
In the past I have submitted a few questions regarding vector digitizer in
Windows (using tcltk) but now I have a few "new" questions, more focused on

1- Regarding "Insert new Record into table" item:  If I want to edit an
existing boundary, I have to uncheck this?

2- I have developed a kind of a GRASS applicable version for classification
to be used in my classes but I'm getting a lot of "usability" problems that
I can solve by customization of tcltk vector digitalization
please if anyone can help me, can answer the following (if not, who probably
can help me?):
   a- How can I define a pre-defined layer number (always 1) and eliminate
Layer ID check box?
   b- How can I eliminate the mode combobox and predefined next not in use?
   c- In Form, that is displayed after inserting a new boundary, how can I
eliminate data encoding and predefine an option?
   d- (this is the complicated): My students are doing a classification
procedure in which, for each landcover classe they have to define training
areas. Right now they are doing:1) Open v.digit, insert filename and flag -n
for Class1(forest); 2) Tcltk vector digitizer usage; 3) save and close
vector digitizer 4) open v.digit insert filename and flag -n for class2
(ocean) ( ... ) So this is a "heavy procedure" for lazy students :) My
question is: can I implement an circular process in which: 1) I open
TclTkvector digitizer that asks for Class1; 2) Digizier boundaries bla bla
bla 3) Click Next and TclTk's Vector  Digitizer will ask for Classe2 (...)
and so on.

Thanks for your help in such an heavy questions

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