[gt-user] globus-job-run error; suspect odd username to blame

2009-06-04 Thread U.H
Dear gram devs,

I am testing an installation of GT4 in a new academic location.
Installation and authentication seem OK, and I can gsissh to sites my
DN is mapped on.

BUT, a globus-job-run to the same site doesn't work, and I think it
has to do with how they assign usernamnes on the network here, which
messes up the name of the temporary file the utility wants to create.

Here is the error I get:
>globus-job-run  tg-grid.uc.teragrid.org:2119 /bin/date
>Error, argument #6 (/tmp/globus_job_run.UNITNuri.hasson.rsl.32054) : No such 
>file or directory

And here is my username on the Linux
$ whoami

Yes, that's a backslash in my username (I think it's because Linux
gets the name from a MS LDAP server. and UNITN is the domain name).
Could it be that the funky username is interfering with the naming of
the temp file?

If so, is there a command line / env variable override that I can use
to fix this? I suspect the other option would be to create an alias
for the username but this is a less scalable solution.

Any suggestions, much appreciated.


[gt-user] crft in Globus Toolkit 4.2.1: Gridmap lookup failure

2009-06-04 Thread Sergei Smolov
Hello, List!

I want to test RFT and now I'm trying to run 'crft' command line tool. I run
globus-gridftp-server and Globus container. But when I try to run crft,
I get the following:

./globus-crft -c -s -m -vb -f $GLOBUS_LOCATION/testTransfer.txt -e

Communicating with delegation service.
Creating the RFT service.
Starting the RFT service.
Waiting for the RFT transfers to complete.
Authentication with credential only failed on server test2.iGroup [Caused
by: Server refused performing the request. Custom message: Bad password.
(error code 1) [Nested exception message: Custom message: Unexpected reply:
530-Login incorrect. : globus_gss_assist: Gridmap lookup failure: Could not
map /O=Grid/OU/OU=igroup/CN=test2.igroup
530 End.]]

Transfered 0 of 1 | Status: Failed

It looks like I have an incorrect grid-mapfile. Here is the
/etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile content:

"/O=Grid/OU/OU=igroup/CN=test2.igroup" ssedai

All the components I ran by "ssedai" user. Also I have initiated GRIDMAP
system variable. Google and GT mailing lists says nothing for my problem
(i.e. similar problems are connected with REALLY incorrect grid-mapfile,
where some symbols are missed).
May be 'crft' tool uses an another gridmap file, but I have no idea how to
establish it.
All the information wiil be appreciated)
Thanks in advance!

Sergey Smolov

[gt-user] Fwd: GRAM V5 Alpha (scalability) Release

2009-06-04 Thread Stuart Martin
Forwarding here in case there are some GRAM users have not seen this  


Begin forwarded message:

From: Stuart Martin 
Date: May 12, 2009 9:08:07 AM CDT
To: GRAM developer 
Cc: Stuart Martin 
Subject: GRAM V5 Alpha (scalability) Release

GRAM2 (aka Pre-WS GRAM) users:

We are happy to make available a new GRAM V5 alpha quality version  
for testing. http://dev.globus.org/wiki/GRAM/Scalability_Alpha_20090504

GRAM5 is built from the GT4 GRAM2 code base.  GRAM5 removes some  
features and alters some behaviors, though it remains protocol- 
compatible with existing GRAM2 deployments. Specifically, file  
streaming has been replaced by end-of-job file staging  
(transparently to the user), and MPICH-G2 multijob coordination is  
removed from the service.  Preliminary compatibility testing has  
been successful with existing GRAM2 clients to the new GRAM5  
service: globusrun, COG-jglobus, and Condor-G clients submitting and  
monitoring jobs. For Condor-G and GRAM5, we recommend not using the  
grid monitor.

This GRAM5 alpha release improves the scalability of the GRAM system  
by reducing the CPU and memory use.  In addition to scalability- 
related changes, this alpha includes fixes for bugs in GSSAPI, GASS  
Cache, and GRAM that impact the performance and reliability of GRAM.  
This is the first public alpha release of GRAM5. It is not  
recommended for production environments, though we do request  
feedback and bug reports.

Significant Design Changes
There are 2 significant modifications that account for the  
scalability improvements in GRAM5:
	1) All job management and processing is done with a single Job  
Manager process per user (instead of one per job).  This coupled  
with throttling the amount of work each user's job manager will do,  
makes it so the system load average is independent from the number  
of jobs in the system.  This is done without sacrificing performance.
	2) Monitoring of the LRM jobs is done using the scheduler event  
generator (SEG).  The SEG has been used for a number of years in WS  
GRAM for scalability reasons.  The SEG is more efficient than  
individual job querying using the LRM's CLI.  And it is also more  
efficient than using condor-g's grid-monitor approach.

A complete list of all changes is here: http://tinyurl.com/pyhfy5

Performance and Scalability testing
In addition to functional and compatibility testing, we ran series  
of performance and scalability tests with GRAM5 with our own java  
throughput testing client.  And last, we ran a test using condor-g  
using the same job load/scenario to both GRAM2 and GRAM5.  All test  
results are here: http://dev.globus.org/wiki/GRAM5_Scalability_Results

Observations from the 5-client test, http://tinyurl.com/qklpco:
	In the 1 hour test period, 4944 job were submitted, with more than  
4500 pending in the PBS queue at once. This demonstrates that the  
number of jobs being monitored by GRAM5 does not adversely affect  
its performance. This also shows that a naive client implementation  
with 5 x 50 concurrent threads does not cause the high load average  
on the cluster head node often seen with GRAM2.  With GRAM2, these  
levels of scalability were only achievable when using Condor-G grid- 
monitor, but GRAM5 is able to do so by itself and with less resource  

Observations from the 2000 job condor-g tests:
	Results for GRAM2: http://dev.globus.org/wiki/GRAM5_Scalability_Results#Test_6 
	Results for GRAM5: http://dev.globus.org/wiki/GRAM5_Scalability_Results#Test_7 

	The service host's cpu load average was significantly less for  
GRAM5 2.3 (peak 3.8) than GRAM2 29.2 (peak 35.8).  The service host  
memory profile was similar and reasonable for both services.  Both  
services processed the 2000 jobs successfully and in roughly the  
same duration (GRAM5's was less).

We are encouraged by these results and we hope you are too.  We  
encourage community testing and feedback (positive or negative) on  
this GRAM5 Alpha.  For example, we'd like to know how GRAM5 behaves  
for your use cases/scenarios.  E.g. where there any errors?  How did  
it perform?  What client did you use?  Describe your scenarios like  
we did on our scalability results page. The more detail the better.   
If you are a GRAM4 user, we encourage you to try GRAM5.  If there is  
a particular feature you depend upon in GRAM4 that is not available  
in GRAM5, please let us know.

Please send your feedback to gram-...@globus.org.

Download and install instructions for the GRAM5 Alpha is here: 

- GRAM development team