[GRASS-PSC] Registered on Codeberg.org?

2023-11-04 Thread Hamish B via grass-psc
Hi folks,

I noticed that last week someone registered "Grass-Development-Team"
as a project org on Codeberg*. I was wondering if you were aware of
this and if it might have been one of you.

[*] https://codeberg.org/Grass-Development-Team
Codeberg is shall we say "not at all dissimilar" to GitHub, but run by
a non-profit and all FOSS.

best regards & have fun in Vienna,

(who is all for supporting FOSS backend infrastructure)
grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] Card or Flowers for Markus?

2021-08-31 Thread Hamish
Hi everyone,

I would certainly be interested in conveying my best wishes, warm regards,
and support, in whatever way is most suitable and practical.

many thanks,
grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] [GRASS-user] [GRASS-dev] GRASS-GIS PSC-2016 Nominations

2016-08-15 Thread Hamish
Nikos wrote:
> though the list of candidates should be officially fixed by now, as we
> crossed the 12:OO UTC deadline, an extension for 2 more days
> is given (till Tuesday, 12:00 UTC).  The reason is to give a little more
> time for last decisions.

Hi PSCers,

I feel a bit bad that other responsibilities have taken away the time
and enjoyment I used to spend working on GRASS and helping others on
the mailing lists. It is still my favorite software to work on and I
am frustrated when I have to deal with anything less.

I still care deeply for the future of GRASS but at this point I don't
think it is fair to other active + new devs for me to tie up a
leadership position when I can't keep up with the day to day issues on
the -dev list. I could only offer opinions without current context
which won't be healthy for the project.

If serious issues arrive you are most welcome to call on my emeritus
advice of course, privately or otherwise, as deep in the back of my
brain is still a pretty good remembrance of much legal history and
code context. :o)

I do hope to get back at some point, it's just that I can't promise
when. So until that time I'm happy to drop back to an occasional
developer and bug fixer.

grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] GRASS-Addons-SVN repository write access request

2015-09-22 Thread Hamish
Giuseppe wrote:
> But than only lower case was accepted

This is a publicly archived mailing list. You should change your login
details immediately!

thanks & welcome,
grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] RFC3: New voting rules

2014-10-05 Thread Hamish
Hi all,

sorry for my long absence, I've hardly been on email at all for many
weeks now. (and enjoying the break from distractions! :) I certainly
haven't caught up with all the messages in my inbox, there's a good
chance I've missed things.

But since people want to get moving, here are my comments on the text of
RFC3 as it appears on the trac wiki today. (I guess that makes it
version 10 according to trac)

In general it just codifies what we're already doing, so no big
surprises. Devil is in the details, and we are detail oriented
people, so let's get this right. :)

Proposals (2): make it clear that the Chair is the to to decide that no
more progress is being made, and close the vote in that case. The last
sentence of (2) seems to indicate that, but the wording is a bit muddy.

Voting (3): Strike the invalid veto text. I will not support passing
RFC3 with that in place. Who is to judge that the reasons given are
clear? What if we know something is definitely not the right solution
but don't know the correct answer? In yacht racing we used to have a
saying: even if you do not know what the right thing to do is,
especially then, never knowingly do the wrong thing.
If nothing else it is IMHO quite disrespectful to our fellow PSCers.

Voting (4): ... but has no effect -- other than to formally indicate
the voter's position. (which should hold community weight even if it
doesn't count in the calculus of the vote, so should be given a nod
in the text)

[new] Voting (9): The Chair is responsible for validating the final
result. (or some text like that, we don't seem to explicitly say it

some other points to consider:

- lesser threshold for granting commit rights? (100% PSC members
answering not req'd, just a quorum of 51% and no vetos. moreover
maybe a shorter timeout of 3-4 days for these. Voting (8) mentions
active voters but AFAICT elsewhere we don't formally discuss
absentees vs. abstainers)

- passing rfc by simple majority, or require a higher threshold?
- overriding a veto by simple majority, or require a higher threshold?

in both the above cases it seems to me the healthiness of the overall
project would benefit by forcing us to work very very hard to come to a
real consensus rather than expedite a quick decision. FOSS runs on good
interpersonal relationships; any chance of unresolved bad feelings being
left in the wake of a decision can be quite toxic to the long term heath
of the project and avoided at all costs.

