[GRASS-user] output file location

2010-10-19 Thread Sandile Gumede

Thanks, for grass module v.rast.stats vect=catchments1 rast=rain1
colpre=precip , is it the output file that I'm looking for in the path
below? If so which program is used to open it, I'm using ubuntu 9.04, my
default GRASS database is DBMF


On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Micha Silver  wrote:

> Sandile Gumede wrote:
>  Hello
>> Where do I get the output file which contains all the output for the
>> script below, the actual file name under my Mapset?
>>  Maps output by GRASS are part of the GRASS database. Each vector or
> raster is not a single file, but rather a directory which contains several
> files. Each vector map has a directory under $LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/vector/
> and it might also have a dbf entry or an sqlite table for attributes. The
> parts of a raster map are split among a few directories:
> --
> Micha

Kind Regards
TS Gumede | CSIR | Meraka Institute | ICT4EO Research Group
Office Tel: 012 841 2606 | mobile : 072 258 1650
*"Work like a slave in order to live like a King" ~ Unknown*
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] output file location

2010-10-19 Thread Sandile Gumede

Where do I get the output file which contains all the output for the script
below, the actual file name under my Mapset?


#variable to customize:
# path to GRASS software main directory
# path to GRASS database


# nothing to change below

# generate temporal LOCATION:

# save existing $HOME/.grassrc6
if test -e $HOME/.grassrc6 ; then
mv $HOME/.grassrc6 /tmp/$TEMPDIR.grassrc6

echo "MAPSET:$MAPSET">> $HOME/.grassrc6
echo "DIGITIZER: none"   >> $HOME/.grassrc6
echo "GISDBASE: $GISDBASE"   >> $HOME/.grassrc6

# Create a WIND file with minimal information and no projection:
echo "proj: 3
zone:   0
north:  1
south:  0
east:   1
west:   0
cols:   1
rows:   1
e-w resol:  1
n-s resol:  1
bottom: 0
cols3:  1
rows3:  1
depths: 1
e-w resol3: 1
n-s resol3: 1
t-b resol:  1

# Copy WIND-file to DEFAULT_WIND:

echo "name:  Latitude-Longitude
datum:   wgs84
towgs84: 0.000,0.000,0.000
ellps: wgs84

echo "unit: degree
ubits:  degrees
meters: 1.0

export PATH=$GISBASE/bin:$GISBASE/scripts:$PATH
export GIS_LOCK=$$
export GISRC=$HOME/.grassrc6

# this should print GRASS version used:
# other calculations go here

# import rainfall data set.
 cd $HOME/grassgis

# DEM and Rainfall data sets.
r.in.gdal --o input=$HOME/grassgis/dem1.tif output=dem1
# r.in.gdal --o input=$HOME/grassgis/dem2.tif output=dem2
# r.in.gdal --o input=$HOME/grassgis/dem3.tif output=dem3
# r.in.gdal --o input=$HOME/grassgis/dem4.tif output=dem4
r.in.gdal --o input=$HOME/grassgis/Rainfall.tif output=rainfall

# set region resolution to be the dem
g.region rast=dem1 -p

# create MASK to the dem
r.mask input=d...@permanent 'maskcats=1 thru 1'

# calculate rainfall resolution to be the dem resolution.
r.mapcalculator amap=rainfall formula=A*1.0 help=- outfile=rain1

# creating set of maps indicating flow acc, drainage dir, streams
r.watershed --o elevation=d...@permanent drainage=flow1_direction
basin=catch1 stream=str1 accumulation=acc1 threshold=1000

# convert catch raster to polygon vector
r.to.vect in=catch1 out=catchments1 feature=area

# Calculate univariate statistics
v.rast.stats vector=catchments1 raster=rain1 colpre=precip

# view results
v.info -c catchments1
v.db.select catchments1

# remove existing mask
r.mask -r input=d...@permanent 'maskcats=1 thru 1'

Kind Regards
TS Gumede | CSIR | Meraka Institute | ICT4EO Research Group
Office Tel: 012 841 2606 | mobile : 072 258 1650
*"Work like a slave in order to live like a King" ~ Unknown*
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] v.db.select

2010-08-24 Thread Sandile Gumede

How was the mean calculated from the table below? these are the output of
v.db.select from v.rast.stats.





















Kind Regards
TS Gumede | CSIR | Meraka Institute | ICT4EO Research Group
Office Tel: 012 841 2606 | mobile : 072 258 1650
*"Work like a slave in order to live like a King" ~ Unknown*
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] NULL cells

2010-07-27 Thread Sandile Gumede
output of v.info catchments, see below:

Type of Map:  vector (level: 2)

Number of points:   0   Number of areas:  2273

Number of lines:0   Number of islands:1

Number of boundaries:   4928Number of faces:  0

Number of centroids:2273Number of kernels:0

Map is 3D:  No

Number of dblinks:  1

  Projection: Latitude-Longitude

N:  33:40:46.499215SS:  34:00:52.499215S

E:  19:10:16.500436EW:  18:17:55.500436E

Digitization threshold: 0

output of r.info, see below:

Type of Map:  raster   Number of Categories: 232
Data Type:CELL

Rows: 1

Columns:  3

Total Cells:  3

 Projection: Latitude-Longitude

 N: 33:30SS: 33:45S   Res:  0:15

 E:19EW: 18:15E   Res:  0:15

Range of data:min = 0  max = 232

Data Description:
 generated by r.in.gdal

GRASS 6.4.0RC6 (SRTMDEM):~ > v.extract catchments out=catch_691
1 categories loaded from table 
Extracting features...
Building topology for vector map ...
Registering primitives...
237 primitives registered
804 vertices registered
Building areas...
1 areas built
1 isles built
Attaching islands...
Attaching centroids...
Number of nodes: 237
Number of primitives: 237
Number of points: 0
Number of lines: 0
Number of boundaries: 236
Number of centroids: 1
Number of areas: 1
Number of isles: 1
Writing attributes...
v.extract complete.

GRASS 6.4.0RC6 (SRTMDEM):~ > g.region rast=rainfall

GRASS 6.4.0RC6 (SRTMDEM):~ > d.rast rainfall
GRASS 6.4.0RC6 (SRTMDEM):~ > d.vect catch_691
The bounding box of the map is outside the current region, nothing drawn.

Now, do you think this would ever work out?

Can the Aster_Dem work with this rainfall (TRMM ) data? Can also the
resolution of raster (Aster and TRMM) maps be a problem? If yes, I know how
to download it, I would only need the projection steps

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 9:42 PM, Micha Silver  wrote:

>  On 07/22/2010 10:55 AM, Sandile Gumede wrote:
> Hi
> How do you remove null cells, I guess that is what's causing the problem.
> Sandile:
> If I remember your project details, I think that the problem is not the
> null cells in your rainfall data, but rather the very small catchment
> polygons, some of which fall *totally* within a single rainfall cell which
> has a null value.
> r.to.vect complete.
> I guess this step is your conversion of basins to a polygon vector map? How
> many polygons are you getting? Check with v.info. What size are they?
> v.db.addcol catchments col="area_sqm double precision"
> v.to.db catchments opt=area col=area_sqm units=me
> And please remind us of the resolution of the rainfall raster with:
> r.info rainfall
> GRASS 6.4.0svn (SRTMDEM):~ > r.univar rainfall 100%
> total null and non-null cells: 12967201
> total null cells: 7202
> Of the non-null cells:
> --
> n: 1295
> minimum: 0
> maximum: 36
> range: 36
> mean: 4.99965
> mean of absolute values: 4.99965
> standard deviation: 9.57207
> variance: 91.6246
> variation coefficient: 191.455 %
> sum: 64795464
> GRASS 6.4.0svn (SRTMDEM):~ > v.rast.stats vect=catchments rast=rainfall
> colprefix=precip
> Processing data (16 categories)...
> Updating the database ...
> DBMI-DBF driver error:
> SQL parser error: syntax error processing 'NULL'
> in statement:
> UPDATE catchments SET precip_cf_=-NULL WHERE cat=10728
> Error in db_execute_immediate()
> ERROR: Error while executing: 'UPDATE catchments SET precip_cf_=-NULL WHERE
>  Another suggestion: One of the catchment polygons that is failing above
> has cat value 10728. How about extracting just that single polygon, then
> display it on a map together with the rainfall raster to see where it falls?
> # extract
> v.extract catchments out=catch_10728 where="cat=10728"
> # Display
> g.region rast=rainfall
> d.rast rainfall
> d.vect catch_10728
> --
> cheers,
> Micha
> --
> Kind Regards
> TS Gumede
> CSIR, Meraka Institute
> 072 258 1650
> This mail was received via Mail-SeCure System.
> ___
> grass-user mailing list
> grass-u...@lists.osgeo.orghttp://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/grass-user
> This mail was received via Mail-SeCure System.
> --
> Micha Silver
> Arava Development Co. +972-52-3665918http://surfaces.co.il

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] NULL cells

2010-07-22 Thread Sandile Gumede
How do you remove null cells, I guess that is what's causing the problem.

r.to.vect complete.
GRASS 6.4.0svn (SRTMDEM):~ > r.univar rainfall 100%
total null and non-null cells: 12967201
total null cells: 7202

Of the non-null cells:
n: 1295
minimum: 0
maximum: 36
range: 36
mean: 4.99965
mean of absolute values: 4.99965
standard deviation: 9.57207
variance: 91.6246
variation coefficient: 191.455 %
sum: 64795464

GRASS 6.4.0svn (SRTMDEM):~ > v.rast.stats vect=catchments rast=rainfall
Processing data (16 categories)...
Updating the database ...
DBMI-DBF driver error:
SQL parser error: syntax error processing 'NULL'
in statement:
UPDATE catchments SET precip_cf_=-NULL WHERE cat=10728
Error in db_execute_immediate()

ERROR: Error while executing: 'UPDATE catchments SET precip_cf_=-NULL WHERE

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] v.rast.stats

2010-07-22 Thread Sandile Gumede
Hello Micha,

Can you please put all the steps you did here?

On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 9:57 PM, Micha Silver  wrote:

>  Hello Sandile:
> I tried to duplicate your steps and it seems to work for me.
> Here's what I did:
> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tfw
> gdalinfo 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
> Files: 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> Size is 1440, 480
> Coordinate System is `'
> Origin = (-180.000,60.000)
> Pixel Size = (0.250,-0.250)
>  Note: no projection info above 
>  Now I use the -projwin option of gdal_translate to select a small
> window
> gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:4326 -projwin 34.0 33.0 36.0 29.0
> 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif rainfall_il.tif
>  GEOGCS entry now shows 4326 
> g.mapset map=ASTER_DEM loc=WGS84
> - A location setup as EPSG:4326
> r.in.gdal israel.tif out=rainfall_il
> r.univar rainfall_il
>  100%
> total null and non-null cells: 7776
> total null cells: 0
> Of the non-null cells:
> --
> n: 7776
> minimum: 0
> maximum: 34
> range: 34
> mean: 0.364583
> mean of absolute values: 0.364583
> standard deviation: 3.45241
> variance: 11.9192
> variation coefficient: 946.948 %
> sum: 2835
> - Now using an existing catchment vector map 
> v.rast.stats vect=arava_wsheds rast=rainfall_il colpre=precip
> v.info -c arava_wsheds
> Displaying column types/names for database connection of layer 1:
> INTEGER|precip_n
> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_range
> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_mean
> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_stddev
> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_variance
> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_cf_var
>  and some values 
> v.db.select arava_wsheds
> cat|label|area_km|precip_n|precip_min|precip_max|precip_range|precip_mean|precip_stddev|precip_variance|precip_cf_var|precip_sum
> 21|Jordan|1055.231692|2|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
> 19|Hidan|987.811979|2|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
> 28|Og|124.122969|
> 36|Zarqa|273.606213|
> 24|Kidron|122.460114|
> 9|Darga|289.012122|
> 6|Arugot|236.365116|1|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
> 26|Mujib|1277.546513|2|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
>  (Many catchments have 0 or no value because of the small region I
> chose. The global data is 1/4 degree resolution and my region is only 2 deg
> E-W.)
> HTH...
> --
> Micha
> On 06/17/2010 12:50 PM, Sandile Gumede wrote:
> Hi
> It is still giving me -NULL value error.
> Do you think maybe its the way I downloaded my rainfall data? This is the
> site where I downloaded my data sets*
> ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/ *and this data covers the whole
> world, the only thing I did was to clip a specific region (using
> coordinates) that is in South Africa to do my analysis. I used a bash script
> to download and project the data, see below:
> #!/bin/bash
> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tfw
> gdal_translate -of GTiff -co "PROFILE=GeoTIFF" -co "INTERLEAVE=PIXEL" -co
> "COMPRESS=LZW" -co "TILED=YES" -a_srs EPSG:4326 -a_ullr 18.2987501
> -33.6795831 19.1712501 -34.3487498 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> TRMMLast1day.tif
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 8:41 AM, Sandile Gumede wrote:
>> Hi
>> It is still giving me -NULL value error.
>> Do you think maybe its the way I downloaded my rainfall data? This is the
>> site where I downloaded my data sets*
>> ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/ *and this data covers the whole
>> world, the only thing I did was to clip a specific region (using
>> coordinates) that is in South Africa to do my analysis. I used a bash script
>> to download and project the data, see below:
>> #!/bin/bash
>> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
>> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tfw
>> gdal_translate -of GTiff -co "PROFILE=GeoTIFF" -co "INTERLEAVE=PIXEL" -co
>> "COMPRESS=LZW" -co "TILED=YES" -a_srs EPSG:4326 -a_ullr 18.2987501
>> -33.6795831 19.1712501 -34.3487498 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif

