[gmx-users] CompEL bulk offset parameter unavailable in gromacs 5.1.4?

2017-06-18 Thread Vries, de, H.W.
dear all,

I am employing the computational electrophysiology scheme in gromacs 5.1.4.
I want to set a bulk-offset parameter, such that the scheme only does
position exchanges in a region that is remotely enough from my protein.

However, it seems that I am not able to set the 'bulk-offset' parameter in
any way. Literature review/companion websites however suggest that it is
possible, but my mdout-file suggests that the option simply isn't there.

Could anyone give me clearance on this? The protocol currently swaps ions
close to the proteins that extend out of my nanopore, and it seems to make
my simulation unstable.

best regards,

Henry de Vries

Henry de Vries
Student Topmaster Nanoscience
Micromechanics of Materials Group
tel: +31 (0)6-30520328
office: X5113.0129
Nijenborgh 4, 9747AG
Groningen, Netherlands
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[gmx-users] Order in which gromacs calculates non-bonded parameters

2017-04-03 Thread Vries, de, H.W.
Dear all,

I was wondering: what priority does GROMACS use for comparing
[nonbond_params], [pairtypes], and gen-pairs-based cross-terms?

I.e., are pairtypes additive to gen-pairs, with nonbond_params overwriting
any cross-term defined through cross-terms?

The reason I am asking is that I am currently using tabulated potentials
with gen-pairs = no, but I noticed that adjusting cross-terms defined
through [pairtypes] does very little to my simulated properties, whereas
doing the exact same thing under [nonbond_params] does seem to
significantly alter outcomes (i.e. the desired effect). I read the
documentation, but am still slightly confused.

thank you for reading! Would be great to hear from someone.

best regards,

Henry de Vries

Henry de Vries
Student Topmaster Nanoscience
Micromechanics of Materials Group
tel: +31 (0)6-30520328
office: X5113.0129
Nijenborgh 4, 9747AG
Groningen, Netherlands
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[gmx-users] Computational electrophysiology, implicit solvent and coarse-grained system: atom/molecule definitions?

2017-03-14 Thread Vries, de, H.W.
Dear all,

I am currently trying to run the computational electrophysiology scheme on
an implicit solvent, coarse-grained system by introducing a little

In the manual, it is stated that we can tell the routine what molecules are
'solvent', and what molecules are 'ions' through custom index groups. As my
system thus does not have water molecules, I inserted non-interacting dummy
particles into the system, which I then tell the CompEl scheme to use as a
solvent group for swapping (via custom index groups)

However, the simulation gets stuck at:

SWAP: Making sure each atom belongs to at most one of the swap groups.
SWAP: Checking whether all ion molecules consist of 20012 atoms
SWAP: Checking whether all solvent molecules consist of 20012 atoms
SWAP: Opening output file swapions.xvg
SWAP: Determining initial ion counts.

Looking at swapions.xvg, I see that the routine doesn't recognize my
coarse-grained atoms correctly: 4800,7206 and 800 are the correct numbers
of coarse-grained atoms that I put in, with 20012 being the total number of
coarse-grained beads that I have in my system:

# ion group contains 4800 atoms with 20012 atoms in each molecule.
# split0 group contains 7206 atoms.
# split1 group contains 7206 atoms.
# solvent group contains 800 atoms with 20012 atoms in each molecule.

Can anyone give me a pointer as to what might be going wrong (I can send
the files directly if requested)? Could this be an issue with the
coarse-grained model im employing, that it is not defined properly in my
topology, or is CompEl really incompatible with any implicit solvent
CG-representation that tries to use dummy particles for swapping purposes?

Thank you kindly,

Henry de Vries

Henry de Vries
Student Topmaster Nanoscience
Micromechanics of Materials Group
tel: +31 (0)6-30520328
office: X5113.0129
Nijenborgh 4, 9747AG
Groningen, Netherlands
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[gmx-users] Calculating osmotic coefficient through virial/kinetic terms: what is the handy way?

2016-12-09 Thread Vries, de, H.W.
Dear all,

I am trying to find the osmotic coefficient of a set of ions in an implicit
solvent system in gromacs 4.5.3. I have found multiple papers reporting an
expression of the form:

Osm. coefficient = 1- (Virial/Ekinetic).

I can find in the manual (appendix B) how the single sum virial is computed
(incl. PBC), but I don't completely understand how to extract the virial
energy of my system out of my simulation data. g_energy only seems to
return vir-XX to vir-ZZ terms, which indicate the tensor components.

Is there a handy option that I'm missing that computes the complete virial
term of my system, or do I have to manually sum all components?


Henry de Vries

Henry de Vries
Student Topmaster Nanoscience
ZIAM // University of Groningen, NL
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[gmx-users] Computational Electrophysiology: how about implicit solvent?

2016-10-18 Thread Vries, de, H.W.
Dear all,

In the newest versions of GROMACS the computational electrophysiology
method (CompEL) is implemented through the swapping of solvent molecules
with ions, thus providing a constant transmembrane potential.

However, I am currently employing an implicit solvent model.

My question therefore is; is there still a way to implement this charge
imbalance protocol if there are no solvent molecules present? - The answer
might of course be a no-brainer(read: 'no'), but I was wondering whether
there is a workaround for this.

Thanks for your time!


Henry de Vries

Henry de Vries
Student Topmaster Nanoscience, ZIAM, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
office: X5113.0129
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