[gmx-users] Dihedral calculations in topology

2016-12-21 Thread Kamps, M.
Dear GMX users,

I have a few questions about something I don’t fully understand. I am
trying to work with polymers, where the basics are written by Justin
Lemkul via this link:

This works up to the point where I want to use grompp, where it gives
errors regarding the Proper Dihedral types; No default Proper Dih.
types. When consulting the lines where these errors refers to, it is
caused by the three dihedrals defined in my topology:

[ dihedrals ]
;  aiajakal functc0c1
2 1 5 8 1
1 5 811 1
5 81112 1

Now, according to the manual table 5.5, page 138 (v. 2016.1), these
three dihedrals are defined as funct=1, which corresponds with a
proper dihedral, while by default the OPLS ff only knows R-B
dihedrals, which are funct=3. Up to this point my story is correct

Then, why does pdb2gmx select this dihedral type? In the above
topology [ai aj ak al] = [1 5 8 11] refers to a [opls_135 opls_136
opls_136 opls_135] dihedral, which I believe is a [CT CT CT CT]
dihedral. This dihedral is already defined by ffbonded.itp as follows:
  CT CT CT CT  3  2.92880  -1.46440   0.20920
-1.67360   0.0   0.0 ; hydrocarbon all-atom
Am I correct about this part?

Is it valid to manually change the funct=1 in the above topology to
funct=3 to use this dihedral type? And if it is valid, how can I
prevent pdb2gmx to assign a funct=1 to the topology?

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Re: [gmx-users] Dihedral calculations in topology

2016-12-21 Thread Mark Abraham

On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 9:17 PM Kamps, M.  wrote:

> Dear GMX users,
> I have a few questions about something I don’t fully understand. I am
> trying to work with polymers, where the basics are written by Justin
> Lemkul via this link:
> https://mailman-1.sys.kth.se/pipermail/gromacs.org_gmx-users/2009-March/040125.html
> This works up to the point where I want to use grompp, where it gives
> errors regarding the Proper Dihedral types; No default Proper Dih.
> types. When consulting the lines where these errors refers to, it is
> caused by the three dihedrals defined in my topology:
> [ dihedrals ]
> ;  aiajakal functc0c1
> c2c3c4c5
> 2 1 5 8 1
> 1 5 811 1
> 5 81112 1
> Now, according to the manual table 5.5, page 138 (v. 2016.1), these
> three dihedrals are defined as funct=1, which corresponds with a
> proper dihedral, while by default the OPLS ff only knows R-B
> dihedrals, which are funct=3. Up to this point my story is correct
> right?

The normal [bondedtypes] defaults in oplsaa.ff/aminoacids.rtp uses dihedral
type 3, yes. Whether that's applicable to your case we can't tell. Which
file are your .rtp entries coming from? The terminal output of pdb2gmx and
grompp say a lot of useful things about which it would be nice not to guess.


Then, why does pdb2gmx select this dihedral type? In the above
> topology [ai aj ak al] = [1 5 8 11] refers to a [opls_135 opls_136
> opls_136 opls_135] dihedral, which I believe is a [CT CT CT CT]
> dihedral. This dihedral is already defined by ffbonded.itp as follows:
>   CT CT CT CT  3  2.92880  -1.46440   0.20920
> -1.67360   0.0   0.0 ; hydrocarbon all-atom
> Am I correct about this part?
> Is it valid to manually change the funct=1 in the above topology to
> funct=3 to use this dihedral type? And if it is valid, how can I
> prevent pdb2gmx to assign a funct=1 to the topology?
> Mark
> --
> Gromacs Users mailing list
> * Please search the archive at
> http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/GMX-Users_List before
> posting!
> * Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists
> * For (un)subscribe requests visit
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> send a mail to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.
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Re: [gmx-users] Dihedral calculations in topology

2016-12-21 Thread Kamps, M.
Dear Mark,

Thanks for your reply!
I am replicating Polyethylene, of which the [polymer.rtp] and the
[polymer.hdb] are exactly the same as described by Justin Lemkul in
this link: 