[GRASS-user] DBMI-DBF driver error

2010-07-18 Thread Sandile Gumede
+ [ 1 -eq 0 ]
+ exit 1

On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 10:12 PM, Markus Neteler  wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Sandile Gumede 
> wrote:
> ...
> >> I'm using GTOPO30 DEM data and TRMM (rainfall) data, I selected the data
> >> for the whole of africa but I'm getting an error when executing
> >> v.rast.stats.
> ...
> >> v.rast.stats vector=catchments raster=rainfall colprefix=precip
> >> WARNING: Area without centroid (may be OK for island)
> >> WARNING: Area without centroid (may be OK for island)
> >> WARNING: Area without centroid (may be OK for island)
> >> DBMI-DBF driver error:
> >> SQL parser error: syntax error, unexpected NULL_VALUE processing 'NULL'
> >> in statement:
> >> UPDATE catchments SET precip_cf_=-NULL WHERE cat=17
> >> Error in db_execute_immediate()
> >>
> >> ERROR: Error while executing: 'UPDATE catchments SET precip_cf_=-NULL
> >> WHERE
> >>cat=17'
> There is a minus sign in front of NULL - never seen that and likely not
> SQL compliant (at least for the DBF driver which is just an enhanced table
> driver).
> Maybe it comes from here?
> [nete...@localhost v.rast.stats]$ grep NULL *
> v.rast.stats:   eval `r.univar -g $EXTSTAT map="$RASTER"
> percentile="$GIS_OPT_PERCENTILE" | sed 's+nan+NULL+g'`
> but AFAIK r.univar would not output -nan.
> Please edit your v.rast.stats script ("which v.rast.stats") to find
> the path if on Unix-like OS)
> and change the first line from
> #!/bin/sh
> to
> #!/bin/sh -x
> and run it again. From the detailed output you may see where this spurious
> "-"
> comes in and tell us about it.
> Markus

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] DBMI-DBF driver error

2010-07-18 Thread Sandile Gumede
+ [ 1 -eq 0 ]
+ exit 1

On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 10:12 PM, Markus Neteler  wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Sandile Gumede 
> wrote:
> ...
> >> I'm using GTOPO30 DEM data and TRMM (rainfall) data, I selected the data
> >> for the whole of africa but I'm getting an error when executing
> >> v.rast.stats.
> ...
> >> v.rast.stats vector=catchments raster=rainfall colprefix=precip
> >> WARNING: Area without centroid (may be OK for island)
> >> WARNING: Area without centroid (may be OK for island)
> >> WARNING: Area without centroid (may be OK for island)
> >> DBMI-DBF driver error:
> >> SQL parser error: syntax error, unexpected NULL_VALUE processing 'NULL'
> >> in statement:
> >> UPDATE catchments SET precip_cf_=-NULL WHERE cat=17
> >> Error in db_execute_immediate()
> >>
> >> ERROR: Error while executing: 'UPDATE catchments SET precip_cf_=-NULL
> >> WHERE
> >>cat=17'
> There is a minus sign in front of NULL - never seen that and likely not
> SQL compliant (at least for the DBF driver which is just an enhanced table
> driver).
> Maybe it comes from here?
> [nete...@localhost v.rast.stats]$ grep NULL *
> v.rast.stats:   eval `r.univar -g $EXTSTAT map="$RASTER"
> percentile="$GIS_OPT_PERCENTILE" | sed 's+nan+NULL+g'`
> but AFAIK r.univar would not output -nan.
> Please edit your v.rast.stats script ("which v.rast.stats") to find
> the path if on Unix-like OS)
> and change the first line from
> #!/bin/sh
> to
> #!/bin/sh -x
> and run it again. From the detailed output you may see where this spurious
> "-"
> comes in and tell us about it.
> Markus

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] DBMI-DBF driver error

2010-07-15 Thread Sandile Gumede

Can anyone help me on this problem?

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Sandile Gumede wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using GTOPO30 DEM data and TRMM (rainfall) data, I selected the data
> for the whole of africa but I'm getting an error when executing
> v.rast.stats.
> Here is a step-by-step of what I did:
> 1. GTOPO30 DEM
>- downloaded e020n10,w020s10,e020n40,w020n40 compressed files from "
> ftp://edcftp.cr.usgs.gov/pub/data/gtopo30/global/";.
>- decompressed all the above files.
>- Added "PIXELTYPE SIGNEDINT" in all .HDR files
>- warp merged all the .DEM file with  "gdalwarp *.DEM Africa.tif"
> command.
>- projected it with "gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:4326  Africa.tif
> DEM.tif"
> 2. TRMM "rainfall" data
>   - downloaded 3B42RT.2010061503.1day.tif,3B42RT.2010061503.1day.tfw
> from "".
>   - projected it with "gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:4326 -projwin -20 40
> 60 -60 3B42RT.2010061503.1day.tif TRMM.tif ".
> Then, imported the two data sets:
> r.in.gdal in=/home/tgumede1/grassdem/ict4eo/DEM.tif out=dem
> Projection of input dataset and current location appear to match
>  100%
> r.in.gdal complete. Raster map  created.
> g.region rast=dem
> r.in.gdal in=/home/tgumede1/grassdem/ict4eo/CapeTown_TRMMs.tif out=rainfall
> target=CapeTown
> Projection of input dataset and current location appear to match
>  100%
> r.in.gdal complete. Raster map  created.
> r.watershed elevation=dem accumulation=acc drainage=direction stream=str
> basin=catch memory=300 threshold=10
> SECTION 1a (of 5): Initiating Memory.
> SECTION 1b (of 5): Determining Offmap Flow.
>  100%
> SECTION 2: A * Search.
>  100%
> SECTION 3: Accumulating Surface Flow.
>  100%
> SECTION 4: Watershed determination.
>  100%
> SECTION 5: Closing Maps.
>  100%
>   Q: How do one really know the exact threshold value?
> r.to.vect in=catch out=catchments feature=area
> Extracting areas...
>  100%
>  100%
> Building topology for vector map ...
> Registering primitives...
> 134246 primitives registered
> 701002 vertices registered
> Building areas...
>  100%
> 44645 areas built
> 1 isles built
> Attaching islands...
>  100%
> Attaching centroids...
>  100%
> Number of nodes: 89602
> Number of primitives: 134246
> Number of points: 0
> Number of lines: 0
> Number of boundaries: 89604
> Number of centroids: 44642
> Number of areas: 44645
> Number of isles: 1
> Number of areas without centroid: 3
> r.to.vect complete.
> g.region rast=rainfall
> v.rast.stats vector=catchments raster=rainfall colprefix=precip
> WARNING: Area without centroid (may be OK for island)
> WARNING: Area without centroid (may be OK for island)
> WARNING: Area without centroid (may be OK for island)
> DBMI-DBF driver error:
> SQL parser error: syntax error, unexpected NULL_VALUE processing 'NULL'
> in statement:
> UPDATE catchments SET precip_cf_=-NULL WHERE cat=17
> Error in db_execute_immediate()
> ERROR: Error while executing: 'UPDATE catchments SET precip_cf_=-NULL WHERE
> - output of r.info -g
> r.info -g rainfall
> north=40
> south=-60
> east=60
> west=-20
> - output of v.info
> v.info -g catchments
> north=40
> south=-60
> east=60
> west=-20
> top=0.00
> bottom=0.00
> output of r.info
> Type of Map:  raster   Number of Categories: 2559
> Data Type:
> Rows:
> 400
> Columns:
> 320
> Total Cells:
> 128000
>  Projection:
> Latitude-Longitude
>  N:40NS:60S   Res:
> 0:15
>  E:60EW:20W   Res:
> 0:15
> Range of data:min = 0  max =
> 2559
> Data
> Description:
>  generated by
> r.in.gdal
> Comments:
>  r.in.gdal input="/home/tgumede1/grassdem/ict4eo/CapeTown_TRMMs.tif"
> \
>  output="rainfall" target="CapeTown"
> - output of r.univar
> r.univar rainfall
>  100%
> total null and non-null cells: 11520
> total null cells: 0
> Of the non-null cells:
> --
> n: 11520
> minimum: 0
> maximum: 2559
> range: 2559
> mean: 22.4897
> mean of absolute values: 22.4897
> standard deviation: 83.1312
> variance: 6910.79
> variation coefficient: 369.642 %
> sum: 2590809300
> --
> Kind Regards
> TS Gumede
> CSIR, Meraka Institute
> 072 258 1650

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] v.rast.stats

2010-07-15 Thread Sandile Gumede
Hi Micha

Which DEM data you used to test this rainfall data?

Can I have it?

Can you also post the steps you did, maybe I'm missing something?

On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 9:57 PM, Micha Silver  wrote:

>  Hello Sandile:
> I tried to duplicate your steps and it seems to work for me.
> Here's what I did:
> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tfw
> gdalinfo 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
> Files: 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> Size is 1440, 480
> Coordinate System is `'
> Origin = (-180.000,60.000)
> Pixel Size = (0.250,-0.250)
>  Note: no projection info above 
>  Now I use the -projwin option of gdal_translate to select a small
> window
> gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:4326 -projwin 34.0 33.0 36.0 29.0
> 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif rainfall_il.tif
>  GEOGCS entry now shows 4326 
> g.mapset map=ASTER_DEM loc=WGS84
> - A location setup as EPSG:4326
> r.in.gdal israel.tif out=rainfall_il
> r.univar rainfall_il
>  100%
> total null and non-null cells: 7776
> total null cells: 0
> Of the non-null cells:
> --
> n: 7776
> minimum: 0
> maximum: 34
> range: 34
> mean: 0.364583
> mean of absolute values: 0.364583
> standard deviation: 3.45241
> variance: 11.9192
> variation coefficient: 946.948 %
> sum: 2835
> - Now using an existing catchment vector map 
> v.rast.stats vect=arava_wsheds rast=rainfall_il colpre=precip
> v.info -c arava_wsheds
> Displaying column types/names for database connection of layer 1:
> INTEGER|precip_n
> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_range
> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_mean
> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_stddev
> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_variance
> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_cf_var
>  and some values 
> v.db.select arava_wsheds
> cat|label|area_km|precip_n|precip_min|precip_max|precip_range|precip_mean|precip_stddev|precip_variance|precip_cf_var|precip_sum
> 21|Jordan|1055.231692|2|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
> 19|Hidan|987.811979|2|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
> 28|Og|124.122969|
> 36|Zarqa|273.606213|
> 24|Kidron|122.460114|
> 9|Darga|289.012122|
> 6|Arugot|236.365116|1|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
> 26|Mujib|1277.546513|2|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
>  (Many catchments have 0 or no value because of the small region I
> chose. The global data is 1/4 degree resolution and my region is only 2 deg
> E-W.)
> HTH...
> --
> Micha
> On 06/17/2010 12:50 PM, Sandile Gumede wrote:
> Hi
> It is still giving me -NULL value error.
> Do you think maybe its the way I downloaded my rainfall data? This is the
> site where I downloaded my data sets*
> ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/ *and this data covers the whole
> world, the only thing I did was to clip a specific region (using
> coordinates) that is in South Africa to do my analysis. I used a bash script
> to download and project the data, see below:
> #!/bin/bash
> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tfw
> gdal_translate -of GTiff -co "PROFILE=GeoTIFF" -co "INTERLEAVE=PIXEL" -co
> "COMPRESS=LZW" -co "TILED=YES" -a_srs EPSG:4326 -a_ullr 18.2987501
> -33.6795831 19.1712501 -34.3487498 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> TRMMLast1day.tif
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 8:41 AM, Sandile Gumede wrote:
>> Hi
>> It is still giving me -NULL value error.
>> Do you think maybe its the way I downloaded my rainfall data? This is the
>> site where I downloaded my data sets*
>> ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/ *and this data covers the whole
>> world, the only thing I did was to clip a specific region (using
>> coordinates) that is in South Africa to do my analysis. I used a bash script
>> to download and project the data, see below:
>> #!/bin/bash
>> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
>> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tfw
>> gdal_translate -of GTiff -co "PROFILE=GeoTIFF" -co "INTERLEAVE=PIXEL" -co
>> "COMPRESS=LZW" -co "TILED=YES" -a_srs EPSG:4326 -a_ullr 18.2987501

[GRASS-user] Re: v.rast.stats

2010-07-14 Thread Sandile Gumede
Hi Micha

Which DEM data you used to test this rainfall data?

Can I have it?

