Re: [GRASS-dev] FIXED: Re: compiling GRASS-latest - configure fails with Unable to locate PostgreSQL includes

2021-06-22 Thread Denis Ovsienko
On Mon, 21 Jun 2021 23:24:40 +0200
Markus Neteler  wrote:

> Maybe others here have suggestions how to improve the current
> (message) situation?

As far as I understand it, since GRASS C source includes ,
it uses FreeType 2. FreeType 2 documentation suggests using pkg-config
to tell where the headers are:

On my system (Ubuntu 18.04) the headers are in /usr/include/freetype2
(and not just):

$ pkg-config --cflags freetype2
-I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng16

FWIW, running configure with
--with-freetype-includes=/usr/include/freetype2 was always mandatory and
sufficient for building GRASS on my PC. I didn't always remember this
detail, so some of my builds were slightly more difficult than the

GRASS configure script uses pkg-config, but not for FreeType 2
detection. So it defaults to a hard-coded path,
which is now /usr/include/freetype. It is worth checking how many
distributions put FreeType 2 headers there instead
of /usr/include/freetype2. In other words, this default path might be
well out of date.

In terms of improving this situation (such that GRASS configure "just
works" for most users), the following changes could add to a more
useful error message:

1. Default to /usr/include/freetype2 if that's the most common location
   in supported distributions now.
2. Use pkg-config to detect the necessary FreeType 2 CFLAGS

As a side note, it might be a good time to migrate to a current version
of autoconf (2.69 seems to be a popular choice).

    Denis Ovsienko
grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] [release planning] GRASS GIS 8: create new release branch

2021-05-14 Thread Denis Ovsienko
On Fri, 14 May 2021 17:09:42 +0200
Markus Neteler  wrote:

> Now, the question is, also to avoid excessive cherry-picking of fixes
> and changes from master (to be called 8.1 then), which of the open PR
> may be merged soon?

#1569 (fixes #1420)
#1570 (fixes #1355)

These are all trivial bugfixes.

    Denis Ovsienko
grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] some perspective for r.geomorphon profile data

2021-04-25 Thread Denis Ovsienko
Hello list.

As some might remember, last year I came to propose a few changes to
r.geomorphon in order to support a student (CCed) PhD research. For me
this project had lasted about 6 months, and for the student it was
much longer. The research has been finally concluded and submitted, so
it is a good time to follow up on the mailing list and to explain the
role of these GRASS changes in the project and some ways of reusing
this work in future.

My contribution was to develop source code and some documentation in
the following three layers:

1. r.geomorphon (C), extended to output profile data in a
   machine-readable format. The profile data feature is very generic
   and should not require major changes (if any) to accommodate similar
   data extraction tasks in future. The JSON/XML/YAML generation code
   is mostly independent from r.geomorphon, with a more sophisticated
   memory management it potentially could serve a better job in GRASS
   library supporting other plugins.

2. Geomorphon Profiler (shell, Python), developed from scratch to
   automate running of the above and several other GRASS plugins. This
   software was written to be generic and parametrizable, so it should
   not be difficult to adjust to other similar projects. That said,
   there are inevitable project-specific design choices (such as at
   most one extra POI in an image), but this should not block
   development if other sound use cases emerge. Examples of Geomorphon
   Profiler output can be seen in its README [a].

3. Place-Name Props (shell, Python), developed from scratch to translate
   between the research space and Geomorphon Profiler space. In other
   words, Geomorphon Profiler can be given a short configuration file
   and a long list of POIs and left unattended to produce thousands of
   standalone geomorphon profiles and images. From that Place-Name Props
   produces combined files for the research study. Clearly, this only
   makes sense in this research, but you might be interested to look at
   a small example output PDF file at [b] to see how geomorphon profile
   data mixes with linguistic data.

In the list above [1] took about 25% in terms of lines of code count and
enabled the other 75% in [2] and [3], which in turn enabled subsequent
phases of the research. I would like to thank GRASS developers that had
the faith to review and to accept the changes to r.geomorphon, or
otherwise to provide constructive feedback. When GRASS 8 comes out, this
new research method should be easier to reproduce for other end users.




Denis Ovsienko
grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] GRASS GIS single layout (GSoC 2021)

2021-04-16 Thread Denis Ovsienko
On Sun, 11 Apr 2021 11:51:32 +0200 (CEST)
"L.Kladivova"  wrote:

> Idea:

I trust you mean well. Let me provide some input.

My own GUI arrangement for GRASS work was on two monitors (same size,
same DPI). The first monitor with the two smaller GRASS windows plus
non-GRASS windows of the project was in in horizontal orientation. The
second monitor with the GRASS map display was in vertical orientation
to fit the region of interest. And I was running out of screen space
all the time, so if this was a commercial project, there would be at
least one more monitor to provide more space for the multiple
independent windows. Clearly, for a single window UI it would not make
as much sense.

One other interesting arrangement is a more or less ordinary monitor to
display some GUI in normal usable size plus another "high DPI" monitor
to display some other GUI that needs to show as many physical pixels at
once as possible. Of course, neither the physical size nor the pixel
count match between the monitors, so when a window spans more than one
monitor it becomes difficult to use.