So, my rtp entries are:
; Terminal PE residue (chain "begin")
;C1 is -CH3
[ EthB ]
 [ atoms ]
C1opls_135   -0.180 1
   H11opls_1400.060 1
   H12opls_1400.060 1
C2opls_136   -0.120 2
   H21opls_1400.060 2
   H22opls_1400.060 2
 [ bonds ]
C1   H11
C1   H12
C1   H13
C1   C2
C2   H21
C2   H22
C2   +C1
; Terminal PE residue (chain "end")
;C2 is -CH3
[ EthE ]
 [ atoms ]
C1opls_136   -0.120 1
   H11opls_1400.060 1
   H12opls_1400.060 1
C2opls_135   -0.180 2
   H21opls_1400.060 2
   H22opls_1400.060 2
 [ bonds ]
C1   -C2
C1   H11
C1   H12
C1   C2
C2   H21
C2   H22
C2   H23

And the used hdb entries are:
EthB  2
3 4 H1 C1 C2 +C1
2 6 H2 C2 C1 +C1
EthE  2
2 6 H1 C1 C2 -C2
3 4 H2 C2 C1 -C2

The used pdb file is:
ATOM  1  C1  EthB1   0.000   0.000   0.000
ATOM  2  C2  EthB1   1.273   0.847   0.000
ATOM  3  C1  EthE1   2.546   0.000   0.000
ATOM  4  C2  EthE1   3.818   0.847   0.000

Which is a simple C4H10 molecule, composed out of two residues, with a
total of three dihedrals. The output given by grompp is:
Setting the LD random seed to -962199660
Generated 337431 of the 337431 non-bonded parameter combinations
Generating 1-4 interactions: fudge = 0.5
Generated 337431 of the 337431 1-4 parameter combinations
ERROR 1 [file topol_polymer.itp, line 119]:
  No default Proper Dih. types
ERROR 2 [file topol_polymer.itp, line 120]:
  No default Proper Dih. types
ERROR 3 [file topol_polymer.itp, line 121]:
  No default Proper Dih. types
Where lines 119 till 121 correspond with the three dihedrals in my
topology (of the polymer).

The output of pdb2gmx is as follows:
Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/aminoacids.r2b
Reading C4H10.pdb...
Read 4 atoms
Analyzing pdb file
Splitting chemical chains based on TER records or chain id changing.
There are 1 chains and 0 blocks of water and 2 residues with 4 atoms

  chain  #res #atoms
  1 ' ' 2  4

All occupancy fields zero. This is probably not an X-Ray structure
Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/atomtypes.atp
Atomtype 823
Reading residue database... (oplsaa_polymer)
Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/Polymer.rtp
Reading .rtp file without '[ bondedtypes ]' directive,
Will proceed as if the entry was:
[ bondedtypes ]
; bonds  angles  dihedrals  impropers all_dihedrals nr_exclusions
HH14  remove_dih
 1   1  1  2   0   3
   1  1

Residue 4
Sorting it all out...
Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/aminoacids.rtp
Residue 55
Sorting it all out...
Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/surface.rtp
Using default: not generating all possible dihedrals
Using default: excluding 3 bonded neighbors
Using default: generating 1,4 H--H interactions
Using default: removing proper dihedrals found on the same bond as a
proper dihedral
Residue 62Warning: file does not end with a newline, last line:
PTPT   0.000 0
Residue 63
Sorting it all out...
Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/Polymer.hdb
Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/aminoacids.hdb
Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/aminoacids.n.tdb
Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/aminoacids.c.tdb
Processing chain 1 (4 atoms, 2 residues)
Warning: Starting residue EthB1 in chain not identified as Protein/RNA/DNA.
Warning: Starting residue EthE1 in chain not identified as Protein/RNA/DNA.
Problem with chain definition, or missing terminal residues.
This chain does not appear to contain a recognized chain molecule.
If this is incorrect, you can edit residuetypes.dat to modify the behavior.
8 out of 8 lines of specbond.dat converted successfully
Checking for duplicate atoms
Generating any missing hydrogen atoms and/or adding termini.
Now there are 2 residues with 14 atoms
Making bonds...
Number of bonds was 14, now 13
Generating angles, dihedrals and pairs...
Before cleaning: 27 pairs
Before cleaning: 27 dihedrals
Making cmap torsions...
There are3 dihedrals,0 impropers,   24 angles
27 pairs,   13 bonds and 0 virtual sites
Total mass 58.124 a.m.u.
Total charge -0.000 e
Writing topology
Writing coordinate file...
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Re: [gmx-users] Dihedral calculations in topology

