Re: [GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #3582: Removing a Mapset from inside a GRASS GIS session

2019-12-15 Thread GRASS GIS
#3582: Removing a Mapset from inside a GRASS GIS session
  Reporter:  Nikos Alexandris  |  Owner:  grass-dev@…
  Type:  enhancement   | Status:  new
  Priority:  normal|  Milestone:  7.8.3
 Component:  Default   |Version:  unspecified
Resolution:|   Keywords:  mapset, remove, delete, erase
   CPU:  Unspecified   |   Platform:  Unspecified

Comment (by neteler):

 Replying to [comment:1 jidanni]:
 > And mentioned on grass7.html, which tells one how to create them from
 > the command line, but forgets to then add how to remove them!

 If you can, please suggest an edit (PR) here:

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grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #3582: Removing a Mapset from inside a GRASS GIS session

2019-11-24 Thread GRASS GIS
#3582: Removing a Mapset from inside a GRASS GIS session
  Reporter:  Nikos Alexandris  |  Owner:  grass-dev@…
  Type:  enhancement   | Status:  new
  Priority:  normal|  Milestone:
 Component:  Default   |Version:  unspecified
Resolution:|   Keywords:  mapset, remove, delete, erase
   CPU:  Unspecified   |   Platform:  Unspecified

Comment (by jidanni):

 Indeed without using the GUI, there is no way to
 - remove locations
 - remove mapsets.

 When one day there finally are, they should be added to the SEE ALSO of

 And mentioned on grass7.html, which tells one how to create them from the
 command line, but forgets to then add how to remove them!

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grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #3582: Removing a Mapset from inside a GRASS GIS session

2018-06-07 Thread GRASS GIS
#3582: Removing a Mapset from inside a GRASS GIS session
 Reporter:  Nikos Alexandris   |  Owner:  grass-dev@…
 Type:  enhancement| Status:  new
 Priority:  normal |  Milestone:
Component:  Default|Version:  unspecified
 Keywords:  mapset, remove, delete, erase  |CPU:  Unspecified
 Platform:  Unspecified|
 Would it possible to add a way to remove a Mapset, or multiple Mapsets,
 from the command line? For example, add a "remove" or "delete" or "erase"
 function to the existing `g.mapset` module.

 Points to consider:

 * This functionality should not be allowed, of course!, to request for a
 removal of the current Mapset. It should only allow for removal of
 other(s) than the current Mapset.

 * Only the owner of another, than the current, Mapset, or the "admin"
 (creator of PERMANENT?), will be able to remove it.

 * Following the existing way of removing "elements" of a Mapset, a force
 flag `-f` could be required, in order to actually remove such a directory,
 and all of its contents.

 * Such an option would, maybe, make for a safer practice, if implemented
 correctly, rather than leaving as the only option to remove a Mapset
 directory, directly via the host OS' deletion functions.

 * safe `rm` parctices

 See also

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