[GRASS-user] GRASS GIS 6.4 batch

2010-08-18 Thread Rasmus Borgstrøm
Hi there

I am fairly new to GRASS GIS and need some help on how to use GRASS GIS for 
batch jobs. 
I have a series of 1000 MODIS sat-images that I want to batch-process in GRASS 
GIS in the following simple way:

r.in.gdal -e input=F:\Projects\LSTdaily\2000_065_LST_Day_1km.tif 
r.mapcalc "LST65_Celcius=float(2000_065_LST_Day_1km * 0.02)-273.15"
r.mapcalc "LST65_Celcius0 = if(LST65_Celcius>-200, LST65_Celcius, null())"
r.out.gdal -c input=LST65_Celcius0 nodata=- 
output=F:\Projects\BBMB\GRASSGIS\LST65_c.tif type=Float32

I know I can do this manually with the GRASS command line, but I would like to 
create a batch file where this can be executed from. 
Thus the batch file should be able to open GRASS GIS and execute the few lines 
above without any interaction needed. 

Does anyone have a similar batch-file I can look into, or can anyone assist me? 
I am not experienced within shell-programming and other things that I have 
found related to this topic. 

I am working on a Win XP/7 with GRASS GIS 6.4. 

Best regard

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] GRASS GIS 6.4 batch

2010-08-18 Thread Hamish
Rasmus wrote:
> I am fairly new to GRASS GIS and need some help on how to
> use GRASS GIS for batch jobs. 
> I have a series of 1000 MODIS sat-images that I want to
> batch-process in GRASS GIS in the following simple way:
> r.in.gdal -e
> input=F:\Projects\LSTdaily\2000_065_LST_Day_1km.tif
> output=g2000_065_LST_Day_1km
> r.mapcalc "LST65_Celcius=float(2000_065_LST_Day_1km *
> 0.02)-273.15"
> r.mapcalc "LST65_Celcius0 = if(LST65_Celcius>-200,
> LST65_Celcius, null())"
> r.out.gdal -c input=LST65_Celcius0 nodata=-
> output=F:\Projects\BBMB\GRASSGIS\LST65_c.tif type=Float32
> I know I can do this manually with the GRASS command line,
> but I would like to create a batch file where this can be
> executed from. 
> Thus the batch file should be able to open GRASS GIS and
> execute the few lines above without any interaction needed.





> Does anyone have a similar batch-file I can look into, or
> can anyone assist me? I am not experienced within
> shell-programming and other things that I have found related
> to this topic. 
> I am working on a Win XP/7 with GRASS GIS 6.4. 

that may be a problem. as far as I know the Windows startup
batch file bypasses the normal init.sh startup script, which
is what handles the batch job processing. Also it is built for
UNIX scripting, not msdos .bat files, so even if GRASS+MSys on
WinGrass could do it (perhaps it can?), you'd have to look into
writing it as a unix shell script. (in the most basic form a
unix .sh and msdos .bat are the same thing, just commands pasted
into a text file. things like automated loops are very different


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] GRASS GIS 6.4 batch

2010-08-19 Thread Rasmus Borgstrøm
Dear Hamish

Thank you for your reply. 
As I understand you it is not possible to do the batch processing in Windows 
then?  (Unix is not an option here). 
If I am wrong about this, can you please explain me a bit further how to get 
started? I did not get much out of the "GRASS_BATCH_JOB" sections. 

Thank you in advance!


>>> Hamish  19-08-2010 00:58 >>>
Rasmus wrote:
> I am fairly new to GRASS GIS and need some help on how to
> use GRASS GIS for batch jobs. 
> I have a series of 1000 MODIS sat-images that I want to
> batch-process in GRASS GIS in the following simple way:
> r.in.gdal -e
> input=F:\Projects\LSTdaily\2000_065_LST_Day_1km.tif
> output=g2000_065_LST_Day_1km
> r.mapcalc "LST65_Celcius=float(2000_065_LST_Day_1km *
> 0.02)-273.15"
> r.mapcalc "LST65_Celcius0 = if(LST65_Celcius>-200,
> LST65_Celcius, null())"
> r.out.gdal -c input=LST65_Celcius0 nodata=-
> output=F:\Projects\BBMB\GRASSGIS\LST65_c.tif type=Float32
> I know I can do this manually with the GRASS command line,
> but I would like to create a batch file where this can be
> executed from. 
> Thus the batch file should be able to open GRASS GIS and
> execute the few lines above without any interaction needed.





> Does anyone have a similar batch-file I can look into, or
> can anyone assist me? I am not experienced within
> shell-programming and other things that I have found related
> to this topic. 
> I am working on a Win XP/7 with GRASS GIS 6.4. 

that may be a problem. as far as I know the Windows startup
batch file bypasses the normal init.sh startup script, which
is what handles the batch job processing. Also it is built for
UNIX scripting, not msdos .bat files, so even if GRASS+MSys on
WinGrass could do it (perhaps it can?), you'd have to look into
writing it as a unix shell script. (in the most basic form a
unix .sh and msdos .bat are the same thing, just commands pasted
into a text file. things like automated loops are very different


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] GRASS GIS 6.4 batch

2010-08-20 Thread Hamish
Rasmus Borgstrøm wrote:
> As I understand you it is not possible

.. make no mistake: this is a very flexible GIS platform,
almost everything is possible, it just requires a little effort
to add new things if they aren't there already.

if you are comfortable with writing/editing msdos batch files,
I think you have a good chance of success. (contributing a very
worthwhile bit of knowledge to all other WinGRASS users in the

> to do the batch processing in Windows then?  (Unix is not an
> option here). 

GRASS ships with "MSys" which provides a lot of UNIX tools re-
built for Windows, including the UNIX shell. Nothing new to
install. (If you did want a full UNIX environment on Windows,
that would be "Cygwin", but that is overkill in this case)

> If I am wrong about this, can you please explain me a bit
> further how to get started? I did not get much out of the
> "GRASS_BATCH_JOB" sections. 

The trick is to tell GRASS at startup that you want to run the
batch job, and what data to run it on, instead of opening up the
interactive "Welcome to GRASS, pick a mapset" window.

I do not have a Windows machine on hand to test with, maybe it
is not so hard to get it to work.

May I ask if your task is for bulk-processing (single repetitive
job over a big pile of data) or for on-demand processing? (e.g.
processing begins once job requirements or new data arrive,
like from a web site you run)

how comfortable are you with editing/writing msdos .bat files?
how about the Python programming language? (the future of grass


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