>I am using standalone winGRASS, but installed it with OSGeo4W because I also 
>use QGIS.

I don't understand this. How do you install standalone winGRASS with OSGeo4W? 
But that's another question.

Jürgen re-packaged now winGRASS 8.3.0 in OSGeo4W version 2 including the 

have a look at 
https://github.com/ggrothendieck/batchfiles/blob/master/R.bat#L520 and 
following code lines.

the relevant one is 

"echo   path - Add R_TOOLS, R_MIKTEX ^& R_PATH to path for this cmd line 
session (0)"

just tried here in OSGeo4W version 2 with re-packaged winGRASS 8.3.0:

* starting a GRASS session
* typing into the windows console: R path => this adds temporarily the path to 
R to %PATH%
* typing into the windows console: RScript -e "sessionInfo()" => outputs all 
necessary infos if R is correctly found (as Micha suggested)

when temporarily the path to R is added to %PATH% within the winGRASS session, 
try v.class.mlR.

Kind regards
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