On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 9:57 PM, Micha Silver  wrote:

>  Hello Sandile:
> I tried to duplicate your steps and it seems to work for me.
> Here's what I did:
> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tfw
> gdalinfo 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
> Files: 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> Size is 1440, 480
> Coordinate System is `'
> Origin = (-180.000,60.000)
> Pixel Size = (0.250,-0.250)
>  Note: no projection info above 
>  Now I use the -projwin option of gdal_translate to select a small
> window
> gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:4326 -projwin 34.0 33.0 36.0 29.0
> 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif rainfall_il.tif
>  GEOGCS entry now shows 4326 
> g.mapset map=ASTER_DEM loc=WGS84
> - A location setup as EPSG:4326
> r.in.gdal israel.tif out=rainfall_il
> r.univar rainfall_il
>  100%
> total null and non-null cells: 7776
> total null cells: 0
> Of the non-null cells:
> --
> n: 7776
> minimum: 0
> maximum: 34
> range: 34
> mean: 0.364583
> mean of absolute values: 0.364583
> standard deviation: 3.45241
> variance: 11.9192
> variation coefficient: 946.948 %
> sum: 2835
> - Now using an existing catchment vector map 
> v.rast.stats vect=arava_wsheds rast=rainfall_il colpre=precip
> v.info -c arava_wsheds
> Displaying column types/names for database connection of layer 1:
> INTEGER|precip_n
> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_range
> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_mean
> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_stddev
> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_variance
> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_cf_var
>  and some values 
> v.db.select arava_wsheds
> cat|label|area_km|precip_n|precip_min|precip_max|precip_range|precip_mean|precip_stddev|precip_variance|precip_cf_var|precip_sum
> 21|Jordan|1055.231692|2|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
> 19|Hidan|987.811979|2|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
> 28|Og|124.122969|
> 36|Zarqa|273.606213|
> 24|Kidron|122.460114|
> 9|Darga|289.012122|
> 6|Arugot|236.365116|1|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
> 26|Mujib|1277.546513|2|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
>  (Many catchments have 0 or no value because of the small region I
> chose. The global data is 1/4 degree resolution and my region is only 2 deg
> E-W.)
> HTH...
> --
> Micha
> On 06/17/2010 12:50 PM, Sandile Gumede wrote:
> Hi
> It is still giving me -NULL value error.
> Do you think maybe its the way I downloaded my rainfall data? This is the
> site where I downloaded my data sets*
> ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/ *and this data covers the whole
> world, the only thing I did was to clip a specific region (using
> coordinates) that is in South Africa to do my analysis. I used a bash script
> to download and project the data, see below:
> #!/bin/bash
> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tfw
> gdal_translate -of GTiff -co "PROFILE=GeoTIFF" -co "INTERLEAVE=PIXEL" -co
> "COMPRESS=LZW" -co "TILED=YES" -a_srs EPSG:4326 -a_ullr 18.2987501
> -33.6795831 19.1712501 -34.3487498 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> TRMMLast1day.tif
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 8:41 AM, Sandile Gumede wrote:
>> Hi
>> It is still giving me -NULL value error.
>> Do you think maybe its the way I downloaded my rainfall data? This is the
>> site where I downloaded my data sets*
>> ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/ *and this data covers the whole
>> world, the only thing I did was to clip a specific region (using
>> coordinates) that is in South Africa to do my analysis. I used a bash script
>> to download and project the data, see below:
>> #!/bin/bash
>> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
>> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tfw
>> gdal_translate -of GTiff -co "PROFILE=GeoTIFF" -co "INTERLEAVE=PIXEL" -co
>> "COMPRESS=LZW" -co "TILED=YES" -a_srs EPSG:4326 -a_ullr 18.2987501
>> -33.6795831 19.1712501 -34.3487498 3B42RT.2010032900.1day

[GRASS-user] v.rast.stats

2010-07-14 Thread Sandile Gumede

Can anyone help!

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Sandile Gumede wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using GTOPO30 DEM data and TRMM (rainfall) data, I selected the data
> for the whole of africa but I'm getting an error when executing
> v.rast.stats.
> Here is a step-by-step of what I did:
> 1. GTOPO30 DEM
>- downloaded e020n10,w020s10,e020n40,w020n40 compressed files from "
> ftp://edcftp.cr.usgs.gov/pub/data/gtopo30/global/";.
>- decompressed all the above files.
>- Added "PIXELTYPE SIGNEDINT" in all .HDR files
>- warp merged all the .DEM file with  "gdalwarp *.DEM Africa.tif"
> command.
>- projected it with "gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:4326  Africa.tif
> DEM.tif"
> 2. TRMM "rainfall" data
>   - downloaded 3B42RT.2010061503.1day.tif,3B42RT.2010061503.1day.tfw
> from "".
>   - projected it with "gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:4326 -projwin -20 40
> 60 -60 3B42RT.2010061503.1day.tif TRMM.tif ".
> Then, imported the two data sets:
> r.in.gdal in=/home/tgumede1/grassdem/ict4eo/DEM.tif out=dem
> Projection of input dataset and current location appear to match
>  100%
> r.in.gdal complete. Raster map  created.
> g.region rast=dem
> r.in.gdal in=/home/tgumede1/grassdem/ict4eo/CapeTown_TRMMs.tif out=rainfall
> target=CapeTown
> Projection of input dataset and current location appear to match
>  100%
> r.in.gdal complete. Raster map  created.
> r.watershed elevation=dem accumulation=acc drainage=direction stream=str
> basin=catch memory=300 threshold=10
> SECTION 1a (of 5): Initiating Memory.
> SECTION 1b (of 5): Determining Offmap Flow.
>  100%
> SECTION 2: A * Search.
>  100%
> SECTION 3: Accumulating Surface Flow.
>  100%
> SECTION 4: Watershed determination.
>  100%
> SECTION 5: Closing Maps.
>  100%
>   Q: How do one really know the exact threshold value?
> r.to.vect in=catch out=catchments feature=area
> Extracting areas...
>  100%
>  100%
> Building topology for vector map ...
> Registering primitives...
> 134246 primitives registered
> 701002 vertices registered
> Building areas...
>  100%
> 44645 areas built
> 1 isles built
> Attaching islands...
>  100%
> Attaching centroids...
>  100%
> Number of nodes: 89602
> Number of primitives: 134246
> Number of points: 0
> Number of lines: 0
> Number of boundaries: 89604
> Number of centroids: 44642
> Number of areas: 44645
> Number of isles: 1
> Number of areas without centroid: 3
> r.to.vect complete.
> g.region rast=rainfall
> v.rast.stats vector=catchments raster=rainfall colprefix=precip
> WARNING: Area without centroid (may be OK for island)
> WARNING: Area without centroid (may be OK for island)
> WARNING: Area without centroid (may be OK for island)
> DBMI-DBF driver error:
> SQL parser error: syntax error, unexpected NULL_VALUE processing 'NULL'
> in statement:
> UPDATE catchments SET precip_cf_=-NULL WHERE cat=17
> Error in db_execute_immediate()
> ERROR: Error while executing: 'UPDATE catchments SET precip_cf_=-NULL WHERE
> - output of r.info -g
> r.info -g rainfall
> north=40
> south=-60
> east=60
> west=-20
> - output of v.info
> v.info -g catchments
> north=40
> south=-60
> east=60
> west=-20
> top=0.00
> bottom=0.00
> output of r.info
> Type of Map:  raster   Number of Categories: 2559
> Data Type:
> Rows:
> 400
> Columns:
> 320
> Total Cells:
> 128000
>  Projection:
> Latitude-Longitude
>  N:40NS:60S   Res:
> 0:15
>  E:60EW:20W   Res:
> 0:15
> Range of data:min = 0  max =
> 2559
> Data
> Description:
>  generated by
> r.in.gdal
> Comments:
>  r.in.gdal input="/home/tgumede1/grassdem/ict4eo/CapeTown_TRMMs.tif"
> \
>  output="rainfall" target="CapeTown"
> - output of r.univar
> r.univar rainfall
>  100%
> total null and non-null cells: 11520
> total null cells: 0
> Of the non-null cells:
> --
> n: 11520
> minimum: 0
> maximum: 2559
> range: 2559
> mean: 22.4897
> mean of absolute values: 22.4897
> standard deviation: 83.1312
> variance: 6910.79
> variation coefficient: 369.642 %
> sum: 2590809300
> --
> Kind Regards
> TS Gumede
> CSIR, Meraka Institute
> 072 258 1650

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] v.rast.stats

2010-07-14 Thread Sandile Gumede

I'm using GTOPO30 DEM data and TRMM (rainfall) data, I selected the data for
the whole of africa but I'm getting an error when executing v.rast.stats.

Here is a step-by-step of what I did:

   - downloaded e020n10,w020s10,e020n40,w020n40 compressed files from "
   - decompressed all the above files.
   - Added "PIXELTYPE SIGNEDINT" in all .HDR files
   - warp merged all the .DEM file with  "gdalwarp *.DEM Africa.tif"
   - projected it with "gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:4326  Africa.tif

2. TRMM "rainfall" data
  - downloaded 3B42RT.2010061503.1day.tif,3B42RT.2010061503.1day.tfw
from "".
  - projected it with "gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:4326 -projwin -20 40
60 -60 3B42RT.2010061503.1day.tif TRMM.tif ".

Then, imported the two data sets:

r.in.gdal in=/home/tgumede1/grassdem/ict4eo/DEM.tif out=dem
Projection of input dataset and current location appear to match
r.in.gdal complete. Raster map  created.

g.region rast=dem

r.in.gdal in=/home/tgumede1/grassdem/ict4eo/CapeTown_TRMMs.tif out=rainfall
Projection of input dataset and current location appear to match
r.in.gdal complete. Raster map  created.

r.watershed elevation=dem accumulation=acc drainage=direction stream=str
basin=catch memory=300 threshold=10
SECTION 1a (of 5): Initiating Memory.
SECTION 1b (of 5): Determining Offmap Flow.
SECTION 2: A * Search.
SECTION 3: Accumulating Surface Flow.
SECTION 4: Watershed determination.
SECTION 5: Closing Maps.

  Q: How do one really know the exact threshold value?

r.to.vect in=catch out=catchments feature=area
Extracting areas...
Building topology for vector map ...
Registering primitives...
134246 primitives registered
701002 vertices registered
Building areas...
44645 areas built
1 isles built
Attaching islands...
Attaching centroids...
Number of nodes: 89602
Number of primitives: 134246
Number of points: 0
Number of lines: 0
Number of boundaries: 89604
Number of centroids: 44642
Number of areas: 44645
Number of isles: 1
Number of areas without centroid: 3
r.to.vect complete.

g.region rast=rainfall

v.rast.stats vector=catchments raster=rainfall colprefix=precip
WARNING: Area without centroid (may be OK for island)
WARNING: Area without centroid (may be OK for island)
WARNING: Area without centroid (may be OK for island)
DBMI-DBF driver error:
SQL parser error: syntax error, unexpected NULL_VALUE processing 'NULL'
in statement:
UPDATE catchments SET precip_cf_=-NULL WHERE cat=17
Error in db_execute_immediate()

ERROR: Error while executing: 'UPDATE catchments SET precip_cf_=-NULL WHERE

- output of r.info -g

r.info -g rainfall

- output of v.info

v.info -g catchments

output of r.info

Type of Map:  raster   Number of Categories: 2559
Data Type:CELL

Rows: 400

Columns:  320

Total Cells:  128000

 Projection: Latitude-Longitude

 N:40NS:60S   Res:  0:15

 E:60EW:20W   Res:  0:15

Range of data:min = 0  max = 2559

Data Description:

 generated by r.in.gdal


 r.in.gdal input="/home/tgumede1/grassdem/ict4eo/CapeTown_TRMMs.tif" \

 output="rainfall" target="CapeTown"

- output of r.univar

r.univar rainfall
total null and non-null cells: 11520
total null cells: 0

Of the non-null cells:
n: 11520
minimum: 0
maximum: 2559
range: 2559
mean: 22.4897
mean of absolute values: 22.4897
standard deviation: 83.1312
variance: 6910.79
variation coefficient: 369.642 %
sum: 2590809300

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] v.rast.stats

2010-07-13 Thread Sandile Gumede


How do I project the GTOPO30 data to get a specific region using
coordinates, say I need the region within these coordinates:

Upper Left (18.2987501, -33.6795831)
Lower Right (19.1712501, -34.0145831)

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 4:20 PM, Markus Neteler  wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Sandile Gumede 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Thanks for the suggestions. I have downloaded the GTOPO30 data from their
> > website, its a compressed file e020n40.tar.gz I guess these are the
> > coordinates for part of Africa. I have decompressed the file and inside
> > there are 8 files; .DEM, .DMW, .GIF, .HDR, .PRJ, .SCH, .STX, .SRC.
> >
> > Is the .GIF file the one I'm supposed to project in order to use it in
> > GRASS?
> Better use the HDR file. I have added a note here:
> http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/Global_datasets#GTOPO30
> Markus

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] v.rast.stats

2010-07-13 Thread Sandile Gumede

Thanks for the suggestions. I have downloaded the GTOPO30 data from their
website, its a compressed file e020n40.tar.gz I guess these are the
coordinates for part of Africa. I have decompressed the file and inside
there are 8 files; .DEM, .DMW, .GIF, .HDR, .PRJ, .SCH, .STX, .SRC.

