[GreenYouth] Honduras Updates

2009-07-20 Thread Sukla Sen
[Honduras is now faced with a stalemate.

Zelaya lacks the strength to overthrow the new regime installed through a
military takeover by means of popular insurrection.
The regime, already internationally ostracised, is in no position to subdue
persistent popular protests nor gain legitimacy with the world beyond.

The as yet fruitless and protracted negotiation is aptly reflective of
Evidently, it can't go on indefinitely.
This is an unstable equilibrium.
This is an unstable equilibrium.]


19, 2009
Mediator Proposes Reinstating Honduran LeaderBy ELISABETH

CIUDAD JUÁREZ, Mexico — The mediator in talks seeking to break the deadlock
between the deposed Honduran president, Manuel
and the de facto government that exiled
both sides on Saturday to agree to a plan that would return the ousted
leader and grant a general amnesty for political offenses.

The seven points proposed by the mediator, President Óscar Arias of Costa
during a second round of negotiations at his house in the capital, San José,
would require the political elite of
recognize Mr. Zelaya as the country’s legitimate president, which they have
yet to do. Rixi Moncada, a representative of Mr. Zelaya, said Mr. Arias
proposed during the afternoon session that the ousted president be
reinstated by Friday.

The two sides ended talks at 8:45 p.m. Saturday (10:45 p.m. Eastern time)
and are to resume Sunday. The delegation for the de facto government asked
for time to consult with officials in the Honduran capital, Tegucigalpa.

Mr. Arias said that there were still many differences between the sides and
that he had asked them to make one last effort to be flexible.

But there appeared to be signs of movement. As the talks ended for the day,
Carlos López, a member of the delegation for the de facto government, said
he hoped that Mr. Arias could announce good news on Sunday.

Outside the negotiations, though, both sides took a combative stance,
appearing to play to their hard-line supporters.

Mr. Zelaya promised to return to Honduras soon, in defiance of promises by
the de facto government to arrest him.

The government of Roberto
who was named president by Congress after the military forced Mr. Zelaya
onto a plane to Costa Rica three weeks ago, threw up a raft of legal
objections to the idea of letting him return under an amnesty.

Although Mr. Arias’s plan would restore Mr. Zelaya, it would also sharply
curtail his powers and focus much of the country’s political energy on an
early presidential election.

Mr. Zelaya’s delegation nevertheless said it had agreed in principle to all
seven points. But one of Mr. Micheletti’s negotiators, Vilma Morales, a
former Supreme Court president, told local radio on Saturday that it was up
to the Honduran Congress, Supreme Court and election authorities to decide
on most of the points.

As the talks went on, Mr. Zelaya, who was in neighboring Nicaragua, told
Honduran radio that he might return home as soon as Monday.

His wife, Xiomara Castro, leading protesters in Tegucigalpa on Saturday,
said he would return within hours, “no matter the bayonets and machine guns”
his supporters might face.

Those statements could heighten tensions in Honduras, which has been
paralyzed by strikes and protests since the June 28 coup. Mr. Zelayatried to
fly into the Tegucigalpa
weeks ago on a small plane provided by the Venezuelan government, but
military vehicles parked on the tarmac blocked his approach. One supporter
was killed when soldiers pushed back those who had come to greet him.

As the talks began Saturday about 11 a.m., Mr. Arias warned both sides that
Honduras was facing increasing isolation. Mr. Zelaya has been recognized as
the legitimate president by the United
the Organization of American
the Obama administration.

The Arias proposal would move forward by a month the 

[GreenYouth] Re: chinese flag ?????

2009-07-20 Thread ranju radha
YES boss
sarvam hamee hei

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 9:20 AM, Sebin Jacob sebinaja...@gmail.com wrote:

 2009/7/20 ranju radha ranjura...@gmail.com

 nice one

 but a secret.. this manorama reporter was  SFI/ DYFI activist during his
 school/college days. Still he committed this mistake. (?!!)

 How could you vouch for that? Are you the omnipotent, omniscient,
 omnipresent one?