As I catch up on my email I'll reply to the RFC3 threads on the PSC
list inline, probably there are many fine points made by others
already that I missed. :)


ps- I still strongly believe that a wiki is not the place to house
approved RFCs, it should be in a more formal and secure VCS, such as
Subversion. It is not necessary to keep it in the source code tarball,
but that does have the benefit of widely disseminating copies. For
historical changelog + diff interest, developing the RFC text in the
final VCS would be preferable. (culturally, commit log messages tend to
be much better in SVN than in a wiki, and the why of a change is quite
important in this context. also the wiki is open to anyone on the
internet who cares to create an account. will our RFCs get spammed or
vandalized? even if approved motions are converted to locked pages, that
doesn't work for working documents. these aren't some simple help page.)
grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] removal of RFC documents from SVN [was: releases schedule]

2014-06-27 Thread Hamish
Martin wrote:

  I agree, if no objection I will remove `rfc` directory from SVN in the
  next days. Martin
 done in all active branches.


Voted-on RFCs are completed published documents and never changed, only
superseded/replaced by a new RFC. Only in-draft RFCs should be held in a
wiki, and even then edits should be restricted to only the core commit
group (which is why we put them in svn). In addition svn has stronger
and more robust changelog history and wider backup-copy dissemination,
which for legal foundation documents ensures the copy you are looking
at is verifiable all over the world as the version that the PSC voted on.
If the only copy is on the wiki server you're at the whim of anyone who
manages to get write access to the backend DB.

Completed RFCs do not belong in a wiki. For bomb-proof full changelog
disclosure, draft revisions probably belong in the main SVN too.

grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] GRASS6.4.4 release [was: Re: [GRASS-dev] GRASS 7 release planning]

2014-06-24 Thread Hamish

  To be honest I think we will have to accept shipping OSGEOLive with 

The focus there is a split between being a showcase for new features and
super-stable introduction for new users. (power users might see past small
transient bugs, but if a new user finds rough edges in the first 5-15 minutes,
or before they get past the initial learning curve, the window of opportunity
is lost and they'll give up)
So far the balance on the disc has been to more favour stable over new. Feature
freeze is in just a couple weeks, QGIS plugin would need to be 100% ready and
rebuilt, and we'd not have a sample dataset included, would need to have a
GRASS_BATCH_FILE import script to set one up from the data already on the

fyi I plan to write a script which will be on the disc which will automatically
add the appropriate ppa repos and download+install the latest grass7 snapshot
and sample data.  What version does the foss4g workshop want to use? Note the NC
dataset only ships in geotiff+shapefile form so it can be used by all the
other projects too, due to disc space limitations the workshop setup will
have to download that too. (spearfish is small enough to include for G6 though)

There is a link on the live disc desktop to this URL:

fwiw I will also be writing a G6 script for pre-installing some G6 addon 
If you have any you want included, place your orders in a osgeo trac ticket
please (LiveDVD component), cc 'hamish'.

  Right, as far as I know Markus is off-line since 27/6. So let's start
  with idea to mark RC2 as a final and release it _this_week_! I don't
  know about any blockers. Any opinion? If you know about blockers let
  us know about that ASAP!

