Re: [GRASS-user] Any Gentoo/Funtoo grass-gis users?

2013-07-29 Thread Nikos Alexandris
On Sunday 07 of July 2013 12:08:43 Sylvain Maillard wrote:
 I join a small script I wrote to get an automated update. You just need to
 install all dependencies, uncomment the first line for the first launch +
 to make a new '/opt/grass7' directory ... it's basically just a collection
 of commands for the standard compilation procedure and is not system
 dependant ...

Hi Sylvain!

Returning on this:  if you install grass after compilation (as it is 
instructed in the script you attached), how do you remove later grass?  Is it 
safe to do so?  In Ubuntu it always took to search manually and remove all the 
relevant bits.

I am hesitant to install and have a future plan to study ebuilds to do it the 
right way.  In case you have a nice working solution, would you mind sharing 
it as well?

Thanks a lot, Nikos
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Query: number of 'areas' reported in output does not necessarily represent different geographical areas

2013-07-29 Thread Nikos Alexandris
Nikos Alexandris wrote:
I tried to import USGS' (2011) Global Mangroves map:

Markus Metz wrote:
   I assume the global mangroves map should not have overlapping
   polygons, therefore as long as there are overlapping areas and/or the
   number of centroids is not equal to the number of input polygons, more
   cleaning is needed.
Nikos A:
  Unfortunately it seems there are overlapping polygons.
  I will search the respective documentation tonight to find stuff related
  to minimum area extent -- maybe this can help (?).

 I can't find more than a short description of the production process and
 basic geo-referencing information
 ( I will try to search more
 and perhaps gain contact with the responsible organisations UNEP-WCMC and

For the records,

I had an e-mail exchange with Chandra Giri (last month actually), the man 
behind the wonderful work of the Global Mangroves map. I informed that the 
Shapefiles contain many duplicate entries, as indicated by GRASS' import 

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] NDVI analyses with Landsat 8

2013-07-29 Thread Nikos Alexandris
Huub Munstege wrote:


 But as you already noticed the bands and ranges have changed under Landsat
 8. Various combinations of bands (4,5 and 8) give a result that is at best
 not so clear cut as the analysis done with L-7. The bluntly subtraction
 with 0.12 is based on on a quick scan of the obtained result. Areas
 without vegetation in our project area should give values in the range
 between -0.05 - 0. The result of the combination of the 5 and 4 bands in
 the above formula gives values that are aprroximately 0.12 higher.
 Therefore the blunt and in-elegant subtraction which is definitely wrong.
 But it gives us for the time being a better deistinction between cultivated
 irrigation schemes and their surroundings. Maybe I am simply too impatient
 and too eager to work with the new fresh data from L-8. Undoubtedly soon,
 Grass and the other software will incorporate specific modules that will be
 tailored to the L-8 sensors.

Dear Huub,

did you eventually progress regarding the VI from L8 images?  Any findings you 
could share?

Thanks, Nikos
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Get output from r.stats in Python script

2013-07-29 Thread António Rocha

Dear all
I'm doing some Python scripts and I want to retrieve r.stats output 
information in a variable. How can I do this?

variable= grass.run_command(r.series, .. )
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] GRASS64 - r.mapcalc - replacement of specifics value by a mean of nearest neigbour

2013-07-29 Thread Nikos Alexandris
BLANDENIER Lucien wrote:

 Dear Grass users,
 I'm working with rasters maps of large area and I want to calculate surface
 related to specific colours. Before this, I have to replace the surfaces of
 the rivers by the surrounding value (or the mean of the surrounding value).
 I looked at the manual of r.mapcalc but I didn't found how to do this...
 For instance, I want to replace all value between 4 and 7 by the mean of the
 value of the 4 nearest pixels.
 Is there any way of doing this?
 Which command shall I use then for calculating the surface for each color?
 r.stats? or is there a command that directly computes the surface?

Dear Lucien,

did you get past this problem?