 Understanding is a three-edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth


 The so called caste-hindus are bitterly opposed to the depressed class
using a public tank not because they really believe that the water will be
thereby spoiled or will evaporate but because they are afraid of losing
their superiority of caste and of equality being established between the
former and the latter. We are resorting to this satyagraha not becasue we
believe that the water of this particular tank has any exceptional
qualities, but to establish our natural rights as citizens and human

- Dr B.R. Ambedkar, Mahad Satyagraha Conference, December 25th , 1927

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[GreenYouth] Left is wrong on Iran- Hamid Dabashi

2009-07-20 Thread aryakrishnan ramakrishnan

A must read. And wanting to read what Foucault has written on Iran.
Never heard of that before.

This one made me to remember Said's piece on Genet and Palestine.



16 - 22 July 2009
Left is wrong on Iran
Who are and who promoted these leftist intellectuals who question the
social uprising of the people in Iran, asks Hamid Dabashi*

When a political groundswell like the Iranian presidential election of
June 2009 and its aftermath happen, the excitement and drama of the
moment expose not just our highest hopes but also our deepest fault
lines, most troubling moral flaws, and the dangerous political
precipice we face.

Over the decades I have learned not to expect much from what passes
for the left in North America and/or Western Europe when it comes to
the politics of what their colonial ancestry has called the Middle
East. But I do expect much more when it comes to our own progressive
intellectuals -- Arabs, Muslims, South Asians, Africans and Latin
Americans. This is not a racial bifurcation, but a regional typology
along the colonial divide.

By and large this expectation is apt and more often than not met. The
best case in point is the comparison between what Azmi Bishara has
offered about the recent uprising in Iran and what Slavoj Zizek felt
obligated to write. Whereas Bishara's piece (with aspects of which I
have had reason to disagree) is predicated on a detailed awareness of
the Iranian scene, accumulated over the last 30 years of the Islamic
Republic and even before, Zizek's (the conclusion of which I
completely disagree with) is entirely spontaneous and impressionistic,
predicated on as much knowledge about Iran as I have about the mineral
composition of the planet Jupiter.

The examples can be multiplied by many, when we add to what Azmi
Bishara has written pieces by Mustafa El-Labbad and Galal Nassar, for
example, and compare them to the confounded blindness of Paul Craig
Roberts, Anthony DiMaggio, Michael Veiluva, James Petras, Jeremy
Hammond, Eric Margolis, and many others. While people closest to the
Iranian scene write from a position of critical intimacy, and with a
healthy dose of disagreement, those farthest from it write with an
almost unanimous exposure of their constitutional ignorance, not
having the foggiest idea what has happened in that country over the
last 30 years, let alone the last 200 years, and then having the
barefaced chutzpah to pontificate one thing or another -- or worse, to
take more than 70 million human beings as stooges of the CIA and
puppets of the Saudis.

Let me begin by stating categorically that in principle I share the
fundamental political premise of the left, its weariness of US
imperial machination, of major North American and Western European
media (but by no means all of them) by and large missing the point on
what is happening around the globe, or even worse seeing things from
the vantage point of their governmental cues, which they scarcely
question. It has been but a few months since we have come out of the
nightmare of the Bush presidency, or the combined chicaneries of Dick
Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and John Ashcroft, or of the
continued calamities of the war on terror. Iran is still under the
threat of a military strike by Israel, or at least more severe
economic sanctions, similar to those that are responsible for the
death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis during the Clinton
administration. Iraq and Afghanistan are burning, Gaza is in utter
desolation, Northern Pakistan is in deep humanitarian crisis, and
Israel is stealing more Palestinian lands every day. With all his
promises and pomp and ceremonies, President Obama is yet to show in
any significant and tangible way his change of course in the region
from that of the previous administration.