2016-12-21 Thread Mark Abraham

pdb2gmx told you that it saw that your rtp file didn't have default
bondedtypes, so it was going to use certain values, and that means default
dihedral type 1. If you want to use the same defaults as aminoacids.rtp,
then copy them over to the rtp file you're using :-)


On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 10:12 PM Kamps, M.  wrote:

> Dear Mark,
> Thanks for your reply!
> I am replicating Polyethylene, of which the [polymer.rtp] and the
> [polymer.hdb] are exactly the same as described by Justin Lemkul in
> this link:
> https://mailman-1.sys.kth.se/pipermail/gromacs.org_gmx-users/2009-March/040125.html
> So, my rtp entries are:
> ; Terminal PE residue (chain "begin")
> ;C1 is -CH3
> [ EthB ]
>  [ atoms ]
> C1opls_135   -0.180 1
>H11opls_1400.060 1
>H12opls_1400.060 1
> C2opls_136   -0.120 2
>H21opls_1400.060 2
>H22opls_1400.060 2
>  [ bonds ]
> C1   H11
> C1   H12
> C1   H13
> C1   C2
> C2   H21
> C2   H22
> C2   +C1
> ; Terminal PE residue (chain "end")
> ;C2 is -CH3
> [ EthE ]
>  [ atoms ]
> C1opls_136   -0.120 1
>H11opls_1400.060 1
>H12opls_1400.060 1
> C2opls_135   -0.180 2
>H21opls_1400.060 2
>H22opls_1400.060 2
>  [ bonds ]
> C1   -C2
> C1   H11
> C1   H12
> C1   C2
> C2   H21
> C2   H22
> C2   H23
> And the used hdb entries are:
> EthB  2
> 3 4 H1 C1 C2 +C1
> 2 6 H2 C2 C1 +C1
> EthE  2
> 2 6 H1 C1 C2 -C2
> 3 4 H2 C2 C1 -C2
> The used pdb file is:
> ATOM  1  C1  EthB1   0.000   0.000   0.000
> ATOM  2  C2  EthB1   1.273   0.847   0.000
> ATOM  3  C1  EthE1   2.546   0.000   0.000
> ATOM  4  C2  EthE1   3.818   0.847   0.000
> Which is a simple C4H10 molecule, composed out of two residues, with a
> total of three dihedrals. The output given by grompp is:
> Setting the LD random seed to -962199660
> Generated 337431 of the 337431 non-bonded parameter combinations
> Generating 1-4 interactions: fudge = 0.5
> Generated 337431 of the 337431 1-4 parameter combinations
> ERROR 1 [file topol_polymer.itp, line 119]:
>   No default Proper Dih. types
> ERROR 2 [file topol_polymer.itp, line 120]:
>   No default Proper Dih. types
> ERROR 3 [file topol_polymer.itp, line 121]:
>   No default Proper Dih. types
> Where lines 119 till 121 correspond with the three dihedrals in my
> topology (of the polymer).
> The output of pdb2gmx is as follows:
> Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/aminoacids.r2b
> Reading C4H10.pdb...
> Read 4 atoms
> Analyzing pdb file
> Splitting chemical chains based on TER records or chain id changing.
> There are 1 chains and 0 blocks of water and 2 residues with 4 atoms
>   chain  #res #atoms
>   1 ' ' 2  4
> All occupancy fields zero. This is probably not an X-Ray structure
> Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/atomtypes.atp
> Atomtype 823
> Reading residue database... (oplsaa_polymer)
> Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/Polymer.rtp
> Reading .rtp file without '[ bondedtypes ]' directive,
> Will proceed as if the entry was:
> [ bondedtypes ]
> ; bonds  angles  dihedrals  impropers all_dihedrals nr_exclusions
> HH14  remove_dih
>  1   1  1  2   0   3
>1  1
> Residue 4
> Sorting it all out...
> Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/aminoacids.rtp
> Residue 55
> Sorting it all out...
> Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/surface.rtp
> Using default: not generating all possible dihedrals
> Using default: excluding 3 bonded neighbors
> Using default: generating 1,4 H--H interactions
> Using default: removing proper dihedrals found on the same bond as a
> proper dihedral
> Residue 62Warning: file does not end with a newline, last line:
> PTPT   0.000 0
> Residue 63
> Sorting it all out...
> Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/Polymer.hdb
> Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/aminoacids.hdb
> Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/aminoacids.n.tdb
> Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/aminoacids.c.tdb
> Processing chain 1 (4 atoms, 2 residues)
> Warning: Starting residue EthB1 in chain not identified as Protein/RNA/DNA.
> Warning: Starting residue EthE1 in chain not identified as Protein/RNA/DNA.
> Problem with chain definition, or missing terminal residues.
> This chain does not appear to contain a recognized chain molecule.
> If this is incorrect, you can edit residuetypes.dat to modify the behavior.
> 8 out of 8 lines of specbond.dat converted successfully
> Checking for duplicate atoms
> Generating any missing hydrogen atoms and/or adding termini.
> Now there are 2 residues with

