Re: [gmx-users] (no subject) (Soham Sarkar)

2019-04-05 Thread Soham Sarkar
 The "?" You are talking about is mistakenly written there. The
original itp file has nothing there and is showing the error. The first few
lines are commented out. So why is that problem? Sorry for not giving a
title. If you want, I can share the original itp file here but as per the
rule I can not attach any sort of files here. So now please tell me what
could be the problem?

On Fri, 5 Apr 2019, 3:26 pm ABEL Stephane,  wrote:

> Hi
> In your itp you have a "?"
> ?; GENERATED BY LigParGen Server
> Remove it and the problem will be solved
> PS : next time add a title in you message.
> Good luck
> -
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2019 14:26:00 +0530
> From: Soham Sarkar 
> To:
> Subject: [gmx-users] (no subject)
> Message-ID:
> <
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Dear all,
> I am using GROMACS-2018. I want to simulate a system which contain
> Tertiary Butyl alcohol (TBA) in it. I am facing problems while executing
> the GROMPP command. I have defined this residue in aminoacids.rtp.
> The error is like
> "NOTE 1 [file ions.mdp]:
>   With Verlet lists the optimal nstlist is >= 10, with GPUs >= 20. Note
>   that with the Verlet scheme, nstlist has no effect on the accuracy of
>   your simulation.
> Setting the LD random seed to 918407885
> WARNING 1 [file tba.itp, line 1]:
>   Too few gb parameters for type ?
> Couldn't find topology match for atomtype ?
> Aborted (core dumped)"
>  I have generated the itp file for TBA from ligpargen.
> My itp file is
> ;
> ?; GENERATED BY LigParGen Server
> ; Jorgensen Lab @ Yale University
> ;
> [ atomtypes ]
>   opls_135C112.0110 0.000A3.5E-01   2.76144E-01
>   opls_140   H11 1.0080 0.000A2.5E-01   1.25520E-01
>   opls_140   H12 1.0080 0.000A2.5E-01   1.25520E-01
>   opls_140   H13 1.0080 0.000A2.5E-01   1.25520E-01
>   opls_159C212.0110 0.000A3.5E-01   2.76144E-01
>   opls_135C312.0110 0.000A3.5E-01   2.76144E-01
>   opls_140   H31 1.0080 0.000A2.5E-01   1.25520E-01
>   opls_140   H32 1.0080 0.000A2.5E-01   1.25520E-01
>   opls_140   H33 1.0080 0.000A2.5E-01   1.25520E-01
>   opls_154O415.9990 0.000A3.12000E-01   7.11280E-01
>   opls_155   H41 1.0080 0.000A0.0E+00   0.0E+00
>   opls_135C512.0110 0.000A3.5E-01   2.76144E-01
>   opls_140   H51 1.0080 0.000A2.5E-01   1.25520E-01
>   opls_140   H52 1.0080 0.000A2.5E-01   1.25520E-01
>   opls_140   H53 1.0080 0.000A2.5E-01   1.25520E-01
> [ moleculetype ]
> ; Name   nrexcl
> TBA   3
> [ atoms ]
> ;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr charge   mass
>  1   opls_135  1TBAC1  1-0.304408  12.0110
>  2   opls_140  1TBA   H11  1 0.098297   1.0080
>  3   opls_140  1TBA   H12  1 0.086235   1.0080
>  4   opls_140  1TBA   H13  1 0.111410   1.0080
>  5   opls_159  1TBAC2  1 0.247098  12.0110
>  6   opls_135  1TBAC3  1-0.299728  12.0110
>  7   opls_140  1TBA   H31  1 0.101177   1.0080
>  8   opls_140  1TBA   H32  1 0.110693   1.0080
>  9   opls_140  1TBA   H33  1 0.110695   1.0080
> 10   opls_154  1TBAO4  1-0.550587  15.9990
> 11   opls_155  1TBA   H41  1 0.297574   1.0080
> 12   opls_135  1TBAC5  1-0.304401  12.0110
> 13   opls_140  1TBA   H51  1 0.098298   1.0080
> 14   opls_140  1TBA   H52  1 0.086234   1.0080
> 15   opls_140  1TBA   H53  1 0.111413   1.0080
> [ bonds ]
> 2 1 1  0.1090 284512.000
> 3 1 1  0.1090 284512.000
> 4 1 1  0.1090 284512.000
> 5 1 1  0.1529 224262.400
> 6 5 1  0.1529 224262.400
> 7 6 1  0.1090 284512.000
> 8 6 1  0.1090 284512.000
> 9 6 1  0.1090 284512.000
>10 5 1  0.1410 267776.000
>1110 1  0.0945 462750.400
>12 5 1  0.1529 224262.400
>1312 1  0.1090 284512.000
>1412 1  0.1090 284512.000
>1512 1  0.1090 284512.000
> [ angles ]
> ;  aiajak functc0c1
> c2c3
> 2 1 3 1107.800276.144
> 2 1 4 1107.800276.144
> 2 1 5 1110.700313.800
> 1 5 6 1112.700

[gmx-users] (no subject) (Soham Sarkar)

2019-04-05 Thread ABEL Stephane

In your itp you have a "?" 

