Re: [GROW] Genart last call review of draft-ietf-grow-bmp-local-rib-10

2021-03-29 Thread Tim Evens (tievens)
Hi Thomas,

Thank you for your review and catching these nits.  Please see my comments 
marked [tievens] inline.
You can see my pending PR 
( for all these 
changes.  Once approved, I'll submit revision 11.

On 3/20/21, 3:33 AM, "Thomas Fossati via Datatracker"  wrote:

Reviewer: Thomas Fossati
Review result: Ready with Issues


* Figure 1:
  * a couple of '+' are missing in the top-right and bottom-right
corners of the Adj-RIB-In (Post) box;

[tievens] Updated.

* "e.g." => "e.g.," in multiple places;
[tievens] Updated.

* A few acronyms are not expanded:

[tievens] I've updated these abbreviations following

I suppose the statement  "The exception is an abbreviation that is so common 
that the readership of RFCs can be
   expected to recognize it immediately" is a bit subjective.

* Section 1.1
* "directly effects" => "directly affects"

[tievens] Updated.

* Section 3
  * "an instance of an instance of BGP-4" => "an instance of BGP-4"
[tievens] Updated.

* Section 5
  * "post-policy" => "Post-Policy"
  * "ie." => "i.e.,"

[tievens] Updated.

* Section 5.1
  * "in The Loc-RIB, expressed" => "in the Loc-RIB, expressed"

[tievens] Updated.

* Section 5.2.1
  * Consider using "Peer Up" instead of "Peer UP" for consistency with
the capitalisation use in RFC7854 (also in Sections 5.3, 5.4.1, 6.1,
6.1.1, 6.1.3, and 8.3)

[tievens] Updated to Peer Up.

* Section 5.3
  * "peer Down" => "Peer Down"

[tievens] Updated.

* Section 6.1
  * "local router emulated peer." maybe "locally emulated peer."

[tievens] Updated.

* Section 6.1.1
  * "since it represents the same Loc-RIB instance" => "since they
represents the same Loc-RIB instance"

[tievens] Updated.

Editorial improvements:

* Section 1.1
* I had some troubles parsing: "Complexities introduced by the lack
  of access to Loc-RIB in order to derive (e.g. correlate) peer to
  router Loc-RIB:", in particular the bit "in order to derive (e.g.
  correlate)".  Is it "in order to derive (i.e., correlate)" or "in
  order to derive (or correlate)" or "in order to correlate"?

[tievens] How about changing it to: "Complexities introduced when correlating a 
received Adj-RIB-In as a router Loc-RIB:"

* What does "suppresses more specifics" mean?  Is there a term
[tievens] I've updated it to: "more specific prefixes"

* What does "derive a Loc-RIB to a router" mean? Is it "derive the
  Loc-RIB of a router" instead?
[tievens] Yes. Updated.

* I find this "The BGP-IDs and session addresses to router
  correlation requires additional data" a bit hard to parse. Maybe
  re-flow it as: "Correlating BGP-IDs and session addresses to a
  router requires additional data"

[tievens]  Updated to use your re-flow…

* Section 4.1
  * I find "to distinguish that it represents Loc-RIB with or without RD
and local instances" a bit hard to parse.  I suggest rephrasing it
to make it clearer.

[tievens]  Changed to: "A new peer type is defined for Loc-RIB to distinguish 
that it represents the router Loc-RIB, which may have a route distinguisher 

* Section 5
  * Re: setting the F flag.  It'd help if you put a forward ref to
Section 6.1.2 here.  (Before getting to 6.1.2 I got baffled by F; in
particular, it was not clear to me from the surrounding text what is
the monitoring station supposed to do with partial information
without knowing exactly how much and what kind of info has been
left out.)

[tievens] Updated. Slight rewording: "As described in Section 6.1.2, a subset 
of Loc-RIB routes MAY be sent to a BMP collector by setting the F flag."

* Section 5.2
  * Should add-paths be ADD-PATH instead?  If so, maybe you could also
add an informative reference to RFC7911

[tievens] Updated to ADD-PATH with reference.

  * In "The duplication allows the BMP receiver to use existing parsing"
could you clarify what "existing parsing" mean?

[tievens] Updated to: "Repeat of the same Sent Open Message.  The duplication 
allows the BMP receiver to parse the expected received OPEN message as defined 
in section 4.10 of [RFC7854]."

* Section 5.5
  * Why would the receiver decide not to ignore a Route Mirror message?
And what would happen if it decided so?  I'm asking because I don't
understand the reasons for a SHOULD rather than a MUST here.

[tievens] Updated to clarify.  "Section 4.7 of [RFC7854] defines Route 
Mirroring for verbatim duplication of messages received.  This is not 
applicable to Loc-RIB considering PDUs are originated by the router.  Any 
received Route Mirroring messages SHOULD be ignored."
* Section 6.1.1
  * In "There MUST be multiple emulated peers for each Loc-RIB instance"
I am unsure whether what you want to say is that "there MUST be a

Re: [GROW] is TCP the right layer for BMP session resumption?

