Re: [gmx-users] Using thermostats to create temperature gradient in system

2015-04-26 Thread Suzen, Mehmet
Hi Agnivo,

Temperature gradient means non-equilibrium MD (NEMD)

See notes from Prof. Martini:

What observable would you like to measure? Lets say you want to
measure observable A.

One procedure I can think of:

1.  You can run all system at T=300K with NVT. After equilibrium,
continue running all system at T=400K with freezing solvent group.
See, to how to freeze a group,

To get a good statistic, you need to repeat this procedure K times as
solvent thermal wall configuration  would be
different at each simulation.

100ps? Where did you get that? You need to see how observable A
behaves to see if 100ps is enough, A time average. And see how A
behaves in K different cases.

2. Similar to previous procedure but this time after freezing solvent
group, run system in NVE. Again, you need to repeat this
many times to get a good statistic. Similarly monitor observable A to
see if 500ps is enough.

However,  I suggest you to talk to someone having NEMD experience as
this procedure is just a heuristic approach.

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Re: [gmx-users] Using thermostats to create temperature gradient in system

2015-04-26 Thread Suzen, Mehmet
Hi Agnivo;

Yes, the idea of freezing the solvent or the protein in many times is
to sample the non-equilibrium thermal process. It will remain in the
target temperature on average, over many fixed configurations obtained
by different NVT runs (equilibrium runs). But you may need to run this
many K times to get a good statistic as I said. Concerning NVE, yes,
do the same fixing approach with the protein. But as I mentioned
earlier, this is quite heuristic approach, I suggest you to talk with
any faculty member having background in non-equilibrium processes if
this approach mimics what you need.

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Re: [gmx-users] Silica Nanoparticles

2014-04-22 Thread Suzen, Mehmet
You may try to use special potential designed for amorphous silica:

A numerical investigation of the liquid–vapor coexistence curve of silica
Yves Guissani and Bertrand Guillot
J. Chem. Phys. 104, 7633 (1996)

On 22 April 2014 17:12, Kazem Sepehrinia wrote:
 Hi Dear All,

 Have any of you guys prepared silica nanoparticles in your Molecular
 Simulation studies? I used some open databases for obtaining of bulk
 amorphous silica file. But i'm not able to prepare silica nanoparticles.
 Once again i used materials studio glasses and made a nanoparticle but that
 one is not working also. Because i tried to minimize it and job failed. Any
 help would be greatly appreciated.

 Kazem Sepehrinia.
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Re: [gmx-users] Computing melting point

2014-01-14 Thread Suzen, Mehmet
Lindemann criterion might be easier.  See For example,

* Materials science: Melting from within
Nature 413, 582-583 (11 October 2001) | doi:10.1038/35098169
Robert W. Cahn

On 14 January 2014 15:35, Golshan Hejazi wrote:
 Hello everyone!

 I would like to compute the melting point of a drug crystalline system. In 
 the literature, there exist a good number of methods to do so!
 Among them, I read Gibbs-Duhem integration technique in which one needs to 
 provide a reference coexistence of solid/liquid. I read some articles in 
 which they studied the melting point of water and also some ionic crystals. 
 But I would like to know whether you can suggest me some more materials to 
 read to find some ideas how to choose the reference structure for drug 

 At the end, I would like to perform this simulation using gromacs. So if you 
 think there are other methods which are more straight forward, would be great 
 to let me know.

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