Is the .GIF file the one I'm supposed to project in order to use it in

> 2010/7/9 
> > These are my data sets attached:
>> >
>> > 1. Dem_CF.tif   is the DEM
>> > 2. TRMMLast1day.tif  is the rainfall data
>> >
>> > On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 2:53 PM, Sandile Gumede 
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >> Is there any one who can help me?
>> I'm away this week, so I can only add a quick response:
>> I still see two "glaring" problems in your technique.
>> 1- You mentioned that you try to "sort out the resolution" between the two
>> data sources. One source, the rainfall data, is a raster of 27 km. pixel
>> size, while the other, the DEM is 90 m. pixel size. I don't believe that
>> you can resolve this gap. You can not compare data with such a gap in
>> resolution.  The only thing possible with rainfall data at that resolution
>> is *continent scale* maps. You can get the gtopo30 DEM (1 km. resolution,
>> I think) for all of Africa for example, and compare that with rainfall
>> data for all of Africa.
>> 2- When you get to the step of watershed creation, you seem to be using
>> illogical threshold values. Below you set threshold=1. That means every
>> single cell in the dem will become a basin! That's certainly *not* what
>> you want. Typical threshold values will be in the 1000's, even 10's of
>> thousands.
>> --
>> Micha
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 3:15 PM, Sandile Gumede
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> Hi,
>> >>>
>> >>> I've tried to sort out the issue of the region resolution. Now when
>> I'm
>> >>> running v.rast.stats it says:
>> >>>
>> >>> ERROR: No categories found in raster map
>> >>>
>> >>> Here is the script I'm running thats giving me that error:
>> >>>
>> >>> #!/bin/sh
>> >>>
>> >>> #variable to customize:
>> >>> # path to GRASS software main directory
>> >>> GISBASE=/usr/lib/grass64
>> >>> # path to GRASS database
>> >>> GISDBASE=$HOME/grassdata/Cape_Town
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> # nothing to change below
>> >>> MAP=$1
>> >>> LOCATION=$2
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> # generate temporal LOCATION:
>> >>>
>> >>> # save existing $HOME/.grassrc6
>> >>> if test -e $HOME/.grassrc6 ; then
>> >>> mv $HOME/.grassrc6 /tmp/$TEMPDIR.grassrc6
>> >>> fi
>> >>>
>> >>> echo "LOCATION_NAME: $LOCATION_NAME" > $HOME/.grassrc6
>> >>> echo "MAPSET:$MAPSET">> $HOME/.grassrc6
>> >>> echo "DIGITIZER: none"   >> $HOME/.grassrc6
>> >>> echo "GISDBASE: $GISDBASE"   >> $HOME/.grassrc6
>> >>> export GISBASE=$GISBASE
>> >>>
>> >>> # Create a WIND file with minimal information and no projection:
>> >>> echo "proj: 3
>> >>> zone:   0
>> >>> north:  1
>> >>> south:  0
>> >>> east:   1
>> >>> west:   0
>> >>> cols:   1
>> >>> rows:   1
>> >>> e-w resol:  1
>> >>> n-s resol:  1
>> >>> top:1
>> >>> bottom: 0
>> >>> cols3:  1
>> >>> rows3:  1
>> >>> depths: 1
>> >>> e-w resol3: 1
>> >>> n-s resol3: 1
>> >>> t-b resol:  1
>> >>>
>> >>> # Copy WIND-file to DEFAULT_WIND:
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> echo "name:

[GRASS-user] Re: v.rast.stats

2010-07-13 Thread Sandile Gumede

Thanks for the suggestions. I have downloaded the GTOPO30 data from their
website, its a compressed file e020n40.tar.gz I guess these are the
coordinates for part of Africa. I have decompressed the file and inside
there are 8 files; .DEM, .DMW, .GIF, .HDR, .PRJ, .SCH, .STX, .SRC.

Is the .GIF file the one I'm supposed to project in order to use it in


> > These are my data sets attached:
> >
> > 1. Dem_CF.tif   is the DEM
> > 2. TRMMLast1day.tif  is the rainfall data
> >
> > On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 2:53 PM, Sandile Gumede 
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Is there any one who can help me?
> I'm away this week, so I can only add a quick response:
> I still see two "glaring" problems in your technique.
> 1- You mentioned that you try to "sort out the resolution" between the two
> data sources. One source, the rainfall data, is a raster of 27 km. pixel
> size, while the other, the DEM is 90 m. pixel size. I don't believe that
> you can resolve this gap. You can not compare data with such a gap in
> resolution.  The only thing possible with rainfall data at that resolution
> is *continent scale* maps. You can get the gtopo30 DEM (1 km. resolution,
> I think) for all of Africa for example, and compare that with rainfall
> data for all of Africa.
> 2- When you get to the step of watershed creation, you seem to be using
> illogical threshold values. Below you set threshold=1. That means every
> single cell in the dem will become a basin! That's certainly *not* what
> you want. Typical threshold values will be in the 1000's, even 10's of
> thousands.
> --
> Micha
> >>
> >>
> >> On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 3:15 PM, Sandile Gumede
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> I've tried to sort out the issue of the region resolution. Now when I'm
> >>> running v.rast.stats it says:
> >>>
> >>> ERROR: No categories found in raster map
> >>>
> >>> Here is the script I'm running thats giving me that error:
> >>>
> >>> #!/bin/sh
> >>>
> >>> #variable to customize:
> >>> # path to GRASS software main directory
> >>> GISBASE=/usr/lib/grass64
> >>> # path to GRASS database
> >>> GISDBASE=$HOME/grassdata/Cape_Town
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> # nothing to change below
> >>> MAP=$1
> >>> LOCATION=$2
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> # generate temporal LOCATION:
> >>>
> >>> # save existing $HOME/.grassrc6
> >>> if test -e $HOME/.grassrc6 ; then
> >>> mv $HOME/.grassrc6 /tmp/$TEMPDIR.grassrc6
> >>> fi
> >>>
> >>> echo "LOCATION_NAME: $LOCATION_NAME" > $HOME/.grassrc6
> >>> echo "MAPSET:$MAPSET">> $HOME/.grassrc6
> >>> echo "DIGITIZER: none"   >> $HOME/.grassrc6
> >>> echo "GISDBASE: $GISDBASE"   >> $HOME/.grassrc6
> >>> export GISBASE=$GISBASE
> >>>
> >>> # Create a WIND file with minimal information and no projection:
> >>> echo "proj: 3
> >>> zone:   0
> >>> north:  1
> >>> south:  0
> >>> east:   1
> >>> west:   0
> >>> cols:   1
> >>> rows:   1
> >>> e-w resol:  1
> >>> n-s resol:  1
> >>> top:1
> >>> bottom: 0
> >>> cols3:  1
> >>> rows3:  1
> >>> depths: 1
> >>> e-w resol3: 1
> >>> n-s resol3: 1
> >>> t-b resol:  1
> >>>
> >>> # Copy WIND-file to DEFAULT_WIND:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> echo "name:  Latitude-Longitude
> >>> datum:   wgs84
> >>> towgs84: 0.000,0.000,0.000
> >>> proj:ll
> >>> ellps: wgs84
> >>>
> >>> echo "unit: degree
> >>> ubits:  degrees
> >>> meters: 1.0

[GRASS-user] v.rast.stats

2010-07-09 Thread Sandile Gumede
Is there any one who can help me?

On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 3:15 PM, Sandile Gumede  wrote:

> Hi,
> I've tried to sort out the issue of the region resolution. Now when I'm
> running v.rast.stats it says:
> ERROR: No categories found in raster map
> Here is the script I'm running thats giving me that error:
> #!/bin/sh
> #variable to customize:
> # path to GRASS software main directory
> GISBASE=/usr/lib/grass64
> # path to GRASS database
> GISDBASE=$HOME/grassdata/Cape_Town
> # nothing to change below
> MAP=$1
> # generate temporal LOCATION:
> # save existing $HOME/.grassrc6
> if test -e $HOME/.grassrc6 ; then
> mv $HOME/.grassrc6 /tmp/$TEMPDIR.grassrc6
> fi
> echo "LOCATION_NAME: $LOCATION_NAME" > $HOME/.grassrc6
> echo "MAPSET:$MAPSET">> $HOME/.grassrc6
> echo "DIGITIZER: none"   >> $HOME/.grassrc6
> echo "GISDBASE: $GISDBASE"   >> $HOME/.grassrc6
> # Create a WIND file with minimal information and no projection:
> echo "proj: 3
> zone:   0
> north:  1
> south:  0
> east:   1
> west:   0
> cols:   1
> rows:   1
> e-w resol:  1
> n-s resol:  1
> top:1
> bottom: 0
> cols3:  1
> rows3:  1
> depths: 1
> e-w resol3: 1
> n-s resol3: 1
> t-b resol:  1
> # Copy WIND-file to DEFAULT_WIND:
> echo "name:  Latitude-Longitude
> datum:   wgs84
> towgs84: 0.000,0.000,0.000
> proj:ll
> ellps: wgs84
> echo "unit: degree
> ubits:  degrees
> meters: 1.0
> export PATH=$GISBASE/bin:$GISBASE/scripts:$PATH
> export GIS_LOCK=$$
> export GISRC=$HOME/.grassrc6
> # this should print GRASS version used:
> g.version
> # other calculations go here
> # import rainfall data set.
>  cd /home/tgumede1/grassdata/Cape_Town
> # rainfall data set.
> r.in.gdal input=$HOME/grassdata/Cape_Town/TRMMLast1day.tif output=rainfall
> # DEM data set.
> r.in.gdal input=$HOME/grassdata/Cape_Town/Dem_CF.tif target=SRTMDEM
> output=dem
>  g.region rast=dem -p
> # creating set of maps indicating flow acc, drainage dir, streams
> r.watershed --o elevation=...@permanent drainage=flow_direction
> basin=catch accumulation=acc threshold=1 memory=300 stream=str
> # convert catch raster to polygon vector
> r.to.vect in=ca...@permanent out=catchments feature=area
>  g.region rast=rainfall -p
> # Calculate univariate statistics
> v.rast.stats -c vector=catchme...@permanent 
> raster=rainf...@permanentcolpre=precp
> On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 9:18 AM, Sandile Gumede wrote:
>> Hi
>> Which module do I use to change the resolutions?
>> 2010/7/6 
>>> Hello Sandile:
>>> It seems you are importing two raster with vastly different resolutions.
>>> (I think we already came across this). See below...
>>> > Hi
>>> >
>>> > Below is a step-by-step of what I have done but I'm getting an error
>>> when
>>> > running v.rast.stats vector=catchments raster=rainfall layer=1
>>> > colprefix=area.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > GRASS 6.4.0RC5+39438 (SRTMDEM):~ > r.in.gdal
>>> > in=/home/tgumede1/grassdata/Cape_Town/TRMMLast1day.tif out=rainfall
>>> >
>>> > Projection of input dataset and current location appear to match
>>> >  100%
>>> > r.in.gdal complete. Raster map  created.
>>> > GRASS 6.4.0RC5+39438 (SRTMDEM):~ > g.region rast=rainfall -p
>>> > projection: 3 (Latitude-Longitude)
>>> > zone:   0
>>> > datum:  wgs84
>>> > ellipsoid:  wgs84
>>> > north:  33:30S
>>> > south:  33:45S
>>> > west:   18:15E
>>> > east:   19E
>>> > nsres:  0:15
>>> > ewres:  0:15
>>> > rows:   1
>>> > cols:   3
>>> > cells:  3

