It took about 1 second to histogram all 6 


C. Michael Barton
Director, Center for Social Dynamics  Complexity 
Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution  Social Change
Arizona State University

voice:  480-965-6262 (SHESC), 480-727-9746 (CSDC)
fax:  480-965-7671 (SHESC),  480-727-0709 (CSDC)
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton, http://csdc.asu.edu

On Sep 22, 2011, at 7:28 PM, grass-dev-requ...@lists.osgeo.org wrote:

 Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2011 22:25:05 -0700
 From: Michael Barton michael.bar...@asu.edu
 Subject: [GRASS-dev] New histogramming tool for GRASS 7
 To: GRASS developers grass-developers grass-dev@lists.osgeo.org
 Message-ID: 4940725d-199d-49ec-bb3e-703ae35fa...@asu.edu
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 Something that I've thought about for quite awhile but only now managed to 
 get around to doing. I have added a new histogramming tool to GRASS 7, based 
 on PyPlot like the profiling tool. It will histogram a single raster map or 
 all the maps in an imagery group. It gives user control over colors and line 
 styles, axes, legends, fonts, and grid.
 It is available from the analysis toolbar button on the display canvas as 
 Create histogram with PyPlot for now. I've left in the old tool that 
 displays d.hist in a window. It should be especially useful for image 
 Give it a try and let me know if you hit any bugs.

grass-dev mailing list