Re: [GRASS-user] flip raster

2008-12-18 Thread beakins

I've posted new versions of ETOPO1 that GDAL can read properly (north is
north) on the ETOPO1 web page
(, along with an explanatory
readme file (in each netcdf folder). I've also created and posted geotiff
versions of ETOPO1. Please let me know if any more problems are encountered.

Barry Eakins

ETOPO1 1 Arc-Minute Global Relief Model

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Re: [GRASS-user] flip raster

2008-12-04 Thread Hamish
Barry Eakins wrote:
 We've looked into this issue and the problem lies in how GMT v.4.3,
 which was used to create ETOPO1, and GDAL read and write netcdf grids.

 Both purport to handle netcdf COORDS-compliant grids though there is
 clearly a problem with one of these applications (the vertical flipping);
 the GDAL community forum has apparently already discussed this issue.
 We're working on a temporary solution, such as publishing an older GMT
 3.0 netcdf grid along with the current one that GDAL doesn't read
 properly. GDAL does read the older netcdf grid without problem.

um, about that read without problem .. FYI I had found an odd error with
the Smith  Sandwell 1' dataset (v10.1) in the older GMT format. As far
as I could determine the old GMT grd format introduced a floating point
+0.005 elevation shift error in th data. Minor, but uninvited so worth
investigating. (this is using GMT tools for Debian Etch; not sure if it's
a GMT processing bug or something deeper?)


my other problem with that dataset (and the focus of the above link) is
the rather vague map projection definition given, and struggles with
understanding the projection used with GMT's img2grd program.
(I haven't checked the new SS 1' v11.1 dataset; there's no readme or log)
Earlier today on the PROJ.4 mailing list I got a chuckle to read the
phrase geodetic abomination be used in reference to using the mercator
projection on a sphere and then trying to tie it back to WGS84.

that's not your problem, just something to be aware of.

 I hope to have something up on our web site by next week.
 One question that I have: Is there another file format for the ETOPO1
 grids that would be of more use to the GRASS community than netcdf?

As Glynn noted, GRASS relies primarily on GDAL for importing raster data,
but we also have a module which reads raw binary blocks. This
is what we've used in the past to import ETOPO2 and ETOPO5 without any
problem at all.


 We could host something such as geotiffs of the grids, which we can
 create easily, but I'm not a GRASS user so don't know what grid/raster
 file format would be easiest to import into GRASS. and cover most file formats rather well, so there's
not one single format to recommend. just a few lossy ones to avoid.

 I've also never used QGIS.

It also heavily relies on GDAL for data import/export, but with less
flexible options. GeoTiff is probably a safe bet for them.
One thing it is rather good at is quickly loading/previewing large
Geotiffs which bring your standard image viewer or paint program to its
knees, without the overhead and effort of a big GIS suite.

 P.S. Sorry about the grid- v. cell-registered grids being a
 pain, there really is an important difference between the two.

The cell registered version of ETOPO1 is trivial to import into GRASS,
but what motivated me to attempt to shoehorn in the grid-registed version
as chronicled in the above Global_datasets#ETOPO1 wiki page was - The
grid-registered is the authoritative registration for each version. The
cell-registered was derived from the grid-registered version and the
conversion produces slightly flattened relief. comment on the NGDC site.

I take that to mean it takes an average of the 4 grid points at each of
the cell's corners?

The specific problem with working with global grid registered data in
GRASS is that lat/lon projects can not have bounds which exceed 90.0 deg

Here's another method to flip the data once it's in GRASS:
after loading the flipped raster in GDAL/GRASS export it from GRASS to
Matlab (or Octave if you prefer) with the r.out.mat module, run
flipud(map_data) in Matlab, resave, and import back into GRASS with (quicker than writing some C code to do the same)

thanks for the effort,


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] flip raster

2008-12-03 Thread beakins

Hi all,

I was informed of this forum discussion via email this morning (not being a
GRASS user). We've looked into this issue and the problem lies in how GMT
v.4.3, which was used to create ETOPO1, and GDAL read and write netcdf
grids.  Both purport to handle netcdf COORDS-compliant grids though there is
clearly a problem with one of these applications (the vertical flipping);
the GDAL community forum has apparently already discussed this issue. We're
working on a temporary solution, such as publishing an older GMT 3.0
netcdf grid along with the current one that GDAL doesn't read properly. GDAL
does read the older netcdf grid without problem. I hope to have something up
on our web site by next week.