[GRASS-user] v.rast.stats

2010-07-09 Thread Sandile Gumede
; 24|Kidron|122.460114|
> 9|Darga|289.012122|
> 6|Arugot|236.365116|1|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
> 26|Mujib|1277.546513|2|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
>  (Many catchments have 0 or no value because of the small region I
> chose. The global data is 1/4 degree resolution and my region is only 2 deg
> E-W.)
> HTH...
> --
> Micha
> On 06/17/2010 12:50 PM, Sandile Gumede wrote:
> Hi
> It is still giving me -NULL value error.
> Do you think maybe its the way I downloaded my rainfall data? This is the
> site where I downloaded my data sets*
> ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/ *and this data covers the whole
> world, the only thing I did was to clip a specific region (using
> coordinates) that is in South Africa to do my analysis. I used a bash script
> to download and project the data, see below:
> #!/bin/bash
> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tfw
> gdal_translate -of GTiff -co "PROFILE=GeoTIFF" -co "INTERLEAVE=PIXEL" -co
> "COMPRESS=LZW" -co "TILED=YES" -a_srs EPSG:4326 -a_ullr 18.2987501
> -33.6795831 19.1712501 -34.3487498 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> TRMMLast1day.tif
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 8:41 AM, Sandile Gumede wrote:
>> Hi
>> It is still giving me -NULL value error.
>> Do you think maybe its the way I downloaded my rainfall data? This is the
>> site where I downloaded my data sets*
>> ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/ *and this data covers the whole
>> world, the only thing I did was to clip a specific region (using
>> coordinates) that is in South Africa to do my analysis. I used a bash script
>> to download and project the data, see below:
>> #!/bin/bash
>> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
>> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tfw
>> gdal_translate -of GTiff -co "PROFILE=GeoTIFF" -co "INTERLEAVE=PIXEL" -co
>> "COMPRESS=LZW" -co "TILED=YES" -a_srs EPSG:4326 -a_ullr 18.2987501
>> -33.6795831 19.1712501 -34.3487498 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
>> TRMMLast1day.tif
>>  2010/6/15 Micha Silver 
>>>  On 15/06/2010 14:35, Sandile Gumede wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> If I run g.region rast=rainfall -p, I get:
>>>   OK, what you've done here is change the current region to match the
>>> raster "rainfall".
>>> Can you now try:
>>> v.rast.stats -c vect=catchments rast=rainfall pref=precip
>>> projection: 3 (Latitude-Longitude)
>>> zone:   0
>>> datum:  wgs84
>>> ellipsoid:  wgs84
>>> north:  33:40:46.49916S
>>> south:  34:20:55.49928S
>>> west:   18:17:55.50036E
>>> east:   19:10:16.50036E
>>> nsres:  0:00:05.01875
>>> ewres:  0:00:02.18125
>>> rows:   480
>>> cols:   1440
>>> cells:  691200
>>> and If I run r.univar rainfall, I get the following output:
>>>  100%
>>> total null and non-null cells: 691200
>>> total null cells: 0
>>> Of the non-null cells:
>>> --
>>> n: 691200
>>> minimum: 0
>>> maximum: 3094
>>> range: 3094
>>> mean: 22.0228
>>> mean of absolute values: 22.0228
>>> standard deviation: 76.1639
>>> variance: 5800.94
>>> variation coefficient: 345.841 %
>>> sum: 15222164
>>> On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 12:22 PM, Hamish  wrote:
>>>> Micha wrote:
>>>> > The only unusual thing I notice above is that the resolution settings
>>>> > for the raster are different N-S and E-W. This came from the original
>>>> > tiff (see below) which also has rectangular pixels,
>>>>  that is perfectly normal for a lat/lon map away from the equator.
>>>> longitude scales a cos(lat).
>>>> > (the v.rast.stats module creates a temp raster at the *current
>>>> region's
>>>> > resolution* settings, which might be different from this rainfall
>>>> > raster's rectangular resolution...)
>>>>  the results of:
>>>> g.region -p rast=mapname
>>>> r.univar mapname
>>>> could help.
>>>> Hamish
>>> --
>>> Kind Regards
>>> TS Gumede
>>> CSIR, Meraka Institute
>>> 072 258 1650
>>>  This mail was received via Mail-SeCure System.
>>> --
>>> Micha Silverhttp://www.surfaces.co.il/
>>> Arava Development Co.  +972-52-3665918
>> --
>> Kind Regards
>> TS Gumede
>> CSIR, Meraka Institute
>> 072 258 1650
> --
> Kind Regards
> TS Gumede
> CSIR, Meraka Institute
> 072 258 1650
> This mail was received via Mail-SeCure System.
> --
> Micha Silver
> Arava Development Co. +972-52-3665918http://surfaces.co.il

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] No Categories found

2010-07-08 Thread Sandile Gumede

I've tried to sort out the issue of the region resolution. Now when I'm
running v.rast.stats it says:

ERROR: No categories found in raster map

Here is the script I'm running thats giving me that error:


#variable to customize:
# path to GRASS software main directory
# path to GRASS database


# nothing to change below

# generate temporal LOCATION:

# save existing $HOME/.grassrc6
if test -e $HOME/.grassrc6 ; then
mv $HOME/.grassrc6 /tmp/$TEMPDIR.grassrc6

echo "MAPSET:$MAPSET">> $HOME/.grassrc6
echo "DIGITIZER: none"   >> $HOME/.grassrc6
echo "GISDBASE: $GISDBASE"   >> $HOME/.grassrc6

# Create a WIND file with minimal information and no projection:
echo "proj: 3
zone:   0
north:  1
south:  0
east:   1
west:   0
cols:   1
rows:   1
e-w resol:  1
n-s resol:  1
bottom: 0
cols3:  1
rows3:  1
depths: 1
e-w resol3: 1
n-s resol3: 1
t-b resol:  1

# Copy WIND-file to DEFAULT_WIND:

echo "name:  Latitude-Longitude
datum:   wgs84
towgs84: 0.000,0.000,0.000
ellps: wgs84

echo "unit: degree
ubits:  degrees
meters: 1.0

export PATH=$GISBASE/bin:$GISBASE/scripts:$PATH
export GIS_LOCK=$$
export GISRC=$HOME/.grassrc6

# this should print GRASS version used:
# other calculations go here

# import rainfall data set.
 cd /home/tgumede1/grassdata/Cape_Town

# rainfall data set.
r.in.gdal input=$HOME/grassdata/Cape_Town/TRMMLast1day.tif output=rainfall

# DEM data set.
r.in.gdal input=$HOME/grassdata/Cape_Town/Dem_CF.tif target=SRTMDEM
 g.region rast=dem -p

# creating set of maps indicating flow acc, drainage dir, streams
r.watershed --o elevation=...@permanent drainage=flow_direction basin=catch
accumulation=acc threshold=1 memory=300 stream=str

# convert catch raster to polygon vector
r.to.vect in=ca...@permanent out=catchments feature=area

 g.region rast=rainfall -p

# Calculate univariate statistics
v.rast.stats -c vector=catchme...@permanent

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] v.rast.stats

2010-07-07 Thread Sandile Gumede

I've tried to sort out the issue of the region resolution. Now when I'm
running v.rast.stats it says:

ERROR: No categories found in raster map

Here is the script I'm running thats giving me that error:


#variable to customize:
# path to GRASS software main directory
# path to GRASS database


# nothing to change below

# generate temporal LOCATION:

# save existing $HOME/.grassrc6
if test -e $HOME/.grassrc6 ; then
mv $HOME/.grassrc6 /tmp/$TEMPDIR.grassrc6

echo "MAPSET:$MAPSET">> $HOME/.grassrc6
echo "DIGITIZER: none"   >> $HOME/.grassrc6
echo "GISDBASE: $GISDBASE"   >> $HOME/.grassrc6

# Create a WIND file with minimal information and no projection:
echo "proj: 3
zone:   0
north:  1
south:  0
east:   1
west:   0
cols:   1
rows:   1
e-w resol:  1
n-s resol:  1
bottom: 0
cols3:  1
rows3:  1
depths: 1
e-w resol3: 1
n-s resol3: 1
t-b resol:  1

# Copy WIND-file to DEFAULT_WIND:

echo "name:  Latitude-Longitude
datum:   wgs84
towgs84: 0.000,0.000,0.000
ellps: wgs84

echo "unit: degree
ubits:  degrees
meters: 1.0

export PATH=$GISBASE/bin:$GISBASE/scripts:$PATH
export GIS_LOCK=$$
export GISRC=$HOME/.grassrc6

# this should print GRASS version used:
# other calculations go here

# import rainfall data set.
 cd /home/tgumede1/grassdata/Cape_Town

# rainfall data set.
r.in.gdal input=$HOME/grassdata/Cape_Town/TRMMLast1day.tif output=rainfall

# DEM data set.
r.in.gdal input=$HOME/grassdata/Cape_Town/Dem_CF.tif target=SRTMDEM
 g.region rast=dem -p

# creating set of maps indicating flow acc, drainage dir, streams
r.watershed --o elevation=...@permanent drainage=flow_direction basin=catch
accumulation=acc threshold=1 memory=300 stream=str

# convert catch raster to polygon vector
r.to.vect in=ca...@permanent out=catchments feature=area

 g.region rast=rainfall -p

# Calculate univariate statistics
v.rast.stats -c vector=catchme...@permanent

On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 9:18 AM, Sandile Gumede  wrote:

> Hi
> Which module do I use to change the resolutions?
> 2010/7/6 
>> Hello Sandile:
>> It seems you are importing two raster with vastly different resolutions.
>> (I think we already came across this). See below...
>> > Hi
>> >
>> > Below is a step-by-step of what I have done but I'm getting an error
>> when
>> > running v.rast.stats vector=catchments raster=rainfall layer=1
>> > colprefix=area.
>> >
>> >
>> > GRASS 6.4.0RC5+39438 (SRTMDEM):~ > r.in.gdal
>> > in=/home/tgumede1/grassdata/Cape_Town/TRMMLast1day.tif out=rainfall
>> >
>> > Projection of input dataset and current location appear to match
>> >  100%
>> > r.in.gdal complete. Raster map  created.
>> > GRASS 6.4.0RC5+39438 (SRTMDEM):~ > g.region rast=rainfall -p
>> > projection: 3 (Latitude-Longitude)
>> > zone:   0
>> > datum:  wgs84
>> > ellipsoid:  wgs84
>> > north:  33:30S
>> > south:  33:45S
>> > west:   18:15E
>> > east:   19E
>> > nsres:  0:15
>> > ewres:  0:15
>> > rows:   1
>> > cols:   3
>> > cells:  3
>> Here, the rainfall data has a resolution of 0:15 = 15 minutes or 1/4
>> degree. THat's approximately (at the equator) about 27 km. So *one* raster
>> cell is 27 km X 27 km =~ 730 sq.km. Your region is covered by 3 cells, 1
>> row by 3 columns. Not very helpful data!
>> Next...
>> > GRASS 6.4.0RC5+39438 (SRTMDEM):~ > r.in.gdal
>> > in=/home/tgumede1/grassdata/Cape_Town/Dem_CF.tif out=dem target=SRTMDEM
>> >
>> >
>> > Projection of input dataset and current location appear to match
>> >  100%
>> > r.in.gdal complete. Raster map  created.
>> > GRASS 6.4.0RC5+39438 (SRTMDEM):~ > g.region rast=dem -p
>> > projection: 3 (Latitude-Longitude)
>> > zone:   0
>> >

[GRASS-user] gdal_translate

2010-07-07 Thread Sandile Gumede

Which module do I use to change the resolutions?


> Hello Sandile:
> It seems you are importing two raster with vastly different resolutions.
> (I think we already came across this). See below...
> > Hi
> >
> > Below is a step-by-step of what I have done but I'm getting an error when
> > running v.rast.stats vector=catchments raster=rainfall layer=1
> > colprefix=area.
> >
> >
> > GRASS 6.4.0RC5+39438 (SRTMDEM):~ > r.in.gdal
> > in=/home/tgumede1/grassdata/Cape_Town/TRMMLast1day.tif out=rainfall
> >
> > Projection of input dataset and current location appear to match
> >  100%
> > r.in.gdal complete. Raster map  created.
> > GRASS 6.4.0RC5+39438 (SRTMDEM):~ > g.region rast=rainfall -p
> > projection: 3 (Latitude-Longitude)
> > zone:   0
> > datum:  wgs84
> > ellipsoid:  wgs84
> > north:  33:30S
> > south:  33:45S
> > west:   18:15E
> > east:   19E
> > nsres:  0:15
> > ewres:  0:15
> > rows:   1
> > cols:   3
> > cells:  3
> Here, the rainfall data has a resolution of 0:15 = 15 minutes or 1/4
> degree. THat's approximately (at the equator) about 27 km. So *one* raster
> cell is 27 km X 27 km =~ 730 sq.km. Your region is covered by 3 cells, 1
> row by 3 columns. Not very helpful data!
> Next...
> > GRASS 6.4.0RC5+39438 (SRTMDEM):~ > r.in.gdal
> > in=/home/tgumede1/grassdata/Cape_Town/Dem_CF.tif out=dem target=SRTMDEM
> >
> >
> > Projection of input dataset and current location appear to match
> >  100%
> > r.in.gdal complete. Raster map  created.
> > GRASS 6.4.0RC5+39438 (SRTMDEM):~ > g.region rast=dem -p
> > projection: 3 (Latitude-Longitude)
> > zone:   0
> > datum:  wgs84
> > ellipsoid:  wgs84
> > north:  33:40:46.499215S
> > south:  34:00:52.499215S
> > west:   18:17:55.500436E
> > east:   19:10:16.500436E
> > nsres:  0:00:03
> > ewres:  0:00:03
> > rows:   402
> > cols:   1047
> > cells:  420894
> Your DEM layer, on the other hand, is of resolution 3 arc seconds, or
> about 90 meters on a side. So each cell is 90 m. X 90 m = 8100 sq.m. =~
> 0.0081 sq.km.
> > GRASS 6.4.0RC5+39438 (SRTMDEM):~ > r.watershed elevation=dem
> > accumulation=acc drainage=direction basin=catch stream=str threshold=200
> >
> Here you chose a threshold of 200. That's 200 cells, so about 200 X 0.0081
> sq.km, or 1.6 sq km. As a result (see below, the output of r.to.vect) you
> are getting over 19,000 tiny little catchments. Are you sure that's what
> you want??
> Finally, you're trying to get raster values for 19,000 tiny vector areas
> where the raster (rainfall) is only 3 cells! You'll have 1000's of
> catchments with all the same values. And I guess that some of these
> catchments are extending outside of the three rainfall cells, and causing
> the  NULL value error.
> In short: I think you'll need to match the resolution of the DEM to that
> of the rainfall data. If the rainfall is only as accurate as 1 data value
> per 730 sq.km. then you will be able to do vector-raster analyses only at
> that resolution = i.e. continent scale maps.
> --
> Micha
> >
> > SECTION 1a (of 5): Initiating Memory.
> > SECTION 1b (of 5): Determining Offmap Flow.
> >  100%
> > SECTION 2: A * Search.
> >  100%
> > SECTION 3: Accumulating Surface Flow.
> >  100%
> > SECTION 4: Watershed determination.
> >  100%
> > SECTION 5: Closing Maps.
> >  100%
> > GRASS 6.4.0RC5+39438 (SRTMDEM):~ > r.to.vect -s in=catch out=catchments
> > feature=area
> > Extracting areas...
> >  100%
> >  100%
> > Building topology for vector map ...
> > Registering primitives...
> > 60653 primitives registered
> > 314051 vertices registered
> > Building areas...
> >  100%
> > 19885 areas built
> > 1 isles built
> > Attaching islands...
> >  100%
> > Attaching centroids...
> >  100%
> > Number of nodes: 40769
> > Number of primitives: 60653
> > Number of points: 0
> > Number of lines: 0
> > Number of boundaries: 40768
> > Number of centroids: 19885
> > Number of areas: 19885
> > Number of isles: 1
> > r.to.vect complete.
> >
> > GRASS 6.4.0RC5+39438 (SRTMDEM):~ > v.rast.stats vector=catchments
> > raster=rainfall layer=1 colprefix=precip
> >
> > DBMI-DBF driver error:
> > SQL parser error: syntax error, unexpected NULL_VALUE processing 'NULL'
> > in statement:
> > UPDATE catchments SET precip_min=-NULL WHERE cat=10163
> > Error in db_execute_immediate()
> >
> > ERROR: Error while executing: 'UPDATE catchments SET precip_min=-NULL
> >cat=10163'
> >
> >
> >
> > Here is the output of gdalinfo TRMMLast1day.tif
> >
> > Origin = (18.250,-33.500)
> > Pixel Size = (0.250,-0.250)
> >
> > 
> > coordinates
> > Corner Coordinates:
> > Upper Left  (  18.250, -33.500)
> > Lower Left  (  18.250, -33.750)
> > Upper Right (  19.000, -33.500)
> > Lower Right (  19.000, -33.750)
> > Center  (  18.625, 