I have been very busy with work recently, and will be for the next weeks too.
In the past I've been able to review all commits to the stable branch, right
now I am rather behind in that task. So if it goes out now just be warned that
I might be asking for a small-change 6.4.5 release after a month as some sort
of, since there are always some bugs to find. :-) I would also be a
bit slow on the Debian packaging this time and not sure if I could write the
release announcement.  Work and GSoC has all my time right now, sorry.

fwiw the debian rule for packages being accepted into the stable branch is not
that they are perfect, only that they are less buggy than the old version. For
the spatialite export bug I think that's fair advice to follow: it is not fixed,
but no more broken than the previous release. Since v.out.ogr is such a critical
module, and the fix requires the module to be improved with a bunch of 2D vs 3D
export logic, my vote would be to release 6.4.4 without it, but then try hard
soon after release to get it fixed, so maximum pre-release testing time. -- Even
though it's pretty crazy/embarrassing that GRASS isn't supporting export to
Spatialite currently.  My thoughts on r.li are very similar, chances are that 
big backport still has some maturing to do, but the earlier version was wrong
so perhaps-problems-but-improving beats known-bad.

best regards,

grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] applying for svn writing access

2014-03-29 Thread Hamish
Margherita wrote:

 in Vienna I've been working on manual pages cleanup on addons for their
 moving to trunk. Since the manual pages in trunk
 still need a good deal of clean up work, I would like
 to apply for SVN writing access. My OSGeo ID is madi.

I thought you'd already had it. :)  guess not.

You have my full support conditional on the statement-for-the-archives agreeing 
to RFC2 as it pertains to the main repository.

grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] request access to the core svn

2012-10-08 Thread Hamish
Pietro wrote:
  Dear all,
  I'm Pietro Zambelli a phD. student of University of Trento, during
  this summer I have done the Google Summer of Code to add High level
  map interaction [0] called: pygrass [1] into GRASS.
  Mentor of the project was: Sören Gebbert, supported by: Markus Metz,
  Martin Landa and Luca Delucchi.

Sören wrote:
 well i am not a member of the PSC, but as a mentor of the GSoC project
 would like to say that Pietro is a great developer. He has my full


sorry for the delay in reply (I'm away and just about to jump on a train);
Pietro has my support too and is most welcome!

grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] Access to upload python addon/skript

2012-08-09 Thread Hamish
Johannes wrote:
 Following the in How to contribute... (http://trac.osgeo.org
 SVNrepository),  I'd like to sent an official request for
 writing access to the GRASS AddOn SVN repository. I read and
 agree with the Legal aspects of code contribution (RFC 2). 

 Furthermore my osgeoid is: jradinger

Hi Johannes,

your svn access to the grass-addons repository is now active.
happy coding.

 I am not sure whether my vote is needed on this

for the addons repo, all it takes is for one of us to confirm
(perhaps champion) the request and then act on it.

for access to the core repo there must be a formal vote.

grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] PSC management

2012-06-01 Thread Hamish
 Quoth Markus N.: 
 The PSC members are requested to annually confirm (via email to the
 PSC mailing list) the continuation of their active involvement in the PSC.
 This confirmation is expected by 1 June of each year. In case of lack
 of this confirmation the member will be replaced.

 That sounds just about right. Here is a slightly altered
 Members are requested to annually confirm (via email to the
 PSC mailing list) the continuation of their active
 involvement in the PSC. This confirmation is expected annually,
 by June 1st. In the absence of such confirmation, nominations
 will open for a replacement by XXX (June 15th?).

I would simplify as much as possible, add the reasoning, and leave off
the the fine-detail procedural stuff:

In order to keep the PSC fresh, members will annually confirm their
continued involvement. This should happen by June 1st of each year,
afterwhich nominations for their replacement may commence at the
discretion of the chair. They are not replaced, and retain voting rights,
until such point as their replacement member is formally accepted.

Overly-automatic timeouts are poor management IMO, it puts the burden onto
the ruleset instead of the humans. Maybe that avoids some personal
confrontation, but is a bit of a cop-out of our responsibilities IMO.

grass-psc mailing list


2012-06-01 Thread Hamish
   If there are no objections in the next days, I'll set up his
   account to the main GRASS SVN repository.

  fwiw, even if non-controversial, granting access requires us to
  record a formal vote,

 See my other mail for non-active members, so I believe that
 a quorum is sufficient.