The US Congress, prompted by AIPAC (the American Israel Political
Affairs Committee), pro-war vigilantes lurking in the halls of power
in Washington DC, and Israeli warlords and their propaganda machinery
in the US, are all excited about the events in Iran and are doing
their damnedest to turn them to their advantage. The left, indeed, has
reason to worry. But having principled positions on geopolitics is one
thing, being blind and deaf to a massive social movement is something
entirely different, as being impervious to the flagrant charlatanism
of an upstart demagogue like Ahmadinejad. The sign and the task of a
progressive and agile intelligence is to hold on to core principles
and seek to incorporate mass social uprising into its modus operandi.
My concern here is not with that retrograde strand in the North
American or Western European left that is siding with Ahmadinejad and
against the masses of millions of Iranians daring the draconian
security apparatus of the Islamic Republic. They are a lost cause, and
frankly no one could care less what they think of the world. What does
concern me is when an Arab intellectual like Asad 

[GreenYouth] Fwd: [Secular Perspective] Still the fear factor is continuing in Kandhamal

2009-07-20 Thread Venugopalan K M
 *Still the fear factor is continuing in Kandhamal*
*By Mansoon Nohanty

 On the eve of 28th August 2008, no Dalit Christian had any idea about the
brewing communal violence in their life. The people who were till yesterday
their friends, ready to help  known to them for years, had turned into
bitter foes. This the human mind could not comprehend. Those helping hands
had suddenly turned into blood thirsty weapons.

 This incident had occurred almost year ago but still had the fear been
removed from their hearts? How far have we been successful to return to them
their normal lives? The answer might be “NO”.

 “Jai Hanuman”; this one word incites hatred into their hearts. Citing the
respondents of Raikia, G Udayagiri, K Nuagaon  Baliguda blocks; that night
the mob had attacked them with this very word. Even now if they hear the
word, it is enough for them to send them fleeing from their homes  village;
such is the fear of the word and its implications.

 “The victims had no other option but return to their villages and settle
with their neighbours, which fact should not be ignored in dealing cases. “
- M. M. Praharaj, Orissa Police D.G in a press conference.

The State Government knowing very well about Dalit Christians insecurity
about returning to their homes still forced them to return home from the
camps. As per my data in Raikia, Tikabali blocks the administration has
failed to resettle them in their own village.

In the Pirigargh village of K. Nuagaon block, the Dalits are not allowed to
take water from the public wells.

 Assuming that everything is under control now the local administration is
trying to wash its hands off the situation, but the truth is that the
situation still persists in these villages and the people still suffer its
aftereffects. Out of total effected population, more than 47% of the victims
still live outside the villages in temporary dwellings.

The Government claims that under NREGA there will be 100 days of work to
unemployed people but how far has this been materialized is a question to
reckon with. How will these people (Victims) survive without any source of

When the police refused to register their cases earlier, saying that it was
false and now when the communal forces are emerging stronger than before;
offenders are winning cases since no evidence is found against them and in
many cases the witness are withdrawing out of fear, the dalits find
themselves at the receiving end of all sorts of trouble.  Due to this, the
rest are loosing their faith  confidence in justices and the legal process.
According to one of respondent, in the case of the raped nun, if she who was
being backed by the whole congregation could not get justices till now, then
how can we being ordinary people expect justices? Due to this, they have
left all expectations on the justice and now focusing on re-building their
lives from the bits of leftovers.

All these things are proving to be a tonic for the communal forces; they are
emerging full fledged with more confidence than ever before. In view of
facts, now we can’t overlook the on coming violence which may be more
intense than before.

 If the facts deduced by this ordinary person have mistakes or if the views
have been expressed in correctly, then it kindly be excused. “The eye
believes, what it sees”




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[GreenYouth] Fwd: [GJM] PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO YOUR LIST - ABSOLUTELY VITAL ! Food Safety Modernization Act (HR 875): Criminalization of Organic Farms]

2009-07-20 Thread Venugopalan K M
-- Forwarded message --
From: EcoTort ecot...@gn.apc.org
Date: Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 8:05 PM
Safety Modernization Act (HR 875): Criminalization of Organic Farms]




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2009-07-20 Thread Venugopalan K M
-- Forwarded message --
From: Shiva Shankar sshan...@cmi.ac.in
Date: Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 6:07 PM

'... At the end one just hopes that a radical dalit community would emerge
which can critically engage with the reconstruction and reappropriation of
its memory by vested interests and move towards the emancipatory agenda put
forward by Phule, Ambedkar, Periyar and others.'