2021-03-29 Thread Thomas.Graf
Hi Tim,

Many thanks for the feedback and input. Much appreciated. My apology for late 

In section 5 of draft-tppy-bmp-seamless-session

The BMP session lifecycle (not to be confused with TCP session lifecycle) is 
extended with this draft. The BMP session no longer closes with the TCP 
session. Once the TCP TFO session closes, a BMP session timeout counter starts 
counting down. If the TCP TFO session is re-established within this time frame, 
than the BMP session is considered to be "up" during the TCP TFO 
reestablishment time.

The TCP back pressure from BMP monitoring station to the router occurs under 
congestion. Therefore buffering at the monitored router for the BMP session 
occurs during normal BMP session lifetime. With 
draft-tppy-bmp-seamless-session, we make use of this buffer mechanism. 
Different is that it is being used not only in congestion, but also between 
re-establishment of the TCP TFO session (not to be confused with the BMP 

As you pointed out, it is important that BMP message type peer_up and peer_down 
are not being lost during the re-establishment of the TCP TFO session. For that 
very purpose we described in section 5 that buffering must occur for all BMP 
message types which is including BMP peer_up, peer_down, statistics, 
route-mirroring and route-monitoring. I take that as an input to more clearly 
state that in the draft. Jakob made an interesting input that for BMP buffer 
optimization purposes only withdrawals of route-monitoring messages should be 

I agree that BMP lacks of a mechanism that the monitoring station can request a 
BMP route-monitoring refresh to the monitored router. I agree as well that if 
that mechanism would be present, than the BMP session lifecycle should be 
re-adjusted to disable/enable initial BMP RIB dump with route-monitoring or 
not. Where I am unsure is wherever it makes sense to implement BMP 
route-refresh within the BMP session protocol or not. Therefore changing BMP to 
be a bi-directional protocol. 

Here I like to get the feedback from the GROW mailing list. If you do see value 
in BMP route-refresh as well, how granular it should be, and wherever it should 
be part of the BMP session or not. 

Best wishes

-Original Message-
From: Tim Evens (tievens)  
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2021 10:36 PM
To: Graf Thomas, INI-NET-TCZ-ZH1 ; Jakob Heitz 
(jheitz) ;;;
Subject: Re: [GROW] is TCP the right layer for BMP session resumption?

The use of UDP vs TCP is use-case specific.  For example, are you logging and 
don't care if you miss messages or are you maintaining RIB states for 
applications like SDN?   

In terms of accurate logging (ordered regardless of timestamp) and maintaining 
state… TCP is required otherwise we introduce out-of-order and loss recovery 
complexities.  BGP PDU order is required in order to track changes and to 
maintain accurate RIB states.   While a SEQ number in BMP can help to 
re-sequence messages, that puts a lot on every BMP receiver/client. For 
example, BMP receivers will now have to buffer messages and re-sequence them to 
ensure proper ordering when processing.   If buffers are exceeded, what happens 
to those messages and how would the BMP receiver request those missing 
messages/pdus?  Regardless of how, this adds complexity to both the sender and 
receiver.  IMO, this is not addressing the problem of RIB dumps or picking up 
where you left off on reconnect.  

The draft suggests to use TCP_FAST_OPEN, which I believe adds more complexity 
while not solving the other challenges relating to RIB dumps/refreshes.   It 
doesn't address PEER UP handling on reconnect, how to handle peers that change 
or are new during the no-connection time,  and on how to request a peer refresh 
when needed.   It also doesn't address the buffer exhaustion problem on the 
sender (router) side.  IMO, the sender should be configured using buffer sizes 
per receiver and not based on time.   The amount of time is relative to the 
number of updates.  For example, a refresh to update policies will 
flood/exhaust buffers quickly in seconds while normal updates may last for 
minutes without buffer exhaustion.   

There are at least three problems with RIB dumps/reconnects to be solved:

1) Transient reconnects due to network failures, restarts of receivers, etc. 
are resulting in unnecessary INITs, RIB dumps, and PEER UPs.  A PEER UP 
normally means that the receiver invalidates all previous RIB entries as it 
does not know if things were changed/removed during the gap (from last PEER 
UP/DOWN) period.  A RIB dump is expected to refresh the peer RIB upon a PEER 
UP.  IMO, what we need is application level control so the BMP receiver can 
send a control message to the sender to indicate what's needed per-peer.  For 
example, a receiver restart (new 

[GROW] Secdir last call review of draft-ietf-grow-bmp-local-rib-10

2021-03-29 Thread Chris Lonvick via Datatracker
Reviewer: Chris Lonvick
Review result: Has Nits


I have reviewed this document as part of the security directorate's ongoing
effort to review all IETF documents being processed by the IESG.  These
comments were written primarily for the benefit of the security area directors.
 Document editors and WG chairs should treat these comments just like any other
last call comments.