Re: [gmx-users] Dihedral calculations in topology

2016-12-21 Thread Kamps, M.

Thanks again for the swift reply! Stupid of me to miss that message! I
noticed some other code that was generated as output of pdb2gmx, which
I do not fully understand. Can you maybe explain some of it?

Processing chain 1 (4 atoms, 2 residues)
Warning: Starting residue EthB1 in chain not identified as Protein/RNA/DNA.
Warning: Starting residue EthE1 in chain not identified as Protein/RNA/DNA.
Problem with chain definition, or missing terminal residues.
This chain does not appear to contain a recognized chain molecule.
If this is incorrect, you can edit residuetypes.dat to modify the behavior.

I understand the two warnings. To my directory I added a file
residuetypes.dat, where I specificy that (among others) EthB and EthE
(which are the ending and beginning residues of polyethylene) are
Polymer. What does the rest of this message mean? I don't understand
how I could fix this message? Or even what it wants to do, since i've
defined my own terminal residues. Is it not possible to define my own


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* Please search the archive at 
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mail to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.

Re: [gmx-users] Dihedral calculations in topology

2016-12-21 Thread Justin Lemkul

On 12/21/16 6:20 AM, Mark Abraham wrote:


pdb2gmx told you that it saw that your rtp file didn't have default
bondedtypes, so it was going to use certain values, and that means default
dihedral type 1. If you want to use the same defaults as aminoacids.rtp,
then copy them over to the rtp file you're using :-)

Which is (just for the sake of being pedantic) exactly what the linked post says 
to do.  My .rtp entries there are just the residues that are needed.  That is 
not intended or stated to be a complete .rtp file.



On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 10:12 PM Kamps, M.  wrote:

Dear Mark,

Thanks for your reply!
I am replicating Polyethylene, of which the [polymer.rtp] and the
[polymer.hdb] are exactly the same as described by Justin Lemkul in
this link:

So, my rtp entries are:
; Terminal PE residue (chain "begin")
;C1 is -CH3
[ EthB ]
 [ atoms ]
C1opls_135   -0.180 1
   H11opls_1400.060 1
   H12opls_1400.060 1
C2opls_136   -0.120 2
   H21opls_1400.060 2
   H22opls_1400.060 2
 [ bonds ]
C1   H11
C1   H12
C1   H13
C1   C2
C2   H21
C2   H22
C2   +C1
; Terminal PE residue (chain "end")
;C2 is -CH3
[ EthE ]
 [ atoms ]
C1opls_136   -0.120 1
   H11opls_1400.060 1
   H12opls_1400.060 1
C2opls_135   -0.180 2
   H21opls_1400.060 2
   H22opls_1400.060 2
 [ bonds ]
C1   -C2
C1   H11
C1   H12
C1   C2
C2   H21
C2   H22
C2   H23

And the used hdb entries are:
EthB  2
3 4 H1 C1 C2 +C1
2 6 H2 C2 C1 +C1
EthE  2
2 6 H1 C1 C2 -C2
3 4 H2 C2 C1 -C2

The used pdb file is:
ATOM  1  C1  EthB1   0.000   0.000   0.000
ATOM  2  C2  EthB1   1.273   0.847   0.000
ATOM  3  C1  EthE1   2.546   0.000   0.000
ATOM  4  C2  EthE1   3.818   0.847   0.000