Dalit-Hindutva Engagement


---the Negro is a sort of seventh son, born with a veil, and gifted with
second-sight in this American world, �a world which yields him no true
self-consciousness, but only lets him see himself through the revelation of
the other world. It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this
sense of always looking at one�s self through the eyes of others, of
measuring one�s soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused
contempt and pity. One ever feels his twoness,�an American, a Negro; two
souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one
dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder.

The history of the American Negro is the history of this strife,�this
longing to attain self-conscious manhood, to merge his double self into a
better and truer self. In this merging he wishes neither of the older selves
to be lost. He would not Africanize America, for America has too much to
teach the world and Africa. He would not bleach his Negro soul in a flood of
white Americanism, for he knows that Negro blood has a message for the
world. He simply wishes to make it possible for a man to be both a Negro and
an American, without being cursed and spit upon by his fellows, without
having the doors of Opportunity closed roughly in his face.

- Du Bois ( The Soul of Black Folks)


The question of mapping 'agency' as it unfolds itself in the trajectory of
the oppressed has been a recurring theme in the social sciences of the 20 th
century ? In his historic treatise 'Soul of the Black Folks' the legendary
African-American social scientist and activist Du Bois had discussed the
'double consciousness' which inhabits the Negro ( this was the term which
was used then for the African-Americans) and tried to delineate the dilemma
through which every oppressed individual / formation is condemned to pass.
According to Du Bois, a black individual lives with a feeling of 'twoness'
in a dominant white society. On the one hand S/he is engaged in
confrontation with the dominant white world to oppose racial discrimination
and on the other hand s/he also yearns to become an American 'without being
cursed and spit upon by his fellows'.

If the feeling of 'twoness' inhabited the blacks, is it possible to think
about the dalits in a Varna society on similar lines. The contradictoriness
of the consciousness is very much visible in this case as well. On the one
hand s/he is engaged in imitating/following the Varna hierarchy ( this
process of upward mobility is variously described as
Brahminisation/Sanskritisation by scholars a la M.N. Srinivas) and on the
other hand one encounters a strong current of resistance to this cooption.

Interestingly, as we approach the sixtieth year of India's becoming a
republic when ( to quote Dr Ambedkar) we embarked on the journey of becoming
a political democracy where one wo/man had one vote and the challenge of its
becoming a 'social democracy' with one wo/man one value still beckoned us,
an altogether different situation awaits us. We have before us dalit
assertion reaching its zenith signified by a 'dalit ki beti' becoming Chief
Minister of the largest state in the Indian Union and the 'guest actor role
of the dalits' in the Indian polity becoming a thing of the past. And
simultaneously one encounters the ideological and institutional
incorporation of a section of the subalterns - namely dalits, tribals,
backwards - in the unfolding Hindutva agenda also coming to its fruition. As
is widely known if the 1992-93 riots in Bombay made us aware of the
communalisation of a section of the women and their turning stormtroopers
for the Hindutva brigade, (discussed and debat
 ed in detail in the volume 'Womena and the Hindu Right - ed.) throwing many
of our earlier assumptions about women's empowerment to the winds, the
Gujarat genocide in the year 2002 made us aware of this dangerous and the
anti-human detour of the dalit consciousness.

Interestingly while it is easy to comprehend dalit assertion on autonomous
lines, connecting it to the glorious tradition of cultural revolts led by
the likes of Phule, Jyothee Thass, Periyar, Ambedkar and others, one is
normally baffled by a section of the dalits cooption by the Hindutva forces
and their becoming stormtroopers for its hate agenda.

The book under discussion by Mr Badri Narayan titled 'Fascinating Hindutva :
Saffron Politics and Dalit Mobilisation' ( 

[GreenYouth] Fwd: [Reader-list] Someone should forward this to Nandan Nilekani :)

2009-07-20 Thread Santhosh Kumar
Just See this.



