I just added the new script for field calculation.
It basically applies a python expression allowing the usage of field names as variables and update the selected column values.

It is useful for advanced field updates with DBF files.

An example:
Add a new column named EXP and populate it with the values of column "VAL" elevated at 0.25:
> v.db.addcol map=myvector columns="EXP double"
> v.db.calc input=myvector field=EXP exp="math.pow([VAL], 0.25)"

if the field is text:
Add a new text column named TXT and populte it concatenating <em> Dr. </em> and the text values of the column NAME where the TITLE is phd:
v.db.addcol map=owners columns="TXT varchar(25)"
v.db.calc input=owners field=TXT exp="'Dr. '+'[NAME]'" where="TITLE=phd"

It should virtually works with all the python libs, but I've just tested with math and common functions.
Please test and comment.


Dr. Massimiliano Cannata
Environmental & Geomatic Engineer

Institute of Earth Sciences - SUPSI
Trevano, C.P. 72, CH-6952 Canobbio, SWITZERLAND

Tel: +41 (0)58 / 666 62 14 Fax: +41 (0)58 / 666 62 09
E-mail: massimiliano.cann...@supsi.ch

Web: http://www.ist.supsi.ch

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