Which is a simple C4H10 molecule, composed out of two residues, with a
total of three dihedrals. The output given by grompp is:
Setting the LD random seed to -962199660
Generated 337431 of the 337431 non-bonded parameter combinations
Generating 1-4 interactions: fudge = 0.5
Generated 337431 of the 337431 1-4 parameter combinations
ERROR 1 [file topol_polymer.itp, line 119]:
  No default Proper Dih. types
ERROR 2 [file topol_polymer.itp, line 120]:
  No default Proper Dih. types
ERROR 3 [file topol_polymer.itp, line 121]:
  No default Proper Dih. types
Where lines 119 till 121 correspond with the three dihedrals in my
topology (of the polymer).

The output of pdb2gmx is as follows:
Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/aminoacids.r2b
Reading C4H10.pdb...
Read 4 atoms
Analyzing pdb file
Splitting chemical chains based on TER records or chain id changing.
There are 1 chains and 0 blocks of water and 2 residues with 4 atoms

  chain  #res #atoms
  1 ' ' 2  4

All occupancy fields zero. This is probably not an X-Ray structure
Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/atomtypes.atp
Atomtype 823
Reading residue database... (oplsaa_polymer)
Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/Polymer.rtp
Reading .rtp file without '[ bondedtypes ]' directive,
Will proceed as if the entry was:
[ bondedtypes ]
; bonds  angles  dihedrals  impropers all_dihedrals nr_exclusions
HH14  remove_dih
 1   1  1  2   0   3
   1  1

Residue 4
Sorting it all out...
Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/aminoacids.rtp
Residue 55
Sorting it all out...
Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/surface.rtp
Using default: not generating all possible dihedrals
Using default: excluding 3 bonded neighbors
Using default: generating 1,4 H--H interactions
Using default: removing proper dihedrals found on the same bond as a
proper dihedral
Residue 62Warning: file does not end with a newline, last line:
PTPT   0.000 0
Residue 63
Sorting it all out...
Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/Polymer.hdb
Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/aminoacids.hdb
Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/aminoacids.n.tdb
Opening force field file ./oplsaa_polymer.ff/aminoacids.c.tdb
Processing chain 1 (4 atoms, 2 residues)
Warning: Starting residue EthB1 in chain not identified as Protein/RNA/DNA.
Warning: Starting residue EthE1 in chain not identified as Protein/RNA/DNA.
Problem with chain definition, or missing terminal residues.
This chain does not appear to contain a recognized chain molecule.
If this is incorrect, you can edit residuetypes.dat to modify the behavior.
8 out of 8 lines of specbond.dat converted successfully
Checking for duplicate atoms
Generating any missing hydrogen atoms and/or adding termini.
Now ther

Re: [gmx-users] Dihedral calculations in topology

2016-12-21 Thread Justin Lemkul

On 12/21/16 9:21 AM, Kamps, M. wrote:


Thanks again for the swift reply! Stupid of me to miss that message! I
noticed some other code that was generated as output of pdb2gmx, which
I do not fully understand. Can you maybe explain some of it?

Processing chain 1 (4 atoms, 2 residues)
Warning: Starting residue EthB1 in chain not identified as Protein/RNA/DNA.
Warning: Starting residue EthE1 in chain not identified as Protein/RNA/DNA.
Problem with chain definition, or missing terminal residues.
This chain does not appear to contain a recognized chain molecule.
If this is incorrect, you can edit residuetypes.dat to modify the behavior.

I understand the two warnings. To my directory I added a file
residuetypes.dat, where I specificy that (among others) EthB and EthE
(which are the ending and beginning residues of polyethylene) are
Polymer. What does the rest of this message mean? I don't understand
how I could fix this message? Or even what it wants to do, since i've
defined my own terminal residues. Is it not possible to define my own


There are certain types of molecules that pdb2gmx understands.  If you're not 
doing something that is Protein/DNA/RNA, then just call it "Other" and it will 
work fine.  The "warning" probably shouldn't be called that.  It's merely 
information that is used to point out instances when the user may not be doing 
something consistent, e.g. a modified amino acid hasn't been added as protein, 
so there's a discontinuity in the chain.  If all you have is polymer, that's fine.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201

jalem...@outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441

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