   Operator : “Thank you for calling Pizza Galaxy Kholi . May I have your…”

   Customer: “Hello, can I order..”

   Operator : “Can I have your Unique ID Number, Sir?”

   Customer: “It’s eh…, hold…….. ..on….. .889861356102049 998-45-54610″

   Operator : “OK… you’re… Mr Singh.. Your home number is 4094! 2366,
your office 76452302 and your mobile is 0142662566. Where would you
want your order to be delivered sir? Home, office or the parking of
Spencer Shopping Mall on Anna Salai formerly known as Mount Road from
where you are right now calling us using your mobile?

   Customer: “Home! How did you get all my phone numbers?

   Operator : “We are connected to the system Sir”

   Customer: “May I order your Seafood Pizza…”

   Operator : “That’s not a good idea Sir”

   Customer: “How come?”

   Operator : “According to your medical records, you have high blood
pressure and even higher cholesterol level Sir”

   Customer: “What?… What do you recommend then?”

   Operator : “Try our Low Fat Hokkien Mee Pizza. You’ll like it”

   Customer: “How do you know for sure?”

   Operator : “You borrowed a book entitled “Popular Hokkien Dishes”
from the National Library last week Sir”

   Customer: “OK I give up…. Give me three family size ones then, how
much will that cost?”

   Operator : “That should be enough for your family of 10, Sir. The
total is Rs 2249.99″

   Customer: “Can I pay by! credit card?”

   Operator : “I’m afraid you have to pay us cash, Sir. Your credit
card is over the limit and you owe your bank Rs10,720.55 since October
last year.

   That’s not including the late payment charges on your housing loan, Sir.”

   Customer: “I guess I have to run to the neighbourhood ATM and
withdraw some cash before your guy arrives”

   Operator : “You can’t Sir. Based on the records, you’ve reached
your daily limit on machine withdrawal today”

   Customer: “Never mind just send the pizzas, I’ll have the cash
ready. How long is it gonna take anyway?”

   Operator : “About 30 minutes Sir, but if you can’t wait you can
always come and collect it on your scooter.. .”

   Customer: ” What!”

   Operator : “According to the details in system, you own a
Lambretta 1969 Vintage Scooter,…registration number USE 8999…”

   Customer: ” ”

   Operator : “Is there anything else Sir?”

   Customer: “Nothing… by the way… aren’t you giving me that 3 free
bottles of cola as advertised?”

   Operator : “We normally would Sir, but based on your records
you’re also diabetic…. …”

   Customer: #$$^%$...@$%^…beeepmailto:%23$$%5E%25$...@$%25%5e…beeep

   Operator : “Better watch your language Sir. Remember on 11th Nov
1986 you were convicted for using abusive language on a policeman who
stopped you for driving through a one way, in fact you were driving a
1973 Ambassador bearing registeration number UTD 4267…….

   Customer: May I know the number of Mr. Nandan Nilekani?  We have
got more than our parents bargained for!
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[GreenYouth] BBC E-mail: Tuvalu vows to go carbon neutral

2009-07-20 Thread ANGIKAR
The tiny Tuvalu can teach the rest of the world on what should be done! The
Indian and Chinese authorities should learn that their madness with mega
dams means mega disaster. India, forget about the contentious Tipai-dam and
go for solar and other alternatives. The era of large dam is gone!

Muhammad Hilaluddin.

** Tuvalu vows to go carbon neutral **

The tiny Pacific island state of Tuvalu says it wants all its energy to come
from renewable sources by 2020.

** BBC Daily E-mail **
Choose the news and sport headlines you want - when you want them, all
in one daily e-mail

Angikar Bangladesh Foundation,
Sunibir, 25 West Nakhalpara, Tejgaon, Dhaka 1215, Bangladesh.
01711806054(cell ).
Development in harmony with and respect of nature.