Yes, as we've been doing it for a long time now, a quorum is fine.
My small point of order was that it sounded a bit like if we don't hear
from you we'll consider it a tacit 'yes' vote, and that is not much of
a vote at all.

anyway, moving on..

grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] Request for write access to the GRASS-Addons-SVN repository

2012-01-09 Thread Hamish
Eric Hardin wrote:
 I would like to request write access to the GRASS-Addons-SVN
 repository. I have obtained an osgeo_id, which is ejhardi2,
 and I have read and accepted the RFC2.

Hi Eric,

your access is now set up.

have fun,
grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] Re: GRASS Annual report 2010

2011-09-24 Thread Hamish
Michael wrote:
 I think that Anna's cartographic composer
 was a SOC project, but I'm not sure.

nope, that was done as a research project IIRC.

2010 SoC projects were Martin's wxNViz (part II), and Seth's GPU accel of r.sun 
(shared with gdal).

..added to the wiki page


grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] Re: Sponsoring the GRASS Community Sprint in Prague

2011-03-23 Thread Hamish
Markus wrote:
  Please post your suggestions!
  unfortunately no response...

did you not receive my email?

feeding the hungry coders seems like a wonderful use of the funds.


grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] GRASS-Addons-SVN access request

2010-08-18 Thread Hamish
Jonathan Greenberg wrote:
 I would like to apply for SVN access for my GRASS r.gridengine set of
 scripts -- I've read and accept the RFC2 document.

jgrn307 now added to the grass-addons group.


grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] Fwd: Apply for write access to the GRASS-Addons-SVN repository

2010-08-15 Thread Hamish

just in case anyone is needlessly waiting...

a reminder that a majority note is not needed for any
PSCer to enable access to the addons svn, just to have
the rfc2 acceptance posted, the *osgeo id name of the
applicant*, and hopefully some established work/mailing
list relationship with the applicant.

to enable go to the grass trac wiki site main page, then
contributing to grass page, then at the bottom there is a
link to the addons svn ldap group. Go there, login with
your PSC osgeo id, and add the applicants osgeo id name
to the list. Also while you are at it add the user to the
contributors_extra.csv file in the main grass source tree.

Access to the main source tree requires a full vote of
course, and it is also nice to hear +1, positive support
(or otherwise) comments about people wanting addons.

[*] I think we are still waiting for osgeo ids from one
of the two recent requests(?)

(currently out of svn range)

grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] svn addons write access request

2010-02-14 Thread Hamish
Margherita Di Leo wrote:
 I would like to have write-right access to the GRASS-addons
 svn repository.
 I wrote a python tool for the morphometric characterization
 of the basin, it is called r.basin.py.
 I have read the GRASS RFC2 and I accept it.
 Thank you in advance
 -- Eng. Margherita Di Leo
 Ph.D. Candidate
 Methods and Technologies for Environmental Monitoring
 Department of Environmental Engineering and Physics (DIFA)
 University of Basilicata Campus Macchia Romana
 85100 - Potenza Italy
 Office: +39-0971205363
 Fax: +39-0971205160

sure, what's your osgeo ID?


grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] Request for SVN-write-access

2010-01-17 Thread Hamish
re. SVN-write-access for Helmut, +1 from me.


grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] Re: v.krige moved to trunk and devbr6 - SVN access request

2009-12-25 Thread Hamish
  I'd like to ask for extension of write access to main SVN repository,
  as v.krige is now part of trunk and develbranch_6. The module,
  developed during Summer of Code 2009,
  I've agreed with Martin that until the decision of PSC I'll continue
  development by sending him patches.

 I am not member of PSC anyway I support Anne in her request.

It's fine with me, Anne is a most welcome contributer, brings much needed
QGIS plugin expertise,  is a source of positive energy.  Fair warning
that due to the holidays  all it may take a week or two to hear back
from everyone  before we can act on this.

ho ho ho  bbqs on the beach,

grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] GRASS-addons svn write access request

2009-12-22 Thread Hamish
Damiano wrote:
   I would like to have write-right access to the
 GRASS-addons svn repository.
   I have read the GRASS RFC2 and I accept it.
 Thanks in advance
 Damiano G. Preatoni, PhD
 Unità di Analisi e Gestione delle Risorse Ambientali
 Dipartimento Ambiente-Salute-Sicurezza
 Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
 Via J.H. Dunant, 3 - 21100 Varese (ITALY)

sure thing.
what's your osgeo id?

what does your new module do?


grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] [GSoC] SVN access to Addons repository

2009-05-13 Thread Hamish

Anne Ghisla wrote:
 For my Google Summer of code project [0], mentored by Martin Landa, I
 request write access to SVN addons repository.

