Re: [GRASS-dev] communication of community sprint decisions

2020-01-24 Thread Markus Neteler
On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 5:55 PM Markus Neteler  wrote:
> - GitHub
> - issues enabled:  (yet empty ;-)
> - define a GitHub issue template.

I have added a bug report and a feature request template:

.. feel free to improve them or discuss here.

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #4015: ctypes: TypeError: item 1 in _argtypes_ passes a union by value, which is unsupported

2020-01-24 Thread GRASS GIS
#4015: ctypes: TypeError: item 1 in _argtypes_ passes a union by value, which is
  Reporter:  neteler|  Owner:  grass-dev@…
  Type:  defect | Status:  new
  Priority:  normal |  Milestone:  7.8.3
 Component:  Python ctypes  |Version:  git-releasebranch78
Resolution: |   Keywords:  ctypes, python3
   CPU:  Unspecified|   Platform:  Unspecified

Comment (by neteler):

 Replying to [comment:5 neteler]:
 > Replying to [comment:4 mmetz]:
 > > Python 3.7.6 and Python 3.8.0 are also affected and need to be
 > I have filed a bug report on Fedora:
 > Of course, other distros will face the same problem.

 For the record:
  * here the related Alpine Linux patch request:

 Hint for Fedora users: to downgrade to Python 3.7.4, just run `dnf
 downgrade python`.

Ticket URL: 

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] [GRASS-user] GRASS GIS issues now on GitHub!

2020-01-24 Thread Nikos Alexandris

Great news.


* Markus Neteler  [2020-01-23 21:30:12 +0100]:

*GRASS GIS bug reporting and feature request on GitHub now! *

As it was treated in the last GRASS GIS community sprint
and with the aim of keeping
things as simple as possible, we have finally activated the issue tracker
for bug reports
and feature requests in the GRASS GIS GitHub repo

The old good trac  site still remains active
for tickets that were originally open there. So, if
you have opened a ticket in trac, please either close it and open a new one
in GitHub
referencing the discussion in trac, or just keep it open and comment there.

For *new issues starting today*, please use GitHub

We'll soon create a template to better follow the different issue types
(bug or enhancement),
topics/tags, operating systems, GRASS GIS versions, etc.

grass-user mailing list

Nikos Alexandris | Remote Sensing & Geomatics
GPG Key Fingerprint 6F9D4506F3CA28380974D31A9053534B693C4FB3 

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] missing logs for Windows addons

2020-01-24 Thread Anna Petrášová
Hi, coming back to this... the addons don't seem to be updated, I checked 2
addons and no recent changes are incorporated in the zip files. Is it
possible you still download it from trac rather than github?


On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 12:10 PM Ondřej Pešek  wrote:

> Hi Moritz,
> po 6. 1. 2020 v 16:56 odesílatel Moritz Lennert <
>> napsal:
>> I see that r.object.activelearning also fails with:
>> "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'scipy'"
>> Should this module be changed somehow to wrap the import in a way to
>> only make it fail at runtime ? ISTR, there was a technique for that, or ?
> A lazy import should do this for you.
grass-dev mailing list