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[GreenYouth] Fwd: Convention to Support Decriminalisation of Same-Sexuality, Trissur, July 21

2009-07-20 Thread deepa vasudevan
-- Forwarded message --
From: Deepa V. N. sahayatr...@gmail.com
Date: Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 8:52 PM
Subject: Convention to Support Decriminalisation of Same-Sexuality, Trissur,
July 21
To: queerrights-ker...@googlegroups.com, lgbtdisc...@googlegroups.com


Get together and signature campaign to urge government to uphold Delhi Hight
Court Decision to read down IPC 377

On July 21, 3PM, Sahitya Akademy Hall, Thrissur

Participants:  K.Venu, K.K Koche, Bobby Kunju, Reshma Baradwaj, Civic
Chandran, Shamsad Hussain, S.M. Salim Kumar,K.M.Venugopal, Rekha Raj,
Faisal, Sunny Kapikkad, M. Kamarudheen, Pulapre Balakrishnan, Sheena Jose,
Deepa Vasudevan, I. Gopinath, Adv. Asha, Elisabeth, V.R. Anoop

Supporting Organisations:  Sahayatrika, CENSE, GAIA, Panchami Dalit Women's
Collective, FIRM-Jwala, Kerala Feminist Network, New Democratic Forum

(Draft of English version of signature campaign attached).

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Position pamphlet.doc
Description: MS-Word document

[GreenYouth] Fwd: [Commons-Law] Supreme Court hearing 20.07.2009 on Sec 377

2009-07-20 Thread Anivar Aravind
-- Forwarded message --
From: Lawrence Liang lawre...@altlawforum.org
Date: Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 12:02 AM
Subject: [Commons-Law] Supreme Court hearing 20.07.2009 on Sec 377
To: reader-l...@sarai.net, commons-...@sarai.net


Dear All,Please find below a brief synopsis of today's proceedings in the
Supreme Court. We have also come to know that the Apostolic Churches
Alliance had mentioned the matter today, without notice to us. We were told
that the Chief Justice refused to grant early hearing of this matter, or
that it be tagged along with Suresh Koushal's matter today, and that it
would come up in its turn. Will get the full orders as soon as it's
released. I think Voices' lobbying with the Government worked to give us a
two month breather. So congratulations!


 The hearing on the SLP against Delhi HC's judgment (Suresh Kumar Kaushal v.
 Naz Foundation SLP(C) No. 15436/2009) was heard by a bench comprising of the
 Chief Justice and Justice Sathasivam.

 Attorney General Goolam Vahanvati started off by saying that the Government
 took a particular stand before the High Court, but in light of the judgment
 of the Delhi High Court, the Government was reevaluating its stand, and that
 it needed more time to said the Government has a definite stand. He said
 that section 377 remains on the statute books and only a small portion of it
 has been taken out of the ambit of the law. (In my reading indicating that
 child abuse and non-consensual sex remained crimes.) He said that the
 section has been declared unconstitutional only insofar as it applies to
 consensual sexual acts between adults, and that the Government requires more
 time to arrive at a conclusion at this regard. He then particularly stated
 that the Government does not support the plea of interim stay of the

 The Petitioner's counsel drew attention to the submission that the
 provision was not being utilised against consenting adults. But the impact
 of the Delhi High Court's judgment, he suggested, is such that consenting
 adult sex between two males is legalised, whereas commercial sex between
 male and female continues to be illegal. The Counsel for the petitioner
 further argued that as a result gay marriages were taking place throughout
 the country.

 The Attorney General then interjected by stating that the judgment does do
 nothing to change or alter marriage laws and that marriage laws still
 continue to use bride and groom meaning that they are only between a man and
 a woman.

 Anand Grover then questioned the locus of the petitioner to bring this
 petition. He said that he was neither a party at the High Court, nor has he
 made any pleadings as to the nature of his right that is affected by the
 ruling of the Delhi High Court. The Chief Justice however, said in a public
 interest matter, there is no question of there being no locus.