 [0] http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/V.autokrige_GSoC_2009

Hi Anne,

As there is already the shell script version in addons SVN named
v.autokrige[1], and as this is for SoC, we should take special care to
avoid confusion and so use a different directory name to put yours in.
Typically for a next generation rewrite we'd name the dir like


there is already one called v.surf.krige[2] as well, so that name is
taken too :)

[1] http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/GRASS_AddOns#v.autokrige

[2] http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/GRASS_AddOns#v.surf.krige
?link? http://www.gfosservices.it/?q=node/61



grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] [GSoC] SVN access to Addons repository

2009-05-13 Thread Hamish

 Anne Ghisla wrote:
  For my Google Summer of code project [0], mentored by
  Martin Landa, I
  [0] http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/V.autokrige_GSoC_2009

Hamish wrote:
 ... also ...
 [1] http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/GRASS_AddOns#v.autokrige
 [2] http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/GRASS_AddOns#v.surf.krige
 ?link? http://www.gfosservices.it/?q=node/61

almost forgot:



grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] grass code making its way into gdal (+relicense)

2009-05-06 Thread Hamish

 I do not think that this act was intentional.
 I also don't think this was intentionally done

Nor, I. He was quite up front about the code heritage on his site; I
consider this to be simply an oversight in the source code header
comments which then caused another problem downstream. He undertook
it partly as a learning experience, and I guess that's what it turns
out to be. :) We all learn our lessons from time to time.

I fully understand that assuming a port from libgrass to libgdal and
C to C++ is not a verbatim copy so is ok seems reasonable at first,
but if you read the text of the GPL2 license it is rather clear:

2b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.

I do not wish to assign any blame or give anyone a hard time, just
to fix the technical problem so this nice tool can be cleanly released
to the public.

  It is pretty clear that the core methods of gdaldem were directly
  derived from a GPL work.
 Are you really sure, Hamish?

Yes, I am, although perhaps I should have thrown in the word
unintentionally. -- but that is irrelevant to the truth of the

gdaldem is based on Matt's Apache licensed version. Matt's code was
derived from ~ GRASS 5.0.2-6.2.1 (GPL) and (for whatever reason) ended
up relicensed without attribution under the Apache license. That is what
my above statement refers to.

That GRASS 5,6's version itself was based on a public domain work, and
that we are able + willing to mention and now help verify that fact, is
purely a matter of coincidence and good luck.

Even, Helena, and myself have now looked through the old CERL version
dug up by Markus. Even found one one item in r.slope.aspect but as
far as I can tell that's in the CERL version already -- awaiting
clarification. As far as r.shaded.relief goes there is a small
contribution from Michael and one from Gordon Keith that are probably
trivial but as to what constitutes a trivial change isn't for me to say,
so I've asked them anyway. Other than that everything seems to be in
the clear, thankfully.

We've asked GDAL to cite GRASS 4.1 (CERL) in the header comments, and
I think it would be nice to cite the Horn 1981 paper as well which
contains the original slope algorithm.

Once that is done I'll forward the patch to Matt and request he does
the same and we can all move on.



grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] grass code making its way into gdal (+relicense)

2009-05-03 Thread Hamish


Frank wrote:
 If the GPL/GRASS derived portions cannot be rewritten we will have to
 remove them or the whole utility.