?; GENERATED BY LigParGen Server

Remove it and the problem will be solved 

PS : next time add a title in you message. 

Good luck 


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2019 14:26:00 +0530
From: Soham Sarkar 
Subject: [gmx-users] (no subject)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Dear all,
I am using GROMACS-2018. I want to simulate a system which contain
Tertiary Butyl alcohol (TBA) in it. I am facing problems while executing
the GROMPP command. I have defined this residue in aminoacids.rtp.

The error is like

"NOTE 1 [file ions.mdp]:
  With Verlet lists the optimal nstlist is >= 10, with GPUs >= 20. Note
  that with the Verlet scheme, nstlist has no effect on the accuracy of
  your simulation.

Setting the LD random seed to 918407885

WARNING 1 [file tba.itp, line 1]:
  Too few gb parameters for type ?

Couldn't find topology match for atomtype ?
Aborted (core dumped)"
 I have generated the itp file for TBA from ligpargen.

My itp file is

?; GENERATED BY LigParGen Server
; Jorgensen Lab @ Yale University

[ atomtypes ]
  opls_135C112.0110 0.000A3.5E-01   2.76144E-01
  opls_140   H11 1.0080 0.000A2.5E-01   1.25520E-01
  opls_140   H12 1.0080 0.000A2.5E-01   1.25520E-01
  opls_140   H13 1.0080 0.000A2.5E-01   1.25520E-01
  opls_159C212.0110 0.000A3.5E-01   2.76144E-01
  opls_135C312.0110 0.000A3.5E-01   2.76144E-01
  opls_140   H31 1.0080 0.000A2.5E-01   1.25520E-01
  opls_140   H32 1.0080 0.000A2.5E-01   1.25520E-01
  opls_140   H33 1.0080 0.000A2.5E-01   1.25520E-01
  opls_154O415.9990 0.000A3.12000E-01   7.11280E-01
  opls_155   H41 1.0080 0.000A0.0E+00   0.0E+00
  opls_135C512.0110 0.000A3.5E-01   2.76144E-01
  opls_140   H51 1.0080 0.000A2.5E-01   1.25520E-01
  opls_140   H52 1.0080 0.000A2.5E-01   1.25520E-01
  opls_140   H53 1.0080 0.000A2.5E-01   1.25520E-01

[ moleculetype ]
; Name   nrexcl
TBA   3

[ atoms ]
;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr charge   mass
 1   opls_135  1TBAC1  1-0.304408  12.0110
 2   opls_140  1TBA   H11  1 0.098297   1.0080
 3   opls_140  1TBA   H12  1 0.086235   1.0080
 4   opls_140  1TBA   H13  1 0.111410   1.0080
 5   opls_159  1TBAC2  1 0.247098  12.0110
 6   opls_135  1TBAC3  1-0.299728  12.0110
 7   opls_140  1TBA   H31  1 0.101177   1.0080
 8   opls_140  1TBA   H32  1 0.110693   1.0080
 9   opls_140  1TBA   H33  1 0.110695   1.0080
10   opls_154  1TBAO4  1-0.550587  15.9990
11   opls_155  1TBA   H41  1 0.297574   1.0080
12   opls_135  1TBAC5  1-0.304401  12.0110
13   opls_140  1TBA   H51  1 0.098298   1.0080
14   opls_140  1TBA   H52  1 0.086234   1.0080
15   opls_140  1TBA   H53  1 0.111413   1.0080
[ bonds ]
2 1 1  0.1090 284512.000
3 1 1  0.1090 284512.000
4 1 1  0.1090 284512.000
5 1 1  0.1529 224262.400
6 5 1  0.1529 224262.400
7 6 1  0.1090 284512.000
8 6 1  0.1090 284512.000
9 6 1  0.1090 284512.000
   10 5 1  0.1410 267776.000
   1110 1  0.0945 462750.400
   12 5 1  0.1529 224262.400
   1312 1  0.1090 284512.000
   1412 1  0.1090 284512.000
   1512 1  0.1090 284512.000

[ angles ]
;  aiajak functc0c1
2 1 3 1107.800276.144
2 1 4 1107.800276.144
2 1 5 1110.700313.800
1 5 6 1112.700488.273
5 6 7 1110.700313.800
5 6 8 1110.700313.800
5 6 9 1110.700313.800
1 510 1109.500418.400
51011 1108.500460.240
1 512 1112.700488.273
51213 1110.700313.800
51214 1110.700313.800
51215 1110.700313.800
7 6 9 1107.800276.144
6 510 1109.500418.400
3 1 4 1107.800276.144
4 1 5 1110.700313.800
3 1 5 1110.700313.800
   10 512 1109.500418.400
   141215 1