[GRASS-user] gdal_translate

2010-07-06 Thread Sandile Gumede

Below is a step-by-step of what I have done but I'm getting an error when
running v.rast.stats vector=catchments raster=rainfall layer=1

GRASS 6.4.0RC5+39438 (SRTMDEM):~ > r.in.gdal
in=/home/tgumede1/grassdata/Cape_Town/TRMMLast1day.tif out=rainfall

Projection of input dataset and current location appear to match
r.in.gdal complete. Raster map  created.
GRASS 6.4.0RC5+39438 (SRTMDEM):~ > g.region rast=rainfall -p
projection: 3 (Latitude-Longitude)
zone:   0
datum:  wgs84
ellipsoid:  wgs84
north:  33:30S
south:  33:45S
west:   18:15E
east:   19E
nsres:  0:15
ewres:  0:15
rows:   1
cols:   3
cells:  3
GRASS 6.4.0RC5+39438 (SRTMDEM):~ > r.in.gdal
in=/home/tgumede1/grassdata/Cape_Town/Dem_CF.tif out=dem target=SRTMDEM

Projection of input dataset and current location appear to match
r.in.gdal complete. Raster map  created.
GRASS 6.4.0RC5+39438 (SRTMDEM):~ > g.region rast=dem -p
projection: 3 (Latitude-Longitude)
zone:   0
datum:  wgs84
ellipsoid:  wgs84
north:  33:40:46.499215S
south:  34:00:52.499215S
west:   18:17:55.500436E
east:   19:10:16.500436E
nsres:  0:00:03
ewres:  0:00:03
rows:   402
cols:   1047
cells:  420894
GRASS 6.4.0RC5+39438 (SRTMDEM):~ > r.watershed elevation=dem
accumulation=acc drainage=direction basin=catch stream=str threshold=200

SECTION 1a (of 5): Initiating Memory.
SECTION 1b (of 5): Determining Offmap Flow.
SECTION 2: A * Search.
SECTION 3: Accumulating Surface Flow.
SECTION 4: Watershed determination.
SECTION 5: Closing Maps.
GRASS 6.4.0RC5+39438 (SRTMDEM):~ > r.to.vect -s in=catch out=catchments
Extracting areas...
Building topology for vector map ...
Registering primitives...
60653 primitives registered
314051 vertices registered
Building areas...
19885 areas built
1 isles built
Attaching islands...
Attaching centroids...
Number of nodes: 40769
Number of primitives: 60653
Number of points: 0
Number of lines: 0
Number of boundaries: 40768
Number of centroids: 19885
Number of areas: 19885
Number of isles: 1
r.to.vect complete.

GRASS 6.4.0RC5+39438 (SRTMDEM):~ > v.rast.stats vector=catchments
raster=rainfall layer=1 colprefix=precip

DBMI-DBF driver error:
SQL parser error: syntax error, unexpected NULL_VALUE processing 'NULL'
in statement:
UPDATE catchments SET precip_min=-NULL WHERE cat=10163
Error in db_execute_immediate()

ERROR: Error while executing: 'UPDATE catchments SET precip_min=-NULL WHERE

Here is the output of gdalinfo TRMMLast1day.tif

Origin = (18.250,-33.500)
Pixel Size = (0.250,-0.250)

Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  (  18.250, -33.500)
Lower Left  (  18.250, -33.750)
Upper Right (  19.000, -33.500)
Lower Right (  19.000, -33.750)
Center  (  18.625, -33.625)

Here is what I did to clip the region of interest.

gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:4326 -projwin 18.2987501 -33.6795831 19.1712501
-34.0141665 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif TRMMLast1day.tif

Is there something I have done wrong in these steps or there is something
wrong with my coordinates?


> > Hi
> >
> > Is it wrong to use  -a_ullr option in gdal_translate to clip a small
> > portion
> > of the region from the big geotiff file region?
> >
> The option -a_ullr will change the georeference of the resulting file, so
> you could say it's "wrong" if you want to keep the original referencing.
> The way to clip a portion of the original and still maintain
> geo-referencing is with the -projwin option.
> --
> Micha
> > --
> > Kind Regards
> > TS Gumede
> > CSIR, Meraka Institute
> > 072 258 1650
> >
> > This mail was received via Mail-SeCure System.
> >
> >
> >

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] gdal_translate

2010-07-06 Thread Sandile Gumede

Is it wrong to use  -a_ullr option in gdal_translate to clip a small portion
of the region from the big geotiff file region?

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] shell script

2010-06-28 Thread Sandile Gumede

How do I set $LOCATION_NAME and $MAPSET, I've tried but still saying

On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 11:51 AM, Paul Kelly

> Sandile Gumede wrote:
>> Hi
>> I'm trying to run the script below but it's giving me an error saying
>> default region is not set.
>> Which command should I use to set the default region and do I put it?
>> #!/bin/sh
>> #variable to customize:
>> # path to GRASS software main directory
>> GISDBASE=/home/tgumede1/grassdata
>>  GISBASE=/usr/lib/grass64
MAPSET='g.gisenv MAPSET'


> # nothing to change below
>> MAP=$1
>> # generate temporal LOCATION:
>> # save existing $HOME/.grassrc6
>> if test -e $HOME/.grassrc6 ; then
>> mv $HOME/.grassrc6 /tmp/$TEMPDIR.grassrc6
>> fi
>> echo "LOCATION_NAME: $TEMPDIR" > $HOME/.grassrc6
>> echo "MAPSET:PERMANENT" >> $HOME/.grassrc6
>> echo "DIGITIZER: none">> $HOME/.grassrc6
>> echo "GISDBASE: $GISDBASE">> $HOME/.grassrc6
>> # Create a WIND file with minimal information and no projection:
>> echo "proj:   0
>> zone:   0
>> north:  1
>> south:  0
>> east:   1
>> west:   0
>> cols:   1
>> rows:   1
>> e-w resol:  1
>> n-s resol:  1
>> top:1
>> bottom: 0
>>  cols3:  1
>> rows3:  1
>> depths: 1
>> e-w resol3: 1
>> n-s resol3: 1
>> t-b resol:  1
>>  # Copy WIND-file to DEFAULT_WIND:
> Where are the variables $LOCATION_NAME and $MAPSET being set? As far as I
> can see they seem to be empty - could that be the problem?
> Paul

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] shell script

2010-06-28 Thread Sandile Gumede

I'm trying to run the script below but it's giving me an error saying
default region is not set.

Which command should I use to set the default region and do I put it?


#variable to customize:
# path to GRASS software main directory
# path to GRASS database

# nothing to change below

# generate temporal LOCATION:

# save existing $HOME/.grassrc6
if test -e $HOME/.grassrc6 ; then
mv $HOME/.grassrc6 /tmp/$TEMPDIR.grassrc6

echo "LOCATION_NAME: $TEMPDIR" > $HOME/.grassrc6
echo "MAPSET:PERMANENT" >> $HOME/.grassrc6
echo "DIGITIZER: none">> $HOME/.grassrc6
echo "GISDBASE: $GISDBASE">> $HOME/.grassrc6

# Create a WIND file with minimal information and no projection:
echo "proj:   0
zone:   0
north:  1
south:  0
east:   1
west:   0
cols:   1
rows:   1
e-w resol:  1
n-s resol:  1
bottom: 0
 cols3:  1
rows3:  1
depths: 1
e-w resol3: 1
n-s resol3: 1
t-b resol:  1

# Copy WIND-file to DEFAULT_WIND:

# Set default database driver:
echo "DBF_DRIVER: dbf

export PATH=$GISBASE/bin:$GISBASE/scripts:$PATH
export GIS_LOCK=$$
export GISRC=$HOME/.grassrc6
db.connect driver=dbf database='$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/dbf/'

# this should print GRASS version used:

g.proj --quiet -c epsg=4326

g.region --quiet -s  n=90 s=-90 w=-180 e=180 res=1

# other calculations go here

# import rainfall data set.
# cd /home/tgumede1/grassdem

r.in.gdal input=$HOME/grassdem/TRMMLast1day.tif output=rainfall

g.region rast=rainfall

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] bash script

2010-06-24 Thread Sandile Gumede
Thanks, The only problem I have now when I'm running the script, it gives me
an error saying LOCATION_NAME not set. See below:


#variable to customize:
# path to GRASS software main directory
export GISBASE=/usr/lib/grass64
# path to GRASS database

# nothing to change below

# generate temporal LOCATION:
mkdir -p $GISDBASE/$TEMPDIR/temp

# save existing $HOME/.grassrc6
if test -e $HOME/.grassrc6 ; then
mv $HOME/.grassrc6 /$GISDBASE/$TEMPDIR.grassrc6

 echo "LOCATION_NAME: $TEMPDIR" > $HOME/.grassrc6
 echo "MAPSET:tmp" >> $HOME/.grassrc6
 echo "DIGITIZER: none" >> $HOME/.grassrc6
 echo "GISDBASE: $GISDBASE" >> $HOME/.grassrc6

# path to GRASS settings file:
export GISRC=$TEMPDIR/.grassrc6

# first our GRASS, then the rest
export PATH=$GISBASE/bin:$GISBASE/scripts:$PATH

# first have our private libraries:

# settings for graphical output
# current date
DATE=`LC_ALL=C date -R | tr -s ' ' ' ' | cut -d' ' -f2,3,4 | tr -s ' ' '_'`
export GRASS_PNGFILE=$PNGOUTPUTDIR/grass6_recent_floods_${DATE}.png
export GRASS_WIDTH=900

# use process ID (PID) as lock file number:
export GIS_LOCK=$$

# the algorithms goes here

error_routine () {
 echo "ERROR: $1"
 exit 1

# import DEM data set.
cd /home/tgumede1/grassdata
r.in.gdal input=TRMMLast1day.tif output=rainfall
# set region to default settings
g.region rast=rainfall

# import DEM data set.
r.in.gdal input=Dem_CF.tif output=dem
# set region to default settings
g.region rast=dem

On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 10:55 AM, Paul Kelly

> Sandile Gumede wrote:
>> I'm using ubuntu, I installed grass from the synaptic. So the script to
>> start grass is in /usr/bin then the file name is grass64
>> (/usr/bin/grass64) and the scripts are in /usr/lib/grass64 then inside
>> grass64 folder you get other folder like scripts and so on. That is why
>> in my script I wrote:
> Then your GISBASE should be /usr/lib/grass64
> The location of /usr/bin/grass64 is irrelevant - it is only a startup
> script to set appropriate environment variables, etc. You are doing all this
> in your script so you don't need to use the grass64 script at all (and GRASS
> doesn't need it for anything else).
> Hopefully that makes it clearer?
> Paul

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] bash script

2010-06-24 Thread Sandile Gumede
I'm using ubuntu, I installed grass from the synaptic. So the script to
start grass is in /usr/bin then the file name is grass64 (/usr/bin/grass64)
and the scripts are in /usr/lib/grass64 then inside grass64 folder you get
other folder like scripts and so on. That is why in my script I wrote:

# start GRASS

# path to the scripts

But I tried to export the PATH you gave me, still giving me an error of
r.in.gdal not found

On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 9:16 AM, Markus Metz <
markus.metz.gisw...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Sandile Gumede wrote:
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> >
> > # first our GRASS, then the rest
> > export PATH=$GISBASE:$GISBASELIB/scripts:$PATH
> Try
> export PATH="$GISBASE/bin:$GISBASE/scripts:$PATH"
> See also etc/init.sh for inspiration
> Markus M

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] bash script

2010-06-23 Thread Sandile Gumede

I'm trying to run GRASS and import raster map using a bash script but I'm
getting an error saying r.in.gdal not found.