It is pretty clear that the core methods of gdaldem were directly derived
from a GPL work. As luck would have it (I'm guessing, but it's highly
likely) that the GPL work in question was itself derived from a public domain 
work, so there is a good chance that we have a fairly clean way out
of this. It is my hope that we will be able to find old CERL/GRASS public
domain versions to go back to which contain the bulk of the code so we can
confirm that and gdaldem doesn't have to be removed or relicensed as GPL.
But nobody has gone back to do that yet. An audit would have to be done
between that original CERL code, the modern GRASS code, and gdaldem to be
sure that no GPL additions are included. As gdaldem (seems) based on GPL
grass that means following each CVS/SVN log 1999-2006, which luckily we
still have. Confirming that some bits of it were in the public domain does
not confirm that other bits of it are not.

If anything was found we'd have to sort that out, either by permission or
by rewrite. We'd have to supervise that to some extent, but the onus is
really on the new coder to prove that they have committed clean code.

 I appreciate your bringing this to our attention (indirectly).

my intention had been to discuss it amongst ourselves here and more fully
do our homework on it so to present something robust to gdal from the
offset, rather to immediately yell gpl violation! and run in circles
waving arms about, which helps nobody. so the gdal bug is filed a little
sooner than I planned, but I guess that's not a bad thing either as I
would not like to see GDAL 1.7.0 published in the mean time without this
being known.

I'd still like a discussion to take place among the GRASS devels as
I think it's healthy and reassuring to put forward a consensus view.



grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] SVN write access request

2008-12-10 Thread Hamish
 todo for the rest of us: fix the wiki text and finish rfc3.

wording on the access to SVN wiki page now updated:



grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] addons-svn access request

2008-11-07 Thread Hamish
mathieu grelier wrote:
 I wrote several GRASS add-ons, mainly focused around postGIS data import
 and automatic kriging interpolation.
 I've just added them to the grass addons page in the wiki.
 You can find their description at http://precisiongis.blogspot.com
 I am requesting through this email access to the GRASS-Addons-SVN
 repository, if it is possible and you are interested.
 I hope I will be able to improve these addons and rewrite them in python
 in the future.
 I've read and abide the document 'Legal aspects of code contributions' :
 my OSGEO userID is: mathieug

Added, welcome!



grass-psc mailing list

[GRASS-PSC] Re: [GRASS-dev] r30246 - grass/trunk/lib/gis

2008-02-22 Thread Hamish
 Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 04:21:54 -0800 (PST)
 From: Hamish
 Subject: Re: [GRASS-dev] r30246 - grass/trunk/lib/gis
 To: grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org
 Glynn Clements wrote:
  If you don't understand copyright, consult a lawyer.
 just added on the wiki site:
 a link to the Software Freedom Law Center's Legal Issues Primer for
 Open Source and Free Software Projects:
 as for the thread, I think it's important to focus on the purpose of
 the --script module switch, ie to create a wrapper script template.
 For that I think it's a good idea to set useful defaults and
 your name here examples. It is important that any donated addon
 script contains sufficient copyright  license info, as without
 that it is essentially useless. So anything we can do to encourage
 the author to consider that is a good thing. It is easier for the
 lay-devel to see  remove the GPL boiler plate than to think to add
 it. Make it easy to do the right thing.
 as for the grass devel team not being a legal entity- I wonder how
 closely that phrase can be related to the OSGeo Foundation. Now that
 GRASS is an official OSGeo project, presumably the GRASS PSC and/or
 the GRASS GIS Project has some amount of formal identity.
 And so (c) the grass devel team is a descriptive term which, in
 context, is short for (c) the authors of the GRASS GIS Project, as
 represented by the GRASS PSC - a subsidiary of the OSGeo Foundation.
 The devels are the authors, and it is natural for the authors of a
 work to hold the copyright. As the exact meaning of authors is
 controlled via our RFC2 SVN commit access policies it isn't as
 vague as it might appear on first reading.

 grass-dev mailing list


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grass-psc mailing list

Re: [GRASS-PSC] Re: OSGeo Annual Report - GRASS Activities

2008-01-22 Thread Hamish
Markus Neteler wrote:
 please take a look at

perhaps mention the status of grass's osgeo incubation process?
what is it?



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