Re: [GRASS-user] d.out.file in wxpython?

2010-03-30 Thread Francesco Mirabella

Hi Hamish,
thank you,
yes, I tried the export button but the .tif or .png file has a bad 
resolution and if you want to export a topographic map it is not 
readable. This happens also if the region resolution is high (1 m) and 
in the display monitor the display is good enough to read heights and 
houses names (it is a 1:10.000 scale map). Is there a way to control the 
output image resolution?


Hamish wrote:

Francesco wrote:

I am also trying to export a display. I found d.out.file
was great as it  could export also as geotiff.
Is it planned for it to be also in wxpython new gui?

No, due to the different display driver used it is not possible.

But the map display canvas has a save image button, which is next
to the printer button.  (devs: can we set the default for that to



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[GRASS-user] ERROR mapset mapname not found

2010-03-30 Thread Achim Kisseler

Hi all,

I have a problem with setting the mapset access for one mapset. All 
other mapsets can be accessed without problems and from different 
mapsets. I get:

ERROR mapset mapname not found

I already checked the folders, but I cannot find any abnormalities.

What could it be?

Thanks in advance for ideas,
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] ERROR mapset mapname not found

2010-03-30 Thread Daniel Victoria
Could this be a permission / ownership problem?

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 5:37 AM, Achim Kisseler wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have a problem with setting the mapset access for one mapset. All other
 mapsets can be accessed without problems and from different mapsets. I get:

 ERROR mapset mapname not found

 I already checked the folders, but I cannot find any abnormalities.

 What could it be?

 Thanks in advance for ideas,
 grass-user mailing list

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Re: [GRASS-user] ERROR mapset mapname not found

2010-03-30 Thread Achim Kisseler

Some more details:

I'm using grass65svn, fresh compiled on a kubuntu 64bit.

The mapset I cannot access is one of 7. From the one I can connect to 
the others, but not the other way around.

Could it be that the mapset is locked? If yes, where can I find out and 
how can I change that?

The folder has the same permissions as the others.



On 30.03.2010 10:37, Achim Kisseler wrote:

Hi all,

I have a problem with setting the mapset access for one mapset. All
other mapsets can be accessed without problems and from different
mapsets. I get:

ERROR mapset mapname not found

I already checked the folders, but I cannot find any abnormalities.

What could it be?

Thanks in advance for ideas,
grass-user mailing list

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] advice on interpolation

2010-03-30 Thread Bulent Arikan

I have an ASTER GDEM (Latlong, 30 m resolution, from NASA web site) imagery.
I want to produce 10m res DEM from it. Here is what I have done and what my
problem is. I really appreciate suggestions.

- I reprojected the imagery into a UTM location (using the 'nearest'
- Using 'g.region', I set my region to match the original DEM
- I set my computational extents from the display,
- then, I sampled 50% of the original imagery (in r.random) and created a
vector map (it took long time to do this and it has around 5 million points
in it),
- I set the resolution to 10 meters using 'g.region',
- then, using '', I tried to make a new DEM -10m resol- from the
sampled vector map and masking the operation with the original -30m- DEM. I
do not change the default settings and I use a smoothing parameter of '.1'
and i use the value column from the vector map for approximation in the

I get a lot of error messages during interpolation, like;

G_ludcmp() failed! n=0
taking too long to find points for interpolation--please change the region
to area where your points are. Continuing calculations...

I am not sure but may be my region settings is wrong (i.e., too wide)
although I used the imagery to set them. I never waited for interpolation to
run completely.

Thank you for suggestions!

School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Arizona State University
Tempe - AZ
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] advice on interpolation

2010-03-30 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 30 Mar 2010, Bulent Arikan wrote:

- Using 'g.region', I set my region to match the original DEM


  Do you use the '-a' (alignment) option on g.region? You'll often get
errors if an edge does not exactly line on the region's edge. This option
removes this source of potential errors.

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] GRASS temporary files and removing mapsets?

2010-03-30 Thread Jonathan Greenberg

I'm getting close to finishing up a generic code that sends any given
raster command to gridengine for parallel processing (I'll post it as
soon as its ready for testing), but I had a couple of quick question
on GRASS standards:

1) For a given mapset, is there a directory within it that is designed
for temporary, non-geospatial files (e.g. text parameter files)?
2) Is there an official way to remove a mapset from GRASS short of
rm -rf /pathto/mapset)?