Finally, GIMP has been using multiple window UI for many years, and the
users figure the GUI out just fine.

So a multiple window GUI makes a sound use case and it would be nice
to keep it reasonably accessible.

Denis Ovsienko
grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] r.geomorphon multiresolution mode

2021-02-15 Thread Denis Ovsienko
On Mon, 15 Feb 2021 22:23:09 +
Michael Barton  wrote:

> Can anyone explain how multiresolution model works in r.geomorphon?
> It does not seem to respond to any setting changes and seems to
> always produce blank maps (testing with NC demo set). There is
> nothing about multiresolution mode in the manual for 7.8 or 7.9

Hello Michael.

I had applied a few rounds of cleanups and improvements to this
plugin, one of which was directly related to multires (see commit
867ff057b). Other than that, I didn't study multires closely, but
managed to notice earlier that start_distance and step_distance (which
are derived from the command-line arguments) are never used in the main
multires branch, which also overrides the value of num_of_steps with a
hard-coded value of 5, but I had more pressing problems to solve in the
non-multires branch of main() at the time.

Having looked through the multires branch again just now, it does not
look right that after the call to calc_pattern() the code does not have
a call to determine_form(), the output of which ought to go into
multiple_output[i].forms_buffer before Rast_put_row() stores it. That
would explain why you have blank outputs. That said, I still do not
understand the intended difference between the multiple output rasters.

> Also, I think there is a typo in the manual and arguments. I think
> that what is meant is the word "extent" (a noun for area) rather than
> "extend" (a verb to make larger). I can make an issue for this typo
> if helpful.

If you take the 8 cardinal points of a geomorphon without the
elevations, the plane figure will be an octagon (a degenerate one when
more than two cardinal points end up in the centre). In any case, it
will always be a so called simple polygon, let's call its area S1.

If you take a fixed search radius, draw a circle and intersect it with
the 8 cardinal directions (in other word, if you consider the regular
convex case of the above figure), its maximum possible area (let's call
it S2) will be a function of the search radius.

So what is currently known as the "extend" output of r.geomorphon is
S1/S2, hence its value belongs to the [0.0, 1.0] interval. I agree this
might be not the right term, although I am not sure what would be the
most appropriate geometric term in English. For what it is worth, the
function that computes S1 is currently called "extends()", and both the
G_parser props and the HTML document currently give an incorrect
description of what the "extend" output produces, so that would be best
made consistent in the same go.

There are some other long-standing imperfections in both the C code and
the HTML documentation of r.geomorphon, if you have time now to work on
these, I could suggest a few points. That said, it would be nice not to
re-jig r.geomorphon in substantial ways right now, because it is
serving as a foundation for Geomorphon Profiler, and I am busy
finishing another layer of software on top of these two, so a student
can finally get their thesis done.

Denis Ovsienko
grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] Min. req. of programming language standard support, GRASS GIS 8

2021-02-06 Thread Denis Ovsienko
in three programming languages and there are so many dependencies that
more than 3-4 years of backward compatibility would be an unreasonable
level of commitment.

So I'd say it helps to take "long-term support" with a grain of salt.
Of course, if the vendor is willing to help you achieve the extra
backward compatibility (see DIY above), that's a good trade-off for
everyone, but usually it is not the case.

Thus, as far as I can figure it out, if GRASS developers at some point
establish that C17 gives GRASS particular significant technical
advantages, it should be fine to declare C17 the house standard if (and
only if) your currently active platforms reliably support C17. But if
you resolve to stick with C89 or C99 for a few more years, that would
be fine as well.

Denis Ovsienko
grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS Elections 2020] Announcement and voters registry

2020-12-24 Thread Denis Ovsienko
On Tue, 15 Dec 2020 16:29:59 +0100
"Chief Return Officer (CRO) - GRASS GIS election 2020"

> - all people that have already posted a pull request to github
> (possibly only those PR that have been merged)

As far as I understand, that applies to me, and I would like to
nominate someone, so if there is a formal requirement for me to be on a
list of contributors, please add me there. Thank you.

    Denis Ovsienko
grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] OSGeo virtual code sprint

2020-11-07 Thread Denis Ovsienko
Hello all.

I've been working on a geomorphon data processing project for a while
and would like to have the code completed and published soon, would it
make sense to do that as a part of the sprint?

The work that still needs to be done is as follows:

1. Merge
2. Open and merge another GRASS pull request with a few more cleanups
   (ready as soon as you are).
3. Open and merge another GRASS pull request with a new feature for
   r.geomorphon (will be ready after a bugfix).
4. Finalize and publish a small stand-alone data processing tool based
   on the new r.geomorphon feature. It is a niche solution that I have
   developed as an independent contribution to a research project. I am
   not sure if it is useful enough to live under GRASS or OSGeo hood,
   but hopefully it is useful enough in similar research elsewhere.

Let me know what you think and if you need additional information.

Denis Ovsienko
grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] a broken link on wiki

2020-09-25 Thread Denis Ovsienko
Hello list.


the link "download the GRASS GIS source code" points to an invalid URL:

It should probably be the same as "Source code" at

(which is, or maybe something else.

Denis Ovsienko
grass-dev mailing list