I think a combination of r.neighbours (to get the average values from 
surrounding cells) and r.recode (for re-categorising values in your input 
raster maps so as to get the desired output) + r.stats could do it.

Didn't try anything, of course -- not time.

Thanks, Nikos
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] unexpected i.pansharpen results

2013-07-29 Thread Nikos Alexandris
Nikos Alexandris wrote:

  So, does i.pansharpen expect only 8-bit images?  Can someone confirm or


 Looking at the i.pansharpen source code, I see that in all algorithms a
 function for histogram matching is called and IIUC, in that function,
 values seem to be limited to [0,255].
 Maybe you should open a ticket on that.

Done, Nikos
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Get output from r.stats in Python script

2013-07-29 Thread Moritz Lennert

On 29/07/13 15:03, António Rocha wrote:

Dear all
I'm doing some Python scripts and I want to retrieve r.stats output
information in a variable. How can I do this?
variable= grass.run_command(r.series, .. )

Try grass.pipe_command as suggested here:

or possibly grass.read_command.

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] v.external pg alternative geometry column

2013-07-29 Thread Moritz Lennert

On 29/07/13 16:34, António M. Rodrigues wrote:


I'm using v.external to get postgres geometries into grass7.

I have a table with two geometries, each for a different crs. Is there a
way to specify the name of the geometry column?


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] v.external pg alternative geometry column

2013-07-29 Thread António M . Rodrigues
Hi Moritz,

Thanks for your reply.

In, it says:

Starting with GDAL 1.6.0, the PostgreSQL driver supports accessing tables
with multiple PostGIS geometry columns. For such a table, there will be as
many layers reported as the number of geometry columns listed for that
table in the geometry_columns table.

Now, I have one postgis table with two geometry fields, the_geom and
the_geo3763. I opened both in qgis to make sure the geometries were
correctly transformed and everything was in place.

I set a connection with pg from grass7 using db.connect, db.login,
db.connect -p, db.tables -p (details below).

db.tables returns only one base.geoi1 table (should be 2, since it has 2
geometry columns, no?).

Then I imported both geometries with v.external. For the second geometry I
specified the field the_geometry3763.

Both tables are imported into grass, showing the same geometry (the
orginal, with crs=20790).

Is this a bug or I'm doing something wrong?


projection: 99 (Transverse Mercator)
zone:   0
datum:  etrs89
ellipsoid:  grs80
north:  1
south:  0
west:   0
east:   1
nsres:  1
ewres:  1
rows:   1
cols:   1
cells:  1

(Mon Jul 29 16:39:23 2013) Command finished (0
(Mon Jul 29 16:40:06
db.connect driver=pg
(Mon Jul 29 16:40:06 2013) Command finished (0 sec)

(Mon Jul 29 16:41:02
db.login user=marxco
The password was stored in file (.grass7/dblogin)
(Mon Jul 29 16:41:02 2013) Command finished (0 sec)

driver: pg
database: host=localhost,dbname=geocontacto,port=5432
(Mon Jul 29 16:41:48 2013) Command finished (0
(Mon Jul 29 16:42:25 2013) Command finished (0 sec)

(from postgis)
select st_srid(the_geom3763) from base.geoi;
Returns 3763

v.external dsn=PG:host=localhost user=marxco password=
dbname=geocontacto layer=base.geoindex_jan13_v3 output=geoindex1
Building topology for vector map geoi1@geoindex...
Using external data format 'PostgreSQL' (feature type '(null)')
Building pseudo-topology over simple features...
Registering primitives...
8177 primitives registered
8177 vertices registered
Number of nodes: 0
Number of primitives: 8177
Number of points: 8177
Number of lines: 0
Number of boundaries: 0
Number of centroids: 0
Number of areas: 0
Number of isles: 0
v.external complete. Link to vector map geoi1 created.
(Mon Jul 29 16:49:03 2013) Command finished (0 sec)
v.external dsn=PG:host=localhost user=marxco password=
dbname=geocontacto layer=base.geoindex_jan13_v3.the_geom3763
Building topology for vector map geoindex2@geoindex...
Using external data format 'PostgreSQL' (feature type '(null)')
Building pseudo-topology over simple features...
Registering primitives...
8177 primitives registered
8177 vertices registered
Number of nodes: 0
Number of primitives: 8177
Number of points: 8177
Number of lines: 0
Number of boundaries: 0
Number of centroids: 0
Number of areas: 0
Number of isles: 0
v.external complete. Link to vector map geoi2 created.
(Mon Jul 29 16:50:22 2013) Command finished (0 sec)

