Please read "Peru" instead of "Chile" in the note. The inadvertent slip is

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 5:01 PM, Venugopalan K M <>wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Sukla Sen <>
> Date: Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 3:44 PM
> Subject: [humanrights-movement:1650] A Brief and Tentative Note on Maoist
> Violence in the Context of Lalgarh
> While it'd be quite foolhardy to condemn "violence" under every and all
> circumstances, "violence" has its own inherent pernicious dynamic - it
> almost inevitably brutalises and undermines democratic principles.
> It is at best a necessary evil, under certain, not all, circumstances.
> Having said that, let me propose that Maoist politics - the politics of
> brute violence detached from and, by its very nature, disallowing mass
> particiaptive politics - is morally repugnant and has no future either.
> On a global scale they had in recent years four major hubs of insurgency:
> Chile, Nepal, Philippines and India.
> Now they stand wiped out in Chile. In Nepal they have changed track and
> their position has become uncertain after some striking success. In
> Philippines, they have apparently suffered decline.
> In India, it is no accident that they are confined to the most backward
> hinterlands inhabited by the poorest - and cruelly exploited - of adivasis -
> the indigenous people. Utter government insensitivity is responsible for
> that.
> Usually it is claimed that Maoists have significant presence in one-fourth
> of India's 600+ districts.
> But that is highly misleading. Because that doesn't tell us how much of a
> particular district is under Maoist/insurgent control. Even a corner is
> affected, the whole district is counted in. Info on what fractions of Indian
> villages - around 6,40,000, is affected would have been far more insightful.
> In any case, the whole idea that every fourth district is under insurgent
> control is hugely out of tune with our real life experiences. It is the
> adivasi inhabited most backward regions of northern portion of South India -
> i.e. Andhra Pradesh, parts of eastern India - Orissa, West Bengal,
> Jharkhand, Bihar and parts of central India - Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra,
> in patches - are affected.
> One of the most perceptive and sympathetic observer, K Balagopal, had
> observed that the very success of the Maoists - resulting in improvement in
> living conditions - has resulted in their decline in AP.
> It also needs be noted that they have now hardly any presence in towns and
> cities. So very different from the heady days of late sixties and seventies.
> As regards state terror, there is hardly any controversy.
> "Heavy handed and indiscrimante state actions are not only utterly morally
> repugnant but also largely self-defeating as it on the contrary help to
> augment the ranks of the rebels. And debases the whole political order in
> the process."
> That's what I had posted elsewhere just a while ago.
> But no blanket justification of "Red Terror" against "White Terror".
> Peace Is Doable
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