*July 9, 2009*

*Op-Ed Contributor*
*Obama’s Big Missile Test *


Stanford, Calif.


AS President Obama will soon discover, erasing the nuclear weapons legacy of
the cold war is like running the Snake River rapids in Wyoming — the first
moments in the tranquil upstream waters offer little hint of the vortex
ahead. Now that Mr. Obama has set a promising arms reduction agenda with
President Dmitri A. Medvedev of Russia, he faces the greater challenge of
getting his own government and the American nuclear weapons establishment to
support his audacious plan to make deep weapons cuts and ultimately
eliminate nuclear weapons.

So far, Mr. Obama has effectively coupled an overarching vision of getting
to a world without nuclear weapons, outlined in a speech in Prague earlier
this year, with concrete first steps like the one-quarter reduction in
operational strategic nuclear weapons promised in Moscow this week. Given
his short time in office, and the looming December expiration of the treaty
with Russia covering strategic nuclear arms reductions, the new limits are a
good, realistic start. It is especially important to extend the monitoring
and verification provisions of the expiring arms accord.

But the overall Obama approach involves a balancing act that requires him to
move boldly while reassuring opponents that he is not endangering our
security. Put simply, he has to maintain a potent nuclear arsenal while
slashing it.

Mr. Obama might consider Ronald Reagan’s experience when he tried to set a
similar course. The nuclear weapons crowd practically disowned Reagan when
he proposed abolishing nuclear weapons during his 1986 summit meeting with
Mikhail Gorbachev in Reykjavik, Iceland. After the meeting, when Reagan
asked his generals to explore the ramifications of possibly sharply cutting
warheads and eliminating nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles, they politely
but firmly told their commander in chief it was a terrible idea.

Mr. Obama’s moment of truth with his generals is coming later this year when
the Pentagon completes its periodic Nuclear Posture Review. This, in the
Pentagon’s words, “will establish U.S. nuclear deterrence policy, strategy
and force posture for the next 5 to 10 years.” So it will be the American
nuclear weapons bible for the remainder of Mr. Obama’s presidency, one term
or two.

President Obama must make sure it reflects his thinking. That will not be
automatic, because the nuclear weapons complex — the array of Pentagon and
Energy Department agencies involved in nuclear operations, including the
armed services and the weapons labs — harbors considerable doubt about his
plans. The same goes for the wider world of defense strategists. There is
resistance in Congress, too.

The view in these quarters is that the weapons cuts Mr. Obama envisions —
deeper than the modest goals set in Moscow this week — would dangerously
undermine the power of America’s arsenal to deter attacks against the United
States and its allies. Sentiment also favors building a new generation of
warheads, a step Mr. Obama has rejected.

If the White House does not assert itself, the Nuclear Posture Review could
easily spin off in unhelpful directions. The review that was produced when
Bill Clinton was president in 1994 offered a rehash of cold war policies.
The one that was done when George W. Bush took office in 2001 was more
unconventional, but was quickly overshadowed by the terror attacks of Sept.
11, 2001, and the war in Iraq.

To serve Mr. Obama’s interests, the new review should lay the groundwork for
pronounced cuts in weapons and shape America’s nuclear stockpile to fit a
world in which threats are more likely to come from states like North Korea
and Iran than from a heavily armed power like Russia.

After the review, the next big test for Mr. Obama will likely be Senate
consideration of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. He has pledged to
resubmit this 1996 United Nations treaty, which was flatly rejected by the
Senate in 1999.

To get the two-thirds majority needed for its approval, Mr. Obama will need
to hold his fellow Democrats in line — far from a sure thing — and also pick
up some Republican support. Two influential Republican senators — John
McCain and Richard Lugar — are pivotal. Both voted against the treaty in

Opponents wrongly argue that the treaty is unverifiable. That might have
been the case a decade ago, but technological advances make monitoring of
even small underground nuclear tests possible today. Critics also say a
permanent ban on testing — the United States has honored a moratorium since
1992 — would eventually cripple the nation’s ability to maintain reliable
warheads. So far, most weapons experts would say, that has not proven to be
true and should not be for many years.

Few presidential moments are more glittering than the announcement of arms
reduction accords in the Kremlin’s gilded halls. For Mr. Obama, that was the
easy part.

*Philip Taubman, a former Times bureau chief in Moscow and Washington, is a
consulting professor at Stanford’s Center for International Security and

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