What have I done wrong? see the script below.


#variable to customize:
# path to GRASS software main directory
# path to GRASS database


# nothing to change below

# generate temporal LOCATION:
mkdir -p $GISDBASE/$TEMPDIR/tmp

# save existing $HOME/.grassrc6
if test -e $HOME/.grassrc6 ; then
mv $HOME/.grassrc6 /$GISDBASE/$TEMPDIR.grassrc6

echo "LOCATION_NAME: $TEMPDIR" > $HOME/.grassrc6
echo "MAPSET:tmp" >> $HOME/.grassrc6
echo "DIGITIZER: none" >> $HOME/.grassrc6
echo "GISDBASE: $GISDBASE" >> $HOME/.grassrc6

# first our GRASS, then the rest

# first have our private libraries:

# import raster map into new location:
r.in.gdal -eo in=$MAP out=dem location=$LOCATION
if [$? -eq 1] ; then
echo "An error occured. Stop."
exit 1

# restore saved $HOME/.grassrc6
if test -e $HOME/.grassrc6 ; then
mv $HOME/.grassrc6 /$GISDBASE/$TEMPDIR.grassrc6

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] bash script

2010-06-23 Thread Sandile Gumede

I'm trying to run GRASS and import raster map using a bash script but I'm
getting an error saying r.in.gdal not found.

What have I done wrong? see the script below.


#variable to customize:
# path to GRASS software main directory
# path to GRASS database


# nothing to change below

# generate temporal LOCATION:
mkdir -p $GISDBASE/$TEMPDIR/tmp

# save existing $HOME/.grassrc6
if test -e $HOME/.grassrc6 ; then
mv $HOME/.grassrc6 /$GISDBASE/$TEMPDIR.grassrc6

echo "LOCATION_NAME: $TEMPDIR" > $HOME/.grassrc6
echo "MAPSET:tmp" >> $HOME/.grassrc6
echo "DIGITIZER: none" >> $HOME/.grassrc6
echo "GISDBASE: $GISDBASE" >> $HOME/.grassrc6

# first our GRASS, then the rest

# first have our private libraries:

# import raster map into new location:
r.in.gdal -eo in=$MAP out=dem location=$LOCATION
if [$? -eq 1] ; then
echo "An error occured. Stop."
exit 1

# restore saved $HOME/.grassrc6
if test -e $HOME/.grassrc6 ; then
mv $HOME/.grassrc6 /$GISDBASE/$TEMPDIR.grassrc6

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Re: v.rast.stats

2010-06-22 Thread Sandile Gumede
It's in mm/hr.

Are these values normal, to me it seems like big values because they are
ranging from 2000-4500, see below I just copied a few:


2010/6/22 Micha Silver 

>  On 22/06/2010 13:08, Sandile Gumede wrote:
> Thanks, I finally got the results.
> That's good to hear.
> Now the question I would like to ask is that, from these columns I got the
> values but which unit are these values are measured? Is it (mm) or ?
> Well, that depends on the units of the raster. If the raster values are mm.
> then each column represents mm per *raster cell*.  So if you have a rainfall
> raster with values in mm., and resolution of 10 meters, then the numbers in
> the columns are mm/100sq.m.
> --
> Micha
> On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 9:57 PM, Micha Silver  wrote:
>>  Hello Sandile:
>> I tried to duplicate your steps and it seems to work for me.
>> Here's what I did:
>> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
>> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tfw
>>  gdalinfo 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
>> Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
>> Files: 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
>> Size is 1440, 480
>> Coordinate System is `'
>> Origin = (-180.000,60.000)
>> Pixel Size = (0.250,-0.250)
>>  Note: no projection info above 
>>  Now I use the -projwin option of gdal_translate to select a small
>> window
>> gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:4326 -projwin 34.0 33.0 36.0 29.0
>> 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif rainfall_il.tif
>>  GEOGCS entry now shows 4326 
>> g.mapset map=ASTER_DEM loc=WGS84
>> - A location setup as EPSG:4326
>> r.in.gdal israel.tif out=rainfall_il
>> r.univar rainfall_il
>>  100%
>> total null and non-null cells: 7776
>> total null cells: 0
>> Of the non-null cells:
>> --
>>  n: 7776
>> minimum: 0
>> maximum: 34
>> range: 34
>> mean: 0.364583
>> mean of absolute values: 0.364583
>> standard deviation: 3.45241
>> variance: 11.9192
>> variation coefficient: 946.948 %
>> sum: 2835
>> - Now using an existing catchment vector map 
>> v.rast.stats vect=arava_wsheds rast=rainfall_il colpre=precip
>> v.info -c arava_wsheds
>> Displaying column types/names for database connection of layer 1:
>> INTEGER|cat
>> CHARACTER|label
>> INTEGER|precip_n
>> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_min
>> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_max
>> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_range
>> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_mean
>> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_stddev
>> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_variance
>> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_cf_var
>> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_sum
>>  and some values 
>> v.db.select arava_wsheds
>> cat|label|area_km|precip_n|precip_min|precip_max|precip_range|precip_mean|precip_stddev|precip_variance|precip_cf_var|precip_sum
>> 21|Jordan|1055.231692|2|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
>> 19|Hidan|987.811979|2|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
>> 28|Og|124.122969|
>> 36|Zarqa|273.606213|
>> 24|Kidron|122.460114|
>> 9|Darga|289.012122|
>> 6|Arugot|236.365116|1|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
>> 26|Mujib|1277.546513|2|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
>>  (Many catchments have 0 or no value because of the small region I
>> chose. The global data is 1/4 degree resolution and my region is only 2 deg
>> E-W.)
>> HTH...
>> --
>> Micha
>> On 06/17/2010 12:50 PM, Sandile Gumede wrote:
>> Hi
>> It is still giving me -NULL value error.
>> Do you think maybe its the way I 

[GRASS-user] v.rast.stats

2010-06-22 Thread Sandile Gumede
Thanks, I finally got the results.

Now the question I would like to ask is that, from these columns I got the
values but which unit are these values are measured? Is it (mm) or ?

On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Sandile Gumede wrote:

> Thanks, I finally got the results.
> Now the question I would like to ask is that, from these columns I got the
> values but which unit are these values are measured? Is it (mm) or ?
> On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 9:57 PM, Micha Silver  wrote:
>>  Hello Sandile:
>> I tried to duplicate your steps and it seems to work for me.
>> Here's what I did:
>> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
>> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tfw
>> gdalinfo 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
>> Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
>> Files: 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
>> Size is 1440, 480
>> Coordinate System is `'
>> Origin = (-180.000,60.000)
>> Pixel Size = (0.250,-0.250)
>>  Note: no projection info above 
>>  Now I use the -projwin option of gdal_translate to select a small
>> window
>> gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:4326 -projwin 34.0 33.0 36.0 29.0
>> 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif rainfall_il.tif
>>  GEOGCS entry now shows 4326 
>> g.mapset map=ASTER_DEM loc=WGS84
>> - A location setup as EPSG:4326
>> r.in.gdal israel.tif out=rainfall_il
>> r.univar rainfall_il
>>  100%
>> total null and non-null cells: 7776
>> total null cells: 0
>> Of the non-null cells:
>> --
>> n: 7776
>> minimum: 0
>> maximum: 34
>> range: 34
>> mean: 0.364583
>> mean of absolute values: 0.364583
>> standard deviation: 3.45241
>> variance: 11.9192
>> variation coefficient: 946.948 %
>> sum: 2835
>> - Now using an existing catchment vector map 
>> v.rast.stats vect=arava_wsheds rast=rainfall_il colpre=precip
>> v.info -c arava_wsheds
>> Displaying column types/names for database connection of layer 1:
>> INTEGER|cat
>> CHARACTER|label
>> INTEGER|precip_n
>> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_min
>> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_max
>> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_range
>> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_mean
>> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_stddev
>> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_variance
>> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_cf_var
>> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_sum
>>  and some values 
>> v.db.select arava_wsheds
>> cat|label|area_km|precip_n|precip_min|precip_max|precip_range|precip_mean|precip_stddev|precip_variance|precip_cf_var|precip_sum
>> 21|Jordan|1055.231692|2|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
>> 19|Hidan|987.811979|2|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
>> 28|Og|124.122969|
>> 36|Zarqa|273.606213|
>> 24|Kidron|122.460114|
>> 9|Darga|289.012122|
>> 6|Arugot|236.365116|1|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
>> 26|Mujib|1277.546513|2|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
>>  (Many catchments have 0 or no value because of the small region I
>> chose. The global data is 1/4 degree resolution and my region is only 2 deg
>> E-W.)
>> HTH...
>> --
>> Micha
>> On 06/17/2010 12:50 PM, Sandile Gumede wrote:
>> Hi
>> It is still giving me -NULL value error.
>> Do you think maybe its the way I downloaded my rainfall data? This is the
>> site where I downloaded my data sets*
>> ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/ *and this data covers the whole
>> world, the only thing I did was to clip a specific region (using
>> coordinates) that is in South Africa to do my analysis. I used a bash script
>> to download and project the data, see below:
>> #!/bin/bash
>> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
>> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tfw
>> gdal_translate -of GTiff -co "PROFILE=GeoTIFF" -co "INTERLEAVE=PIXEL" -co
>> "COMPRESS=LZW" -co "TILED=YES" -a_srs EPSG:4326 -a_ullr 18.2987501
>> -33.6795831 19.1712501 -34.3487498 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
>> TRMMLast1day.tif
>> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 8:41 AM, Sandile Gumede wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> It is still giving me -NULL value error.
>>> Do you thin

[GRASS-user] Re: v.rast.stats

2010-06-22 Thread Sandile Gumede
Thanks, I finally got the results.

Now the question I would like to ask is that, from these columns I got the
values but which unit are these values are measured? Is it (mm) or ?

On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 9:57 PM, Micha Silver  wrote:

>  Hello Sandile:
> I tried to duplicate your steps and it seems to work for me.
> Here's what I did:
> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tfw
> gdalinfo 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
> Files: 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> Size is 1440, 480
> Coordinate System is `'
> Origin = (-180.000,60.000)
> Pixel Size = (0.250,-0.250)
>  Note: no projection info above 
>  Now I use the -projwin option of gdal_translate to select a small
> window
> gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:4326 -projwin 34.0 33.0 36.0 29.0
> 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif rainfall_il.tif
>  GEOGCS entry now shows 4326 
> g.mapset map=ASTER_DEM loc=WGS84
> - A location setup as EPSG:4326
> r.in.gdal israel.tif out=rainfall_il
> r.univar rainfall_il
>  100%
> total null and non-null cells: 7776
> total null cells: 0
> Of the non-null cells:
> --
> n: 7776
> minimum: 0
> maximum: 34
> range: 34
> mean: 0.364583
> mean of absolute values: 0.364583
> standard deviation: 3.45241
> variance: 11.9192
> variation coefficient: 946.948 %
> sum: 2835
> - Now using an existing catchment vector map 
> v.rast.stats vect=arava_wsheds rast=rainfall_il colpre=precip
> v.info -c arava_wsheds
> Displaying column types/names for database connection of layer 1:
> INTEGER|precip_n
> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_range
> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_mean
> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_stddev
> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_variance
> DOUBLE PRECISION|precip_cf_var
>  and some values 
> v.db.select arava_wsheds
> cat|label|area_km|precip_n|precip_min|precip_max|precip_range|precip_mean|precip_stddev|precip_variance|precip_cf_var|precip_sum
> 21|Jordan|1055.231692|2|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
> 19|Hidan|987.811979|2|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
> 28|Og|124.122969|
> 36|Zarqa|273.606213|
> 24|Kidron|122.460114|
> 9|Darga|289.012122|
> 6|Arugot|236.365116|1|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
> 26|Mujib|1277.546513|2|0|0|0|0|0|0||0
>  (Many catchments have 0 or no value because of the small region I
> chose. The global data is 1/4 degree resolution and my region is only 2 deg
> E-W.)
> HTH...
> --
> Micha
> On 06/17/2010 12:50 PM, Sandile Gumede wrote:
> Hi
> It is still giving me -NULL value error.
> Do you think maybe its the way I downloaded my rainfall data? This is the
> site where I downloaded my data sets*
> ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/ *and this data covers the whole
> world, the only thing I did was to clip a specific region (using
> coordinates) that is in South Africa to do my analysis. I used a bash script
> to download and project the data, see below:
> #!/bin/bash
> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tfw
> gdal_translate -of GTiff -co "PROFILE=GeoTIFF" -co "INTERLEAVE=PIXEL" -co
> "COMPRESS=LZW" -co "TILED=YES" -a_srs EPSG:4326 -a_ullr 18.2987501
> -33.6795831 19.1712501 -34.3487498 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> TRMMLast1day.tif
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 8:41 AM, Sandile Gumede wrote:
>> Hi
>> It is still giving me -NULL value error.
>> Do you think maybe its the way I downloaded my rainfall data? This is the
>> site where I downloaded my data sets*
>> ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/ *and this data covers the whole
>> world, the only thing I did was to clip a specific region (using
>> coordinates) that is in South Africa to do my analysis. I used a bash script
>> to download and project the data, see below:
>> #!/bin/bash
>> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
>> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tfw
>> gdal_translate -of GTiff -co "PROFILE=GeoTIFF" -co "INTERLEAVE=PIXEL" -co
>> "COMPRESS=LZW" -co "TILED=YES" -a_srs 

[GRASS-user] scripts

2010-06-17 Thread Sandile Gumede

I'm not familiar with bash scripting, I want to write a script that starts
GRASS and create a new LOCATION and a MAPSET, specify the coordinate system
for my database, specify a geodetic datum for the LOCATION, import datasets
into the GRASS, do watershed analysis on the DEM data set, convert DEM
raster into vector, and then calculate univariate statistics from a GRASS
raster map.