One question that I have: Is there another file format for the ETOPO1 grids
that would be of more use to the GRASS community than netcdf? We could host
something such as geotiffs of the grids, which we can create easily, but I'm
not a GRASS user so don't know what grid/raster file format would be easiest
to import into GRASS. I've also never used QGIS.

Any ideas or suggestions would be much appreciated.

Barry Eakins
National Geophysical Data Center

P.S. Sorry about the grid- v. cell-registered grids being a pain, there
really is an important difference between the two.

José María Michia wrote:
 2008/10/6 Hamish [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 José María Michia wrote:
  I've imported a NetCDF file (ETOPO1 model). The resulted raster
  flipped vertically. How can I fix this?

 hmmm, this problem sounds vaguely familiar.

 Is this the dataset from:


 if so, which version?  the cell/grid registration thing is a slight pain.
 Yes: grid-registered version, netCDF format.
 The same problem (vertical inversion) occurs with QGIS. Same in GMT,
 with an strange (to me) situation: one GMT program produce normal
 The same problem (vertical inversion) is produced with QGIS.
 And so does GMT, but one of GMT programs produce the expected result:
 This, produce vertical inverted map:
 $ grdraster 1 -R-80/-50/-50/-20
 $ grdimage -JM6i -P -B2 -Ctopo.cpt -V -K
 grdraster extract a subset of netCDF grid. Definition for grdraster id 1
 1 ETOPO1 global topographym -R-180/180/-90/90   -I1m
  GG i 1  0   none
 /mnt/hdb1/geodata/etopo/ETOPO1_Bed_g.grd  B
 And this produces the expected map:
 $ grdcontour -R-80/-50/-50/-20
 /mnt/hdb1/geodata/etopo/ETOPO1_Bed_g.grd -JM6i -P -B2 -C250 -A1000
 But, this map is a contour map, not raster map. So, is not adequate
 for GRASS import.
 I'm downloading the cell-registered version, I will try again with this
 With the alternative suggested by Hamish (see below), no need to
 import this file.
 Alexander: Thanks for your suggestion. I will take into account the
 CDO program in the future.
 Another idea for those interested: an alternative might be to use the
 GDAL program to convert the file into another format NetCDF middle, a
 format for which it is possible to import into GRASS. This
 intermediate format can be ASCII, to be able to easily modify it as
 for importing 1' global elevation from:
 here are some hints, including ETOPO2:
 Thanks for the suggestions. I've found the desired data in

 José María
 grass-user mailing list

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Re: [GRASS-user] flip raster

2008-12-03 Thread Glynn Clements

[CC'd to grass-dev.]

beakins wrote:

 One question that I have: Is there another file format for the ETOPO1 grids
 that would be of more use to the GRASS community than netcdf? We could host
 something such as geotiffs of the grids, which we can create easily, but I'm
 not a GRASS user so don't know what grid/raster file format would be easiest
 to import into GRASS. I've also never used QGIS.
 Any ideas or suggestions would be much appreciated.

GRASS' preferred raster format is anything which GDAL supports, and
for which GetGeoTransform() succeeds, with the adfTransform[] array
satisfying the constraints:

adfTransform[1]  0
adfTransform[2] == 0
adfTransform[4] == 0
adfTransform[5]  0

[Currently, don't bother to check
adfTransform[1]; if it's negative, GRASS may import it okay, but then
refuse to read it.]

IOW, north-to-south, west-to-east, no rotation or shear. If the data
uses a different orientation, GDAL needs to be able to transform it
itself. It isn't a major problem if the georeferencing data isn't
readily available, but a different orientation is (at present).

Ultimately, we could make some changes to support flipped (but not
rotated) rasters, but the format would ideally need to be such that
there isn't a penalty for reading data north-to-south, i.e. any
south-to-north data would need to be in a format which supports
non-sequential access (seeking).