The summary of the review is READY.

The authors state in the Security Considerations section that the same
considerations that are documented in Section 11 of RFC 7854 also apply to this
document. I see no reason to doubt that and I believe that is appropriate for
this document.

The second and third sentences of the Security Considerations section may need
to be reworked. Although I skimmed the rest of the document, these were the
only nits I could see.

For the second sentence, rather than:
Implementations of this protocol SHOULD require to establish sessions with
authorized and trusted monitoring devices. Perhaps, Implementations of this
protocol SHOULD require  +monitored routers+  to establish  +secure+  sessions
with authorized and trusted monitoring  -devices-+stations+. The term
"monitoring devices" is not used anywhere else in the document, and only once
in RFC 7854. On the other hand "monitoring stations" is used extensively in

For the third sentence, rather than:
It is also believed that this document does not add any additional security
considerations. Perhaps, It is also believed that this document does not add
any  +features that require any+  additional security considerations.

Best regards,

GROW mailing list

Re: [GROW] I-D Action: draft-ietf-grow-as-path-prepending-03.txt

2021-03-29 Thread Gyan Mishra
Hi Mike & Authors

I would like to start my thanking the authors in formulating this much
needed GROW Best Practice draft to help tackle the elephant in the room on
the use of excessive pretending by operators on the internet and
documenting ramifications from excessive pretending.

I would recommend changing the draft from Informational to BCP as this is
truly a worthy cause to standardize.  I can help provide some more
operations feedback to help make this draft a BCP for operators use of
prepending and routing  policies.

The draft is very well written as you have a fine team of authors.

Few additions to section 2 from a Tier 1 such as Verizon from a NOC and
operations standpoint.

There are a lot of permutations you can get into and I think most are
covered here already.

>From an operations POV the general goal of the NOC is monitoring traffic
and traffic pattern shifts as well as taking links out of service for
upgrades and maintenance.  In those instances links are prepended costed
out so they don’t take traffic in an active / backup setup.

In general the goal is to have all inter provider links to other carrier to
load balance traffic as evenly as possible some simple and so more complex
policies involving prepending.

May want to mention prepend is typically outbound and conditional local
preference is used inbound within for path preference within the operators
There maybe some cases where prepend is done inbound to cost out a link but
generally not done as a lower prepend coming from a peering AS could alter
the preferred path within the operators AS and have unwanted consequences.

Also the negative ripple effects of outbound prepend done multiple times in
the same outbound direction by multiple providers chained together
cascading effect of a growing as path effects that can lead to issues such
as route leaking.

Counter prepends in opposing directions by non directly connected peers
ripple effect of the path vector with excessive prepending.

May also want to talk about BGP atomic aggregates and as-set  and care to
be taken with aggregation and LPM matching leaked route preference over
aggregate can lead to unwanted traffic pattern changes.

Use cases:

Conditional preference and prepending making all links conditionally
preferred and active or backup based on set of conditions.

Conditionally prefer one ISP over another ISP same or different ASBR.

Conditionally prefer one ASBR over another same site or between multiple
sites. This typically for conditional or non conditional would be done via
local preference within the operators AS not AS prepend inbound.

Conditionally use one path exclusively and other path solely as backup.

In the diagram I would make it more clear showing A and B as part of AS 1
and D and C part of AS 2 and E and F part of AS 3.

So typically within an operator core to most providers use conditional
local preference inbound  to cost out a link and use local preference since
it’s above as-path in BGP path selection so that even if E sent a 2x
prepend outbound that ripple into the providers AS won’t impact the routing
so B will still route through C and not reroute through shorter path
through D.  Local preference is non transitive so the operators AS is not
affected, however a downstream provider connected to AS 1 would see the 2x
sent by E and create that ripple effect possibly alter the pathing.  That
is also another adverse affect of using prepending inbound as that
prepending as well can have a cascading adverse effect.

The cascading prepending adverse effect can happen in both directions.  The
issue with prepending as a method of costing out a link has similar adverse
cascading affects with IGP costing of transit links having the same type of
rippling cascading type adverse affect.

Under alternatives to AS Path prepending for inbound we could mention what
I stated to use conditional or non conditional local preference as an
alternative to prepending. Another option to prepending is use of a
conditional weight. Weight is at the top of the path selection so have to
be carful and make conditional to account for failover and all scenarios.

Under best practices mention conditional prepending if you have to prepend
and not ever use non conditional prepending.

Kind Regards


On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 11:36 PM Michael McBride <> wrote:

> *>*Is this going to update BCP194/RFC7454? I don't see any reference in
> the draft.
> We probably should. Good suggestion. I was thinking updating 8195 but 7454
> appears more appropriate.
> We will update the draft, based upon comments from last week, and add 7454
> unless we hear otherwise.
> Thanks,
> mike
> On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 11:29 AM  wrote:
> A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts
> directories.
> This draft is a work item of the Global Routing Operations WG of the IETF.
> Title   : AS Path Prepending