[graylog2] Re: Graylog Training Courses

2016-10-19 Thread 'Stefan Krüger' via Graylog Users
any news on this?

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[graylog2] Re: email callback and message.source..

2016-06-30 Thread 'Stefan Krüger' via Graylog Users
ok,  I am to stupid for this..

the body looks like:
Alert Description: ${check_result.resultDescription}
Date: ${check_result.triggeredAt}
Stream ID: ${stream.id}
Stream title: ${stream.title}
Stream description: ${stream.description}
${if stream_url}Stream URL: ${stream_url}${end}

source= ${message.source}
messagefield= ${message.fields.ssh_login_username}
Triggered condition: ${check_result.triggeredCondition}

${if backlog}Last messages accounting for this alert:
${foreach backlog message}${message}


but i get:
Alert Description: Stream received messages matching  (Current grace time: 0 minutes)
Date: 2016-06-30T10:11:27.213Z
Stream ID: 57692df6e4b02d1805abd229
Stream title: ssh success logins
Stream description: successfull ssh logins
Stream URL: Please configure 'transport_email_web_interface_url' in your 
Graylog configuration file.

Triggered condition: 28483061-1db9-4676-9b81-6aacc653b1f9:
FIELD_CONTENT_VALUE={field: ssh_login_username, value: root}, stream:={
57692df6e4b02d1805abd229: "ssh success logins"}

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[graylog2] Re: email callback and message.source..

2016-06-30 Thread 'Stefan Krüger' via Graylog Users
Hi Jochen,

sorry for my bad english.
I've a Stream, and i want a message if root is logged in via ssh (that 
works fine) but i want to see in the email the source/server where the 
message come from (sshserver1, sshserver2,etc)


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[graylog2] Re: email callback and message.source..

2016-06-29 Thread 'Stefan Krüger' via Graylog Users
Hi Jochen,

ok if I understand it correct, it is not possible to alert me if root as 
been logged in, because no backlog exist, right? 

best regards

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[graylog2] Re: email callback and message.source..

2016-06-29 Thread 'Stefan Krüger' via Graylog Users
Hi Jochen,

ok if I understand it correct, it is not possible to alert me if root as 
been logged in, because no backlog exist, right? 

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[graylog2] email callback and message.source..

2016-06-29 Thread 'Stefan Krüger' via Graylog Users
Hello I've create a stream and an alert with email-call back, that works, 
but not all variables are filled, here the callback:

body: ## 
  Alert Description: ${check_result.resultDescription} 
  Date: ${check_result.triggeredAt} 
  Stream ID: ${stream.id} 
  Stream title: ${stream.title} 
  Stream description: ${stream.description} ${if stream_url}Stream URL: 
  Triggered condition: ${check_result.triggeredCondition} 

  ${if backlog}Last messages accounting for this alert: 
  ${foreach backlog message}${message}  


sender: sys...@mydomain.de
subject: root logged in on ${message.source} 

but ${message.source} is empty, but why?

thanks for help!

PS: is it possible to get special fields in this email? for example 
message.ssh_login_username or other fields?

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[graylog2] Re: HTTP Callback and variables

2016-06-03 Thread 'Stefan Krüger' via Graylog Users
It's a pity,

but i created a feature request..

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[graylog2] HTTP Callback and variables

2016-06-03 Thread 'Stefan Krüger' via Graylog Users
Hello short question,

is it possible to input some variables in the graylog http callback? 
somthing like:
${stream.title} ... ${source} ${message}"

thanks in advance!

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[graylog2] Re: rewrite incoming messages

2016-02-17 Thread 'Stefan Krüger' via Graylog Users
 wow.. thanks that was easy.. i try something like regex ([\d]+.[\d]+.) and 

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[graylog2] rewrite incoming messages

2016-02-17 Thread 'Stefan Krüger' via Graylog Users

I would like to send apache-logs to graylog ( at the moment i don't know 
whcih variant i would choose) is it possible to change the IP from the 
access.log? for example I would like to change the IP from to 

Thanks for help!

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