Glynn Clements [EMAIL PROTECTED]
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] flip raster

2008-11-06 Thread Markus Neteler
On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 8:59 AM, Etsushi Kato [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 10:12 PM, Markus Neteler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 2:15 PM, José María Michia:

 I've imported a NetCDF file (ETOPO1 model). The resulted raster appears
 flipped vertically.
 I've filed a new ticket rather than adding a comment in #2584 because
 I can get the right image (EASE Grid SNOW data) with
 gdal_translate /tmp/sca.tif
 using original gdal-1.5.3.

I am using GDAL trunk and tried today on the EASE Grid Snow northern
gdalwarp -s_srs +proj=laea +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0
+a=6371228.0 +b=6371228.0 +to_meter=1 \
-t_srs epsg:4326 -te 0 30 30 60 /tmp/sca.tif

The resulting map is correctly (maybe) projected but all data are lost.
Likewise GRASS cannot do much. I'll try to get this fixed on the GDAL side.

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] flip raster

2008-11-04 Thread Etsushi Kato
On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 10:12 PM, Markus Neteler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 2:15 PM, José María Michia

 I've imported a NetCDF file (ETOPO1 model). The resulted raster appears
 flipped vertically.

 I have a similar problem with the EASE Grid SNOW data and filed it as
 ticket to GDAL:
 (see Attachment there for screenshot)

 If reproducable, please submit a test case incl data link to above ticket.
 The more interest, the more likely it gets fixed.

I also experienced the vertical flipped image by gdal's NetCDF driver
with CF-1.0 files.  And I've just added a patch to fix this on gdal
trac (

I've filed a new ticket rather than adding a comment in #2584 because
I can get the right image (EASE Grid SNOW data) with gdal_translate /tmp/sca.tif using original

Etsushi Kato
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] flip raster

2008-10-09 Thread Nikos Alexandris
On Wed, 2008-10-08 at 23:48 -0300, José María Michia wrote:
 2008/10/8 Nikos Alexandris [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  On Tue, 2008-10-07 at 01:37 +0100, Glynn Clements wrote:
  José María Michia wrote:
   I've imported a NetCDF file (ETOPO1 model). The resulted raster appears
   flipped vertically. How can I fix this? I try with mapcalc, without 
   - neighborhood modifier: not accept computations in offset parameter, 
   - I dont know how to query map in arbitrary coordinates, like
  There isn't any mechanism in r.mapcalc to achieve this. I'm not sure
  that it's possible to do it entirely within GRASS. Flipping
  geo-referenced data doesn't really make much sense.
  Either figure out how to import it with the correct orientation, or
  export it, flip the exported data, then re-import.
  Glynn and All,
  excuse me for hijacking the post. I am looking for a way (just for the
  fun of the game or for philosophical re-search) to rotate geotiffs at
  180 degrees (i.e. flip vertically and horizontally). I've posted about
  this in the gdal-dev list [1].
  Is there a way to accomplish a 180 deg. rotation using the
  listgeo/geotifcp command line tools?
 I'm not sure, but maybe this can be useful:
 Alexander Schulze suggested me that I use the library to invest CDO latitudes:
 Something like:
 cdo invertlat filein fileout1
 cdo invertlon fileout1 fileout2
 If you can use netCDF format, look at this: a dimension
 José María
  Thank you, Nikos

Hola Jose!

Thank you for your suggestion. I had a look but I am looking for a
simpler solution for this and I want to stick with (geo-)tiff files.
Hamish's method works great!

Regards, Nikos

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] flip raster

2008-10-09 Thread Nikos Alexandris
On Thu, 2008-10-09 at 15:04 +0200, Nikos Alexandris wrote:
 On Wed, 2008-10-08 at 20:23 -0700, Hamish wrote:
   Is there a way to accomplish a 180 deg. rotation using the
   listgeo/geotifcp command line tools?
  try saving meta data to a file as detailed in the libGeotiff FAQ, then
 tifftopnm | pnmflip | pnmtotiff
  and reattaching metadata as shown in the FAQ entry.
 Hamish, thank you very much. It works fine (with coordinates preserved
 as before). Now I will also try to get them inverted as well (...if this
 is possible??).
 My warmest greetings from grey-clouded Freiburg, Nikos

Forgot to copy-paste an example!