2013/7/29 Moritz Lennert

 On 29/07/13 16:34, António M. Rodrigues wrote:


 I'm using v.external to get postgres geometries into grass7.

 I have a table with two geometries, each for a different crs. Is there a
 way to specify the name of the geometry column?**pg_advanced.html


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] [gdal-dev] Working with NTF files

2013-07-29 Thread Nikos Alexandris
Should I file for this a ticket in GRASS' trac first?




Markus Metz wrote:
  What says g.proj georef=your_geofile -p?

Nikos Alexandris:
  g.proj -p georef=15JUN11IK0101000po_697515_pan_000.ntf

  Trying to open with OGR...
  WARNING: Read of file 15JUN11IK0101000po_697515_pan_000.ntf was
  successful, but it did not contain projection information. 'XY
  (unprojected)' will be used XY location (unprojected)

  This is however 1) strange -- it misses a message like Trying to open
  with GDAL... and 2) (successively) not true because gdalinfo reports:

Markus M:
 g.proj first tries to open the geofile with OGR, if that fails, it
 tries to open it with GDAL. Apparently OGR found a driver with which
 it could successfully open the geofile. This might be a bug in OGR

Nikos A: 
  Using this file in
  grass7 -c 15JUN11IK0101000po_697515_pan_000.tif

  creates the following Location:
  g.proj -p
  name : Lat/Lon
  proj : ll
  datum : wgs84
  ellps : wgs84
  no_defs : defined
  unit : degree
  units : degrees
  meters : 1.0

Markus M:
 grass7 -c uses g.proj to create a location, thus the resulting
 projection info of grass7 -c and g.proj georef= should be identical.


Markus M:
  What reports when trying to import in a location that
  definitively does not match the SRS?

Nikos A:
  Now, seems to correctly recognise the SRS!

Markus M: 
 Good. So it is either a bug in g.proj (even though the call to OGROpen()
 succeeds) or in OGR.
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Filtering high outliers in Landsat reflectance imagery?

2013-07-29 Thread Nikos Alexandris
Nikos A wrote:
   Advanced users, may I seek for some recommendation on filtering Landsat
   reflectance outliers?

Nikos A (replying to self):
   (Thanks Yann)
   Reflectance is a unit-less ratio, ranging from 0 to 1.0.  So I can
   flatten everything 1.0 to 1.0.
Markus N:
  I would run r.neighbors with a 3x3 or 5x5 moving window and averaging
  or likewise. The question is always: are they outliers or data?
 Wild guessing: too high to be data!? 

Coming back to this! I think that Markus' suggestion was/is correct. 

However, at the time of having to decide what to do, I simply flattened them. 
They were only a few though, not a real issue.

Anyhow, just for completeness an official definition of reflectance,  here 
is one copy-pasted from

reflectance - A measure of the ratio of outgoing to incoming radiation 
calculated by converting a radiometrically calibrated image to an innate 
characteristic of the target being observed.  Calibrated at-satellite spectral 
radiance is converted to unitless reflectance by separating out the 
atmospheric component of the reflective band radiance and assuming that the 
target is a Lambertian reflector, re-radiating incident solar radiation 
equally in all directions. In general, reflectance is a function of incident 
angle of the energy, viewing angle of the sensor, spectral wavelength, and 
bandwidth, and the nature of the object. Also see planetary albedo, 
bidirectional reflectance and atmospheric correction. (Source: Dr. John 

grass-user mailing list