Thanks!  Would anyone be interested in testing out the code once its
done?  If so, send me a message.  You'll need to get gridengine
installed (or have access to a working gridengine server).  I got it
installed in about 2 minutes on a debian system by just downloading
the binaries and running the install scripts that come with it (I had
NO luck getting the debian package via apt-get working, mind you).

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] GRASS temporary files and removing mapsets?

2010-03-30 Thread Hamish
Jonathan Greenberg wrote:
 I'm getting close to finishing up a generic code that sends
 any given raster command to gridengine for parallel processing
 (I'll post it as soon as its ready for testing), but I had a


 couple of quick question on GRASS standards:
 1) For a given mapset, is there a directory within it that
 is designed for temporary, non-geospatial files (e.g. text
 parameter files)?

see $MAPSET/.tmp/, G_tempfile(), and g.tempfile and perhaps a
python helper funtion too.

clean it up with $GISBASE/etc/clean_temp

 2) Is there an official way to remove a mapset from GRASS
 short of rm -rf /pathto/mapset)?

No. (the startup gui has a button to do it, but I guess you
mean something scriptable)

 Thanks!  Would anyone be interested in testing out the
 code once its done?  If so, send me a message.  You'll need to
 get gridengine installed (or have access to a working
 gridengine server).  I got it installed in about 2 minutes on
 a debian system by just downloading the binaries and running
 the install scripts that come with it (I had
 NO luck getting the debian package via apt-get working,
 mind you).

what version of debian? is there a deb bug #?


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Newbie... Locations, Projections, Regions, choices? (long)

2010-03-30 Thread Randy Bradley

I need to create 6 regional maps of the continental U.S., north and
south by west, central, and east.  My first thought was to create 7
locations (one for the entire continental US) but my second thought was to
create just one location with the default region as the entire continental
US and 6 other regions. Is this sound logic?

First I downloaded the States data from the National Atlas.  I then
created a latitude - longitude location and imported the shape file
excluding Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
 g.proj -p
name   : Latitude-Longitude
datum  : wgs84
towgs84: 0.000,0.000,0.000
proj   : ll
ellps  : wgs84
unit   : degree
units  : degrees
meters : 1.0

 g.region -p
projection: 3 (Latitude-Longitude)
zone:   0
datum:  wgs84
ellipsoid:  wgs84
north:  49N
south:  25N
west:   125W
east:   67W
nsres:  0:00:30
ewres:  0:00:30
rows:   2880
cols:   6960
cells:  20044800

The map displays fine but I want to change the projection to Albers
Equal Area or Lambert Conformal Conical since it is such a large area.  So I
created a new location: aeaConUS with one caveat.  It said the eastern value
had to be larger than the western value so I (perhaps wrongly) used ­125 for
the western boundary and ­67 for the eastern.  Using the GUI selected the
³VectorDevelop mapReproject vector² menu item and selected the vector from
the above location.  Here is what the new location and default region looks

 g.proj -p
name   : Albers Equal Area
datum  : wgs84
towgs84: 0.000,0.000,0.000
proj   : aea
ellps  : wgs84
a  : 6378137.00
es : 0.0066943800
f  : 298.2572235630
lat_0  : 23.00
lat_1  : 29.50
lat_2  : 45.50
lon_0  : -96.00
x_0: 0.00
y_0: 0.00
unit   : mile
units  : miles
meters : 1609.344000

 g.region -p
projection: 99 (Albers Equal Area)
zone:   0
datum:  wgs84
ellipsoid:  wgs84
north:  49
south:  25
west:   -125
east:   -67
nsres:  0.05
ewres:  0.05
rows:   480
cols:   1160
cells:  556800

When I first try to display this map, nothing is displayed unless I
select ³Zoom display to selected map² at which point my nice Albers map gets
displayed.  Or I can ³zoom out² about 20 times to make the Albers map start
showing up near the top of the screen.  Obviously I¹m doing something wrong
here but I¹m not sure if its the units (meters vs miles) or something more

Drowning in a sea of GRASS and loving it!

Thanks for any

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] problem with v.out.ogr pgsql

2010-03-30 Thread Giovanni Manghi
Hi all,
I'm trying to export a polygon from GRASS to postgis and the command I'm
using is like this

v.out.ogr -c input=poly...@mapset type=area dsn=PG:host=localhost
dbname=postgis user=users password=users format=PostgreSQL

but I always get

ERROR 1: AddGeometryColumn failed for layer
poly...@mapset, layer creation has failed.
ERROR: Unable to create OGR layer

The database is spatially enabled and the user has the right permissions
to write in it.

Didn't had much more success with has the error message
is the same.

Any hint?

thanks in advance

-- Giovanni --

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