# working with a file called testLandsatTM_rotated.tif 
# save geo-metadata
listgeo -no_norm testLandsatTM.tif  testLandsatTM.tif.geo

# rotate via tifftopnm | pnmflip -r180 | pnmtotiff
tifftopnm testLandsatTM.tif | pnmflip -r180 | pnmtotiff 

# apply geo-metadata back
geotifcp -g testLandsatTM.tif.geo testLandsatTM_rotated.tif

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] flip raster

2008-10-09 Thread Markus Neteler
On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 2:15 PM, José María Michia

 I've imported a NetCDF file (ETOPO1 model). The resulted raster appears
 flipped vertically.

I have a similar problem with the EASE Grid SNOW data and filed it as
ticket to GDAL:
(see Attachment there for screenshot)

If reproducable, please submit a test case incl data link to above ticket.
The more interest, the more likely it gets fixed.

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] flip raster

2008-10-08 Thread Nikos Alexandris
On Tue, 2008-10-07 at 01:37 +0100, Glynn Clements wrote:
 José María Michia wrote:
  I've imported a NetCDF file (ETOPO1 model). The resulted raster appears
  flipped vertically. How can I fix this? I try with mapcalc, without success:
  - neighborhood modifier: not accept computations in offset parameter, like
  - I dont know how to query map in arbitrary coordinates, like
 There isn't any mechanism in r.mapcalc to achieve this. I'm not sure
 that it's possible to do it entirely within GRASS. Flipping
 geo-referenced data doesn't really make much sense.
 Either figure out how to import it with the correct orientation, or
 export it, flip the exported data, then re-import.

Glynn and All,

excuse me for hijacking the post. I am looking for a way (just for the
fun of the game or for philosophical re-search) to rotate geotiffs at
180 degrees (i.e. flip vertically and horizontally). I've posted about
this in the gdal-dev list [1].

Is there a way to accomplish a 180 deg. rotation using the
listgeo/geotifcp command line tools?

Thank you, Nikos


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] flip raster

2008-10-08 Thread José María Michia
2008/10/8 Nikos Alexandris [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Tue, 2008-10-07 at 01:37 +0100, Glynn Clements wrote:
 José María Michia wrote:

  I've imported a NetCDF file (ETOPO1 model). The resulted raster appears
  flipped vertically. How can I fix this? I try with mapcalc, without 
  - neighborhood modifier: not accept computations in offset parameter, like
  - I dont know how to query map in arbitrary coordinates, like

 There isn't any mechanism in r.mapcalc to achieve this. I'm not sure
 that it's possible to do it entirely within GRASS. Flipping
 geo-referenced data doesn't really make much sense.

 Either figure out how to import it with the correct orientation, or
 export it, flip the exported data, then re-import.

 Glynn and All,

 excuse me for hijacking the post. I am looking for a way (just for the
 fun of the game or for philosophical re-search) to rotate geotiffs at
 180 degrees (i.e. flip vertically and horizontally). I've posted about
 this in the gdal-dev list [1].

 Is there a way to accomplish a 180 deg. rotation using the
 listgeo/geotifcp command line tools?

I'm not sure, but maybe this can be useful:

Alexander Schulze suggested me that I use the library to invest CDO latitudes:

Something like:

cdo invertlat filein fileout1
cdo invertlon fileout1 fileout2

If you can use netCDF format, look at this: a dimension

José María

 Thank you, Nikos


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] flip raster

2008-10-08 Thread Hamish
 Is there a way to accomplish a 180 deg. rotation using the
 listgeo/geotifcp command line tools?

try saving meta data to a file as detailed in the libGeotiff FAQ, then
   tifftopnm | pnmflip | pnmtotiff
and reattaching metadata as shown in the FAQ entry.



grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] flip raster

2008-10-06 Thread José María Michia

I've imported a NetCDF file (ETOPO1 model). The resulted raster appears
flipped vertically. How can I fix this? I try with mapcalc, without success:

- neighborhood modifier: not accept computations in offset parameter, like
- I dont know how to query map in arbitrary coordinates, like

I need advice, I do not know another way to try out.
José María
grass-user mailing list