Can you guys help me with this? I tried to write a script and I got stucked,
see below:


#variable to customize:
# path to GRASS software main directory
# path to GRASS database

# nothing to change below

# generate temporal LOCATION:

# save existing $HOME/.grassrc6
if test -e $HOME/.grassrc6 ; then
mv $HOME/.grassrc6 /$HOME/grassdem/$LOCATION.grassrc6

echo "LOCATION_NAME: $LOCATION" > $HOME/.grassrc6
echo "MAPSET:tmp" >> $HOME/.grassrc6
echo "DIGITIZER: none" >> $HOME/.grassrc6
echo "GISDBASE: $GISDBASE" >> $HOME/.grassrc6

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] v.rast.stats

2010-06-17 Thread Sandile Gumede

It is still giving me -NULL value error.

Do you think maybe its the way I downloaded my rainfall data? This is the
site where I downloaded my data sets* ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/
*and this data covers the whole world, the only thing I did was to clip a
specific region (using coordinates) that is in South Africa to do my
analysis. I used a bash script to download and project the data, see below:


wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tfw

gdal_translate -of GTiff -co "PROFILE=GeoTIFF" -co "INTERLEAVE=PIXEL" -co
"COMPRESS=LZW" -co "TILED=YES" -a_srs EPSG:4326 -a_ullr 18.2987501
-33.6795831 19.1712501 -34.3487498 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 8:41 AM, Sandile Gumede wrote:

> Hi
> It is still giving me -NULL value error.
> Do you think maybe its the way I downloaded my rainfall data? This is the
> site where I downloaded my data sets*
> ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/ *and this data covers the whole
> world, the only thing I did was to clip a specific region (using
> coordinates) that is in South Africa to do my analysis. I used a bash script
> to download and project the data, see below:
> #!/bin/bash
> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tfw
> gdal_translate -of GTiff -co "PROFILE=GeoTIFF" -co "INTERLEAVE=PIXEL" -co
> "COMPRESS=LZW" -co "TILED=YES" -a_srs EPSG:4326 -a_ullr 18.2987501
> -33.6795831 19.1712501 -34.3487498 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
> TRMMLast1day.tif
> 2010/6/15 Micha Silver 
>>  On 15/06/2010 14:35, Sandile Gumede wrote:
>> Hi
>> If I run g.region rast=rainfall -p, I get:
>> OK, what you've done here is change the current region to match the raster
>> "rainfall".
>> Can you now try:
>> v.rast.stats -c vect=catchments rast=rainfall pref=precip
>> projection: 3 (Latitude-Longitude)
>> zone:   0
>> datum:  wgs84
>> ellipsoid:  wgs84
>> north:  33:40:46.49916S
>> south:  34:20:55.49928S
>> west:   18:17:55.50036E
>> east:   19:10:16.50036E
>> nsres:  0:00:05.01875
>> ewres:  0:00:02.18125
>> rows:   480
>> cols:   1440
>> cells:  691200
>> and If I run r.univar rainfall, I get the following output:
>>  100%
>> total null and non-null cells: 691200
>> total null cells: 0
>> Of the non-null cells:
>> --
>> n: 691200
>> minimum: 0
>> maximum: 3094
>> range: 3094
>> mean: 22.0228
>> mean of absolute values: 22.0228
>> standard deviation: 76.1639
>> variance: 5800.94
>> variation coefficient: 345.841 %
>> sum: 15222164
>> On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 12:22 PM, Hamish  wrote:
>>> Micha wrote:
>>> > The only unusual thing I notice above is that the resolution settings
>>> > for the raster are different N-S and E-W. This came from the original
>>> > tiff (see below) which also has rectangular pixels,
>>>  that is perfectly normal for a lat/lon map away from the equator.
>>> longitude scales a cos(lat).
>>> > (the v.rast.stats module creates a temp raster at the *current region's
>>> > resolution* settings, which might be different from this rainfall
>>> > raster's rectangular resolution...)
>>>  the results of:
>>> g.region -p rast=mapname
>>> r.univar mapname
>>> could help.
>>> Hamish
>> --
>> Kind Regards
>> TS Gumede
>> CSIR, Meraka Institute
>> 072 258 1650
>> This mail was received via Mail-SeCure System.
>> --
>> Micha Silverhttp://www.surfaces.co.il/
>> Arava Development Co.  +972-52-3665918
> --
> Kind Regards
> TS Gumede
> CSIR, Meraka Institute
> 072 258 1650

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] v.rast.stats

2010-06-16 Thread Sandile Gumede

It is still giving me -NULL value error.

Do you think maybe its the way I downloaded my rainfall data? This is the
site where I downloaded my data sets* ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/
*and this data covers the whole world, the only thing I did was to clip a
specific region (using coordinates) that is in South Africa to do my
analysis. I used a bash script to download and project the data, see below:


wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif
wget ftp://trmmopen.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gis/3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tfw

gdal_translate -of GTiff -co "PROFILE=GeoTIFF" -co "INTERLEAVE=PIXEL" -co
"COMPRESS=LZW" -co "TILED=YES" -a_srs EPSG:4326 -a_ullr 18.2987501
-33.6795831 19.1712501 -34.3487498 3B42RT.2010032900.1day.tif

2010/6/15 Micha Silver 

>  On 15/06/2010 14:35, Sandile Gumede wrote:
> Hi
> If I run g.region rast=rainfall -p, I get:
> OK, what you've done here is change the current region to match the raster
> "rainfall".
> Can you now try:
> v.rast.stats -c vect=catchments rast=rainfall pref=precip
> projection: 3 (Latitude-Longitude)
> zone:   0
> datum:  wgs84
> ellipsoid:  wgs84
> north:  33:40:46.49916S
> south:  34:20:55.49928S
> west:   18:17:55.50036E
> east:   19:10:16.50036E
> nsres:  0:00:05.01875
> ewres:  0:00:02.18125
> rows:   480
> cols:   1440
> cells:  691200
> and If I run r.univar rainfall, I get the following output:
>  100%
> total null and non-null cells: 691200
> total null cells: 0
> Of the non-null cells:
> --
> n: 691200
> minimum: 0
> maximum: 3094
> range: 3094
> mean: 22.0228
> mean of absolute values: 22.0228
> standard deviation: 76.1639
> variance: 5800.94
> variation coefficient: 345.841 %
> sum: 15222164
> On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 12:22 PM, Hamish  wrote:
>> Micha wrote:
>> > The only unusual thing I notice above is that the resolution settings
>> > for the raster are different N-S and E-W. This came from the original
>> > tiff (see below) which also has rectangular pixels,
>>  that is perfectly normal for a lat/lon map away from the equator.
>> longitude scales a cos(lat).
>> > (the v.rast.stats module creates a temp raster at the *current region's
>> > resolution* settings, which might be different from this rainfall
>> > raster's rectangular resolution...)
>>  the results of:
>> g.region -p rast=mapname
>> r.univar mapname
>> could help.
>> Hamish
> --
> Kind Regards
> TS Gumede
> CSIR, Meraka Institute
> 072 258 1650
> This mail was received via Mail-SeCure System.
> --
> Micha Silverhttp://www.surfaces.co.il/
> Arava Development Co.  +972-52-3665918

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Re: v.rast.stats

2010-06-15 Thread Sandile Gumede
If I run g.region rast=rainfall -p, I get:

projection: 3 (Latitude-Longitude)
zone:   0
datum:  wgs84
ellipsoid:  wgs84
north:  33:40:46.49916S
south:  34:20:55.49928S
west:   18:17:55.50036E
east:   19:10:16.50036E
nsres:  0:00:05.01875
ewres:  0:00:02.18125
rows:   480
cols:   1440
cells:  691200

and If I run r.univar rainfall, I get the following output:

total null and non-null cells: 691200
total null cells: 0

Of the non-null cells:
n: 691200
minimum: 0
maximum: 3094
range: 3094
mean: 22.0228
mean of absolute values: 22.0228
standard deviation: 76.1639
variance: 5800.94
variation coefficient: 345.841 %
sum: 15222164

On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 12:22 PM, Hamish  wrote:

> Micha wrote:
> > The only unusual thing I notice above is that the resolution settings
> > for the raster are different N-S and E-W. This came from the original
> > tiff (see below) which also has rectangular pixels,
> that is perfectly normal for a lat/lon map away from the equator.
> longitude scales a cos(lat).
> > (the v.rast.stats module creates a temp raster at the *current region's
> > resolution* settings, which might be different from this rainfall
> > raster's rectangular resolution...)
> the results of:
> g.region -p rast=mapname
> r.univar mapname
> could help.
> Hamish

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] v.rast.stats

2010-06-08 Thread Sandile Gumede

After running *v.rast.stats vect=catchments rast=rainfall colprefix=precip*,
I ran *v.info -c catchments* and I got 9 new columns:
precip_min, precip_max, precip_ran, precip_mean, precip_std, precip_var,
precip_cf_, precip_sum,.,precip_per.

How do I then be able to see how much rain has fallen in each
catchment(polygon), and which direction is the water flowing?

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] gdal_translate

2010-06-06 Thread Sandile Gumede

I've got these coordinates
upper-right-corner: 33 degrees, 40 minutes, 31.28 seconds S
   18 degrees, 17 minutes, 32.52 seconds E

 lower-left-corner: 33 degrees, 40 minutes, 31.28 seconds S
  18 degrees, 38 minutes, 55.37 seconds E

I want to clip a portion of Cape Flats using these coordinates from a
GeoTiff that covers the whole South Africa. I tried to convert these
coordinates into decimal degrees but when I'm trying to run   gdal_translate
-projwin -33.67536 18.29237 -33.94925 18.64871 srtmgdem.tif cape_flats.tif
its giving me an error message:

Input file size is 36001 , 24001
Computed -srcwin -52409 -39950 -328 -427 from projected window.
Computed -srcwin falls outside raster size of 36001X24001
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] gdal

2010-06-04 Thread Sandile Gumede

I've got a geotiff file which covers the area of South Africa, from that tif
file I want to take a portion of Cape Flats (Western Cape) and run it on
GRASS. Which command should I use to do this?

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
Student Researcher
Meraka Institute, CSIR
office   :  012 841 2606
mobile :  072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] v.rast.stats

2010-06-03 Thread Sandile Gumede

When I'm running the command below I'm getting some errors, I pasted them
   v.rast.stats -ec vector=catchments raster=rainfall colprefix=rain_cols

   DBMI-DBF driver error: SQL parser error: syntax error, unexpected
   processing 'NULL'
   in statement: UPDATE catchments SET rain_cols_=-NULL WHERE cat=1
   Error in db_execute_immediate
   ERROR: Error while executing: 'UPDATE catchments SET rain_cols_=-NULL

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
Student Researcher
Meraka Institute, CSIR
office   :  012 841 2606
mobile :  072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] projecting

2010-05-31 Thread Sandile Gumede

I'm trying to import two .tif raster data in the same LOCATION, I imported
the first one fine but when I import the second raster image it gives me an

1 Over-riding projection check
2 Illegal latitude for North.

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
Student Researcher
Meraka Institute, CSIR
office   :  012 841 2606
mobile :  072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] rainfall data and a DEM

2010-05-28 Thread Sandile Gumede

Is there a way of merging rainfall data and SRTM DEM (both in GEOTIFF format
) together?

The reason I'm asking this is because SRTM DEM (elevation layer) is just a
terrain, on top of that terrain I want to measure how much rainfall has
fallen to the DEM and which direction is it flowing to.

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
Student Researcher
Meraka Institute, CSIR
office   :  012 841 2606
mobile :  072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] rainfall data

2010-05-05 Thread Sandile Gumede
which command do I use to model rainfall data in GRASS6?

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
Candidate Researcher
Meraka Institute, CSIR
office   :  012 841 2606
mobile :  072 258 1650
grass-user mailing list