 Counel for the Petitioner then interjected that homosexuals are 8 times
 more likely to have, and therefore spread HIV/AIDS to the general
 population. Anand Grover then interjected that it is because of section 377
 that homosexuals are more prone to HIV/AIDS. Anil Divan, Counsel for Voices
 Against 377 then stated that NACO had reached a similar conclusion.

 Counsel for BP Singhal stated that the UK House of Lords in the decision of
 *R v. Brown* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R_v_Brown stated that
 consensual homosexuality remained a crime, and was a dangerous practice, and
 that consent does not necesarily mean that no crime was committed. He stated
 that this judgment would mean that consensual adultery, consensual gambling
 would all be allowed.  Anil Divan, on behalf of the NGO, Voices, argued that
 the HC judgment is in line with the UN Resolutions, and WHO guidelines.
 Secondly, he said many countries including Fiji, South Africa, Canada, whole
 of Europe, South Africa ,Hong Kong have decriminalised the same sex conduct.

 CJI at this point intervened to say that our civilization is different from
 European civilization. Anil Divan replied saying that our culture also
 includes Khajuraho, and Kamasutra.

 The Counsel for BP Singhal then referred to Mahatma Gandhi's criticism of
 gay sex behaviour. As editor of the journal Young India, Mahatma Gandhi
 wrote in 1929 about the 'unnatural vice' in boys' school.

 The Petitioner's then argued that the law has been in place for more than
 150 years and that the world would not turn upside down if the judgment was
 stayed while the government formulated its stand. He argued that there had
 been no conviction under S.377 and that the law was being used only against
 pedophiles, and therefore, a stay on HC judgment would not make any

 He then argued that if the Chief justice was not granting a stay then, that
 the Chief Justice should also issue a stay on the registration of all gay
 marriages. The CJI said such marriages are prohibited under the Personal
 Laws, and the judgment did 

[GreenYouth] [foil] Roberto Lovato: Obama Has the Power and Responsibility to Help Restore Democracy in Honduras

2009-07-20 Thread Sukla Sen
QuoteObama Has the Power and Responsibility to Help Restore Democracy in

What a huge shift from September 11 1973 when Allende was deposed in Chile
or April 11 2002 when Chavez was overthrown!


From: Sayan Bhattacharyya

To: FOIL foi...@insaf.net
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 18:56:29 -0400
Subject: [foil] Roberto Lovato: Obama Has the Power and Responsibility to
Help Restore Democracy in Honduras
Obama Has the Power and Responsibility to Help Restore Democracy in Honduras

by Roberto Lovato


[Roberto Lovato is a New York-based contributing Associate Editor with
New America Media and a frequent contributor to The Nation Magazine.
He's also written for the Los Angeles Times, Salon, Der Spiegel, the
San Francisco Chronicle, and other national and international media
outlets. He has also appeared as a commentator in the New York Times,
Washington Post and Le Monde and on English and Spanish language
network news shows on Univision, CNN, PBS, Al Jazeera and other
outlets. Lovato is the former Executive Director of the Central
American Resource Center (CARECEN), the largest immigrant rights
organization in the country. ]

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Recent declarations by the Administration -- expressions of concern
by the President and statements by Secretary of State Clinton
recognizing Zelaya as the only legitimate, elected leader of Honduras
-- appear to indicate preliminary disapproval of the putsch. Yet, the
even more unequivocal statements of condemnation from U.N. President
Miguel D'Escoto, the Organization of American States, the European
Union, and the Presidents of Argentina, Costa Rica and many other
governments raise greatly the bar of expectation before the Obama


Beyond immediate calls to continue demanding that Zelaya and
democratic order be reinstated, protesters in Honduras, Latin America
and across the United States will also pressure the Obama
Administration to take a number of tougher measures including: cutting
off of U.S. military aid, demanding that Hondurans and others
kidnapped, jailed and detained be released and accounted for
immediately, bringing Vasquez and coup leaders to justice,
investigating what U.S. Ambassador to Honduras, Hugo Llorens, did or
didn't know about the coup. [...]

Latin American skepticism of U.S. intentions is not unfounded. [...]

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